Xavier Parkins

Xavier Parkins must be nominated. This is the teenager who decided to go to the school prom dressed in drag. He wore a short pink strapless dress that he designed with the help of a dressmaker. He wore matching heels and did his own hair and nails ready for the big night at Pride Park stadium in Derby. He was such a hit that he was voted Prom Queen by fellow pupils at Lees Brook Community School.
Proud mum Sharnee, (cuntish name) said: ‘I’m totally humbled, I can’t imagine where you get the courage at the age of 15 to do that, it is so brave. Xav was hoping to get the Best Dressed award because it isn’t gender-biased, but he did say he’d love to get Prom Queen. It was his peers who voted for him which is an accolade because it takes a lot of courage for them to come out and support it as well.’
Sharnee added that Xavier’s brothers (cuntishly named Orlando and Ziggy) are ‘so proud’ and her eldest son texted Xavier on the day of his prom to say ‘I love you’. She said: ‘I always say to him, if you’re happy at home you can cope with anything. ‘Dressing up is a leisure activity for him. With it being Pride month as well it’s even more poignant, if it can help one person who is struggling with their sexuality.He wants to be a Drag Queen but he’s very academic too so he could do anything. He’s got a very wise head on his shoulders.’

‘Xav’ was obviously so proud of his outfit and identity that he travelled to the event on a private bus, not on public transport.
Saw him and his smug mother interviewed on Sky News this morning. Sarah Jane (it’s all about) MEEEEE was almost gushing in her knickers during the interview, where ‘Xav’ was proud of what he did because, ‘I’m kinda like fed up with just wearing a school uniform and I’m kinda like expressing my identity and I’m kinda like a smug up-myself little twerp.’
After this nauseating few minutes, SJ Meeeee carried on gushing along the lines of ‘what an inspiring story, should help others come to terms with their identity and sexuality etc..’ or some such cuntery.
I expect he’ll either become very rich as a social media ‘influencer’, or join some new Channel 4 or BBC deviants’ show. Or, hopefully, he’ll soon disappear into well deserved oblivion.
What this nation has become….

Nominated by Mystic Maven

127 thoughts on “Xavier Parkins

    • Ohh, let him enjoy his ephemeral time in the spotlight, Moggie.

      Ten minutes of flouncey fame on Fakebook; 40 years of sizzling slavery in Burger King.

      • Both of the alter egos in the photo scream CUNT so I don’t see a job in the future.

      • Mayor of London? He could shadow Eddie izzard when that painted fuckwit does the job.

    • There was a time….to my mind a far better and more civilised time…when these perverts kept their degeneracy strictly behind closed doors, on pain of a fucking good hiding.

  1. Social services should have been called the moment she named her kids Xavier, Doggy and fucking Orlando. If those aren’t “look at how special I am” names then I don’t know what is. The poor fuckers never stood a cunting chance.

    Yet another blatant example of double speak madness in today’s society. Have your 15 year old boy dress up as a chick and your mum of the year. Mention that you don’t believe that boys don’t wear dresses and your kids would be taken from you instantly. What the actual fuck.

    Could someone please stop the earth? I want to get off!

      • I’ve seen any number of parents with daughters that would really suit the name ‘Doggy’.

  2. Any hint of criticism for these wannabe cunts and you’re instantly classified as a bigot!

    And fuck knows what his school thinks (If indeed he still bothers with school now that is dressed as a cunt and has found his/her 15 minutes)

  3. Why the fuck is this shit allowed to happen?
    The school in question must have a very poor biology faculty if the kids who are near leaving age still don’t know what they are.

      • Stupid unthinking cunts that are educated by hollywood movies and TV and just import everything american like it’s the most natural thing in the world without the ability to actually THINK whether it’s necessary or preferable. Black violence, diversity, school principles, proms HURRAH IT’S JUST LIKE WE’RE LIVING IN LA!! I’m like so kinda hyped right now.

      • Some imported ‘merricunt’ bollocks, what ever happened to flour & eggs? as for that cunt wassisname’ xav? if he went to my school in peckham in the 60s (when it was still predominantly white middle/ working class) he ‘d have had his balls handed to him on a fucking plate, the cunt.

      • Nah! wish i did, we’d do alright daaaarn the east st market, besides i aint lived in that cunthole place for donkeys years, rural suffolk for me.

