A cunting please for US political rhetoric.
Political rhetoric is dire in the UK but listening to the US Democratic nominees on the radio this morning, I was reminded just how much worse it is on the other side of the pond.
US political rhetoric has always been full of empty, wholesome apple pie sentiments which mean very little. Abe Lincoln started it, but there was honesty and substance in what he said as he was a great man, unlike the Pygmies that have succeeded him, most of whom have adopted his phraseology but none of his substance.
JFK was a master of the genre but when you analyze his speeches you realise they were empty. The absolute undisputed master of the genre was Barack Obama, whose eloquent, empty, brain dead speeches were a waste of breath. He never said one single thing of substance but made it sound like a cross between Honest Abe and JFK.
Anyone can make up these speeches. The Democratic nominees are now doing them all the time. Here’s one I made earlier –
“My fellow Americans. I was born in a humble log cabin. As a child I had a dream, the American dream of freedom, liberty and prosperity for all under the noble banner of our fathers. We must endeavour to persevere. Vote for me to realise the profound and far sighted vision of our Founding Fathers who conceived this nation in liberty and equality. God bless America, etc, etc, etc……”.
That’s why the Orange One is so popular. He doesn’t speak like this. He speaks like Trump.
Fuck off.
Nominated by Marvellous Mechanical Cunting Machine
I heard some Democrat woman – I think she is the New York one. Hispanic and a woman, so she must be right and they are all wanking over her. Fuck me, the drivel that was coming out of her trap about some fucking refugee centre. And they now have their own “drowned immigrants” – I think it is being done on purpose to get sympathy. But, I digress. Nobody asked them to go to the US. Yes, it probably is shit in the countries they come from. But the UK is shit and they wouldn’t let me in.
Fuck off
Sounds like AOC, a proper cunt with a recent outing on this fine site.
Ocasio Cortez ‘ s mind rattles aroubd like a box of spanners. She speaks like an infant and gets away with it now that she livestreams from a room that looks like a kiddy sleep-over.
If she added a dog filter she’s guaranteed the US college girl vote.
In a recent interview with Cunts News Network, I think, in a segment about tax she described Americas top 1% as the ‘tippy top’ of taxpayers. Who are her core voters, viewers of CBeebies? She must have graduated from the Diane Abbott School of Economics.
Ah, but CBeebies viewers are the rich of tomorrow. And the LibDem voters of today.
Lincoln’s truly inspiring Gettysburg Address has yet to be usurped.
You can have the best speech writers America can throw at you, but none have come close to the apposite 272 word speech he gave back in the day.
The only political speech that comes close is JFK’s “And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”
Everything else since then has been empty-rhetoric and bullshit.
I used to enjoy Sarah Palin, Rick Santorum etc. Now it’s the turn of the Dems to look like nutters. Joe Biden and Alexandra Occassional Cortex being two of the leading freaks.
I like Tulsi Gabbard though, especially if dresssed as Wonder Woman, covered in Ametican mustard and with a salty pickle in each hole.
Same for Palin.
I’m with you on Palin CP. Mad as a box of frogs, but hotter than a docker’s armpit.
Joe Biden – “Slow Joe” as Trump calls him – is too lazy to even think of policies or write a speech. Back in the late 80s, he plagiarized an old speech from Neil Kinnock, of all people. Kinnock now known as Baron Kinnock of Bewellty (I kid you not) has actually backed Biden´s latest presidential bid. Two arsehole-sniffing old dogs who deserve each other.
Kinnock is a right old cunt – and the rest of his cunting family sucking the tit of the EU.
Sounds like Trump- yes, the sundowney, self-absorbed id of a 15 year old boy. That anyone finds that appealing is a genuine indictment of our electorate. We’re doomed. Great times to be an anarchist.
It’s becuase the electorate is so fucking stupid themselves. You get the leaders you deserve. Turn off the TV and open a book you fat cunts.
