America and it’s love of guns. Have cunted this before and was surprised at the support for mayhem.
There is a home grown terrorist atrocity just about weekly in the USA. The latest is deemed ‘racist’, although if Mo had been pulling the trigger it would have been ‘mental health issues’, but I digress.
There is no justification in a civilised society for owning a semi automatic weapon. None. Whatever reason the NRA and the gun lobby in general give. The Right to Bear Arms goes back to the American revolution and has no bearing on the use the fucking Loony Toons make of weapons today.
Semi automatic rifles are powerful and indiscriminate. No use for hunting. So why the fuck are they legal in many states?There is much to admire about the USA. But the proliferation of guns and madmen isn’t included.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Excellent cunting but it appears that the NRA is able to see off any politician who is unwise enough to raise the issue. I agree wholeheartedly that there is a world of difference between an eighteenth century musket and what you can buy at a US gunshot with minimal background checks. I do not see the problem being solved in the lifetime of rather too many innocent people.
Doesn’t matter if they decide against all odds to ban the sale of firearms there are over 400 millions in circulation. That’s enough for two each. More than all sides in the 1939-45 war!!!!
I have to say, I lived in Los Angeles for 20 years and felt perfectly safe. I never saw a gun apart from on a policeman. I heard a statistic that if a policeman worked for 400 years, on average hecwould have drawn his gun once. This of course, does not apply to South Central where its best to have more weapons than Israel.
Surely these cunts that go on a massacre actually are mentally ill.
But I agree, why the fuck would anyone need a semi, and why would a civilised society allow it? NRA are world wide cunts of the highest order.
The problem is the Constitution which refers to the right to carry arms as an “inalienable right”. Anything written by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution and the Decleration Of Independence is sacred in America. Latter generations of Americans are loathe to tamper with these documents, despite the fact that the situation has changed radically since the days of the Founding Fathers.
The matter is complicated by the interests of the gun industry and the NRA, who are happy to conflate their business interests with Constitutional prudence and civil liberties.
The result is a situation that no other civilised nation could tolerate.
Times change, rights don’t.
‘The right of the people to keep and bear Arms.’
Presumably that includes nuclear weapons.
They dont make thermonuclear weapons like they used to.
I seem to remember a Boy Scout getting a load of kit from RadioShack, and some isotopes…
He was a pretty clever sod, possibly with a slightly iffy attitude to Elf ‘n’ Safety ishoos, and the FBI were crawling all over his back yard. 10 – 15 years ago, I think.
Thanks for the vid link – quite amazing.
I spent quite a lot of my teenage years exploding and spilling things on my bedroom carpet.
The only garden chemistry I did was electrolysis of a 3 gallon bucket of salt water, with the help of a car battery charger, to produce chlorine.
Perhaps phoning up Home Bargains for a few kilos of plutonium is quite easy if you call yourself Professor Hahn. It’s got a difinite nuclear ring to it…
The nurses who gave him barium sulphates probably just thought he was into enemas.
As it turned out, it was a whole load of other radioactive shit.
Lest we forget, the Dunblane Massacre , the Cumbrian Murders, the Monkseaton and so on. Schoolkids murdered, innocents all gunned down in the street, but on British Streets. In a country where gun control is very strict. It is the cunt who weiolds the weapon, not the gun. And while I am here . Fuck Raoul Fucking Moat ! Bastard Cunt !
The Second Amendment says “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
Komodo Chambers suggest that “well regulated” allows for some measure of control by the state (or State). Possession subject to central registration by persons deemed capable of keeping the law should not be seen as infringing the Second Amendment. But there are slipperier-tongued lawyers even than our Chambers boasts, and they argue otherwise.
The argument that civilians should possess lethal weapons in case their government oppresses them is absurd. The balance of firepower is almost idiotically in favour of the US military, even should a million Americans suddenly learn to march in step and shoot straight.
And the facts on the ground do not support the notion of the righteous inheritor of the frontier tradition* defending the weak against the strong. Armed mass-murderers in almost every case attack a crowd which is not likely to fight back, and (demonstrating that they may be crazy, but they’re not stupid) tend not to engage in firefights with NRA supporters. The legal authority generally has to deal with them, usually and tragically too late for their victims. IOW the right to bear arms is no help at all.
