I’d like to nominate women talking about male suicide! Apparently this is one of the biggest killers in white men under 40? As a white middle aged working class male with very few options in life, I wholeheartedly understand why they do it. Don’t get me wrong I’m not attention seeking, but these days men don’t know what the fuck they are supposed to be or do. If you don’t talk about your problems you’re repressed, if you let it all out you’re weak? What the fuck! You say you don’t like kids, you’re a CUNT, say you like them you’re a paedo? If I hold a door open for a woman am I gonna be called patronising cos I can open my own door? But woe betide if I went for a meal with a woman and didn’t pay the whole fuckin bill! ?????? Then the bullshit about the man having to be the provider! I’ll swap any bitch, any day to go & work 60 hours a week with people you wouldn’t pay with the steam off your piss! & Then the fuckin ” oh you’re not ripped like one of them love Island cunts”. No sorry I’ve been doing 6 til 6 all week, I’ve had to come home and cook your tea and all the housework cos you’re such a FUCKIN ridiculous lazy land whale of a cunt! Fuckin shit cunts banging on about we should talk about why we are depressed. Simple: YOU, you FUCKIN CUNTS!
Nominated by Cuntosaurus
That cunt Ed Sheeran, front page of the Sun today, wittering on about “social anxiety”
Okay, well if that’s the case give up your crappy job, ignore social media and go live in a fucking tent on Outer Mongolia for the rest of your life, you big piece of soft shite!
What a complete snowflake of a cunt. I hope his wife gives him plenty of fucking grief so that he can do everyone a favour
Ed Sheeran = genetic flotsam promoted far beyond natural talent charm or looks.
Ed Sheeran looks like a medieval simpleton.
All he needs to complete the look is a potato sack and a half-flagon of mead mixed with piss.
As a medieval simpleton i object to that! That fish eyed ginger twat isnt fit to share a turnip with!
YES! Also he looks like some sort of Goblin Gnome
Hey! you goblin man? Nah just got a fucking headache!
I am always willing to listen to women talking about male suicide as long as they are talking about James O’Brien
Fucking feminists want equality but if the mortgage doesn’t get paid, who’s fault is it?
“Ditch that zero and get yourself a hero, girl!”
Hypocritical cunttards.
Fuck women, I will rephrase that comment. Women are devious cunt who are in it for themselves.
Sex with men is the way forward.
You are, indeed, ahead of the times.
Forward?…maybe backwards? I suppose it depends who is giving or taking.
If you want to be progressive, I’m happy to help ????
I don’t like discussing suicide especially when it’s about Jamal and his ticking backpack.
To use the identitarian mantra; ‘stay in your lane, bitches’.
Is this what they call ‘womansplaining’?
Or as it’s otherwise known, ‘cuntsplaining’?
Ive heard it called ‘femsplaining’.
Do you wanna talk man….you seem pretty pissed off. If you want we could kill your wife together if that would make you feel better……
When will suicidal men learn that to get the help, attention and respect they deserve they need to start taking people with them? Going to pop pills? Why not throw yourself off a building with a homo and an adulterer? Thinking of slashing your wrists? Why not slash other people first? Same logic applies to a certain ideology.
The biggest killer in males under 45 in the UK. Over 3/4’s are male. Talk about privilege!
We are given no choice in being given life and yet we’re not allowed to end our own lives clinically in this country. If we’re unable to “fix” patients then they should at least be allowed to end their lives with dignity.
Maybe make some money for those you leave behind, do stunts for movies! Terminally ill? Make much needed cash jumping a motorbike over a gorge? Or maybe fighting a bear, its win win, day out to cheer up, adrenaline rush before popping yer clogs, money, and great stunt immortalized on silver screen!
Just a idea….
Holy fuck! That’s sounds more hilarious than the spacker Olympics. I would pay serious money to watch some Zimmer frames liver diseased man jump over double decker busses on a Yamaha any day of the week.
I’d trademark that idea before someone nicks it!
Somebody’s been at the Bill Hicks videos.
“Do you want to watch Granny dying a lonely death in a horrible folks home, following her last bit of blood through translucent skin travelling down her narrow arteries?
Or fo you want to see her fight Chuck Norris? Look, he kicked her head clean off! My Granny’s out of her pain and I just saw a great film.
Put her in the movies!”
Guilty!! And busted!?
I reckon a great way to go would be caught by a tiger. That’s not just any animal, that’s a fucking TIGER!
I hope there isn’t a (losing) male suicide on Centre Court at Wimbledon.
Maybe he will climb the Shard and start swatting at biplanes.
