Commemorative Days/Weeks

Days are cunts aren’t they. Weeks for that matter. Utter cunts the lot of them.

International Friendship Day, Apple Day, Hug a Tree Week, etc. etc.

Every day or week now does not seem to pass by without some #cabw or some other snowflake witted catchphrase, or increasingly a “rule of three” dreamt up by some marketing department who have too much time on their hands coming up with this shit.

Then tirelessly repeat these phrases ad nauseam so people ignore them, and in some cases, in the example I’m about to mention, end tragically.

Take last weeks Network Rail National Safety Week. What the fuck are people supposed to do differently from any other week? Then ironically the following week, two railway workers lost their lives.

Its meaningless claptrap drivel pushed out by meaningless generational driven marketing departments who have no idea of what a real job is, because they have got a “degree”.

#cabw as you all know is catch a bus week, and I could go on with more pointless crap dreamt up by these millennial, libtard voting, brainwashed remainers who feel justified in making everybody’s lives phish peddling this rubbish.

I’ve got a named day for them, it lasts all year. Fuck off Millennial Snowflake Day. Hashtag #FOMSD.


Nominated by Speakyourmind

74 thoughts on “Commemorative Days/Weeks

  1. Stop being a cunt day would be nice. Never gonna happen but just a thought.

  2. September 15th – International Day of Democracy. Put that one in your diary EU ball sucking fanatics.

  3. Send em back week appeal?
    How about International day of punch a letterbox?
    Never get ones that appeal to me,
    Always things like winnie mandela day or gay crab month.

      • Disgusting piece of self-promotion on my part m’Lord, but I put a nomination in for that old cunt simply because she has a fucking irritating voice. I see Creasy (or should that be Stella Greasy?) is on both sides of the fence – she abhores homophobia, but she is also “pissed” (her word) about Islamaphobia.

      • I’m loving watching all that play out. The lefties have tied themselves into such knots with the iron and snackbar lovefest and watching those old chickens coming home to roost is a delight.

  4. Surely there can’t be anything more cunty or annoying than Red Nose Day? Every stupid wanker trying to be “wacky” and “off the wall.“ And if you don’t join in all the wacky fun you’re a “right misery” and a “spoilsport.”
    Fuck off, i’m not in the Boy Scouts you fucking tosser.
    I fucking hate it. And all driven by the fucking BBC. ?

    • I don’t even watch any of these cuntfests, let alone take part, and certainly don’t donate. If I’m going to have a red nose it’ll be because of a litre of gin.

  5. Terrifying Old Dears Night……otherwise known as Halloween. Not something that would normally interest me but this year there might be a twist to it………mass remoaner suicides!!
    Fingers crossed.

    • Here’s hoping. I also hope that all the slebs who say they are going to to fuck off, do so.

  6. Dry in July and Octsober FFS. The tambourine bashing temperance cunts need to mind their own business and leave me to enjoy one of the few pleasures in my life.
    One place I worked at encouraged people to bring in a cake for morning tea on pertinent holidays. I’d bring in a Victoria sponge on the 24th of May, after the ethnic women had demolished it I’d wish them a happy Empire day. The look on their faces was worth the bollocking from HR.

    • When I lived there I’d say Happy Captain Cook’s Day every January. It was funny until they started vandalising his cottage, the cunts.

    • Why? The lack of a National “Have a Wank in Public” Day has never stopped you before,has it?


      • Can’t you poofs keep your wanking in private? Its bad enough government policies appease your every wish an whim. Not to mention the pride parades and there just so happens to be a happy gay lbgtqxyz day once or twice a week

    • Having just moved next to a nature reserve, This seems to be a local problem.
      A lady dog walker reported a gentleman having a bit of “me time” behind a tree.

  7. I wanted to stage a National Fox-Hunting Day to aid Social Cohesion and allow The Townies to celebrate one of our Great Sports.

    Just think, a parade of The Great and Good…. I,of course,would lead the parade through the New-Build housing estates dressed in all my finery,tootling my horn and shouting ” Fuck Off,Plebs” as the twee,middle-management types cheered their Betters from their plastic-grass,decking and a gazebo gardens…next would come the hounds marshalled by the whipper-in ( he wouldn’t be whipping the hounds,that would be cruel.He’ll be whipping any Nigel and Cressida who get too close in their urge to touch The Master). Next would come the main body of The Hunt…assorted Landowners and Gentlemen/Ladies of leisure. We would be escorted by various Hunt followers on Quads or in Pick-Ups…mainly fit young 20 year old lads who aren’t afraid to bop the odd interfering busybody on the snout when the buggers cause trouble.
    I expect that the sight of one of the great traditional English sports deigning to visit their nasty little dwellings will have the occupants out in droves….particularly when they see their ” Tiddles” the cat desperately trying to break the feline high-jump record and get on top of their garden shed,and if it doesn’t….ah well…Great Traditions call for small sacrifices, I always say.

