
A corporate cunting please for this firm of governmental and authority whores:

On many occasions, their jobsworths have denied people who are literally dying of terrible illnesses the benefits many have paid for over the years, because they ‘fail’ their tests – tests that they design to be failed.

Last year, in yet another of their fuck-ups, they were fined which is, for them, a nominal sum of £10,000, but unable to cope with that loss they now have the fucking cheek to go to court to have the case reversed:

Why don’t Capita employees do the decent thing and get themselves jobs as ponces in Parisian pissoirs?

Fuck them.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

30 thoughts on “Capita

  1. These fuckers need hanging from the nearest lamp posts Their staff tell lies and deny disabled people the benefits they deserve.The whole system is flawed & geared to deny people their benefits This company blame the DWP and in turn they blame Capita the whole system is rigged to deny people their just benefits not all people are scrounges stop telling lies about assessments and tell the truth about people’s true health you are a set of cunts

  2. If there is a shred of justice left in this country(which we all doubt)then the County Court needs to a least double this fine, including all the costs.

    • Never mind doubling, it should add 3 zeros onto it. Every time I see their name it’s attached to some story about some poor cunt not getting his/her money because dying doesn’t stop you getting a job, regardless of your condition. They’d have it that daleks are lying about not being able to climb stairs.

      • I agree to the extent that firms such as Crapita rely on a) not being found out and b) receiving a token fine when they are found out. My solution is simple. Any firm found guilty of wilful mishandling situations should expect to see their CEO in jail.These people are very well rewarded; it is about time they accepted responsibility for any deliberate failures of their subordinates.

  3. Capita and their ilk (Virgin, Serco and many more) are the unacceptable face of privatisation. Badly managed and uncaring. Most services contracted out are fuck ups. Capita is one of many.

  4. Cunts employed by Cunts. Like some Frog company that was employed to do similar Cuntery some years ago. They were useless Cunts too.
    Speaking of Cunts, Greater Manchester Police and the City Council are Fucking Cunts for letting Extinction Rebellion Cunts shut off Deansgate. They’re allowed to protest ,but taking possession of a major road with the connivance of the Cuntcops and Cuntcouncil is outrageous Cuntery.
    The Fucking Cunts.
    Get To Fuck.

  5. Capita consistently proves itself to be corrupt and incompetent along with all of the government’s preferred outsourcing firms. Their pet accountancy firms are even more dishonest and avaricious. Cunts appointed by Cunts who no decent person would employ.

  6. Waiting for result of medical assessment now, probably turn me down again too white and English for them, bloody waiting room full of fuzzies and peacefuls, last time said I could work in an office and use a spaz chariot cos I fall over a lot, I ask you my 43yrs of work was outside on my own and my only qualifications are for shoeing horses , I would kill someone if had to work in an office, I take 42 pills and 1 injection daily but I’m fit for work, absolute shower they really are.

    • An old lad near me had a similar thing.Worked forestry all his life,swore like a trooper,looked like a wildman,had a terrible temper and was crippled with arthritis….they suggested that he could maybe get a job in a supermarket or in a call centre.

      I was most disappointed when he died before he could be employed in some call centre or supermarket…I’d have paid good money to be there on his first,and undoubtedly last,morning.

      • The bastards have no idea Dick, I have benefits people saying they will appeal if I’m turned down , so one government agency do one thing and the other doing polar opposite

      • What is even more disgusting is that the ponces who do the dirty work, and their employer get a cash bonus for every person they can get rid off from their lists. To me this is like the worst form of prostitution.

  7. Crapita is the perfect argument against the welfare state. Why we even entrust the government to handle these things anyway is baffling.

    • Problem is, it isn’t the government handling anything. It’s government handing over the running of essential services to profit-driven corporations formed for the explicit purpose of making money for their shareholders (and directors) if necessary -and it always seems to be necessary – at the expense of the services they are contracted to provide. Oversight by the government is minimal, and contrcts can be extended indefinitely. It’s of a piece with PFI, and it is based on two false premisses. First that the cost to the taxpayer – who still foots the bill – is less than direct provision, because the initial bids are structured with this appearance in mind: and second that the consequences of mismanagement can be punted carelessly into the future. Both are wrong.

      There are numberless cases of genuine applicants for benefits to which they are entitled being denied the help they need, under this system. Maintenance of Forces estates, another responsibility handed over to Crapita by the MoD, has gone downhill steadily. Serco’s prisons continuously fail to meet contractual standards. The ‘welfare state’ did these jobs a lot better. The welfare state wasn’t siphoning off money to show a corporate profit.