  4. If he’s that committed maybe he should have his balls chopped off.
    …he’ll have to find them first though.

    • Don’t think he’s balls dropped yet deploy, that’s if he/it even had any to begin with?

  5. Out of his drag, the little fucker looks like a right indulged chav scumbag, doesn’t it?…. A cross between a Little Britain character and Viz’s Spoilt Bastard is how I’d describe the little shit…

    This little turd has probably never been said no to and never a had a clout in his entire life… Of course, his horrendous mater is to blame for that (you can tell… Just look at her for fuck’s sake) and it is cunts like her who have destroyed future generations and the standards Britain once had…

    Shame little Xavikins didn’t go to school where I was in the 70s and 80s… He’d have been great for the split the kipper game… The narcissistic little cunt….

    • Dunno if these lads from down south know what ‘split the kipper’ is Norman?
      Although the London ones would take to it like a duck to water!.

      • I’ll gladly admit that I’ve no idea what the Split Kipper game is, but just from the name it sounds, well, unforgettable?

      • Stand facing each other, throw a knife behind other lad he has to put his foot there, he throws knife you have to put foot there, like twister but with weaponry! Whoever cant reach/ falls flat on their arse loses.
        Also played ‘peggy’ swibg on ropeswing stick a knife in tree, next lad has to retrieve it stick it higher up tree till no one else can get it.
        Lot of injuries, kids falling off ropes, smacking into trees, getting knife wounds etc…was great!?

      • We used to play the reverse of this – chicken. Start with your legs apart. Player throws knife into ground between opponent’s legs and they move a leg to that spot. Your legs get closer and closer together until one thinks he’s about to lose a toe or get a knife in the ankle and ‘chickens’ out.

      • Split Kipper not just a Northern thing.

        We used to play it down South when I was at school (’50s /’60s), though if memory serves it wasn’t named anything in particular.

        Like Moggie we also played chicken.

        Sheath knives were very trendy back then, we wore them out of school, nobody seemed bothered.

        Happier, simpler times…

      • When i was a kid RTC what by the yanks is called ‘show and tell’ we had on a friday, was about 8yr old, I took a cavalry sabre of my dads called ‘the bloody rose’ my dad had lot of military stuff, still has.
        Anyway took sword to school and got a ‘A’ teacher told me to ask my dad did he want to sell it!
        Nowadays id be taken into care, dad in nick, helicopter circling school playground…?

      • At my school, at a high school playnight one of the students was required to fire a weapon as part of the act. He somehow talked the teacher into letting him use an actual .303 from the school armoury, and he somehow got permission to discharge an actual blank OVER the audience. You should’ve seen them jump! This would’ve been 1980. Simpler times!

      • My dad too had all sorts of military stuff lying around the house, including ceremonial swords, daggers etc, even a Nazi bayonet he brought back from the war.

        I inherited the lot, still have it all. Burglars be warned!

  6. The photo of him pouting makes me want to vomit.He needs a good pounding with bat studded with nails.And as for that cunt of a mother what a complete cunt.

  7. Another mentally ill cunt putting the Great into Great Shitain.
    What a pile of cunt.
    Go fuck yourself.

  8. Needs to be enrolled in the Army . Not the British army their not aloud to administer beatings anymore. More like the Russian army where this shitty little affront to masculinity can have 10 shades punched out of him daily. Kill or cure either will be a good result.

  9. So the silly old bitch always longed for a daughter and dressed the daft cunt accordingly.

  10. To think this country used to have warriors like the Saxons, Jutes, Angles, and later Crusader’s and I am a proud Afro Saxon, but if I was on a horse with my sword I’d let the horse trample this cunt not worthy of the effort of wealding the sword.
    What a joke this country is.
    No doubt it has a following on Twatter, Instacunt, and Cuntbook and will present the Channel 4 news in the future.
    In fact I wonder who will win the race to have the first Trans newsreader.
    Go fuck yourself.

    • BBC may have got there years ago. Always had my doubts about Angela Rippon.

