Emmanuel Macron (7)

Emmanuel Macron, micro-cocked, prick-faced, granny-shagging, garlic-sniffing President of F.

He finds the English language “distressing”…and is trying to pass legislation to reduce its usage.

OK, not the first time ‘Les Frouzes’ have done this, but perhaps the squalid little turd needs to be reminded, forcibly (and repeatedly) with an oversize surgical steel pineapple up his back cunt, that his cuntry had its smelly arse saved by UK troops, ANZAC troops, and US troops, all of whom spoke…English.

Piss off, prickface.

Nominated by HBelindaHubbard

118 thoughts on “Emmanuel Macron (7)

  1. Perhaps he’s also looking to increase the usage of German, that would certainly be true to form, given the country’s history and the inevitability of its future, and indeed current, rulers.

  2. Oily cunt, sniffing around Merkel’s krappenfleuten like some fucking poncing poodle on heat at EU summits. His Mrs looks like one of those shrunken heads from Amazonian tribes and was clear that Maybot being a few years short of pensionable age was never going to turn his head with her girlish charm at Brexit negotiations.

    • Oops sorry. I ‘ve just spontaneously vomited at the mention of ‘sniffing Merkels krappensheuten’.

  3. Everyone hates this cocky disrespectful stinking French turd, especially the French.

    Frances equivalent of B.Liar.

    How Remoaners can stomach this prick telling us what a load of cunts the British are is totally beyond me.

      • Good for you Mr Creampuff.

        Hope you haven’t held back, certainly doesn’t sound like it.

        I really detest absolutely everything about Macron, he has no admirable qualities whatever.

    • Cunts like this need reminding that if we hadn’t pulled their pudding out the fire, they’d be eating Bratwurst & Saurkraut, waiting on restaurant tables full of SS, having their toenails removed by the Gestapo, and taking it up the bum from Herman on a regular basis.

      Snivelling fucking frog

  4. The fucking garlic-munchers have a massive chip on their shoulders not only because we either beat them or rescue them whenever la merde hits the fan, but because they have always thought that French should be the internationally spoken language rather than English.

    Maybe if they’d actually been good at empire building instead of freezing their bollocks off trying to invade Russia, it would be….

    Smelly cunts.

  5. Jesus wept I loathe this slimy oily cunt.
    We should stop all negotiations now .
    Why should we carry on talking to this sneering insulting fuck ?
    He even invites some Iranian schmuck to the G7 meeting just to embarrass Big Donald.
    Macron and his old biddy need to be avoided at all costs

  6. I bet they didn’t mind our distressing English language when we were liberating their garlic-reeking arses in 1944.

    They have very short memories, as well as being rude as fuck. Some things will never change.

    • I bet Charles de Gaulle knew the meaning of ‘freedom’ after he hot tailed it across the Channel after the Fall of France.

      • Don’t start me on that arsehole LL. A cunt of epic – nay biblical – proportions. Always wanking on about “la gloire de France” etc. What fucking gloire exactly, eh? According to those who had dealings with him in London during WWII, his arrogance, ingratitude and sense of entitlement was staggering.

        Unfortunately, this attitude has been passed down through the years to the current generation and is epitomised by the likes of Macron.

        I really, really, REALLY despise the bastards.

      • Maybe, but we should have listened when he said ‘non’ to us entering the Common Market.
        If we had, we wouldn’t be in the fuckin’ mess we are now.

      • Charles De Gaulle was an Ubercunt decades before the the term was coined. Not only did the Germans want him dead, many of his countrymen were of a similar mind as was Churchill.

      • Agreed Bertie. He had enough about him to recognise that The Brits were (and indeed, still are) a breed apart and would never truly fit into a European economic project. He could see that it wouldn’t be right for them or us.

        He wasn’t a stupid man at all.

        Just a massive cunt.

