An environmentally friendly, green cunting please for this democracy hating cunt, Green MP for the Brighton fairies.
Even if there was a second referendum, and even if Leave won again, this giggly cretin would still not acknowledge it:
I doubt Leave would win, given the limp wristed howls of outrage that would come from the ponces and pansies in parliament and the ever more shit-staining threats from Heseltine, Adonis, Blair and Benn, and the sight of Dame Keir pissing his drawers, but what right has this one woman “party” in Westminster got to play an old Iron Curtain dictator?
What a cretinous arsehole she is.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
She’s a libtard and libtards know best. If you vote against the libtards it’s not your fault……you have been brainwashed by the “right wing media” and the Russians. (not the Chinese obviously, that would be racist)
Therefore we’re going to complete ignore what you say because it doesn’t count.
Now get me another latte there’s a good boy.
Asked recently if Leave won again would that be an end to her campaigning to Remain, Zippy’s idiot bastard half-sister replied: “No.”
Nuff said.
If you’re suffering from sex addiction, Lucas would be the greatest cure since whacking you pan handle with a spoon. Unarguably one of the least sexiest women alive, physically and mentally.
Afternoon Ruffers.
Oh no mate, come on. I would give her one in a heartbeat if I could shut the cunt up.
If her cunt’s half as big as her mouth you’ll have your work cut out!
Would also advise you take along a roll of Duck Tape® – top-tip I got from Fred West.
‘Zippy’s Idiot bastard half sister’
Funniest thing I have heard in quite a while, absolutely spot on, its like Liam Dutton (channel 4 weather) when I see him I cant get the C’mon vauxhall corsa advert out of my head.
You’ve only got to look at the electorate that voted this crackpot in.
I’ve always considered the Greens slightly lower than the Monster Raving Loony Party. At least they know they’re having a larf. This fucking idiot expects to be taken seriously.
Her’s is the default position of most MPs, although they don’t say it. The ‘no-deal’ mantra is just another excuse to thwart the referendum. Just like the Irish border and the bullshit it brings. Too much vested interests and of course, they know best.
I should of read your comment first CC.
Great minds Sixdog.
I’m not interested what she thinks, she is a democracy denier and as such should be kicked out of Parliament. If she doesn’t accept outcomes of democratic votes she is a cunt.
Typical Green cunt, none of them can accept any other opinion because they know best.
Wacko MP for a wacko constituency and wacko city council.the greens are in denial over nuclear power and the fact we cant really do much to save the planet.
They and their fellow alarmists like the energy saving trust can take their pathetic scaremongering about drowning farm animals, advice for cutting up food into tiny bits and wanting a permanent recession. The amount of guff they produce about global warming, climate catastrophes and plastic could replace the world’s fossil fuel dependency if they could channel it through their sacred wind turbines.
What’s that permanent smile all about when really she’s obviously snarling.
Weird cunt.
This hippy dingbat is about as useful as the Irish foreign minister who today said Johnson ‘very unhelpful’ on Brexit, and risks no deal.
Fucking tinpot economy telling us what to do. Shit off.
Afternoon Captain!
Eurotrash Antoine de Caunes tribute act Michelle Barnier described Johnson’s position as “unacceptable”. Oh yeah?
Unelected cheese eating surrender monkey bureaucrat CUNT.
Is there going to be a General Election RT? Oh, please tell me there isn’t. Weeks and weeks of the same arguments dominating the news.The same arguments we had during the referendum, the same arguments we had through the three years of the negotiations the same arguments we’ve had during this Tory leadership. The same arguments intensified again for another 6 weeks with rallies, debates and interviews the same arguments and the by the end the thing won’t be resolved even then.
Where is going to dawn on the powers that be in Ireland and the rest of the EU that Brexit decisions made by the U.K. government are to be based on what is in the best interests of the U.K.. If that means treading on a few foreign toes or even breaking a leg or two ,so be it. When that finally sinks into the collective conscious of those cunts we might see their attitude become much more reasonable.
