Strong, Independent Women.
I know we’ve touched on this modern day Emperor’s Clothes with recent excellent nominations on ‘Killing Eve’ and ‘Women’s Football’, but I think a more direct cunting on this whole phenomenon is worth exploring.
Championing the power of women is merely one of the many aspects of the leftist pandering zeitgeist, and this particular bullshit concept is being spoonfed to each of us by the fucking ladle. The medium of both TV and film is being systematically hijacked to indoctrinate us all that women are strong, women are doing it for themselves, women are powerful, women don’t need men and women can handily outwit/outhit/outlast any man who dares to cross them.
I recently had the misfortune to see the trailer for the upcoming new shitshow ‘Batwoman’, also known regionally as ‘Batma’am’ or simply ‘Batcunt’. They’ve cast a classic soycunt, avec short hair and lesbian backstory, who in the trailer, utters the truly fucking laughable line “I’m not about to let a man take credit for a woman’s work’. Right. Just let that one, in context, sink in.
On a more real-world level, I have worked with countless women in my job. And it is incredible how many of them are clueless, technically inept, overcompensating loudmouths who truly believe that they can hide their blatant deficiencies behind alternating boorish management speak and meek victimhood, until they are rescued from the deep end by the life-line of maternity leave.
Sister fucking dearest was exactly one of these ‘strong, independent women’; right up until she married a successful dentist and never went back to work after giving birth. Such fucking courage and empowerment!
Where’s the strong, independent woman when the waiter leans in with the post-dinner cheque?
Where are the strong, independent women when they need a seat on public transport after a few weeks of pregnancy?
Where are the strong, independent women when they fly into an hysterical, apoplectic shit-fit because someone says a hurty word at them?
And just where are all the strong, independent women when it comes to equal bin-collecting, coal-mining and hod-carrying opportunities?
This is more than just a source of irritation. It is an extension of third-wave feminism writ large – thanks to the current victimhood witch trials. It is also damaging to society on all fronts. Roles suited to males being shifted towards women because talk of this imaginary ‘strength’ has been repeated often enough that it is being believed. I have lost count of all the reports and videos I have seen of female police officers being severely overpowered and utterly ineffective during demonstrations or acts of crime.
God fucking knows how wars will turn out, having both women, bumsteads and trannies on the fucking frontline.
Cunts. Absolute fucking shitcunts, one and all.
Nominated by The Empire Cunts Back
Excellent cunting, TeCB.
I am female and I agree with this cunting. I know very few well adjusted females. The worst thing about these plastic feminists is the way they try to claim any woman that is sensible and capable. I take great delight in telling the cunts to Fuck Off.
My Gt. Aunt (1899 – 1980) had studied art at one of the London art colleges, but never made an inordinate song and dance about it; she was also a great wife to my great-uncle, but she was fun to be around, but given the generational gap, she was a bit more “at a remove” than my Gran. But I respected her enormously.
Sadly, a breed that has all but died out,,, I think she secretly thought her husband’s famous comment “bastard vermin scum” on many occasion, even if she didn’t utter it !
I absolutely fucking hate all this superhero women shite. It’s every fucking film now.
Some women are strong and remarkable, but not many.
Superb cunting, TECB.
And very prescient as I was reading in some shit rag yesterday, I cannot remember which, that it has been seriously mooted that all future astronauts should be wimmin as men are useless for the job as they weigh too much and eat too much food.
Of course it’s forgotten that Gargarin, Armstrong, Aldrin, etc were men. No, they just usurped the rightful place of women in space.
I’d like to see women in space, with their periods, handbags, makeup and chick lit. There’s no maternity leave in space, dearie. And I bet with a whole universe of space to occupy they’ll still manage to invade some bloke’s space with their personal clutter and vacuous chatter.
And remember dearie, in space no one can hear you moan.
Fuck off.
Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman to go into space. In 1963 she spent three days in space and orbited Earth 48 times in her space capsule Vostok 6. Naturally she was a Commie and looked like a bloke.
All Russian women look like blokes. Most of them shave and lift weights.
Check out Pornhub* MMCM, they’re not all like that.
* Other purveyors of Russian filth are available.
I will take a look Ruff Puff, solely in the spirit of academic research, you understand.
The only Russian woman I had experience with some years back was quite hard assed and complained my cock wasn’t strong enough. The reason for that is she scared the willies out of me.
Bulgarian I think he meant to have said
Yeah theyre fuckin minging ruskie birds eh? A lot look like eddie Yates for some reason?!
