Pikey signage


    and we do a side line in clothes pegs.

Lots of these popping up where I live, abandoned smart cars parked on verges in full pretend company livery.

Box sided trailers chained to lamp posts or stuck on roundabouts, same old free phone numbers, same old local number (same one as another company that had shit reviews last year any way)

so the question is, if 90% of your work comes from recommendations why do you have to stick these shitty signs everywhere, and when are you going to move that car you dumped at the junction?

Nominated by Pants stripe

73 thoughts on “Pikey signage

  1. Yet another example of intolerance shown towards our traveller friends. They’re not sitting around in their caravans living on benefits, they’re out there doing their best to earn an honest living. They are fine people. Some of them are good boxers.

    • Yep, they are salt of the earth…..

      ……stealing bottle upon bottle of baby milk and packets of nappies from an NHS hospital children’s ward and hiding them in the bottom of their baby’s pram before being discharged.

      That is a true ‘honest living’ if ever I heard of one.

      • Re boxers, remember Brad Pitt – one of the world´s most overrated actors and a smug jerk of massive proportions – playing a gypsy boxer in one of those Guy Ritchie films? His “Irish” accent was the worst I have ever heard. He sounded like a drawn-out fart in the bath. I wonder who his “dialect coach” was.

      • Just seen Aileen Foster on Sly News. Fuck me she looks like a very ugly bloke ?

      • She looks like a 70s style comedian to me, put a dickie bow on her, frilly shirt and velvet jacket.. Paddy goes in a pub got a crocodile under his arm…

      • Never heard her play RTC, but if you turned up on a blind date a mate had fixed up and it was her, youd be fuming wouldnt you? Shes got 5 oclock shadow!
        Is she a tuppence twiddler do you think?
        Never seen mr foster, imagine at wedding he asked her to leave the veil down.

      • I mean she rocks politically MNC. We could do with her ilk in 10 Downing Street.

        Not a tuppence twiddler apparently:

        ‘Arlene Foster has three children by her husband Brian : Sarah, George and Ben. In 2008, she was recognised as Assembly member of the year at the Women in Public Life Awards.’

      • Knew what you meant really RTC, being daft, yeah shes a strong politician and loyal to us, dont dislike her just think shes bit butch.
        Shes straight? Jesus! Genuinely shocked!
        Haha poor old Brian!!!
        Drunken Arlene lookin for love pissed up after orange march,
        “Be gentle with me my love….

      • Aileen Foster can get to fuck along with the rest of northern Ireland they need to grow up and realise they’re Irish not British. They should unite and it’d be one huge problem off our backs. To not want to be part of a country because they’re catholic and we’re protestant COMPLETELY different is medieval thinking.

      • So you would be happy to be called Scottish or Welsh then shagawotZ ? Why don’t you fuck off you silly cunt. Ulster Protestants are more fucking loyal to Britain than you will ever be, so do one you complete and utter CUNT.

      • Why the fuck should Englanders support the union financially when the welsh and scots have got nothing good to say about us or britain? And the union between Britain and northern Ireland is simply an unnatural one, the protestants just hate the catholics on sectarian grounds but they’re their countryman, where the fuck else are catholics and protestants still squabbling like these lot?

    • I am sure you say this as a wind up, Any way working at a builders merchant we often suffer the brunt of the latest influx.
      A recent ploy has been “gutter cleaning £25” great next thing you know you have a couple of kids on your roof ripping up your ridge tiles, telling you the mortar bed is gone and they can fix it for £6,000 cash.
      The local roofer was chased off and had to wait a month to do the repairs caused by the damage the gang had caused, total cost was around £500.
      We had the disappearing car, the novel story where they removed a drain cover, put a sheet of ply over it, tarmacked over that and a few years later the ply gave way.
      Some of the amazing drive ways that they have done, who needs geotextile or footings? they don’t your driveway is done at premium pace at premium price (3 days) and falls apart in 4 months.
      all in all no comebacks, I think its quite a justified nomination.

    • Please if you’re not taking the piss, i invite you to come and stay in cumbria next may and june whilst pikey week (appleby fair) is on, because i can guarantee you there is always at least one reported rape and arrest, countless acts of vandalism, violence, animal cruelty and motorbikes, farm equipment and other machinery get pinched by these fuckers.

      If you are taking the piss then, haha, you’re pretty funny

      • Still a newcomer on here but iv fast learned that 99.9% of the cunters on here are taking the piss, so this is where i come to get my comic relief because it’s fucking hilarious

  2. There are loads of these in my area….some cunt has purchased some smart vans (no really) and has painted Boiler Man on them. They then proceed to park these in annoying places in the hope of getting people to call them…not fucking likely by me when you’ve just parked your illegal sign like a cunt on a dangerous junction.