Much as I resent the faff required to get a FAC or shotgun licence, I think this is the better system. The mere possession of an unlicensed firearm is illegal in the UK and police checks strongly reduce the possibility of a murdering cunt getting a licence. It’s not perfect, as Dunblane showed, but no conceivable system is, given the fascination with guns to which many humans are subject, along with low intelligence and a variety of psychopathologies.
* See Mark Twain; “Roughing It” for a very cool look at that good ol’ Murican frontier ethic as practised by assorted psychopaths in Nevada. John Wayne is not the model, and neither is Clint Eastwood.
Good post. ?
Good post, I agree wholeheartedly. Civilian militias couldn’t hope to match the world’s largest military in it’s home country.
As an aside though, well regulated in the context of the late 18th century American English dialect didn’t mean controlled or overseen, it meant well trained and disciplined.
Thanks for that insight, TitS – didn’t know that, but it fits with 18th cent English English usage, I think. Nitpicking I may be, but I’d say that even so training and discipline require oversight and co-ordination to achieve. As with, perhaps, the Swiss citizen militia, which receives formal training and is disciplined…although recently the practice of keeping their arms at home was ended.
Food for thought here:
Good points, well made.
Suspect most people in the USA would like to see semi automatic rifles banned.
The NRA are super cunts. Their answer is to make sure every one has more and more guns. So you are more heavily armed than others. Including teachers at schools and colleges. Everyone rmed up to the hilt.
To the NRA people don’t matter- its all about the money. Wayne LaPierre is the CEO, on $5m+ a year. His heart always goes out to those that lost their lives and the prayers always with the family, but nothing ever changes. Blames others for the problems. The first minute of this clip shows you what he is all about.
Visited the US many times- the only place I didn’t feel particularly safe was in Florida.
I agree that it is terrible when one of these mass-shootings occurs, but I can also see why people are unwilling to give up their right to bear arms. I think that I prefer a mindset that says ” When the time comes,we’re ready and able to defend ourselves” to a ” Run,Hide,Tell” mentality.
What is the difference between defending yourself and settling a score with that cunt from just down the road?
One is justified,the other is not ?
Who decides what is justified? Come The Day I doubt if the courts with juries will be functioning.
If you are defending yourself,it IS justified.If you are merely settling a score,it is NOT justified. Isn’t that the accepted position?
I’m being a tad slow here, I don’t really understand what point you’re making.
That is a surprisingly measured response for you, mr Fiddler! 😉
I suspect the number of killings for the reason of self defence is small. They’re not used in that way where there is a gunfight. It’s all just a ‘drive-by’ or just slaying people ‘execution’ style. My point the right to bear arms was legitimate during the building of America to protect homesteads and possessions. But the country has been built so there is no need for people to have them now.
Perhaps they feel that there could soon come a time when The People have to protect themselves and their freedoms in such a rapidly changing World?
Poor argument Mr F. How can the aged, sick and disabled protect themselves in your”rapidly changing world””
@BSC….Fuck them. I’ll worry about me.
🙂 .
Well, the problem is that the other person probably feels that they are in the right. The Wehrmacht had ‘Gott Mit Uns.’ on their belt buckles.
So what if they think that they’re in the right? What difference does that make? I’m still justified in defending myself if attacked,as opposed to just settling a score,no matter what is going through my opponent’s head,aren’t I ?
Are you suggesting that “Run,Hide,Tell” is the answer when confronted with,say, a religious zealot who believes that his beliefs are “right” and that all non-believers should die ,rather than defend one’s self?
Surely having a firearm levels the field somewhat when an aged person like me has to defend themselves against younger fitter persons intent on doing harm. Just because I know how to use firearms does not make me a danger to my neighbours. Cannot legally own any now anyway have to make do with walking stick.
I’ll leave this here
The Dayton shooter has been revealed to have extreme leftist views, anti-police, ICE and support for ANTIFA . Will be interesting to see how the mainstream media plays this out but I suspect New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern wont be airing her hijab this time.