“In space no one can hear you moan”…
Ha ha ha…. ?
Was the Soviet dog in space a bitch ?
Just thinking aloud… Maybe it fetched their slippers, and daily copy of Literaturnaya Gaz’eta.
For some reason, I read thet as “….felched their slippers”……
While Neil Armstrong was training to go to the moon his wife naturally was nagging him to not bother with all that frontier-pushing exploration nonsense and stay at home looking after the children. THAT’S the reality of womanhood. If it was left to them we’d still all be living in africa.
I think it is a wankfest for the labour party especially – the soy boys, the self-hating male feminists, and of course the old cunts of Labour wimmin – forever smiling through and battling on when they get found out fiddling their expenses, or when the old man rents wank videos on the expense account. The silly bitch who complained about the price of jamrags, even though she “earns”? £79,000 a year, the daft trollop Stella Creasy who was well and truly cunted yesterday, and of course the macho antics of Jess Bulldyke Phillips, the comedy gift that keeps on giving.
Some are strong, physically and/or mentally, some aren’t. Same with men.
I told my daughter that she needs three main tools in life: Be tough, be conscientious, and be smart. Yes, try to laugh at life, be polite, etc. but have these attributes and learn to endure hardships.
The current tv/film obsession with strong female, weak male rapidly became old but they’re resolutely, tenaciously persevering with it. They’ll eventually alienate all men except the ones who like this junk.
These films also give the impression that men in general are weak. Hospitals should prepare for increasing numbers of strong women attending A & E with flat noses and/or multiple contusions.
I wonder if it’s better for a woman to have a role-model of Super-Duper-WonderCatBatWoman Marvel…or Theresa fucking May.
“The second female Prime Minister but cerrrrtainly not the last.” Oh fuck off you useless bag of shit.
There’s something to be said for a powerful being being stable but in (massively not powerful) TM’s case it was less stable, more inert.
Here’s one to get the piss boiling……
Fuck Off.
Drove through an area called Kintessack or Kuntysack!
She bangs on about her benefits but can afford a motor and plenty of booze too. And “She’s is not a UK citizen so cannot claim benefits and if she loses her licence today, she could become homeless.”
But she’s a woman – so clearly she’s independent and strong. So fucking man up…. oops, I mean “woman up!”
Smells like clickbait.
The idea of women fighting wars is not such a bad one. Inevitably it should lead to fewer casualties. It would probably be fought out in the paintball arena.
Another one bites the dust.
Casualties on both sides? Four broken fingernails and one sprained ankle.
The Kurdistani women do it, and make sure the Jihadist nuts know they’re losing to women.
I presume then that the old maxim of “Women and children first”, when shit hits fans (or icebergs) such as planes about to crash or boats about to sink, is not only sexist, but also out of date and no longer relevant to modern “independent and strong women”!
They can therefore, fend for themselves like everyone else!
Great cunting.
It’s fucking laughable. I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve watched a film or tv programme and a 90 pound, skinny little girl starts kicking shite out of some 200 pound marine type….
Yea right.
Anyone that believes that shit is due for a terrible shock if anything happens to them in the real world.
….probably why these soppy antifa dykes and soy boys think they can fight.
Fined £270 and banned for 5 months
The very very minimum in Scotland to the best of my knowledge being over the limit ( as in just ) is 12 month ban and a fine of over £500
My m8 was over the new limit and under the old one
14 months and £540 fine
The fucking sherif / judge should be imprisoned firstly and the Swedish hound jailed , fined then deported
Just absolutely fuck off
A couple of years ago a review of women in the criminal justice system basically proclaimed that women only end up in trouble because of men and it’s never actually their fault so should always be treated leniently. I’m surpised she didn’t get off scot-free…
I’ll get my coat.
Oh while I’m at it where’s all the wimminz brickies , Plumber’s , road workers etc etc
Women farriers as well CC
Slaughterhouse work.
You’d better watch out Miles…
To be fair RTC, I must point out that she did not practise Halal slaughter in any way.
If you look at her photo in the link, you can tell she is a real stunner!
An example of one too dedicated her job RT. She just made the mistake of taking her work home.
If my income goes much lower that ‘choice cuts’ diagram could come in handy.
Yes, lack of F farriers is really bizarre, when the female Pony Club obsession is so widespread (my mother was still “at it” in her 50s).
Also, given the female obsession with footwear, I’m very surprised there aren’t a lot of gurlz with an interest in horse shoes.
