
Redundancy at the age of 61 is a cunt isn’t it? My fellow cunters some advice on options please. Do I

1 Become a dole bludger? Not that I’d get anything off the cunts
2 Retire? being at home all day with She Who Would Like To Be Obeyed No
3 Part time job? My favored option
4.Be a good boy, go in the job centre and do as the nice cunt behind the desk tells me? Or adopt a devil may care attitude, if I don’t like the answers tell them hate crime/coffin dodger phobic get the manager, kick him in the cunt when he/she /it arrives?
5 Tell them knees giving out, can’t really do the job I want, you want me to work retrain me Bitch/SJW Cunt. I want something more sedentary, not kneeling down installing smart meters for two hours at a stretch, four times a day.

After the last never to be forgotten appearance at the job centre in 2001 when I had what can only be described as a complete CUNT interviewing me, who was physically incapable of listening to what I was saying. Interview ended with me calling her a CUNT telling her to go fuck herself and walking out. With her shouting you won’t get any dole money, I responded with a reverse Churchill aka a V sign and a dignified retreat, went to an employment agency started the next day.

Nominated by CuntyMort

50 thoughts on “Redundancy

  1. Sell your body. If that’s too much, how about sell your voice for talking dirty to chicks on 0800 numbers. Another alternative that is quite dirty, 1 webcam, various ‘self pleasuring’ sessions and take Mastercard or Visa. You get the idea. Look it doesn’t matter if you are a bit older, there’s a market for everything.

  2. Some excellent ideas above, and if my employers eventually find out that they are mainly paying me to contribute occasionally to ISAC, many worth considering. I’ve worked past retirement (a) because I took virtual retirement at 25, and spent a while doing pretty well what I pleased, as long as it kept food on the table – figured life would be shit anyway later, so do it while you can. I then got some education at 50, and I’ve been doing a proper job since. At least, that is what I tell my employers. I imagine that given the job market for over-70’s, if they stop believing me, it’s going to be voluntary work only, and I’ll have to force myself to do this in order to maintain my sanity and whatever is left of my health. Also, the contacts may be useful. Like others here, my savings are not enviable.

    But I see no-one has yet suggested influencing. We’ve cunted a few influencers here, and it’s a lovely scam. You set up YouTube, Twatter and Fuckbook accounts, and are paid, by people trying to sell stuff, to pose as a member of the general public while demonstrating their cheap Chinese knockoff tat and collecting what I believe are termed followers. The more followers, the more the grateful company pays. You can even become a celebrity. You can even attract the righteous contempt of ISAC if you play your cards right. I’m not considering this myself as I have the definitive radio face, but I’m sure the twinkly grandpa/uncle type could do very well around Christmas.

  3. Cuntymort, sorry to hear your predicament. Just do what you feel comfortable doing. I’m been their too, pal. Unless your a certain religion( have a guess which one????) you won’t get any help of the Department for Wankers and Pricks. Being white and working class, we’re fucked with the system we have. Hope you find something soon.????

  4. Old fuckers like you should be allowed to retire 61 and working full time your employers have done you a favour.
    Get on the sick ASAP before someone beats you to it If they give foreigners benefits they should give oldies benefits at least they have paid their national insurance contributions Retirement age should be brought down to 60 not up to 66 and soon 70

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