It looks like they’ve just forgotten there was a shooter.
I’m sure they are just removing the part where it said “far-right”. It will still naturally be Trump’s fault for saying something that made him do it.
A little perspective:
More Americunts have died from domestic gunshots in the last 50 years than in all the wars in American history combined.
Since 1968, according to data from the U.S. Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 1.6 million Americans have died in domestic gun-related incidents.
By contrast, according to estimates from the Department of Veterans Affairs, approximately 1.2 million service personnel have been killed in all the wars in U.S. history.
Dog knows what would happen if they were given cricket bats!
“A gun is no more dangerous than a cricket bat in the hands of a madman. If a cricketer, for instance, suddenly decided to go into a school and batter a lot of people to death with a cricket bat, which he could do very easily, I mean, are you going to ban cricket bats?”
(Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, immigrant)
… and cunt (surrounded 24/7 with security)
The sad thing is that this man will have believed this much of his life and not just in his failing years.
Says a man with a hotline to MI6 and alcoholic French chauffer’s on speed dial.
Bloody hell LL, I thought you meant me!
How many times do I have to repeat that I was not involved in that woman’s death.
I agree in part but I think it would be easier to subdue a man with a bat.
Now where is my Uzi 9mm …. I’ll be back.
If not for us Americunts you Brits would be speaking German right now.
Sprachen sie Deutche?
And if it wasn’t for the Japs you Americunts would have left us to our fate.
PS: God bless America.
A rather dreadful thought has returned to me after several decades. In the 1970s when the IRA was murdering people ‘for the cause’ , much of funding came from NYC and Boston. It occurred to me at the time that a bomb in either of these places would help to focus the mind of those who thought that their dollars were helping ‘The Old Country’. Since that time both cities have been made aware of just how awful bombs are. Possibly a nutter at an NRA convention with a modern weapon bought over the counter could help change a few minds . Of course, I am not advocating such a course of action .
Good point, Guzzi. The Yanks are the foulest hypocrites on the planet. Poured money into Noraid but don’t like it up ’em.
This 100%, having grown up in Belfast in the 70’s and 80’s i struggle to sympathize with the septics.
Apparently there are nearly 400 million firearms in CIVILIAN ownership in the US, and that’s just the ones that are registered.
I remember the sobering sensation I felt when walking into a Walmart in Houston and seeing the rack upon rack of rifles and semi-automatic weapons on sale, and the cases with all the hand guns on display. There was a little old lady at the counter, casually discussing the merits of various types of ammo for her ‘piece’. It was fascinating in a morbid way.
Kinder eggs…no chance, possible health hazard.
Assault rifle..? No problem, aisle 2….
Harry Potter? Dark Arts? BAN HIM! BAN THOSE BOOKS! Go outside and play with your guns before we go to Jesus Camp.
To be fair though, assault rifles are actually really difficult to get hold of in the US.
They have to go through enhanced checks, the permit is hella expensive and the rifle itself is so expensive, average Joe Septic could never hope to afford one.
The assault rifle then has to be kept and used at a secure, licensed range.
Is the requirement for checks universal, though? Or does state legislation vary widely, with federal controls first applied in 1994 having expired in 2004 and not being renewed since?
It may have expired but the checks are still pretty much universal.
That’s why in so many mass shootings in the US, the shooters have resorted to things like bump stocks to mimick a rapid rate of fire because acquiring an assault rifle and nigh on impossible for most of the population.
As much as I enjoy watching YouTube videos of muggers getting shot by victims, mass gun ownership is the issue. I remember getting a hard time from a lad in my class at school. I would go home and fantasize about stabbing him in the eye with a pencil. If my dad had a semi automatic weapon in the wardrobe, I may, in a moment of madness shoot the fucker during maths. But those feelings eventually subside and life goes on. It’s too easy to pull a gun in america. Statistically its bound to happen if there’s so much access, hence the school shootings. All those guns and hormones are a bad combination.
4 people die every year in the UK putting on their trousers. How greater must that number be in the USA?
Imho, instead of worrying about guns they should be pushing for greater responsibility in trouser ownership.