…or lose to Evander Holyfield again.
Lest we forget.
Lawks a Lordy…
Why da Liebore wimminz always so ugly, boring, and humourless ??
Fuck me that Phillips bitch really is as thick as a plank, stealing a fucking living. This country is run by cunts like that, male and female.
We are fucked.
Nasty bitch, wouldnt even …. her lol!
Fill her airways with quick-drying cement ??!
a person I know tried to top themselves recently.
Their marriage had broken down due to his infidelity (and stupidity in getting caught) . They were allso broke due too further stupidity.
They were found in a car park doing the exhaust pipe garden hose trick.
Absolutely no sympathy is applicable because believe it or not it was a diesel vehicle.
what a stupid twat.
Better than the snowflake who tried the same thing with a Nissan Leaf!
It’s suicide by the steady way Lord B, give it 10 years and he will find out he’s got cancer, breathing in those dirty fumes.
That’s if the government are to be believed, on environmental matters.
Unfortunately this tallies with the upsurge in (anti)social media.
Male suicide did happen, often by folk you would never have dreamt would have (leaving stable marriages and young kids – who were my school friends, they were never the same for the time I knew them).
One apparently was so affected by both parent’s deaths by procrastinated big ‘C’ demise that he convinced himself he was going to go that way too, so off’d himself quick to save his family from the ordeal he went through.
The other’s private business had fell on hard times but rather than admit failure/suffer the embarrassment of his fellow businessmen peers and perceived family shame, it was goodbye from him.
Back then it was pride that silenced good men, in this day and age it’s living up to a digital standard which is not only ridiculous but 100% fake!
Any cunt who cheeses off on FaceCunt, IstaSham or Twatter about how great their lives, jobs, relationships, etc., are, are complete and utter liars! If you invert that sentiment you’re probably going to be closer to the truth in their sad worlds of make-believe.
Unfortunately (anti)social media has also bred a generation of weak-minded digital sheep who believe the bullshit fed to them and fear reprisals from feminazis (and other identitarian social groups) for even daring to have mental/emotional problems.
Men have male “privilege” and don’t need any say (they cry)!
White men…forget about it! No matter what fuck-off (they all say)!
As I stated previously, women don’t succeed if men fail. Unfortunately, in clown world, that is exactly how it is perceived.
Identity politics and the victimhood totem pole have brought us to this impasse.
A two-tour Afghanistan veteran (who saw his friend blown apart 2nd time round) gets the same amount of sympathy as some facey tart who accidentally got served the wrong wine with her meal! Not that the vet would upcast their private issues (in general). Most suffer in silence.
That is why the Sargon of Acard/Jess Philips thing was such bullshit: Sargon cracks a funny intimating that Philips has the attraction value of a dud magnet. Philips laughs her saggy tits off at a motion to discuss men’s issues in parliament.
Philips is the oppressed one however because – as a female – she ranks higher than ANY man on the victimhood totem pole.
A person’s mental/emotional state should be a concern for anyone irrespective of sex, race, religion or sexuality.
However, only those on the victimhood totem pole, are allowed any say, or sympathy.
Good ol’ fuckbook.
About 10 years ago i had a bit of anxiety and depression and found facebook made it ten times worse through comparing my life to the false rubbish people were putting up.
More recently and being a bit jaded that infantile narcissistic crap i went through the profiles of the mediocre and wasnt too bothered with what i saw.
‘Boring cunt, boring cunt… you’re a boring cunt’.
Everyone has the same picture; either a picture of their kids or them in middle-distance wearing shades in Greece or Spain.
I always hope that horse faced old cunt Jess Phillips, sanctimonious sack of shit gets outed for something really career-ending one day, like getting herself fucked by a Great Dane dog, or dogging in Westminster. She is a typical example of the worst kind of female MP – domineering, self-regarding, smug and hypocritical.
Old Steptoe ought to start the Labour Ladies Topless Orchestra and make Phillips be the drummer – see those great knockers doing themselves in while she performs her rim shots, press rolls and paradiddles. With any luck the old cunt might suffocate on one of her own jugs, getting wedged up her fucking great hooter. She would probably also have piss-stains over her knee-length drawers.
And she’s all on board with the telling 4yr olds that sausage chops and inflatable willies are perfectly normal in “modern” (clown world) society.
Unfortunately for Jess, most of her Birmingdrabad constituents are “peaceful” and they aren’t on-board with such things.