    • BWC an insightful comment, like you I wonder what the fuck has happened. My main hope for the future is that all this cross gender, transbender crap is not made compulsory. Just gets fucking worse

  11. I am afraid this is the future. Too much peace, too much security, too much stuff and too much social disintegration. Ultimately there will be a revival of the old norms – probably violent – and we’ll start another hopeless cycle. Woe, saith the prophet Komodo, who probably won’t see the day.

    • I absolutely concur. You only need to start to study the fall of the Roman Empire to know exactly what is happening to western society and how it will all end.

      • “If we learn anything from history, it is that we learn nothing from history.” (I forget who)

        “The barbarians are at the gates ” (ditto)

      • We talk about the EU as the Fourth Reich. That it will collapse like the Third. I am sure it will. But I believe it will be superseded by a global Fifth Reich. A global descent into barbarianism the likes we have never seen before. And it will last for a thousand years.

  12. I don’t know what the story is with this boy. He is classic example of the ‘nature vs nurture’ argument. Did his mother spur on and encourage this sort of shit or is he just another internally ‘confused’ teen? Or both?

    I seriously dread to think what the world is going to be like in twenty years time. Full of gender-free, snowflake libtards allowing the country to go straight down the shitter because hey, rules are undemocratic and everyone is free to be and do what they want, when they want. If you think today is lawless and the cops are struggling with society and crime, just imagine what the future looks like if the UK and the wider world is overrun with these freaks?

    Hopefully I will be six-foot under by then. The world is truly fucked.

    • Role on the inevitable war which is brewing. That should put things into perspective and control the population a bit! To fuck with it, I’d rather see a quick decline. Not the slow rot that has set in.

    • Is his daddy in the scene? Seems not, so perhaps not enough nurturing of the right kind.

  13. Day after day, there is a new load of shit to behold. The pushback is coming, and it’s not going to be pretty. More and more unnatural behaviour is championed, and you’re not just told to accept it, you must embrace it or be called a bigot. Most folk don’t give a fuck what others do in private, as long as no innocent gets hurt. Even some of the shit these people do in public is usually just brushed off with a roll of the eyes. But no, the most ridiculous of propositions must become the new normal. Sorry libbies, nature dictates what normal, not the bollocks you lot trot out. Unfortunately, it will be the ones who are happy just to live their lives in peace, who don’t give a fuck for all the gender politics that will end up getting fucked.

  14. All the elements of libtard fuckwittery , including the fucking “school prom”, are highlighted in this literal fairy story. Correction…….. I see no reference to green issues or the scourge of Islamophobia.
    They should have had this little perv driven to the “prom” in an electric cab provided by the local equivalent of Abdul’s Taxis. ??‍♂️?. Of course, the child would have lost his anal cherry on the way but hey………live and let live.

  15. It’s not difficult to see how the Peacefuls will be able to take over with the moral vacuum that’s being created. There’s nowhere for a God abiding atheist to turn to.
    I’m slowly being pushed in to the arms of the Jehovas Witn-arses.

  16. This cunt will be back in the news in a year or two, mental health issues, eating disorder, self harm with lots of post match analysis of how it was allowed to happen, blah, blah fucking blah.

  17. When I went to school, boys had names like Ian, Paul, David, Michael, Christopher. One was called Fernando but it was obvious he was of overseas parentage.
    These days many parents seem to believe their children are more special than anyone else’s and must have special names to make the point. This doesn’t do their kids any favours because of the negative attention it attracts. This particular mother is in her element, wallowing in the attention. Her son is simply following her example, he’s found a way to make sure he stands out in a crowd, and is too young to realize what a cunt he is making of himself.

    • Most kids at school in 70s had normal names, although we did have a Merlin!
      Dunno if he had hippy parents or something? But was a right little cunt.

    • I recently write a nomination on daft names, Allâh. The days of normal names like Dave, Pete, Gary, and Magnanimous have long gone.

      • Afternoon Cap’n.
        There’s a strong rumour going about that Villa are going to sign a cunt named ‘Marvelous’. Second name ‘Makamba’. Any guesses as to, er, background?

      • Yeesh Ron. The best you can hope for is that he’ll be an explosive talent, like Salah; the worst is that he’ll be explosive.

        Marvellous spelt with one ‘l’? Haven’t these terrorists got spellcheck? Psh.

