The world health organisation

The world health organisation – capitals omitted on purpose!

Looks like for periods of my life I have been disabled, I need to see if I am due any unpaid benefits for this unfortunate disability. Not only do those amongst who fire blanks now class as disabled but those who go through a dry spell are also due a hefty benefits payment.

Does a rapist now class as a cure for disability, how fucking crazy do things have to get?

“Until now, infertility – the failure to achieve pregnancy after 12 months or more of regular unprotected sex – was not considered a disability.

But now in dramatic move the World Health Organisation will change the standard to suggest that a person who is unable to find a suitable sexual partner or is lacking a sexual relationship to have children – will now be equally classified as disabled.”

Nominated by Sixdog Vomit

81 thoughts on “The world health organisation

  1. So that means you can’t deport some foreign scum because he is “disabled “ and that infringes his yewman rites?
    I geddit.

  2. They are just polishing seats with there arses. The brain function stopped long ago,but a good Megabucks job.I could with some of that.Cunts.

  3. I think the Declaration of Human Rights needs new ammendments for these modern times.

    1) Ugly cunts have a right to a shag.
    2) Trannies have the right to be respected no matter how ridiculous they look.
    3) Fat fucks have the right to have their sob story listened to.

      • RTCP. I am no 1 all over I’ll have you know.Poor fuckers like me need all the help they can get.

      • Goodness me RTC, you’ve destroyed the image I had of you as a handsome Patrick McGoohan lookalike. I think Jason is going to be extremely disappointed.

      • I didn’t mean me Bsc! I meant discustarding cunts like you.

        Trust you to get the wrong end of the cucumber!

        Everyone knows I’m the most dishy cunt on the site ?

  4. Fantastic. I’ll have a vasectomy on the NHS then I’ll claim disability allowance.

  5. About fucking time.

    As a registered Long Term Wanker With Special Needs,I wonder if I’ll qualify for that DIY SOS telly programme where Nick Knowles goes around trashing the houses of people who are too weak to chase the Cunt away?….I hope so,I’ve wanted to punch him in the face for years.

    Fuck him.


    Corbyn behaved like a total cunt at PMQ’s today.Why? Because he is a total and utter SCUM CUNT. Fuck him and his Marxist Jew hating beliefs.
    A man who sits terrorists but Donald trump.
    God save the Queen!

    Rule Britannia!

  7. Priti Patel appointed Home Secretary! Think I’ve just creamed my long johns…

    • Dear Pritti

      Please could I bury my pulsating conch in your velvety petals. We would have a jolly time. If you wish, I will go at you like a famished man slurping on a large ice cream on a sweltering, July day.

      love Capt. Magnanimous

    • I agree Ruff Tuff,
      Priti Patel is so shagable. She has this look about her that she is just dreaming about cock all day.

  8. Fuck me, I’ll get a blue badge for my car and can use the disabled parking bays with free parking.

    Quids in!

  9. I recall an event of about 20 years ago when we had an ugly blind woman avec hound visit the work place to give us guidance on equality . The cow droned on for some time and then proclaimed ‘ We are all entitled to good sex lives!’ I was overcome by her vision (?) and shouted out Well, Bugger Me!!!!!
    I never had another promotion but plenty of respect thereafter.

  10. Not happy about that peaceful being Chancellor. That’s one step away from PM. Not happy at all. Don’t trust peacefuls.

    • I honestly think he will be one of the greatest chancellor’s ever. He hates Muslim extremism.
      Give him a chance, I say.

      • Islam is extreme, part of the dictates of Islam is for some to assimilate and gain positions of power. Sadio Khan is a moderate Muslim, hoes that working out?

      • So happy not to have Remoaner cunts on the front benches.

        Fuckibg cunts the lot of them.

        Reckon Boris is also a cunt, hopefully he will prove me wrong.

        Commentators today are describing the cabinet reshuffle a bloodbath.

        If only that were true.

      • I don’t know what everybody is so happy about. He was greeted by a black man in uniform at Buckingham Palace. (The car door was opened by what looked like a lesbian in a suit) In his speech outside No10 he expressly thanked the 3.2 million people in the country from other EU countries guaranteeing their legal status here. He thanked them for their ‘contribution to society’. He talked of Britain once again becoming a global economic power. That will mean more immigration. For as night follows day more trade means more exchange of people. The two things go together. He didn’t say a word about stopping or even curbing immigration. He then goes indoors and announces two peacefuls and a jew are to hold there three major offices of state.

      • Quite right Miles – the only cunts who should be allowed to live in this country are White Anglo Saxon Protestants. ?

      • He’s going to have to do something about immigration, or Farage will be straight up his nose. And he can say goodbye to East Anglia for ever. Paradoxically, he has to pre-empt wet Tory voters by looking diverse. And it would be awkward if he incurred the wrath of CFoI and BICOM by antisemitically not having one 4X2 frontbencher at least.

        Think he’s played it rather well, at this early stage, and set the scene for yet another general election before Oct.

      • Miles, “…thou speakst the right.”

