I would like to cunt ‘ Martina Big’. Who she ? I hear you ask and up to 5 minutes ago I hadn’t heard of her either, just seen a tweet about her. She is the fucking brain dead muppet whose sole ambition is too have the biggest tits in the World. I fuckin kid you not. She looks fuckin ridiculous and she’s a cunt because she can’t see that.
Really? are fucking sure? if we are talking about the same person then I think you missed out something a little more worthy, re write your cunting or post I am a cunt 100 times before sunset or your banned!
Can I cunt Dick the Turd for either: being pissed at 09.31 or missing the true cuntitude of this fucking halfwit
Lol.all i’ve Seen is a short tweet. I can’t be arsed to re write it. So wot ever.
OK anyone else want to have a go? its worth it, a reverse Michael Jackson with a south African accent
Oh ffs I just saw the ITV appearance. Jesus h Christ. Wtf.? She should change her name to Martina Cunt. Un fuckin believable.
told you, you have struck gold, even I have never seen so much cuntishness in my life and even the presenters were a bit worried at the end
a conversation with admin, by admin
Is this martina the daft bint who got herself injected with some sort of dye to change her skin from white to black because she ‘identified’ as ‘a person of colour’?
She’s already got some pair on her, never mind making them even bigger.
Clearly a couple of slices short of a full loaf, or trying to get on the Katie Price ‘famous for being famous’ circuit.
Brownie points to you, My post would have been quicker but day admin seems to have fucked off with my glasses.
That explains a few things.
I just watched the linked video, https://youtu.be/urrXtXxGz6g
My head is going to explode.
Just fucking shoot me now !
Admin is not all, we are legion because we are many, but in approving your posts we have a little dig, to see whats what and is valid.
You are the stars of the show and your suggestions matter, they are the Bread and butter of the site, get it right and there are no comebacks.
so this is not so much about Cunting a Cunter but the subject in hand.
R1 still owes us 100x I am a cunt, but they are not banned, Admin also does stuff tongue in cheek.
enjoy the horror.
Surely a dead cert for cunt of the year? not sure why i ‘m being called a turd but i’ll just have to cope.
Fuck me Dick. It doesn’t take much working out. Cockney rhyming slang you pillock. I can see why admin have cunted you.
What the fook is all this bumfuckery about? Tits, Michael Jackson and Dick the Turd?
Has ISAC been hijacked by GCHQ?
Has Fiddler got an evil twin he keeps in the attic?
I am the evil twin.
I feel it’s some type of code and Admin is testing our intelligence to see if we understand.
I’ve failed.
in basic Morse. ATTENTION SEEKING NO BODY GETS ATTENTION IN BIZARRE WAY person nominating them misses the humongous obvious.
Agree Paul, what the fuck is this about ? I can’t make head nor tail of this nom other than a mention of some bird with big tits ????
there is a you tube link in it you blind “chap” its the blue bit.
I don’t know if its the booze, the evening sun, the drugs or the bird across the road wearing the tightest of tight Lycra shorts, but I still – after the 15th attempt – cannot make head nor tail of that nom (if it is indeed a nom?)
Either I’m on drugs or one (or all) of the admins are 🙂
I’m going to have a lie down (preferably underneath that bird across the road!)
Fucking get in there Techo.
On the other hand this post had prompted me to google Martina Big, someone I have not previously heard of.
Fuck me she’s a horror show. Looks like a cross between an Orc and Katie Price. Put me off my tea and hobnobs.
Certainly a worthy cunting.
A Black and White Cunt with the world’s biggest tits? ….I know someone who might be interested.
* This is the little Cutie….
What a lady, I wonder if she wants to come to London and let me show her around.
She would be good at Carnival as well…with those knockers she’d bounce the unwashed sweaty cunts out of my way as I make my way through the Barbarian hoardes.
I could use those tits as a platform for rolling a spliff or for racking up a few lines…I could even rest my jerk chicken on them whilst having a sip of Rum Punch.
What a useful lady.
I wonder if she is on Tinder.
She looks like someone bolted a big pair of norks onto King Willy from Predator 2…
“Prepare yasself…”
Imagine the outcry if a black person tried to make themselves white – Oh how awful and racist white people are making black people hate themselves blah blah blah.
Fuck this bitch and every freak that alters their body with cosmetic bullshit trying to be somebody they’re not. You’ll never be black, you’ll nver be a woman, you’ll never stay young forever, just be yourselves you stupid cunts becuase we don’t fucking care.
excuse me what about Michael Jackson?
Did he not start out black and die white?