    Other shit I see over and over include fucking “Polish Plumber”, “Five A Side” knucklehead teams, We Buy your House/Card/Children (I bet you fucking do, cunts), and fucking Car Boot Sales.

    Luckily, the council round here remove them pretty quickly.

  3. Hate everything to do with Pikey cunts. Scum from the minute they are born the the day they die.

    Police petrified of the cunts. In Cromer not so long ago Norfolk police pretended there was not a problem in the town despite being told so by worries locals and took the decision to hide until the nasty men had gone away.

  4. Steady on! Pikeys are a protected species and above criticism, not to mention above the law. This nomination clearly constitutes a hate crime. As such we should expect it gone by teatime.

  5. That can’t possibly be a Pikey sign in the photo. There are some tricky words to spell there and everyone is completely accurate.

    Besides, it would almost certainly have included something like “we have surplus tarmac to dispose of at low rates from a large contract up the road from you.”

    • Thing to look out for on the vans is just a mobile number.
      No landline or address on van then be careful! Also if a oirish accent give it a swerve!
      Also if theyre wearing headscarves and playing violins…

      • Oh, I don’t know. I’m rather partial to some gypsy music, especially Gogol Bordello. After they finished my drive yesterday, they treated me to a rendition of “Think locally, fuck globally. “
        I’m still waiting for the tarmac to set but they seemed like a bunch of nice guys. Mrs B got a bit worried though when they took her down to the cash machine for payment.


      • Offer great service dont they? Tarmac that never sets, at least 2in deep!
        Pegs, facia boards, palmreading, tarot read, scrap collected!
        And women say we cant multi task?
        Hope mrs Blunt was ok, and you didnt have to go round to the site, bareknuckle with ‘daddy’ to get her back?!?

      • They kept her Mnc and demanded a ransom.
        I told them they could keep her on a sale or return basis!

      • Haha yeah! Ask for a horse in exchange, keep your lawn tiptop!
        If you want her back without paying tell em shes cursed, gyppos are dead superstitious, like stevie wonder

  6. Filthy, disgusting, thieving, low life, pig ignorant, degenerate pikey scum. I would put them and the Somalis on an island and let them get on with it.
    The lowest forms of cockroaches crawling across the earth. They deserve each other.

    • I wonder why they were packed off to the East during WW2. Fucking scum of the earth.

  7. 90% of our work comes from recommendations
    No Paddy, 90% of your work comes from vulnerable old folks and corner cutting landlords who are interested only in saving a few quid.
    The other 10% comes from your poxy signs.
    Anything produced by the pikey’s is deserved of a cunting in my view. Signs, children, driveways. If it’s been done by the original victim brigade I don’t trust it.

    • Facia boards are another of the services they offer! ‘Deyre rotten mr! Yer faciaboards are rotten all the way thru! Can see it from here! Want me to get the ladders and…jesus! Dats a big dag! Wot kinda dags dat mr?
      Ikea? Akita?
      Keep it dere for fuck sake jesus!

  8. The day that they become extinct can’t come soon enough.
    Verminous Cunts.
    Get To Fuck.

  9. The most irritating thing is how television glamorises these cunts through programs like My Big Fat Pikey Wedding. These cunts pretend to be real gypsies when they are only lazy, thieving, tax dodging Irish cast-offs.

    Fuck off.

    • When it comes to these cunts and how to deal with how to deal fairly with them, was a bloke in germany had a good idea! What was his name?
      Around 1930s-40s…..

  10. I can’t understand why people still fall for it. I got a phone call a couple of years ago off a man who I’ve done tree-work for in the past. When I went to have a look,I couldn’t believe it, I was expecting some high-pruning like I’d done previously,but the trees,mature hardwoods,had been butchered. I asked him what the fuck had happened to them. Apparently he’d got some Pikies to do it on the cheap. They must have been frightened to get too high,so had just laddered up to the bowl and lashed great lumps out where they could reach. The owner seemed to think that I could reshape them. I told him that I didn’t clean up after Pikies and that if he was so cheap that he was willing to use them once,he should just stick with them.

    That’s half the trouble with the scum. People employ them to do tree-work,building,tarmacing etc.,because they think that they’re getting a bargain. They won’t,they’ll just get ripped off and the Council will get stuck with the bill for clearing up the arisings from any job that they do after they fly-tip.

    Fuck them

    • In my contrarian way I will risk saying something different about them. Which is they do actually do the work. Its just ‘the work’ itself fucking terrible. And costs more to put it right. But they do do it.
      BTW Mr Fiddler the next thread has been written by Jason. Be very careful if you contribute not to upset him and be on the end of one of his vicious repostes.