      • Haha!!! Every time I watch Day Of The Jackal I’m hoping that the ending will change and Edward Fox manages to splatter his head all over the pavement…

    • The only time I ever stepped foot in France was on a college day trip to Calais. Everything was bloody shut. The only thing that was open was was this seedy little wine bar where my friend and I proceeded to get pissed as farts…..she less so than me.

      I do not even remember a thing about getting back on the ferry. I do however remember staying in the toilet most of the time with my head down it……..and when I emerged proceeding to tell my English teacher that she was the best teacher I ever had and that I loved her.

      How I ever showed my face again at college is still a mystery.

      Never been in the cess pit ‘cuntry’ since and have no intention of doing so, bloody miserable frogs…..

      • ‘fraid not BBU. No lezzy action to speak of.

        Mind you, thank gawd I didn’t. There was thankfully still one sober brain cell there despite the copious amounts of nuclear strength wine I had poured down my gullet…..

      • Sorry Nurse Cunty, I apologise. I was looking for some girl on girl action but realised I was on the wrong site! Do you have a spare sedative?

  7. Have you noticed how Macron and that bog eyed Polak cunt Tusk are using a different tactic , making jokes and personal insults directed at Boris to make him look incompetent in an attempt to make them selves look superior.
    This smug Cunting behaviour will only reinforce our resolve by making us hate the cunts even more.

    • Not possible to hate the cunts any more than I already do Fenton.

      Realised tonight that Macron, Tusk, Juncker, Selmayr, Verhofstadt all have something in common, other than being obnoxious European cunts. They are all short arses.

      Boris Johnson should be at home then.

  8. He is an Eu fucking stooge of biblical proportions and no ones two cunts nor one fuck what he has to say. (Except libtards, rugmunchers and the BBC).

    Go shove your balls into a mound of garlic and then chop em off and eat them with some snails you froglegged cunt

  9. His Saturn sized ego is dwarfed by his universally sized stupidity! Macrons bubble has burst! With his poll ratings dropping faster than his stormtroopers batons on the the gillet jaunes heads we are witnessing the unraveling of one of the most odious turds in the EU swamp!
    How the French bought into this capitalist Davos cunt will surly be a National embarrassment to equal their utter capitulation in WW2 , Looks like the frogs will be forced into rewriting history for a second time……

    • I just said that to my mate down the pub……… I thought the EU wasn’t a nation! Invaded Europe again and divide it up between ENGLAND not the UK (Northern Ireland can be with us) and big Don

    • Is he sitting at the table or is he standing up?

      Similar to when Boris and May before him go to talk with the EU they end up talking with the cunts otherwise known as Merkel and Macron.

    • I think I’ve nommed this poison-dwarf for a good cunting; a toadstool grown out of anal detritus.

    • They’re sñîggĕring because they put Johnson between soy boys Trudeau and Tusk. Trump is not amused.

  10. I didnt even read the nomination just saw the cunts photo to say he is a cunt……….. Now I’m going to read it then call him a cunt again

    • Yep agree with all of it…….. Just came back from normandy to see me kids……. They think he’s a cunt as well! The Norman’s not my kids but I will teach them well!!!!! Any suggestions on how to do it apart from the vichey french, pirere levaul(if you spell it that way? I would just put cunt but that would discribe 95% of the population) the coward de gaul, the prick from the first world war who surrendered in both wars! Pogba, the water carrier and any one else’s name I can’t spell properly even though I speak French!!!!!

  11. And that fuck with a limp wrist Soy Boy Justin Trudeau.
    Big Don should get him and Tusk in a head lock and choke the cunts. The pair of them are an affront to virility and masculinity.
    I expect you can guess I’m on the sauce Ruff Tuff.
    Good evening.

    • Evening Fenton. I doubt you’d need to be on the sauce to harbour those particular sentiments!

      Unfortunately Trudeau had a right to be there, but why Tusk? Fucking cheek! He should have been kicked out into the street with a flea in his ear.

      Or is the EU now the United States of Europe? Except they forgot to mention that minor detail to the people…. or change the summit’s name to the G8.