I’m a fat cunt and I always have two books on the go, one in the bedroom and one in the living room, because I’m far too lazy to go upstairs to get one during the day.
As mentioned, Obama was the epitome of empty rhetoric.
He looked and sounded like a dignified statesman but said fuck all and achieved less.
But the black folks love them Dems. They vote for them and their promises every election.
Democrats forget about black voters soon as the polls close though.
Progressive democrat policies have given black folks a disproportionate abortion rate, increased single parent black households from 13% to 70% and a had a raft of other detrimental effect.
100 million on food stamps and now they want to legalise pretty much every illegal immigrant in the US.
If you’re a black American and vote democrat you must be batshit crazy
You got to admire Teflon Don for holding a military parade to celebrate 4th July.Why should the Russians have all the Fun? It would be great if Trump and Putin invited each other to each others annual military wankfest.
” That sure is some fine Bazookas you got there,Vlad”
“Zank you Big Don.I really loff your neutron bomb,great idea,kill zee people but save the buildings,my oligarchs loff it”
He always uses the word ‘beautiful’ inappropriately when talking about Arms. ‘We have some beautiful equipment’ he often says. ‘We have beautiful aircraft’ the other day. But I am sure he would like to go further (the salesman in him) ‘we have some beautiful armoured tanks’ ‘we have some beautiful bunker busting bombs’ ‘we have beautiful guns with beautiful bullets’.
Amazon have admitted their new drone delivery system may be faulty after a man in Clapham ordered a spade…
Just in from work knackered, put on ‘the pledge’ on sly news, oh good michelle dewberrys on i like her! Oh good that daft cunt afua Hirsch isn’t on! Oh fuck, new guest- Femi olumwole. This little tit is a right little mardarse, a brexit remainer boring twat, Owen Jones now available in new black colour.
David Lammy is a cunt. Slags off Ann Widdecombe for referring to slavery but calls people Nazi’s who disagree with him.
Saw the Anne widdecombe thing, she didnt say anything wrong, using the slaves rising up against masters as a analogy, also said about serfs rising against feudal lords,he always injects the race aspect into any conversation, the one dimensional, boring, twat.
I’m waiting for Lammy’s live tour… Sponsored by Pirelli and Duckhams Petrol…
….and swan vestas…..introduced by Winnie Mandela
Fat chicken chugging cunt.
Did he know anyone at Grenfell tower? He has never said….
Haha, yeah youd think his whole school reunion was there wouldnt you? Using it for political point scoring the snake.
This from Emily Maitlis… ‘I was a terrible reporter’…
Well, you’re an even worse presenter, you ill mannered leftist remainer cunt…
Quiz time, cunters….
Disney are now doing a live action version of the Little Mermaid…
Will the leading actress be….
A: Black
B: Black
C: Black
D: Black?
None of the above Norman! Just been announced suckdick khans got leading role! Although as he pronounced it ‘lickle mermud’. Mozza was right, this cunt cant talk properly.
A mermaid of colour?
All mermaids are coloured. Otherwise you wouldn’t be able to see them.
Have you noticed how slloooowwwly these Yank fucks speak? Their sentences are no more than four words long and they have to keep repeating themselves because the target audience is as thick as pigshit and even less well educated than the cunts over here.
Fucking tricky one that….
multiple choice is a real cunt …..
Although cunts of staggering magnitude our Lib Dem’s pal into insignificance alongside the American democrats !
Saw a debate last week and it’s difficult to imagine a more disingenuous group of what appeared to be second hand car salesmen , even their lies were lies! , And that old crone Elizabeth ( Pocahontas) Warren is a cunt who’s made a living telling whoppers for over 30 years , she’s a truly epic little cunt…,, ……
Pale into insignificance ?
Hopefully the undemocratic libtards will vote an old cockwomble in as leader (sounds familiar, this) ,so Trump wins another term in office.
I look forward to the BBCs face palm moment of gloom at the prospect of another 4 years of their most hated Trump, coupled with a Brexit general election win.