      • Pikeys again. They are thiveing and all the rest of it. But I do think they (some of them) think the work they do is up to standard. It’s just a hunch I have.
        I speak as one who narrowly missed having to pay thousands when they were trying to get rid of tarmac. Three of them intimidating my mother when I fortunately arrived and managed to stop it.

      • That fucks me off. There needs to be public awareness campaigns to let people know not to deal with pikeys don’t even give them the time of day but no cause that would be ‘hate’. And so vulnerable people continue to get scammed by these fucks.

        Same can be said about muslims and white british children. They should be taught in schools that if an older muslim tries to speak to you do not fucking get into a conversation with them, but that would be racist, so children continue to get raped by thousands of muslim men.

        It’s a culture of tolerance and apathy, where the rights of the ‘minorities’ are put above those of the vulnerable.

      • Afternoon, Miles.

        You might be a contrary bugger,but even you can’t believe that a job done poorly is still a job “done”? If I felled a tree and it ended up demolishing someone’s house,even I might hesitate to ask for full payment. I’d have still done the job…got the tree down…
        Where the Fuck is Jason? I was just starting to like him.

  11. I read an interesting piece suggesting that the true Roma Gypsies,not the Pikey scum,are The Lost Tribe of Israel.
    The Roma get lumped in with the scum…”all fucking gyppos”,but there really is a world of difference.

    • there certainly is, east European Roma are very distinctive,and they are tribal to the extent they actively fight members of other tribes.
      Last time I was in slovakia my mate took me over to see a social experiment.
      The government had housed Roma in high rise flats, well they had pretty much stripped the place, doors and windows had been removed and sold and then to my surprise a horse stuck its head out a fourth floor window (well the hole where the window used to be).
      I can give you an instance where a person I knew got a cheep service on his car, the brakes seemed a bit strange and smokey after woulds, on investigation it was found that the brake pads had been replaced with bespoke hand crafted beach wood ones.
      OH how we laughed, yes very different breed apart indeed.

      • They are similiar. The Gypsies run amok amongst the lower sections of society. The Jews run amok amongst the higher echelons.

      • Jesus miles! Told you at the klan rally, ‘time and place’…

      • No restriction on time and place with me MNC when wielding the trusty sword of truth.

  12. In Tesco yesterday two of our Irish tinker community where pushing a pram around shop as they left shop alarms went off, they went fecking mental shouting about how they were being picked on and how it was bad for their chavvy, probably would have been if they had had a pikelet in the go-kart all that was under blanket wrapped in baco foil was their swag, dirty thieving scum of the first water, totally untrustworthy vermin that should be gassed, of absolutely no benefit to the community in any shape or form, cunts to a man, woman and chavvy

  13. Hitler was right about some things.
    Sub-human vermin.
    Lebensunwertes leben, as the old squareheads used to say- life unworthy of life.

  14. having pondered this all day , (my thought for the day) I Thought back to what my Grandparents told me about their lives, one was industrial railway man and the other agricultural laborer.
    Gypsies would move from place to place taking in the harvests, seasonal work and pull the odd shenanigan (or get blamed for it)
    The current groups, well they do not do seasonal work, on a static camp the only thing that is static is the gate, yes the family who control the site who show the airs and graces of being nice.
    My experience has always been that when things get to hot, the back of the camp move on.
    The nom by pants stripe covers a local group to me, they initially seemed local, however I do not work localy, it would seem that neither do they.
    Their vehicles are spread from hampshire to surrey I have seen them coming off the turf of one family and parked up at an others, rather worrying.
    organised crime at its best but protected.

  15. I have to encounter pikeys in my line of work.
    Piss taking sense of entitlement robbing scum.
    Novachalk and Ebola for this lot.

  16. no doubt Jon Snow of C4 news thinks they are absolutely marvellous people. he’s such a nice chap isnt he?

  17. We should had the fuckers like badgers . I fucking despise pikeys. No mention yet of the van turning up on site “ Would you like to buy some Makita tools?” Whilst they are scanning the area like a recon unit. We all make sure everything of any value is removed at the end of the day. Next morning, surprise, the door has been put through and every room turned over.
    Just shoot the cunts and be done with it.

  18. Always remember the great day that Tony Martin blasted Fred Barras in the back with a shotgun. His mum said of the 16 year old thieving pokey cunt , he wouldn’t have been a thief all of his life so this is tragic. I believe at the time Barras had 29 convictions to his name. So yeah , he would have been a thief all of his life .

    • Yeah remember that, always seem surprised when someone fights back!
      Id of given poor Tony Martin a gatling gun a cash prize of £200 and a marksman trophy.

  19. “90% of our tools and materials come from other peoples vans and properties.”

  20. A G R E E D . . . these its are only good for getting electrocuted while tryn to nick power from lamp posts

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