Unfortunately, for the last three years, Brexit decisions made by the UK Government have been based on what is in the best interests of the European Union, not the UK.
Hopefully that will all change now, but don’t hold your breath…
@ Miles
Fuck knows. ?
Breaking a few necks would be a bloody good idea, too.
Boris says no to an early election. I would’ve thought it’d be a sensible course. The marxists are all fucked up due to antisemitism, they’re as unelectable as they’ve ever been and we’re still relying on the DUP to get legislation through. How fucking long can this go on?
Mavis May also said there would be no early election… I suspect Boris is at least as big a liar as May, so who knows?
Besides he’d have to get at least 66% of all MPs to vote for an early election – there are a lot of Turkeys, both Labour and Conservative (not to mention those Change cunts), who won’t be willing to vote for Xmas.
Corbyn’s been agitating for another election since day 1. It’d be very embarrassing for him if his party voted against it.
Even if ALL Labour, SNP & LibDumb MPs voted for a general election it still wouldn’t be nearly enough to trigger one.
Fuck the Oirish. 5 million telling 70 million what to do. The Teashop or whatever he’s called has been played for a fool by the EU.
Her Majesty bets more more on horses than the entire Irish economy. I wish cunts from these miniscule economies would stop attempting to organise us. What next? Malta or Lichtenstein slapping us down? Psh.
I’ve said before, we’ve got the capacity to bring the Irish horse racing industry to its knees. The number of Irish leprechauns that depend on the UK for an income can’t be counted. We’d be rich overnight after a no deal Brexit, charging every Oirish truck passing through the UK on its way to their beloved EU.
ps I still haven’t forgiven the bastards for persecuting the brave Irishmen who fought on the side of the British in WW2. It seems as though the Irish have always taken the side of fascism through history.
pps I have some Irish blood in my veins and wish I could drain every drop of it. Fuckin’ bastards.
ps Is this a counting of the Irish? It certainly is! How anyone can cunt the Welsh when these bastards exist is beyond me. Fuckin hell, I feel a lot better for that release.
Greens are clowns personified by Lucas. No fucker takes this grinning boffon serious on issue she cares to comment on.
Trouble is the amount of airtime she gets from AL Beeb and Sly News means average Joe Brit sees this twat spouting her nonsense more so than other respected politician. End result is the more lower IQ cunts end up believing her shit.
I went to Brighton recently on Business. Could not wait to get out. The town itself seemed run down, seedy, dirty. Maybe this scrubber Lucas wants to start sorting out the shit in her own town before telling the rest of blighty what we’ve gotta do or how we’ve gotta vote.
Fuck of Lucas you tired tree hugging little fart.
There have been suggestions that she owns 5 houses and rarely appears in Brighton.
Two leaders and one MP, neither leader is the MP.
I hate these save the planet fuckers. They’re all so smug and self righteous and think they know it all. It’s just like a religion…….I am one of the chosen few, i’m going to live forever, I will save the world.
I’m not sure who I hate more…..this Lucas slag or that dumbfaced Greta Thunderbirds bitch.
At least Thunderbird’s good for a shag, which is one more thing than Lucas ever will be.
I would like to the half wits of Extinction Rebellion bring Brighton to a mincing, shrill, transgender halt. The collection of weirdos who vote for her might think twice.
Looking at this fucker’s comments it seems that whoever it is who leads the totalitarian liberal party has expressed the same opinion. They should team up.
Well I’m so hard up, I’d shag this one. I’d whip her drawers off, bend her over and aim for the lower hole. And if I missed it wouldn’t be a catastrophe.
If you don’t get it right the first time she’ll make you do it again.
Don’t do it Allan, we’ll have a whip round and hire you a hooker for th enight
You do know it’s a tranny, don’t you Allan…?
The Greens – where shit for brains meets politics.
I loathe this turd with a vengeance. You can’t switch on the TV these days without stumbling on some political talk show in which Spock’s sister is a guest. And the interviewers love her trendy Libtard views and give her an easy ride whilst laying into anyone who happens to be a Conservative or a leaver.
