I nominate internetshire perverts who sign up to this YouTube MILF called Banshee Moon.
I was minding my own business looking up DIY Stoves on YouTube and this old chick with a huge fake rack pops up promoting a rocket stove.
I Click on it as you would and am surprised she doesn’t burn her nipples off, quite impressed that you can watch this tidy old bird giving a bit of a review in obvious ‘titillation’ ala ‘80’s game shows.
But then I notice her website and a membership scheme from $5 to $5000 for which she gives increasing perks.
Now it sounds like at $5000 investment you get to bone this old girl but I really doubt it, so fair on her exploiting lonely/sad men willing to part with money for a pretend relationship with this ageing hag, but FFS, Sad old men paying for her plastic surgery and retirement for a signed poster of a 65 year old and a bikini pic is pissing me off because my wife doesn’t have a job.
Nominated by Captain Cuntoff
I see she admires her own pussy…..
Certainally not my type, but fair play to her getting $5000 out of suckers with too much money and not enough sense.
$5000 for doing fuck all. I’m in the wrong game.
Hell for $5000 I’ll even get the implants.
But I’m not wearing the dress.
….ok I’ll wear the dress.
My mate Tony (sectioned under mental health act in 2012) went to Poland and had a pair of fake tits implanted on his back. Dd’s inbetween his shoulder blades. Hence hes in a nut house. Weird to look at but great to dance with at weddings……
I might consider doing it. Do you think there is a market for a middle-aged short-arse with a beard and a little *ahem* extra baggage around t’midriff?
All those MILFs must be gagging for it…….
Probably got the gagging part right. Not sure about the ‘for It’ bit though ?….
Ten years ago I knobbed better looking birds than that for free.
* wistful *
I have, 700DM on the Reeperbahn.
I also burnt my cock on the water heater above the sink, I was young and excited with no understanding of how gas water heaters work.
I will use this link the next time I hear some leftie snowflake cow saying that women are objectified and men are obscene. Here’s an example of a woman using that objectification to get minted off of obscene men.
Those women that complain of females just being objects of sexual reference are just jealous of women like this, with fake tits and a tan. Has fuck all to do with men. Well apart from the sad fuckers literally giving their money away for a quick tug. Good on her.
To said femi-cunts I simply point out what about all the rich slebs who make sex videos for no reason but personal enjoyment, or the birds plastering glamour photos of themselves all over instagram for no reason beyond egomania? It’s women who drive this shit not men.
Not gonna lie, I’d smash her. Certainly wouldn’t pay to be a member of her fan club. Could probably be tempted to part with a tenner in exchange for a pair of her knickers after a long bike ride but that’s about it.
That other e-thot Belle Daphine (or something like that) is currently making a mint selling her bath water. Thousands of sad sack horny teens and desperate blokes are paying 50 quid a pop for half a pint of water this hoe has sat in. Fuck me you can get a half decent whore for an hour for that sort of cash (so I’ve heard).
Stupid enough to give these prick teasing cunts your money? You deserve to be taken advantage of. Shallow enough to be one of these ten-a-penny modern day harlots?
You deserve cancer of the cunt at the very least.
for elaboration
Gotta be honest in that white dress? Defo!! Starting to feel a bit peter sutcliffe for a bit!?
That’s wimminz empowerment, though not as Cherie Blair would understand it. Fair play, her looks aren’t going to last for ever, and if she can monetise drooling hicks meanwhile, I can only applaud her enterprise. The bathwater racket is also sweet, (TY, IC) and plays into the same mugs who might buy a crystal ampoule of Christ’s tears. I may give it a go myself.
Banshee’s a broad-beamed for my taste, though.
I got a pic of a decent bird off the net. Bought a box full of sexy knickers. Me and my mate wore said knickers at work then flogged em for £20 each. Made decent beer money for a while. And felt sexy to boot.
Some cunt on here will buy any youve got leftover, guaranteed!
I have no wish to offend, but…er….are you by any chance from…y’know…Liverpool?
I’d rather have this than some fat lardarse sjw half her age, which 90% of western woman seem to be heading into, the large arse department.
If I was lucky enough to bag her it would only be for an hour as that infuriating laugh would get on my tits.
I’d quite happily stroke that lovely pussy all day. Might even give the bird a go as well…
$5 to 5000, that is a hell of a spread, what the fuck do you get for your $5
Anchovy and soured cream on Ryvita ?
It appears from a casual browse of the usual media outlets that women all over the shop are objectifying themselves like fuck to make money.
No doubt it is all some blokes fault.
Fuck off love.
Just watched the video clip, annoying cunt. I’d never find out what she’s selling, couldn’t put up with her long enough.
I am not one for bitchy comments (no really, honest Guv’nor, I’m not!) but Christ on a bike, you could park Flabbott’s arse in that space between that woman’s boobage.
Why, oh why do so many women of a certain age (and younger) see fit to get these terrible tit jobs that leave them with the most unnatural looking racks known to man? You would think the fucking surgeon would know not to leave some fucking huge crevice between the boobs when sticking the implants in? They have seen enough fucking tits in their lives to know what is normal, for the sake of fuck!!
Before this, I have never heard of this woman. Same old, same old attention seeking old tart who makes herself feel desirable by spreading her shit all over the internet.
They are ten a penny these days.
Yea its like the whole love island thing. They’re too lazy and talentless to be famous for actually accomplishing something or offering something worthwhile to humanity so they just prostitute themselves to crass, low grade, vacuous drivel for the temporary amusement of the drooling masses.
Yep, it is all mindless shite, DTS.
And they all look the bloody same! Teeth bleached to within an inch of their lives, orange tans and a shit load of hair extensions…..and that is just the blokes!
This kind of TV is so vacuous. Cheap TV with cheap people on it, watched by cheap, thick chavs and bloody lapped up.
I’ll take 20ps worth please!
What a Milf, I definitely would. I don’t particularly give a fuck if she’s a man, anal everyday!