        Let no-one be in doubt about Bojo’s egalitarian multicuntural credentials, our status within or without the EU will have not the slightest effect on the planned demographic replacement process now well underway. And now we have a fucking punjabi behind the Home Sec’s desk so prepare for an acceleration as Bozza looks to the old colonies and residual Commonwealth for his new imported proletariat/voting block/somebody to wipe the dribbled chicken broth off his chin in his old age.

        The enemy lies within our own borders and I’m not even talking about the rapidly expanding immigrant population; I’m referring to the gutless inner mentality of acceptance that the British people have allowed themselves to fall into as if their eradication from the geography is now a foregone conclusion to be downward managed as best they can. To slowly dwindle into the clamour of louder competeing voices until pushed into vestigial and dispersed minority enclaves bleating politely for the same “rights” that we in our raging fucking pee cee’d stupidity so recklessly granted them. They hope against all historical evidence that the Gollum Thesis will work…

        “They be’s nice to us if we be’s nice to them.”

        They won’t.

      • Spot on Mr Chops
        Appeasement almost fucked us before and will do so again

      • Been thinking about your post since I read it last night CC. Wish I had written it. I don’t know the Lord of the Rings well but I am beginning to see why Gollum is seen as the perfect reflection of modern man; weak, emasculated – always wanting to please. A doormat. To be walked upon. Nay, to be trampled underfoot. We have been Gollumised. Gollumised by material things is it? The smartphone say like a fetish. Addicted to technology, to food, to entertainment, to celebrity. Not good or bad things in themselves it’s addiction is the problem.
        Boris, Rees-Mogg talk so positively about the future with more free trade, talking about the ‘sunny uplands’ after we’re free of the EU. But what we desperately need are REAL ‘sunny uplands’ in the real world, in the countryside, yes to come upon sunny uplands walking through the shires…to get back to real authentic healthy living. Then only will our strength return.

    • Sold a car to a Peaceful nearly 4 months ago on EBay.

      Wanted to test drive before parting with the cash, said ok if he could prove he had insurance.

      Turned up with his father and and a Peaceful friend who was a mechanic.

      Gave me their word they had insurance but nothing in writing so I drove each of them individually on the test drive.

      Car working perfectly, all three commented how great the car was running. I said it was a high performance engine that required super unleaded petrol. Guy buying the car asked if he could use normal unleaded, I said NO, as per the advert must use super unleaded.

      Three months later contacts me about the cars problems. What problems I asked? Engine misfiring and gearbox.

      Politely told him never had engine misfire or gearbox issues and that there was nothing wrong with the car when he bought it, that the car is nearly 10 years old and that had he have wanted a warranty should have gone to a dealer and paid much more for it.

      Asked why I sold it cheap. Similarly asked him why he tried to offer me less than he had already bid if cheap.

      Explained that he bid for it several times on something called an auction, and that his bid (whilst below what I expected) was the highest bid abd under the terms and conditions I had to accept the bid as no reserve.

      He contacted me again today asking me about why I hadn’t told him about the problems with the car. What, the ones that were clearly not there when he bought it nearly 4 months ago?


      • I hope you gave him a receipt stating sold as seen?

        Then you tell him one final time it was running fine when he bought it and you ferried the cunts around so they know it was fine!

        Then tell him to fuck off.

      • Yep. Sold as seen and as described in advert.

        Told him twice to fuck off.

        Unfortunately had no option but to sell to him as highest bidder on EBay auction.

      • I agree with every one here. I’ve had dealings with these cunts. Just tell him to fucking sling it. They are very weak.

      • Never have business dealing with them Willie. Knew what you was going to say before I got to the end of post.
        Hes trying it on mate, tell him to get fucked the cheeky cunt.
        Wont work for them, definitely wont have them work for me! Dont buy off them dont sell to them.
        Known for taking the piss with self employed tradesmen, know loads of lads who are of same mind, I’ll go without rather than deal with them.

      • Don’t Fuck around arguing with him, Willie. Tell the Cunt that you’ve spoken to your nephew/son/brother who is a Traffic Division Officer and is interested to hear the details. I’ve had remarkable success using variations of this tactic .
        The Cunt’ll have been using it as an unlicensed minicab probably.

      • Exactly! As mr fiddler says, call his blufff, ask him for documentation and he’ll get nervous,
        Tell him somethings flagged up to do with his insurance

      • A fact that no members of my family will sell anything to anyone who appears to be a peaceful. Not worth the hassle. Life to short to get caught up in their cuntery re, money back, item faulty and so on. Basically suspected peaceful item already sold, no longer for sale. We would rather not sell than play their fucking games.

  11. Fuck me, I’m so ugly ( and a touch alcohol depedant) that I’ve never found a suitable partner, or got it up much. I’ve calculated I’m owed £9.5 million. Bring it on.

  12. Donald Tusk on Twitter

    Dear Boris, congratulations on your appointment. I look forward to meeting you to discuss – in detail – our cooperation.

    Well, that shouldn’t take long.

    Michel Barnier‏ on Twitter

    We look forward to working constructively w/ PM @BorisJohnson when he takes office, to facilitate the ratification of the Withdrawal Agreement and achieve an orderly #Brexit.

    Hopefully also not a long meeting.

    But who knows what nutcase Boris has in store.