Her comments on a second referendum don’t surprise me one bit. Jo Swindle said exactly the same thing. For these people democracy means agreeing with them.
What do you expect from the elected representative of the Gay Republic of Brighton.
Fuck off.
Isn’t Brighton the same place that was getting a tranny to tell girls about their periods? The place sounds so fucked up.
And putting Tampax machines in Gents kharzis, so the “trans” should feel exclude, despite NOT HAVING A FUCKING UTERUS & OVARIES & cannot menstruate.
This is the INSANITY we’re having forced on us. Well they can fuck right off, I CHOOSE my speech, not some avlctivosy cunt with mental problems, not some censorious plod & definitely not a virtue-signalling patronising Politicunt after a few tranny-points & votes.
Calling the greens a party is like having a wank and calling it an orgy. One swallow doesn’t make a summer. Well, not in Brighton anyway.
She should be in the fucking stocks for putting a bloke in a dress into a class of 11 year olds to talk about their fannies. You’ll be first against the wall you cunt!
I saw this bugger on the telly a bit back shouting about some trees or something
Absolute fucking grinning idiot gravy train libtard cunt
Still a horde of other cunts voted for her so she’s doing very nicely thank you
Just fuck off sharpish
Absolutely loathe this sanctimonious pixie faced twat.
You only have to look at the repressed partners of people like Lucas to get an idea of what hectoring domineering creatures they are. Hubby is a teacher and third rate cricketer.
I wouldn’t give the cunt the skin off a fart
Caroline fucking Lucas a “Green” who must be fucking colourblind as she is deepest RED.
Blathers on about “democracy” yet want to piss all over the referendum result, because it wasn’t democratic in the right direction, hers. Bleats about “democracy” yet will happily sell us out to be ruled by an unremovable unaccountable unelected corrupt anti-democratic arrogant hostile foreign elite rather than our removable elected sovereign parliament.
So “democratic” that she worships the ground the murdering Hamas and PLO, Jew killing, child inciting, environmental burning, wildlife destroying, watercourse polluting cunts that are the “Palestinians”, chanting “Palestine will be free from the river to the sea” which means Free of Jews, while shitting over, slandering & libeling Israel a true pluralistic equal-rights democracy, also the greenest environmental country almost in the world.
Caroline Lucas, you are a world class unrecycled CUNT as is the shithole you represent, Brighton, the worlds haven for right-on, Pali-cock-gobbling, snot-hanger nose-ringed CUNTS, pricks & arseholes.
“Green” who must be fucking colourblind as she is deepest RED.”
Aye, the full ‘watermelon’. Way way to the left of even the farthest Marxist/Leninist groupuscles within the labour party. Lest anyone doubt this go and check their “Migration” policy sections MG101 – MG454.
All a bit paradoxical really seeing as the ONLY people to give an actual fuck about the condition of our planet and its long term viability are white western Europeans but here’s Caroline doing her level best to eradicate us through racial replacement. What’re the chances of Ahmed, Mutumbe or DeTrayvon taking time out of their busy bomb building / bank fraud / street dealing schedules to campaign against deforestation or whatever? Fucking zero is what.
When I worked at city hall I had the unfortunate privilege of signing this bitch up to the payroll system and taking copies of her passport etc. Out of all the assembly members she was the most arrogant miserable cu*t there. Moaning constantly about “why should we have to do pre-employment checks, we’re above it” etc etc. The UKIP bloke was not surprisingly a genuinely nice down to earth bloke. Hope this cow goes to the dogs in the next election.
Which UKIP bloke, David Kurten or Peter Whittle? Both good guys. Remember the other two ghastly “Greens”, Darren Johnson and Jenny Jones who looks like she’s been dragged backwards through a bramble bush.
It was Peter Whittle. Although David was a decent bloke too. Eugh the other two greens were just as wanky but Lucas took the gold as prize cunt. Was funny to watch my “colleagues” minds being changed as they expected UKIP to be cunts and the greens to be wonderful. Glad they got a shock, the work shy fucks