Guns, like trousers, are inanimate objects. As wiser heads than mine have oft pointed out, guns don’t fire themselves, that’s down to people. And American people in particular.
But if that’s what they want, why shouldn’t they? After all, it’s a free country.
Fortunately we live in a Socialist khazi so guns are not as freely available here. Otherwise I’d be sorely fucking tempted.
???. Haha. Three of the four people who die apparently, are leaving a bedroom in a hurry due to being somewhere they shouldn’t.
A good mate of mine told me always leave your socks on in case you’ve gotta escape, all these years I’ve been doing it wrong, should have left my trousers on instead for fear of death
It took the U.K. a hundred years to get to where we are with the current firearms law. In the early twenties, a load of stuff was banned, officially because too many suicides were gun related, although the truth is more like the fact that a million men had not long returned from fighting in World War One, and many had brought home weapons as souvenirs, and with civil unrest on the horizon, the last thing the government of the day needed was heavily armed battalions of pissed off folk taking to the streets. Fast forward sixty years, and the rampage at Hungerford saw the end of semi automatic rifles and large magazine capacity shotguns. Then Dunblane happened, and that was the end of pistols. Obviously we don’t have a gun lobby group like the NRA, and most people were happy to see these guns taken from public ownership, so it was relatively easy to pass those laws. What America needs is a referendum on gun ownership, as we all know how they settle the argument, and everyone respects the results….
Michael Ryan had been reported by members of his club several times for being a fruitcake. The police ignored it. The dunblain cunt was reported several times by club members he was also a convicted piedo and shouldn’t have even had a license in the first place. Once again police ignored the reports. Both events occurred because of police failures not because of guns or the 99.9999 percent of legal owners who get fucked by anti gun idiots that don’t know what they’re talking about
When you have a written constitution and so-called checks and balances it all gets decided by lawyers and judges, it’s an anathema to democracy.
It’s a well known fact that Americunts are very poorly educated. They can barely speak English, let alone write or spell it properly.
Instead of “right to bear arms” the founding fathers probably meant “right to bare arms”. This, I contend, should be tested in the Supreme Court.
Wot tha hel doo yu meen?
Unless 48 out of the 50 states ratify an amendment to the right to bear arms it’s never going to happen… unfortunately.
If guns kill people then they can also vote and there are more guns in America than people. The guns are never going to vote against their own interests so a referendum would be pointless.
Better off that Congress repeal the 2nd then repeal the 9th so that gun nuts can’t claim gun ownership for the purpose of self defence to an English Common law retained right covered by the 9th.
Sorry for the change of subject but a survey on the abuse of MP’s has shown that David Lammy is the most abused MP. I can’t understand that. Why would such a nice guy like him get all that flack? Be careful that you don’t become abusive as the plod are on it and very concerned as to why some of these MP’s have said they won’t stand again.
Lammy-Smollet, never!
Is it because he’s black? Or, ironically, a massive racist cunt?
I’m sick of nasty people abusing a fine upstanding beautiful human being such as David Lammy.
I do hope he’s not to upset about it. The cunt
I reckon most of them are made up like his ‘close friend in Grenfell
Fat waste of space slimy fucking CUNT
Might it possibly be that Lammy receives the most abuse because he’s the most abusive MP in Parliament?
Calling Rees-Mogg and the ERG Nazis, and Stacy Dooley a “white saviour” etc, what does the racist cunt expect?
Self-abused, presumably. The boy is indeed a humongous masturbator.
Typical anti gun bollocks from people that have no knowledge or experience of guns. When the civil war kicks off you’ll be crying for them then though
If you own a gun you’re a cunt. Probably lacking in the trouser department or a bit ‘slow’ evolutionary-speaking. You haven’t got the balls for life and have to rely on a weapon.
Do the World a favour and turn it on yourself. Soon.
Good evening Captain. I agree. There are very few of these cunts who have the balls to turn the gun on themselves at the end.
Evening Blunty
It’s the dangerous combination of a simpleton and coward. Outback Australians, redneck Yanks or British rustic dunces unable form thoughts and sentences.
Big talk but no balls.