There’s a rumoured Wacko biopic in the works, hot on the heels of the Freddie and Elton Bogroll ones. They’re either going to have to get different geezers for different times, or do the mother of all make-up jobs. Should be worth seeing for that alone.
Michael Hutchence started out white and died blue.
A bit like David Carradine, who was partial to sporting a polythene bag over his head.
Yes in the words of kunt and the gang. Born black died white and in between he fiddled with kids.
Indeed; he underwent a total Blackendectomy.
What the fucks going on in her nut? Looks like Diana Ross carrying Barry Whites arse! That real? She needs sectioning the puddled twat.
This is just admin having a moan about cunts who put up fucked up, nonsensical noms and are too pissed or stupid to say what they want to say. No need to cry about it, just dump the wankers.
By the way, I don’t think BIG is the lady’s real name.
I followed the nomination, R1 moaned about the body alteration to be the woman with the biggest tits but missed the totaly bizarre let me change my race to gain more attention, even for me thats a bit fucked up (unless you require benefits or housing)
yeh thats right. i’d only seen a brief tweet and no mention was made of her changing colour as well. i thought her cuntiness was confined to her idiotic tits. i was wrong. still not doin me lines though.
Apparently, she says that she is planning to move to Africa, as she wants to be with ‘her people.’
What the actual fuck?
She should be planning to move into the nearest mental health facility for some serious psychiatric intervention, as she is clearly not playing with a full deck.
Just when you think the world could not be any more bizarre……
Nah! let her fuck off to Africa!
I will give it 3 months and she’ll be back home after realising what a backward 3rd world shithole parts of Africa really are!
Guaranteed found dead with a week, robbed raped and stabbed by -her people’.
…with a healthy dose of Ebola and HIV complete with a highly decorated bushman hanging out the back of her raddled corpse.
Great. I could use a good laugh…
Yes in a mental facility she would definitely be with “her people”
I’d give her 3 fucking hours!
Hopefully, she’ll fuck off to Africa, realise it’s full of thieving useless Africunts, try to smuggle herself into Europe by sailing an inflatable banana across the med, and get eaten by a shark.
This thing’s cuntishness knows no limit…..
She can use her own inflatable raft to smuggle some immo’s in. Face down of course.
Everything these cunts do is designed to shock. Well I’ve got news for these fuckers – I’m just not shocked any more. These fuckers are the most depraved animals on earth and need to burn in hell. The end of civilisation is calling. We’re all fuckin doomed. (Written after a few sherbets)
What’s the big deal? Bargain Hunting Oompa Loompa David Dickinson has been doing this for years.
If she then wants the biggest ringpiece in the world she could have Dominic Grieve stitched between her bumcrack.
Without doubt the cunting comment of the week so far
Notice how the libtards are moaning about Nigel’s mob turning their backs on the EU anthem. “Childish” and “Disrespectful” they cry.
Aren’t these the same cunts who cheer to the rafters when American sports stars refuse to stand for their OWN national anthem? Or am I mixing them up with someone else?
Of course there is absolutely NOTHING ‘childish and disrespectful’ (disrespectful to the will of the people and the democratic process that is) about wearing lairy, yellow t-shirts emblazoned with ‘Stop Brexit’ and ‘Bollocks to Brexit’ across them.
As far as I am concerned, they can all go and fuck themselves. People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, fucking libtard hypocrites.
ISACville the truth is out there, we are all Cunts at times. I inadvertently upset B&W cunt earlier and duly felt a cunt for it afterwards.
Cunts what cunt are also accuntable.
Pass me another whore, this ones full up!
We are all people with strong but different views on things, but a lot in common, occasionally we might irk or upset each other with our comments without meaning to be cruel or malicious. Ive thick skin and dont take offence at much, and if i say anything that upsets anyone, well dry yer eyes, stiff uper lip and fuck off because i meant it!?
I am still upset…nothing a payment of £50 wont sort aaaaht. I have paypal.
Fucking hell, £50, your fucking Bono?
It’s only because it’s the regular amount he takes from his wheel clamping operation.
Wheel clamping…I know naffink abaaaaht it. Some cunt gave me a ticket the other day…its a bargain though as its only £65 paaaaahnd if paid within 14 days otherwise it goes up to £130.
Thank you Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea you cunts.
The Royal Borough has asked me to thank you for your contribution to the Grenfell Compo Fund.
Would 50p cover it?
Whats the matter with you lot?
She is a black woman in a white body…if its legal for a man to say he is a woman and go into women’s toilets etc then whats wrong with this? At least she has made some effort (probably spent a lot of money as well) to be black unlike some fat bloke who wears a skirt, announces it on twatter and its all ok.