      • Marvelous’ with one ‘ell’ it is. Cunt’s from Zeeembarbwhey apparently.
        Plays for FC Brugge and has gone awol from training; trying to force a move I guess.
        I’d tell him to fuck right off if I was the Villa. If he’ll do that to his current club, he’ll do it to us if he makes it big and Man City come calling.
        The face of the modern footballer.

  18. I notice the parent has those lazy stretch pant material trousers that make it easier and faster to get her knickers down at any given moment whenever she fancies a bit.

    One assumes that she’s a “single mum” or has a “friend with benefits” producing offal with crap childish names that singles her out as being a crap mum. These people should be sectioned, not encouraged.


  19. Fancy having your Mum embarrass you by turning up at your school prom!
    Poor kid. He must have felt a right little poof.

    • Language, poof I find that offensive

      ? not really, haven’t heard that for years. I’m a classic poof

    • I suspect mummy dearest started wanking him off at age 11. That would explain a lot. They just trapped a badger on cuntryfile. Was just wondering if they would shoot it or let the dogs have it when they gave it some medicine and let it fucking go! Hope Dick wasn’t watching.

  20. The loony’s are running the asylum. he can do whatever he wants as long as it does not harm others. But what I don’t agree with is these cunts that try and force it on everyone else and trying to include it as normal for mainstream society. As a gay man I really am dismayed at where all this is heading. No sense of community, selfish generation, “it’s my right so therefore I do” fuck everyone else, egotistical sheep. I blame universities, feminists and liberal media who has taken over the mainstream which is now full of this propaganda to try and tell you it’s the norm and accept it, if not you are a racist and a bigot. The response to the Muslim protestors at schools escapulates how modern society is screwed. You can’t upset the Muslims and you can’t upset lgbtxyz rights. It’s only going to breed more division and hate. Good luck western society, I’m off to live on a desert island where I can live in peace with none of this madness.

  21. I bet it does hand jobs for crack.

    Silly little twat.

    Fuck off you mincing little queen…

    • I’m a mincing queen
      You should join me one night so we can mince the night away. Kylie, Cher, Diana Ross, Judy Garland. It would be so much fun. I could imagine you would be a great mincer.

      • Jason or Kylie,or whatever you’re calling yourself this time.

        ” I’m a mincing queen”..are you really? I suspect that you’re just some sad little attention-seeker looking to provoke a response.

      • Nah,RTC.
        This one’s not worth it. I know that I stir the pot sometimes but like to think that I do it with a bit more style than “Jason”..he’s about as obvious as a cricket bat around the back of the head.
        Perhaps he can try coming back again under another different name and make a better job of it.

      • It’s ok Dick, I was just giving the pot a gentle stir.

        A bit bored this afternoon tbh.

      • Mincing is for poofs.
        I lead a very quiet life with my partner of 19 years. We get on with all our neighbours and both have very well paid jobs. Our colleagues know we are gay but there is no need to broadcast it.
        If sucking cock is all you gave to describe yourself…

      • Sorry I touched a nerve dick fiddler. It’s not the size I suppose but how you use it.

        I’m not trying to stir the pot, I don’t need to pretend to be something I’m not. I speak as how people speak to me. If you don’t like it don’t dish it out mate. Love it how the reply option disappears so I can’t reply.

        As people have asked I’m 33 years old and a walking contradiction. I love this site and there are some funny characters.

      • Jason//Kylie.

        I just read your reply.Devastating stuff indeed…if I was a 6 year old child in the schoolyard. It’ll take a bit more than some “My prick’s bigger than your prick” to upset me..What’s next? Are you going to call me a “nasty Poopyhead”?

        Why don’t you write another of your “I’m a simply outrageous knob-jockey” and hope that someone will bite?…that’s what your looking for isn’t it? I doubt that you even are gay,I think that you’re just looking to cause trouble.
        It’s not the fact that you are supposedly “Gay” that bothers me about you (there are several Gays on here for whom I actually have a bit of respect),it’s the swapping names and trying to formulate trouble. that makes me suspicious of you.

        Grow up,little man.

      • I may not even have a ‘prick’ maybe transitioning.

        I’m gay but don’t have to prove it. I bet you are a secret closet guy obsessed with your phallus and the small tweezers to put your small thing away.
        I’m sorry if you bite easily it’s only you who has the issue with myself. You seem to think you can talk to people how you like. Like I previously said, If you want to give it out, expect to take it. (No pun intended).