” unable *TO* form thoughts and sentences” perhaps Capt.M ?
Couldn’t resist such a sitting duck,sorry.
Ha ha – you’re far from being a rustic dunce Dick!
Oh, I’m sure that Capt.M didn’t mean me,RTC……
In America a lot of people suppliment the winter larder by shooting deer and wild pig, can see where theyre not going to give up guns.
But someone in a big city buying a semi automatic should instantly set off alarm bells!
Fucking hell i’ll steer clear of shar0pshootin’ Catweazle then!
Forgive my lapsed infinitive helper and I’ll forgive your ever-misplaced apostrophes, Uncle Dick. Surely you neither Yank nor Aussie, are you?
MNC, if they’re shooting deer they’re extra retardêd, rustic spâstics.
Nonetheless, guns are for cowardly cunts who have briefly paused from fucking their sheep or their sisters.
Evening compatriots.
Evening cap! Wasnt disagreeing mate,
Just making point that in Alaska and places like get snowed in for month or two, that meat from a deer or pig feeds the family, theyve always hunted, and arent going to stop, and whos going up into middle of nowhere to tell a armed man he cant carry on?
Wasnt advocating guns kid!?
“Surely you*’RE* neither Yank nor Aussie, are you?”
Kind of you to forgive my misplaced apostrophes. I shall try and learn from your flawless posts..we country bumpkins just don’t know how to construct a sentence like what you heducated fancy townys dos…wez to fick.
🙂 .
Enough of this,Capt….Are you looking forward to the Premiership football season starting?
Watch out everyone, the grammar nazis are out in force tonight!
Evening Rtc, im knackered from work, im going for bath and bed ?
Before they realise i dont understand
Punctuation or where apostrophes are meant to go!
Mea culpa Uncle, a tad drunk. However, if you want to begin a syntax/punctuation battle I’m up for it.
MNC – I wasn’t admonishing you, laa although only divvits and loses live so far in the middle of nowhere they have to butcher innocent animals.
Know your passionate about it mate!
And like anyone who fights for what he beleives!
Just feel shit as I drew you for ISAC secret Santa, an got you a nerf gun!
Fuckin traipsing back to argos…. Nite kid!?
I meant “losers” – oh Lord, spare me any further Fiddler lectures.
“loses live”? I give up.
Evening Capt. ? I’m now off to Google “divvits”…
Why would I want to start a punctuation/syntax battle,Capt.M? I know that mine isn’t perfect,so I don’t make the mistake of saying that people are dunces for not being able to construct a sentence, while making a mistake myself in the very same sentence.
As Tesco is planning to lay off a lot of Tesco Metro staff, I hope Capt M will learn to overcome his townie aversion to decent meat provided by one’s own efforts and a .270 cal 140gr (eg) softnosed bullet. Venison is preferable in every respect to the pale pink lumps of cowmeat to be found in most supermarkets. Or is he a vegan?
Deer’s expensive….
The biggest balls in the world can’t stop a bullet
You have never held or fired a gun in your life or you wouldn’t be so ignorant as is evident by your statement. This country truly is fucked
Your statement just about sums up the whole problem.
It’s obvious too many cunts have owned and fired guns. It’s not the ones who haven’t owned guns who are the problem. Some people just need saving from themselves.
Gun control is essential. The alternative is anarchy.
Anarchy means without rulers, not without rules
Diversity doesn’t work. Look at the murder rates in Brazil also. They don’t trust their democracy because there’s no solidarity among the people. If I was American I’d have a shitload of guns, bazookas, anything I could get my hands on for the coming civil war.
Bloody hell Shagga, you seem to be obsessed with civil war. Who is this war going to be between?
Whites are going to become a minority in the US by the end of the century, that trend will only be accelerated when the dark keys refuse to cast any votes for white officials, as dark keys always do, meaning ‘ethnic’ leaders with consistently pro-mass immigration policies. When white people realise they’ll never get their country back watch what happens. Take the example of south africa, dark keys do not tolerate white minorities.
Are Mossad and the CIA involved in the Strategy of Tension (Operation Gladio) to get people scared, so they will support the rich elite, whether Republican or Democrat.?
