The Stansted 15

I would like to nominate the so called Stansted 15 for a cunting.

These liberal snowflakes are cunts of the highest order. They are the poster pin ups of cunts that exist today. These leftist, middle class, snowflake twats think that they are heroes saving the world and in the process preaching about the injustices for these criminals who have not contributed to our society. These idiots decided to hold up a flight deporting criminals and faced charges of terrorism and found guilty although they escaped prison I wonder why. The judge who sentenced them was also a cunt. Because of there fucking actions it has resulted in the delay of deporting Foreign criminals such as rapists and murderers. There response is that they would have been at risk Of persecution if they were sent back. What about their victims? It would have been good for these cunts to be locked up in the multicultural prison so they can experience the dregs of society. But no the judge feels they have suffered enough and understood their plight.

These cunts feel that they did the right thing and worryingly there are a number of deluded snowflake cunts who agree. Look at the picture of them posing after the court case. One of these cunts says that history will vindicate them. If only we had a time machine so we could erase these fuckers.

Read the daily mail article for full details.


Nominated By Jason

42 thoughts on “The Stansted 15

  1. Nice cunting. I totally agree, they stuck there collective noses in to business that was not theirs to interfere with. The twats being deported were utter, utter scum. I wonder if just one of these boneheads gave any thought at all why the cunts were being deported. We aren’t known for deporting willy-nilly. A waste of daddies spunk, every one of the smug looking bastards. Typical self entitled pricks of the highest order. They should have locked all of them up, for a decent time. And beaten them with rubber hammers.

  2. Bunch of thick as pig shit snowflake fuckers that deserve to be incinerated in one of their beloved flatbread ovens.

  3. I see the Daily Mail names these cunts.

    One of them describes herself as an “anarchist baker”.


    • Anarchist baker? Haha
      Does she tell the bread to ‘rise up!’
      Im a fascist baker…GET IN THE OVEN!!
      My gingerbread men are the stormtroopers of confectionery,
      And i use marzipanzer icing!

      • Gingerbread person of a neutral biscuity consistency actually Miserable, this is 2019.

      • Sorry! Thats what i meant.
        Gender neutal gingerbread products of no specific sexuality.

      • Gingerbread persons identifying as Eccles cakes condemn straight gingerbread (non-ginger) na*is.

  4. The legal process that is carried out before any foreign criminal is deported is thorough and biased in favour of the criminal and yet these cunts feel that they are so important that they know better than those involved in the original decision. This belief is reinforced by their lenient sentences. I only hope that those who are inconvenienced by these cunts decide to sue for damages. That will wipe the smile from their holier than thou smug mugs.

  5. Most of them look as though they could do with spending their money on improving their appearance, especially the one on the front row, first from left.
    Get yourself a nice haircut lovey instead of relying on mummy placing a pudding bowl on your head.

      • Sorry where are my manners Good Afternoon BSC . Dame Vera would have been proud of them.

      • They look like a book club or choir, youd hate them on sight even if not the ‘stanstead 15’ especially that cunt with the curly hair an scarf, tom bakers love child…cunt

      • Afternoon Wanksock. Yeh, that perv behind her trying to eat his scarf is about to make a move on her.

      • No I think it is the baldy bastard with the faux-fur collar on his coat. He has a look of great concentration and from the smile on her face he might be giving her a fingering.

      • Check out the guy wi beard top right, hes wearing a hat but can clearly see his horns poking through!
        Its that old mischief maker his satanic majesty himself…lucifer!!👿

  6. If they weren’t doing this they would be blocking town centres with the ER cunts or marching against Trump, Brexit, Johnson.
    Identikit cunts have landed near me to stop building on a small gas fired power station, which is in sight of over 80 wind turbines. Turbines that are useless when the wind doesn’t blow and back-up is needed.
    Ship the fuckers to Somalia..

  7. Usual collection of soy boys, vegans, lezzas and/or non binary weirdos and middle class thumb sucking trust funders. Probably describe their living as an ‘activist’ which is snowflake bullshit speak for “I have a useless degree and am unemployable in the real world”.

  8. Bunch of fockers..
    If I had my way I’d bum them all with my foot long truncheon.
    Then sew them all together making a liberal centipede and lock them in my cellar and throw away the key.

  9. Racist cunts. Rarely have I seen so many hideously white faces in one place.

  10. If these Cunts represent the future we are well and truly fucked.
    What this photo needs is guards with alsations, barbed wire fences, a shower block and a chuffing chimney.
    I was going to say camp guards but I got a vision of John Inman in SS regalia, which was a bit disturbing.
    Get To Fuck.

    • Yeah look better in black n white and on ‘the world at war’. Admittedly

  11. The blonde woman in the middle of the picture looks as though she’s just wet herself and realised she’s forgotten to wear her Tena pad.

  12. With all the high alert for terrorist attacks cutting through a fence on and airport and then not only trespassing but ‘endangering an airport’ this bunch of cunts should have been looked up for years.
    The justification they claim does not outweigh the crime they committed, letting these cunts off is a fucking disgrace.

    Its hard to pick one out as the biggest cunt but my vote goes to the beard on the back row, he looks extremely weird.

    15 CUNTs!!

  13. Bunch of rich, privileged, posh pricks so desperate to be heroes. Their posh parents gave them money instead of attention so they crave it in their adulthood.
    A couple of years in prison would sort these hopeless cunts out. But once again the privilege they were born with kicks in.
    A pity for Tommy Robinson (real name Yoko Ono Lennon) that he doesn’t have the same connections.

  14. Only white liberal twats could want Nigerian murderers to remain in the UK. Black people want the cunts out like right-thinking white people, primarily because when the cunt kills again it’s most likely to be another dark key that’s the victim.

    The punishment for these terrorists should be a flatshare with the rapists and murderers they so desperately want to remain among us.

  15. One of these creatures claims to be an expert in ‘alternative economics ‘ . I have never heard of this activity but I assume that it is akin to ‘alternative swimming ‘ i.e. drowning.

  16. “Alternative Economics” means spending Mummy and Daddy’s money. These cunts are the leading exponents of the subject.

  17. Just look at the fucking state of them! You can tell by looking at their eyes, that not one of the miserable cunts knows how to wipe their bum properly.
    Filthy stinkies.

  18. The root cause of all this shite is that fucking useless politicians hide behind 6000000 laws rather than just deport the dirty cunts that commit the fucking awful crimes in the first place
    Legal aid for Mr Rashit and Dr Umbongo? CUNTS
    Fuck right off
    PS:run those smug cunts over with a tank twice

  19. We’ve got Ned Flanders front and centre, holding onto Velma from Scooby Do.

    Oh and a young, baldy Corbyn on the far left wing… literally!

    Cheap shots I know, but couldn’t resist… especially as none of them appear to have ‘real’ jobs. I mean – ‘anarchist baker’, give me a fucking break….

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