Caesarean scar show offs need a nomination. I read about this latest ‘trend’ in the paper today. A number of utterly cretinous wimmin are tearing off their bandages and dressings to flaunt their scars on soshul meeja. Not only putting themselves at risk of sepsis or even death, but also potentially making their children motherless.
Can anyone see a point to this? Except to say ‘look at what a cunt I am’.
Nominated by Mystic Maven
I don’t like the look of that little bastard in the photo. I bet his Mum is a right old slag. I reckon Jimmy Savile wouldn’t have gone near that cunt.
I bet any money you like he’s a fucking pikey.
I reckon he looks like a little John Prescott.
There’s an idea for a new user name for me……. Two Toy Jags.
I think he’s got the look of a potential Welsh rugby player.
The caption could be “Right lads let’s smash those fuckin’ English Nancies”.
Hello BSC, Did your wife get you to write that?
Afternoon Wanksock.
I’m saying nahfink!
“Darling, darling, ease off with those thumb screws. Your stopping me from typing.
Yes, I have my very own Welsh Dragon.
Attention seeking, publicity hungry whores, like the tarts and pansies on TV “reality” shows who don’t care what cunts they make themselves look since they believe all publicity is good publicity. Delusional wankers.
More me me me attention seeking again.
I’ve never known a time where their are so many narcissistic entitled cunts.
And when I get my knob out in public to show it off…
…people laugh and point and shout “It’s just like a penis only smaller”?
….people assume that you’re an extremely ugly tranny with a surgically constructed Clitoris?
….Doctors use a photo of it in a health campaign warning of the dangers of “Galloping Knob Rot”?
….the chemist’s assistant suggests you use the finger off a pair of Marigold gloves instead of buying a pack of condoms?
Oi Vey….10 for the price of 1 !
Don’t let Dick intimidate you Krav, I can get you a number of a factory in Japan that’s makes xx-small condoms, the sniggering customer service agent is a cunt but the quality top-notch. And Jason says Mr F’s doesn’t even look like a small penis but a baby carrot, shriveled and triangular, so he’s in no position to talk.
It’s not just women keen on this kind of thing. I’ve had grown men wanting to show me their operation scars.When I tell them that I don’t want to see,they normally say that I’m squeamish..I tell them that I’m a fucking long way off squeamish,just not interested in their failing bodies.
Can’t imagine why people would think that anyone would be interested in seeing their “battle-scars”,particularly some slack-fannied old brood-mare’s veiny,wrinkled,benefit-sponge’s escape-hatch. I wouldn’t want to see to see even her fanny if it was flapping and hanging like a partially gutted octopus.
Put yer bits away until they’re in an acceptable and porkable state,Ladies..oh,and Fuck Off.
Theres nothing i find hornier than a badly stitched up ladies scar!! Pwoar!!
Taxi for miserable!!!
Find yourself a post-op tranny…
Having been there myself I can tell you that you are wrong.
Probably one of the nicest places that I have visited and on one occasion I was almost pounded through the mattress as she road the pony .
Almost pounded through the mattress by a post-op tranny?
yes this one.
I was quite surprised when she came out on good morning Britain, I was sitting on the sofa at home next to the wife at the time and crystal walks into the studio, Says her bit, I have a minor heart attack, almost turned round to the mrs and said Fuck she was a man, however I thought best not too.
Its old hat now, but great pussy (or inverted penis however you want to see it)
Tell me,Lord B.,I’m genuinely interested…presuming it had a “fanny”,was it tight? I’ve wondered about just how accommodating an inside out dick could be..did you have to keep oiling up?
I’m guessing that circumcised men would have a particularly shallow fanny due to having to tie a knot in the end of the sleeve as their skinned dick was turned inside out and shoved back in.
Or did you just do her up the shite-pipe?
DF. I think the reply section is running out, It was a normal transaction by any standards, no poo pipes involved, a nice little garage and no lubrication required I am guessing it was all pre lubed.
As I said I was totally unaware as to the previous gender of the lady until she hit the news, Given the opportunity I would go back and willing to accept offers from her ilk, I would class it as a dam fine shag and some of the best reconstructive surgery I have ever seen.
There you go DF a complete post op care and pre op description for you, you can patter through it and satisfy your curiosity without contaminating yourself.
Can’t say fairer than that,Lord B. Any port in a storm,I guess.
Another deviant member of the de Pfeffel clan Dick?
My “Black Sheep of the family” younger brother I’m afraid Sir. Cuntalot. We were obviously right to give him the nickname…”Kiddy”.
A dark day indeed for an Aristocratic bloodline.
I’ve got an appendix scar and a scar on the middle finger of my wanking hand if anyone’s interested?
Morning Rtc, why you selling them or something?
Morning MNC. I’m always open to offers.
I expect that the Police will be. Did your latest victim bite down as you “fish-hooked” her? You should be careful,they can match dental-prints to bite marks these days.
For anyone in any doubt as to “fish-hooked”….
Hmmm. Rachel does like it a bit savage.
Nice tattoos…. ?
Speaking of bites, I also have a small scar on my upper lip from when a dog (not a woman) bit me in the face.
And before Fiddler gets smart, the answer is NO, I did NOT have sexual relations with that dog. Those allegations were false.
Morning fellas.
” the answer is NO, I did NOT have sexual relations with that dog. Those allegations were false.”…..
” Bad news,Mr. President. Monica the Bulldog still has the collar with your “traces” splashed on it…and a soggy cigar”
I’d wear your cock ring a little lower down if you’re going to engage in such practices, thereby avoiding the risk of any scarring.
Apparently there are women out there who choose the c-section nowadays as a statement. Implying that although they have spat out a sprog, they still have a nice tight box. A bird I know told me that her fanny was like a mouse’s ear. I said “what Mickey Mouse ?” soon shut her up.
A hippopotamouse perhaps?
Nothing like a shy retiring wallflower any more. Gotta whang on about stuff that should be handled discretely.
The Simpering Blimp standing in for Vine on R2 yesterday had some loud-mouthed tart yammering on about how men must be forced better understand wimminz periods. For fuck’s sake, keep it to yourself.
Excellent Nom.
Women are the the only creature on the planet that can bleed for a week and not die.
Quite an epic failure, really…
I am circumcised.
Am I allowed to post a picture on Facespace?
Luckily I do not frequent the media outlets these deluded hags put their stuff in.
I count myself doubly lucky that I have not the faintest idea what shite must fill their “minds”.
What a set of cunts.
Get to fuck.
I’ve got all kinds, but I don’t anticipate adding a Caesarean to my collection. The latest one I acquired in March is the best yet, it measures exactly eight and a half inches. Just a coincidence.