    The Police have refused me permission,the Cunts. How fucking typical. If I was a Dark Key,a Rump-Raider, an Ugly Lezza, a Muzza or even one of The Great Unwashed Common Herd, I bet it would be a different matter. Once again this Country is frightened to display a tradition that makes it great….it’ll be Morris Dancing next,you mark my words.

    Fuck Off.

    • Good Morning,

      Those Morris Dancing fuckers are up in arms because HMG has decided to move the May Day celebrations to 8th May to commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE Day . The MorrisDancers are cross because it will be more than a week after 1st May which is their big day.

      Q) Why are their no Jewish Morris dancers?
      A) Because you have to be a complete prick to be a Morris dancer.

  8. These days are bollocks, remembrance day?✔
    St George’s day?✔
    But beyond that im not playing,
    Bring a knife to work day
    Or running into traffic friday?
    Just ignore it, devised by people with agendas, and its never to our benefit.

    • I’m the only person for miles around who puts a flag up on St George’s day. I don’t even think the council do it, although they do fly a cunting rainbow flag when it is bender’s day.

  9. Let’s have national Kick Jo Swinson In The Cunt Day, and Bugger Dominic Grieve With A 5000 Volt Butt Plug Day

    • Whats the deal with buttplugs anyway? You stick’em up your arsehole and pull them out

      I mean I just don’t get it Is that supposed to feel good, its just like taking a strained shit or something? Krav or MPG you must have some experience with buttplugs care to weigh in on this subject?

      • Aren’t they for benders with worn-out arseholes? There must be times when needing to change your nappy would be very inconvenient.

      • If they are for benders with worn out arseholes allan, no wonder krav or Mpg don’t want to comment…

    • Or better yet take a shit in the street day /take a shit in local supermarket /take a shit out a window day hopefully onty onto another load of arseholes (peacefulls etc insert word as appropiate

  10. More modern ones that make me sick…

    Hug a Peaceful Day (gas masks not provided)
    Saint Jo Of The Blessed Cox Day
    Wimmins Day/Wiimmins March/Wimmins Bollocks and so on
    Brexit Protest Day
    Let’s Paint Everything Rainbow LGBTCUNT Day
    Slag Off Men Day (Time’s Up/Me Too/I Me Mine)

    FA Cup Final Day used to be a great one… But thanks to the cunts who run the Fuckwits Assocaition, the wimmins football clown show, Sky TV, and the greedfests that the ‘Premier League’ and the ‘Champions League’ have become, it is now next to nothing and another piece of English heritage that has been flushed down the bog….

    • With you about the bastard FA, Norm. I remember when Ipswich won the Cup back in 1978 and the build up started during Swap Shop.

      Happy days.

      Now playing fucking Burton Albion in the fucking third division on Saturday for the sake of fuck.

      • Too true, CMC… Devastated in 76 (Bobby Stokes, you offside cunt) and euphoric in 77 (Pancho and Jimmy), then gutted in 79 (Gary Bailey, you inept cunt)… Great days and great occasions…

  11. Even the great English weekend has been all but ruined… Sunday shopping is a load of cunt… If cunts run out of things over a weekend then that’s down to their own stupidity… I preferred the old shops closed and pub hours of a Sunday… Now every greedy fucker is open and scores of both English and foreign riff raff pollute towns on what used to be a peaceful (no, not that kind!) time for most hard working and decent British people…

    • So true about FA Cup. The managers don’t give a fuck about it anymore – that’s the problem.

      • The FA Cup was massive in those days… From the TV coverage to the Page 3 bird in the team colours (OK, a scarf)… It was inescapable… Now all the cunts want to do id get a ‘top four’ spot or get promoted or avoid the drop just to make more money… Glory and heroics mean nothing to these bastards…

  12. Finish every sentence with “You Cunt’ day…

    Although makes phoning my nan a bit awkward.

    “Hello nan you cunt, you cunt”….