Operation Gladio: The Unholy Alliance between the Vatican, the CIA, and the Mafia
Testing , testing . one two three….
The founding fucking fathers. Held is such esteem because they made some rules 250 years ago. It’s archaic. There is only one fact to know about them -every single one of them owned slaves.
I heard once, 20 people die in the UK each year from biscuits. How the fuck do you die of biscuits?
You could be clubbed to death?
I ought to join a club and beat you over the head with it!
Yes I know that was Groucho Marx.
Guten nacht.
That’s not very nice. It’s getting rather late for you. I think you should collect your cocoa and retire!
I nearly choked on a hobnob once.
They also codified into law freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of religion, freedom from religion, right to privacy, right to a fair trial, right to remain silent and not be coersed under duress to incriminate oneself…….. What’s not to like?
Just because something is old, that doesn’t mean it’s outdated or without much use.
Ive got an American Girl working at my place part time .
She’s as sweet as apple pie. But when I got talking about gun culture back in the Colony’s she turned very angry telling me it’s their right to defend them selves and hunt etc. It was only then I realised that the Genie is out of the lamp in America as far as guns go and it ain’t going back.
Americans are fucking idiots, twatting on about freedom yet they live in a police state, how many law enforcement agencies do they have there? Police, Sheriffs, FBI, ATF, DEA, State Troopers and then they rampage around the fucking world bombing fuck out of anyone who doesn’t bow down to them.
It’s all part of policing the World, Mr.Pants. Do as they say, not as they do.
Backward, gun-toting dunces.
diane Abbot was asked about what she thought of Kashmir and she said that it was warmer than wool…… ??
I thought it was the best track on Physical Graffiti.
She had similar problems when asked her thoughts on the four Democratic women, Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib, collectively known as ‘The Squad’.
“Well Jeremy is a big Arsenal fan, so I hope these new signings will settle in quickly and the fans get behind the team”.
Funny how a pacifist is a fan of a team called Arsenal.
Yeah but no surprise that a cunt supports Arsenal.
The ownership of these semi automatic guns is in any ‘real’ sense indefensible imho. I don’t take issue with normal hand guns or rifles being owned by the public after pretty stringent checks —- if that’s what a Society wants then what right do we have to say they should be banned. But these guns with the ability to take 30 or 40 people out within a minute — no sorry I think anyone who feels there is a justification for that ( save for a zombie invasion) needs their bumps felt.
It boils down to money — and just like Brexit money should not always be the main consideration in everything we do!!
Sermon over. Fuck me I have gone all Mavis on myself spouting forth like I am in a pulpit —- I now feel sick . Had a long day ….
Guns don’t kill people, wappers do
Can any of you clever buggers on here help me please, why are a lot of replies to moms coming out as long vertical lines of txt its driving me mental
You’re very lucky to have MILFS writing to you! ?
No, I’ve seen it before but I don’t know what causes it.
Should have said noms
A nice fap over Imogen Horrocks, and I’ve split my infinitive. Bloody uncomfortable.
Hey goddammit. I defend my right to bear needlessly excessive arms designed for mutilation and massacre for absolutely no reason. C’mon, it’s not like 72% of suicides are committed by white males, or that owning a gun increases suicide rates dramatically, or that people who feel no reason to live generally lose any respect for other people’s lives. Correlations are for pussies!
Meanwhile, 42 people were shot in Chi-raq, Illinois over the weekend, but the media couldn’t exploit those brown lives for Democrat political points, so why bother reporting it? In the failure to find obstruction or collusion, Democrats have resorted to “Orange Man Bad”, editing videos and spinning narratives that Trump encourages mass murderers while ignoring America’s long and bipartisan history of mass shooters. ‘Murica is a nation of extremes, from puritanical hypocrisy to genocidal diplomacy. Oh well, I might as well play some violent videogames while talking to myself and thinking about all the miserable cunts that piss me off. Now where’s my gun? Happy hunting!
I think it all boils down to one thing and that is Americans are stupid cunts.
Hey, I resemble that remark. Please pray for the victims’ souls!