I can think of quite a few gurlz who’d look quite something, all hot and sweaty in a big leather apron…
Are us chaps allowed to eat special K or is it now just the food of rug munchers and empowered ladies, the ads seem to suggest so.
Special K? I always took you for a 3 Shredded Wheat man Civvy Dog.
In my youth Ruff, struggle to get the stuff out of the box now, not enough oestrogen coursing through me just a man after all .
Absolutely superb cunting. Sick to the back fucking teeth of ‘strong wimmin’ characters on virtually EVERY tv show/advert. Worked with a ‘strong woman’ the other week. So fucking strong she couldn’t lift a fucking pensioner over the lip of a door-frame on our carry chair out to the ambulance. I just shot her a look of contempt and wheeled the old biddy over the door-frame backwards. By myself. Same standards as men? My fucking arse. The vast majority I’ve worked with, no problem, but, some, usually the loud-mouth prissy types, as much use as a sunroof on a submarine.
And why do women tennis players still play 3 sets while the blokes have to play 5, and all for the same prize money?
Either they go up to 5 or the blokes down to 3. Equality should work both ways
Yes you don’t see woman footballers play 60 minutes
Or cricketers 2/3rds of the over rate required.
I see the BBC have Coco the clown as a replacement for that cheating black person of dubious testosterone levels.
Christ after 15 years of williams sisters wank we’ll now get 15 of coco puff and how inspitrational she is a role model to young blacks blah blah blah.
Remember when old hag Judi Dench with her wrinkly face and raisin-like tiny eyes became M in the Bond films? The start of all this strong wimmin shit. Mind you Daniel Craig was such a wimpy 007 that even this raddled banshee could boss him about.
Excellent cunting. Most woman Ive worked with moan about anything, bitch about anybody, are lazy, and then play the emotional card if you dare challenge them or offend them.
Fucking nuisance the lot of them. Cunts.
Fuckin brilliant cunting!!!!!!
This is classic… Mercilessly savaging those Jamiroquai cunts…–zvqGDw
Wrong thread… Fuck..
Wrong channel Norman. This is the ‘free from licence fee’ one!
pissed again, Norm?
Silly old cunt
??? Brilliant Norman, when comedy was worth watching.
Brilliant cunting, and another illustration of the West killing itself with nonsense. Just now on radio four, more wimminz propaganda, this time whining about women being sent to prison. The usual even handed debate the beeb does so well, where everyone agrees with said topic. They reckon that women should never be sent to prison, as it does them too much harm, and there is too much emphasis on punishment rather than rehabilitation. So much for equality when it comes to justice. Get fucked.
And what is one of the principal causes of female imprisonment??? well fuck me it’s failure/refusal to pay the BBCunt’s fuckin’ licence fee! who’da thunk it? I didn’t catch that particular bitching session but was that inconvenient fact broached at any point during the discussion?
They have a point
Women have been weaponised, they are now the foot-soldiers of the coming N.W.O. They glory in order obeying and filling out forms. They will be artificially promoted into all positions, way above their skills, and not based on merit, so they can puropsely turn everthing to shit. Men built the west and made it one of the safest places for women and children. Radicalised and militant women will be the ones to take the west down, rotting it from the inside out. Only when the diseased cultural Marxist system has corrupted itself and the laws that are being implemented to protect women fail, will the natural order of things take over again. The damage that might be done until such a time arises, is incalculable. And as with all well-funded ideologies, I believe it will all end in massive blood-shed and misery.
This cunting is absolutely fucking glorious. Well-written, funny and above all, the truth. Bravo, TECB, bravo.
Plenty of these strong wahmen about, we’re told.
The media depictions are as stupid as ever. The real strong women of films were both in Jim Cameron films; Sarah Connor and Ellen Ripley. However, they still needed men (or machines) at some point.
Nowadays it’s so unrealistic it is dangerous. Only today i watched an interview with the evolutionary psychologist Geoffrey Miller who described his encounter with a female black belt in taekwando. He was only a green belt at the time and was told, ‘ she can handle herself’. Miller roundhoused her and knocked her flat out. He felt terrible as he assumed she would parry the blow in some way.
Surprisingly it turns out women’s bodies aren’t really built to take blows to the head.
As for hod-carrying. Most modern men cant manage that. It hurts their girly shoulders. Luckily i was twenty two when i started to do that and as fit as a butcher’s dog.
Nowadays i’m a fat cunt.