        I posted twice by mistake wow what do you think my motive is ffs

        I actually don’t give a fuck, just don’t start a war

      • Thank you Dick, may I just point out that sleeping with women who were once men shouldn’t qualify me for this nom, and love you too.
        (also a hell of a lot better looking than some of the biological women knocking round where I lived)

      • Who the fuck is giving this tickies? ✔️ Unless it’s Jason himself?

      • How very dare you! I’m one of Dick’s greatest fans and followers!

      • Dick envy? Oh dick fiddler! Naw thick skinned doubt Jasons upset him!

      • I’m discustard. What are you insinuating? I thought you were my friend?

      • Good evening Miserable. Tha’ll have to translate that into Southern speak to reach the masses!

      • Evening Blunty! How you doing pal? Well I hope? What got deleted?

      • I was your friend Bsc. But that was before Jason came along.

        Btw, funny you should mention “discustard” cos I’m having chocolate cake and Ambrosia custard for pudding tonight.

        @ MNC
        I spoke to Dick earlier this afternoon. He is naturally distraught.

      • Evening RTC , tell dick to dry his eyes and go shoot something, soon bounce back!
        Jasons a rum custard isnt he?
        Told him not to be pushed around, jesus, took me at my word! Haha

      • How do you know he’s pretty Bsc?

        The rest of us have no idea what Jason looks like…

      • RTC@8.45
        Just a hunch. I just get the feeling he’s a little young and inexperienced.
        Good evening Miserable. I trust you went out for Sunday lunch today?

      • Hiya pal! No trimming hedges tidying up the garden etc, been on holiday, week away in Snowdonia, left house in charge of daughter & her boyfriend so needed few jobs done!

      • I reckon Jason’s actually a dirty old sleazbag… probably just celebrated his 70th birthday… out to groom us sad vulnerable cunters.

        Evening MNC btw ?

      • No mate I think Jason is as Blunty said fairly young, he made me laugh though, picks his fights doesnt he? Haha.
        Hey Jason if your reading settle the debate, how old are you pal?

      • Yeah Jason, my mate Blunty reckons your 20yrs and eyewateringly gorgeous! That true?
        And dont be rude and make fun of my widgie size youve already upset our mate in Northumbria?

      • Salutations ,Herr Fiddler.
        This Jason is a proper Joey Deacon.

        Play nicely, every so often we have little chats one has been had with Jason, Kylie is dead, Jason is alive, we all have different opinions and we don’t get too personal although watching this all flick up a CHQ is very entertaining, any way I have the biggest Dick.

  22. I hope all concerned in the participation and reporting of this depraved nonsense are subjected to particularly vicious, life changing bummings, see how much ‘ pride ‘ they have when they’re walking like John Wayne, after a 400 mile cattle drive through Injun Territory.
    Get To Fuck.

    • I don’t think Big John was ever anally raped by Native Americans, Jack. I must have missed that film.
      Are you sure you’re not thinking of “Brokebum Mountain?”
      The Duke wasn’t in that one.

      • Oh, sorry Jack.
        It must be my filthy mind. In my defence I am surrounded by Soddam and Gomorrah ( not sure if that’s the right spelling, it’s been a long time since I opened up a cunting bible) and filth comes into my mind all the time.
        When I was 15 cunts like Xavier didn’t exist. Fuck me, the name didn’t even exist!

    • I’m not the violent sort, but if he looked at me like in the picture on the left, I’d feel like thumping him too.

  23. Where’s the father of that boy?
    I’m sure he might have suggested to him not going out looking like that. It seems like drag queens are getting younger.
    The world is getting more mixed up every day.

    • ‘You’ve got your mother in a whirl
      she’s not sure if you’re a boy or a girl’

      Kids these days, honestly.

  24. The cunt reminds me of Siobhan Prigent. Disgusting pieces of sub human shite.

  25. Look men / ladies/ others! Get with the programme!
    Put some lipstick on your lips and on your arsehole too if you want to be down wiv the kidz and get enlightened.
    Just walk in to your local pub/ shop/ library tomorrow with a full length dress, makeup and heels with your cock out. Anyone not applauding you is an obvious bigot and not worth your time.

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