      I think if you’d actually come up against these cunts, you’d change your opinion.

  8. After working in London’s financial square mile for 29 years, a couple of years ago Capita afforded me an interview which lasted approximately 6 minutes. Didn’t get the job, what they could ascertain in six minutes fuck knows. Perhaps I was too old. Wish then they hadn’t wasted my fucking time.

    My last position as an underwriter required me to have three two hour interviews. Once I have the job I was entrusted to risk up to $10m any one transaction.

    Capita are nothing but amateurs and their recruitment is a joke.

  9. If these simpletons weren’t working at Capita they’d be dirty spivs at another trade. Our Springer Spaniel is making re clued-up.

  10. I recently worked for two years on a big project run by Capita for the MoD. Capita had fucked up so badly, over budget and time, that they brought in a specialist project management company to sort their project out. I worked for the specialist company on contract. Two very intense years that I will never forget.

    I have no idea why British government keeps giving contracts to Capita. But the Government wastes money like you wouldn’t believe. I’m currently working at the MoJ on a small project costing 4 million a year to produce dashboards for less than 10 people. Can you bloody believe it?!

  11. On the cuntish BBC sports site…

    Premier League predictions: ‘Lawro’ vs actor and comedian Stephen Fry…
    We’ll say more, shall we? Except ‘Shut that door!’

  12. It would be cheaper to sack these cunts and just give people who can’t work due to illness £250 a week no questions asked.
    Instead there is a vast army of pen pushers employed at immense expense to call G.Ps liars.
    What a set of cunts.

  13. This is the slippery slope of having private companies administer benefits/healthcare/services on behalf of HM Govt as opposed to uncivil servants.

    The thing is, there’s absolutely no need for private companies (as it stands currently) to squeeze the nuts of the citizens because they can simply go back to HM Govt for another handout – which is always paid.

    When was the last time you heard of any private company getting sued by the Govt for being late? Or delivering something unfit for purpose? Or recouping losses when a system is scrapped (even after the £50 million estimate became £100 million and THEN it was scrapped)?

    If I had my way all Govt bids would be fixed price and if YOU overrun or go over budget, then that’s YOUR problem. Then there would be an excuse for cuntitude, but currently the bottomless pit of Govt money (both Tory and Labour) is never ending, although Capita do incentivise their cunt operatives to not payout.

    Once again – if the country hadn’t been artificially flooded by 10 million new souls since 1997 (most of which are a net burden to our coffers) – there would be plenty of money to go around for “our own” without employing private businesses to put the squeeze on.

    Oh but supply and demand only works with oranges, buttons and milk. Those equations don’t work when it comes to people because that’s “waycist” and basically old (preferably white and British) folk simply need to die quicker to help out don’t they!

    Capita – reading from the uncivil service playbook of controversy avoidance – will scrutinise a John Smith or Bill Jones far more intently than any cunt called Khan or Mohammed, or any fresh of the boat Masambula cunt because of… You guessed it, the “R” word and all those fuckers bandwagoning Windrush/Greif-fell for their own political purposes.

    But before we can do anything about cunts like Capita we need to:

    a) Resolve Brexit – no deal on WTO terms is fine thanks.

    b) Immediately stop pointless immigration.

    c) Reject and eject illegals.

    e) Force n-generation layabouts back into work.

    ‘e’ above is a particular favourite of mine because some money Vs NO money is a great incentive for work.

    “Oh but I can’t get a job OI’VE TWIED to get one!”

    That’s fine, because instead of more money making cunts like Mitie doing Govt cleaning contracts, we’ll get you fuckers to do it, along with cleaning bed-pans, washing out public toilets, etc.

    Don’t like it? Then please feel free to get your own fucking job, there’s no shortage of them! Cunts!

    And then our precious coffers can be afforded to those truly in need: the elderly, the disabled and as a stop-gap for decent people – whose loss of income was through no fault of their own (company bankruptcy) – until they find another job.

    But we can’t do that until we deal with the loafers. We can’t deal with the loafers until pointless immigration is halted and we can’t do that until Brexit is sorted and we can decide who/why/how come here without being constantly answerable to the European Court of Human Rights (like testing Africunts on arrival for AIDS, we’re not allowed to do that currently, which only costs the NHS £100,000 per year, per AIDS cunt… Madness!)!

  14. I know someone who works for capita. managing the payroll for county council employees, but he knows he has a crap job and is a cog in a machine.

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