    • EU can sense their plan to trap us with their vassal state ‘agreement’ starting to come apart…

  13. Did anyone have Rutger “Bladerunner” Hauer, in the deadpool?

    He passed away after a short illness aged 75.

    • Gutted! Liked him, cool as fuck in blade runner, that speech he gives as dying, nearest i get to poetry appreciation

      • Likewise Miserable.

        Seemed to remember reading that he came up with that live himself, instead of the original script.

        The best bit of the film IMO.

  14. Laura Kuntsberg didn’t look too happy on the tea time news.
    Two possibilities ….
    She’d farted and followed through ….
    She doesn’t like Boris ……
    The sneering , narrow backed , thin lipped ,skeletorial hag.
    Cheered me up no end.
    Get To Fuck.

  15. I must say, this hot weather is a bit of a disappointment , I was hoping for it to pep up the Dead Pool .
    Perhaps tomorrow will bring about an Extinction Level Event , wiping out loads of nom’s .
    There’ll be more than a few of them looking a bit peaky in this weather.
    Evening all.

    • Might be a idea to fire me in the deadpool, hate this fuckin weather, humping furniture up flights of stairs all day, dehydrated, head pounding, piss looks like tea, proper feeling sorry for meself today, hoping for snow, always happier wi bit of groundfrost in a morning!

      • I drink loads of water and wear a Jap style jungle cap.
        So debonair
        Oh yeah.

      • Jungle Lemmy style hat for me. Sweating like a parky on a gang rape charge. Saying that, they don’t seem to give a flying fuck. Better than Stan innit

  16. Boris talks a good fight, but so did Audley Harrison. Anyone who lived in London when he was Mayor knows he can’t be trusted…….not a fucking inch.
    I reserve my judgement…….seeing is believing where Johnson is concerned.

  17. That David Mellor was on sky news earlier, jesus! Not seen him for ages, was shocked! His heads fuckin massive!
    Surprised his neck can hold it up, like frank Sidebottom!
    Got long hair n collarless shirt on like hes in the moody Blues, the daft cunt.

    • Mellor should grow a Zapata moustache. Then he would look like a cool cunt who had grown old rather than an old cunt trying to look cool.

    • At a party in the early 90’s and got talking to a couple of delectable females in the kitchen and I cracked a joke about that oleagenous toe-jobbing fuckwit and his kiddy-fiddler’s haircut… silence… turns out they were dancers at the Royal Ballet and Mellor (being Culture Secretary at the time) spent inordinate amounts of time there simply and specifically to ogle the new intakes. Creepy looking cunt certainly fits the template. I long expected to see this fucker trawled up in Operation Yew Tree and splashed across the press.

  18. Watched the coverage of BoJo heading along the Mall to see HRH, a group of greenpeace wankers trying to block his car, the police soon shifted the cunts.

    SO WHY THE FUCK dont they shift the extinction cunts when they are blocking roads used by Joe Public.


  19. Great to see Priti Patel boiling libflake piss to the maximum…
    Wonder what she’d look like in a saucy maid’s outfit, brandishing a ticking stick?…

  20. And on tonight’s Star Trek, the Enterprise has a new leader in Boris…

    ‘Piss boiling to maximum, Captain…’

  21. Treasa May harping on about little girls can now see a female prime minister so there are no limits to what they can achieve, or some bullshit like that. Ever heard of Maggie Thatcher, you myopic, pavement-inspecting, useless fucking cow?

    • Forgot to add; with a face like one of Archibald McIndoe’s guinea pigs. (WW2 aircrew shot down in flames – McIndoe was a pioneering plastic surgeon in case you’ve not heard of him).

      • No, no no…. Theresa Iscariot, look here…
        Little girls need protection from grooming gangs of peaceful and eurogyppo human filth… Something you failed to provide both as Home Secretary and Prime Minister…

        Also, A standing ovation for three years of duplicity, treachery, and failure?! She should have been frogmarched out of the chamber and thrown in the Thames…. The Judas cunt…

  22. Well she proved that Steptoe couldn’t even beat a useless, traitorous sack of shit like herself.
    That’s worth knowing and very reassuring.

  23. Those Grauniad cunts at it again….
    Priti Patel’s record on human rights prompts ‘extreme concern’…

    Errr didn’t those cunts at Grauniad Towers laud and arselick the Gorton Globetrotters for winning the league and cup double? You know, the ones owned by a Gulf facsist regime?…

    And is Prit Patel the only cabinet minister in British history worth having a ‘Sherman Tank’ over?… Can’t think of another one…

    • The fact that the shit-rag still exists, despite its ever-shrinking readership, is an extreme concern for me.

      Add names to numbers and you’d have the faces of the Marxist minority wreaking the current hegemonic cultural havoc in our society.

      The Salem witch trials were 300 years too early.

  24. Mocking those genuinely disabled. What a shower of shit.

    A bit like their annual report that eating too much processed meat gives you cancer.

    Nobody gives a fuck.

  25. Stupid lefty cunts at the who. The very organisation who declared trannies are not mentally ill, when it is perfectly clear they are. Ironic, coming from doctors, huh?

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