      Was this what Remainers voted for? Don’t tell me they didn’t know what they were voting for, ha ha!

  12. Can we widen this to say the French themselves are generally cunts? Just back from Belgium and a trip to some of the WW1 sights. I can’t help but agree with the nom in that we expended thousands and thousands of troops to get the French out of the shit with the Germans. They then started throwing their weight around in Alsace and pissed off the Krauts so another war started in which we also sent thousands of troops to get them out of the shit again. Then that cunt de Gaule strode in Paris like him and the frog army did it fucking all.

    • Personally speaking the dealings I have had with the French, have always found them to be pretty decent.

      Never liked the Germans though.

  13. He should be thankful for the English language, French will soon be long gone, forgotten about and replaced with bongo bongo and sand demon languages.

  14. Whenever I have visited France I have found the French to be predictably rude and arrogant.

    Oh, and they stink especially the women of steaming Camels toe .

    • Actually i’m embarassingly partial to a cameltoe perfume.
      I just dont understand why so many many people are taken in, whether Frog or Brit, by the pathetic ‘hey i’m a straight kinda guy you know’ act by the likes of Macron and Bliar.
      Obvious slimey bullshitters.

  15. Merkel, Macron, Tusk…….three implacable enemies of this country. Maybe the cunt Johnson is the fourth.
    The good news is it doesn’t matter what “deal” they palm him off with the remoaners in Parliament will vote it down.
    Remoan means remoan as Mavis nearly said.

  16. I find this fucking pathetic excuse for a man more than distressing. A fucking whining, granny bumming, snot rag of a garlic stinking Cunt, who like many of his fucking twattish compatriots, love to sneer at and deride the country that
    sacrificed an Empire, to pull their stinking arseholes out of the fire, the fucking snivelling gobshites declared Paris an open city, to save it from bombardment, subsequently, our capital was bombed to fuck, while the cowardly FROG cock gobblers wined and dined the KRAUTS.
    The FROGS are never to be trusted.Sly,
    piss smelling, untrustworthy, ungrateful traitorous Cunts. We should have let the shitstain KRAUTS wipe the majority of them out, then given Bomber Harris another two thousand Lancasters to carpet bomb his way from Calais to Berlin.
    Going back to Macron, he should have Gemma Collins ‘ yeasty cunt lowered on to his Pinnochioesque face, on the point of death, he should be dragged from underneath the Foul Whale and have his snail clogged, filthy FROG bowels torn from his body and burned before his dying eyes, the rancid little fuckpig.
    Get To Fuck.

  17. It comes to something when even the French dislike their leader so much. Celine Dion and Macron on the same day. Je deteste ces cuntes.

  18. The bloody french, what a distasteful race of people,underhanded back stabbing traitors of the first water, remember the behaviour of the bastards in the Falklands war!.
    They hate us with a passion and all true born patriotic Englishmen should despise them equally and it’s our duty to never let them forget every good hiding they’ve had courtesy of Albion, no matter how long the passage of time and how much more unfashionable it becomes, NEVER FORGET froggy you are second rate warriors but first class turncoats

  19. So important to use the ‘V’ up insult to them and to avoid at all cost the middle finger Americanism that proliferates among our silly youth.

    • “Firstly you must always implicitly obey orders, without attempting to form any opinion of your own regarding their propriety. Secondly, you must consider every man your enemy who speaks ill of your king; and thirdly you must hate a Frenchman as you hate the devil.”

      Lord Nelson to a midshipman in 1798 aboard HMS Agamemnon

  20. Agincourt,crechy,
    Our bowmen dropped em in their thousands!
    Still got my bowfingers jaques!!
    Haha my race hates well up now!
    Death to france!!!??????????

    • First man to bring me two garlic drenched frenchmens scalps gets a gold sovereign!!

  21. It’s somewhat ironic that the French enjoy a Victory in Europe bank holiday to celebrate being liberated by the English speaking Allies.
    Strangely we do not,none at all to celebrate our splendid success in warfare.I suppose our political betters don’t want to cause offense.
    They and Macron are disgusting cunts.
    Fuck off and die.