  13. I’d like to see weekly deportation day. Much like Antiques Roadshow has a different location each week so could weekly deportation day.
    Week one Luton, week two Bradford, week three Leicester, week four Birmingham, week 5 Peterborough, week 6 Oldham………You get the picture.

    We could also have special episodes like deport a gay African back to Uganda and film his arrival at Kampala international airport after tipping off the not so LGBTQ tolerant local border police and authorities.

    We could also do immigrant drone strike as another special day where we get a lucky secondary school class down to Kent and get all the PlayStation kids to fly strike drones over the channel and attack any banana boats full of cunts with hunter killer missiles before they reach the beach.

    This could go places, I’m telling ya!

    • Croatia seem to have sorted that one, every day is kick em out day.
      Asylum, yep this way just walk down this path…
      Give them a kicking, take their cash and fuck them off back to Bosnia

      All the libtard media is crying over this, these cunts travel through ‘safe’ countries but dont want to claim asylum until inside the EU.

      Today is support Croatia Day.

    • Then there is “Sink A Refugee Rubber Boat Day” at Dover and several other Eastern Kent resorts. A summer festival but to be held on a weekly basis throughout the year.

      • National dammy.lammy is fucking racist useless fucking cunt day.


        Ole man river he just keeps fucking it up!

  14. There’s going to be a good one in Manchester in October…
    The excellent Manchester Transport Museum are having a ‘Selnec 50th Anniversary’ day…
    This will mean loads of the classic and much loved orange and white buses from the 70s… I fucking hate those ones now, with their crap logo those compulsory ‘rainbow’ hearts’ painted all over them…

    I got this nice memento from the Manchester Modernist Society this year… A nod to how things used to be… Mcr is a shadow of what is once was… Fuck Andy Burnham, the cunt…

    • r.e. Manc buses, what happened to the good old days of municipal bus colours. All councils around the country had their own bus colours. Like everything else nowadays – all fucked up beyond all recognition.

  15. I am not against wimmin having ‘wimmins days’… I just hate the never ending victimhood. whining and misandry of these swivel eyed mingers and self serving celebrislags…. Every single one of the cunts is so negative… And the way trannie freaks like Brucie Bonus,that Athletics Freak and Buggerdoff Munro are put above real women is nothing short of disgraceful….

    There should be a women’s day for real women… Ones that like a bit of a laugh, that don’t hate men, that aren’t obsessed with virtue signaling, and aren’t afraid/ashamed to look attractive… They are a rare breed these days, but I am lucky to have one in Mrs Norman…. All those box ticking/licking ‘equality’ bullshitters and knob chopper offers can fuck off…

  16. On the bright side, Movember is about to die the death as all the cunts who used to participate are permanent beardies now.

    • I fucking despise that day with a passion. Nothing brings out the cunts quite like an event appealling to the ‘lad banter’ knifeable crowd.

    • Never thought a pigeon would swipe a dog like that, but my step dad who works at a landfill/dump says hes seen a eagle swipe a cat from the ground an fly away with it didn’t believe him at first but I guess this thing happens more often then I thought

  17. I do celebrate squirrel appreciation day (January 19) every year by shooting a few greys, but how come squirrels only get a day and black history gets a month? Surely squirrels have done at least as much to improve the human condition?

    • Only red squirrels. But then I’m a biased old Marxist.

      Pot a Pigeon Year would do it for me.

    • Oh, and, on following this depressing trail , Squirrel Appreciation Day, or, aptly, SAD, is not on the 19th but the 21st. The 19th is apparently Popcorn Day.


      Mostly made up, probably by a wimminz following the failure of her pilot for a R4 “comedy” series.

      • Fuck me Mr Komodo, i’ve been appreciating squirrels on the wrong day for years now! Never can remember the wife’s birthday either.

  18. Every day is National Cunt Day in this country because every day brings forth a new National Cunt to be celebrated. In fact there aren’t enough days in the year.

    Fuck off.

  19. How about a Slap Noisy Kids week, to celebrate the good old days of corporal punishment?

  20. “Festoon a Gnome with Bacon Rind Day” from the Round the Horne radio show is still my favourite although nowadays it would be regarded as heightist and Islamophobic not to say anti-Festoonist.

  21. Oliver Plimsoles from drama group Legz Akimbo, ‘Put your self in a child’ day.

  22. Is it national young attractive lady sucking older blokes cocks at random day by any chance?

  23. These days and weeks are simply made up by stupid broadcasters because theyve given up reporting actual events. The lobby groups for certain industries and NGOs have their hand in it.

    All a load of timewasting crap.

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