As Mo’s mob sit atop the victimhood totem pole, Jess is fucked (metaphorically speaking – even though the AL-BB-CERA would probably spin the reverse, cunts that they are), because they won’t be voting for a rainbow tart (hmmm, bit of cream with that…) any time soon.
As politicians’ morals are as flexible as their loyalties, expect to see Jess in a niquab in an election coming to you soon.
MP’s have one function, and one function alone: stay in office at all costs so that they get to polish green leather with their arses for the next 4-5yrs and fuck all else!
Useless to a one with very few exceptions.
Amen cuntosaurus, so glad but sad that there are others out there feeling the same way! As a 33 year old straight white male living in London all my life, with a girlfriend of 7 years, working for 15 years in recruitment and hating the cunts I decided to retrain and go back into plumbing. Secured a two year apprenticeship on £60 a day. Having passed and competed my training I can’t find a job as no one wants to take on an improver as it’s called in the trade so stuck between a rock and a hard place as I need more experience however I only have until next February before my contract runs out, looking likely I’ll be unemployed. Probably have to get a job behind a bar after wasting two years of me life so no upcoming job prospects at least on any livable wage in this dump of a city. I’m not married, rents too high so no mortgage, can’t afford driving lessons so no car, cant afford kids, no consistent social life so no proper mates, can’t afford a holiday as we’re living week to week even tho my Mrs is on £40k a year trying to keep us afloat, absolutely fuck all to look forward or work towards, and quite literally broken.
Not moaning for the sake of as I’m really quiet seriously on the verge of throwing myself off a tall building with a noose around my neck. Life’s finally completely fucking broken me after a continuously long shit show of an existence for and sadly the only things numbing me to it are no longer working. Should have been born a black ginger binary sexual hemaphrodite in Peckham, fuck being white.!
My situation as a re-trainee sparks. Damn near impossible to get a job, yet everyone’s complaining about a shortage… The industries must put more effort into on the job training. I am currently faced with the dire scenario of becoming a 25 hour per week phone muppet in the tax office. I don’t in any way feel that anyone owes me, but JC, nitrogen and an an elasticated turkey bag over thehead sounds like a welcome release.
KBO, though, as Winnie used to say. Discovered a couple of Greek Tavernas about 15m walk from me this pm; restored my faith in humanity. PORK kebabs on menu, Greek red wines, and beautiful Greek women that I’d…pork.
I despise halal slaughter; may agonisingly painful death and velly much piss be upon practitioners of this ineffable ullage.
Sorry to hear about your struggles GB! To roll out and old cliché “don’t let the bastards grind you down”. I don’t normally buy into this positivity bullshit, but I find the best way I deal with this shit sandwich called life is to think ” tomorrow will be a better day”. I know your despair, it’s like you’re stuck way down at the bottom of a well looking up & thinking how the fuck do I get out of here?
I’m an Autistic man who graduated in graphic design in 2007, believing it would be a realistic art job. The recession came, and since then I have been working in retail and having constant thoughts of suicide. Thankfully I have never done it as I do not have access to a gun. Now I am hoping to get a job as a researcher after getting some great leads. In regards to the future, I do not have a partner or have a desire to have children, due to my Autism being passed on, my varying psychological problems and bad financial situation. However I do feel a dodged a bullet with not getting married, and feel I would have been lumbered with a creature that I would hate. So many men seem to marry because they are scared of dying alone and that really pisses me off.
Even worse, is marrying someone who ends up hating you. When my wife left me for a cunt in work, I felt that my whole life had fallen apart, and for the first time in my life, contemplated ending it all by swan diving of a cliff down the Gower. So glad I didn’t, and it was not wanting to upset my family and friends that stopped me. Life is short enough as it is, there’s no point in throwing it away on someone who two years on, you couldn’t give a fuck about. And, I’m nearly there.
“I’d like to nominate women talking” would have been sufficient enough. 99% of them being harridans, viragos, blow-job avoiding, vacuous materialistic cunts who revere anything lefty because it feels good to be ‘nice’. They are the reason the West is so pansified as it is and now inevitably going to be taken over by IsSLIME.
My mate of 34 years hanged himself last week. He leaves behind an 11 year old daughter. Mental illness is a silent killer and yes young white men make up the higher percentage of suicide rates… why is that?
We are being emasculated and criticised for everything we do. We need time to relax without being nagged, we need to fuck up and not be moaned at and we need to start taking back what it means to be male.
I will always open doors for women, stand up when they come in the room and pay for the whole fucking bill (end of!).
I will also have a beer when I want, make mistakes, and generally try to provide for my family. This is called being male. It’s nice having both X and Y chromosomes