Cmon get with the program it is 2019, if only you could all be as modern thinking and understanding as me.
I dont see you all complaining abaaaaaht him…I mean her
Now I get the rimming obsession you have
Related to Jon Snow ?
I wonder if she can swim?
Looks bouyant.
That is true B&WC if she was ‘transitioning’ then she would be lionised by the progressives but changing race is a another can of worms.
After hearing from Jason the other day I have had a long look at my horrible, backward, old fashioned attitude and realised what a cunt I am. I am now an advocate for ‘Pray away the gay’.
Good on you B&WC, everyone knows the church is a bastion of family values. A ban on suggestive foodstuffs like cucumbers, marrows and bananas, the YMCA anthem and Kylie and arseless chaps can only strengthen your cause.
Need a ban on gerbils and other rodents as well LL.
Er…I was taking the piss
The SJW’s will be in meltdown over Sharon Davies truth bomb: only a biological man and a biological woman can produce children. OMG!
Cunt stabbed to death in Battersea this afternoon. First one in 3 days. Maybe Suckdick is getting on top of the problem?
My levels of enrichment were waning Freddie.
London is still open init!
3rd world people, 3rd world problems.
For a moment there I thought you were going to say Suckdick had been stabbed to death in Battersea!
This is quite clearly the final stage of the EUSSRs long cherished goal of implementing its Genocidal Kalergi plan to replace Europes indigenous population with non whites. They’ve probably realised this is the cheapest and most efficient method- get Whitey to voluntarily transition into non whiteness.No need to flood the continent with 3rd world gimmigrants. Just make sure the “Black is Beautiful” brainwashing is applied 24/7 and then pump willing whitey full of melanin and after a few generations everyone will look like this fucking freak.
. The evil,crafty, heartless,ruthless Cunts.
What is a cunt is googling your ISAC user name. Mostly you’ll get back results linked to activity on here.
I also got a link to a porn site where a young lady apparently had sex with six dogs and ate dog Vomit.
Enough already
I googled mine and got Big Black Schlong In White Cunt, sounds like something way too debauched for me to watch.
But not to do, I suspect.
Your ones are being bookmarked BAWC- so far I’ve saved
Black Cock White Cunt
Her Sweet White Cunt Is Filled With Black Cock
Tight White Cunt Black Dick
Black Cock Hammers White Cunt
Massive Black Dick Ravages White Cunt
Fill yer boots!
Tight White Cunt Black Dick…I’m in that one…I’m banging a Scottish bird
‘Black Cock Hammers White Cunt’ is just Diana Flabbott beating Philip Hammond with a 12″ black rubber dildo.
I see the Chinks are calling us cunts now and telling us to keep our beaks out of Hong Kong. Thanks to the weak fucking wankers in the Palace of Westminster the whole world is laughing at us and nicking our dinner money.
On the other hand, given the last 3 years, I don’t think we should be lecturing foreign cunts about democracy.
Jeremy Cunt hasn’t got a great track record over UK/Chinese relations after thinking his Chinese wife was from Japan. Velly bad form old bean.
The Chinese want to be the dominant world power and they’ve never forgiven us for the opium wars. Thanks to the Clinton’s for accelerating China’s growth as a super power.
Given the opportunity China is going to fuck us so hard we won’t get up again
That’s because he’s a fucking racist…….one slit eyed cunt looks the same as any other!
Oh, wait a minute, only leave voters are racists! Nearly forgot.
What a messed up pile of cunt this now Black cunt is.
What is the world coming to, its making me wonder what the freaks of the future will be like. I honestly believe will will have part goat part humans etc.
We already have cunts like Singer Sam Smith saying he is not man or woman…and he has young fans etc.
Western liberalism will eat itself and not stop until being a freak is the preferred way of life. Its enough to make consider converting to snackbar.
Go fuck yourselves.
She turned herself black and now wants to get gigantic tits.
I’m not sure ITV giving her exposure is helping the pathological attention-seeking.
I have a thing for busty black girls but not this sort.
“I have a thing for busty black girls”
Yep nowt beats a big,juicy black mama- except maybe a big,juicy white mama.Or perhaps a sexy granny with huge tits.Sometimes a rare delight is a Chinese bird with some big uns. Not forgetting big bosomed Indian women- I’m sick I tell yer,perverted deep in me marrow,a cunt for the ages.But I really canna help it- as the pooftahs and lezzers say,I was born this way.
Black women are repulsive, doesn’t matter how big their tits are.