  22. His Saturn sized ego is only dwarfed by his universe sized stupidity!! Macrons star is on the wain , a busted flush!
    With his ratings dropping faster than his stormtroopers batons on the gillet jaunes heads we are witnessing the unraveling of one of the most odious turds in the EU swamp!
    How the French people were duped by this capitalist Davos cunt will surly equal the national embarrassment of their complete and utter capitulation in WW2 , maybe the frogs will have to rewrite history for a second time …….
    Either way don’t expect any gratitude from the cunts …….

    • FFS!!
      It appears I’m not allowed to pass comment on macron!!
      Moderated both times ?

  23. There’s only two things in this world that I truly despise.

    Racists and the French….

    • Tolerance is a great British virtue, far too great to be wasted on the frogs.

      -Monty Python, aliquando. (I much prefer the Italians…)

      • “Tolerance is a great British virtue…”

        Nope, disagree violently; anyone who espouses this in any earnest is labouring under a false consciousness imo. The reality is that, until very recently, it (tolerance) was/still is only a fractional part of our composite and collective national character, a much greater component of which is our inate respect for the Rule of Law and a degree of ‘tolerance’ is a natural corollary and consequence of that primary trait. It didn’t (and doesn’t) mean our limits were/are any higher than any other nation/race before we kicked off, just that the due process that we require to be undertaken before taking the field gives the illusion of tolerance. More often than not this illusory ‘tolerance’ is the product of another increasingly infective British trait; prevarication!

        It’s a double edged sword of course because that native respect for (fair) law hobbles an individual when it comes time to protest a particularly repressive piece of political-judicial-police-EU enforced cuntery.

        This isn’t helped by the toxic Judeo-christian legacy and its imprecation always to “turn the other fuckin’ cheek” oh… and smile and forgive as you get your battered arse kicked again!

        And the last (and most dangerous and corrupting) ingredient to be added to this foul ripened brew is the dialectics of political correction which, from the 60’s on, has taken advantage of that admirable British desire to see every count fairly proved and judged before force is enacted and totally inverted it in scale and purpose. They then gave it two coats of Dulux white (from their increasingly popular ‘Shades of Guilt’ range), put a poisoned barb on the end of it and hurled it back at us with the trailing Marxist pennants of “Fairness” and “Equality” tied to the fucking end.

        And as for that streak of frothy colonic ooze Macron I would offer this… y’cunt

        The Secret People
        G. K. Chesterton

        They have given us into the hand of new unhappy lords,
        Lords without anger or honour, who dare not carry their swords.
        They fight by shuffling papers; they have bright dead alien eyes;
        They look at our labour and laughter as a tired man looks at flies.
        And the load of their loveless pity is worse than the ancient wrongs,
        Their doors are shut in the evening; and they know no songs.

        We hear men speaking for us of new laws strong and sweet,
        Yet is there no man speaketh, as we speak in the street.
        It may be we shall rise the last as Frenchmen rose the first,
        Our wrath come after Russia’s wrath and our wrath be the worst.
        It may be we are meant to mark with our riot and our rest
        God’s scorn for all men governing. It may be beer is best.
        But we are the people of England; and we have not spoken yet.
        Smile at us, pay us, pass us. But do not quite forget.

  24. Must really chafe this cunt’s gusset that the International language for air traffic control is, and likely always will be, English….

    Jesus, I’ve just put a comma before “and” – Miss Logan* would spin in her grave

    *English A Level teacher, circa 1980

      • Her passing may well have improved her looks but back then, emphatically, No.

        although it didn’t stop Alfie Baxter, the history teacher, apparently !

      • Ah bollocks – I’ve reached that age when my memory proves questionable. It wasn’t Alfie, it was Albie Baxter (presumably the inspiration for the Terminator’s subsequent oft-quoted remark)

      • Now you’re considering shagging the teacher. This fetish of macron’s is contagious

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