Trump protestors are a right bunch of cunts aren’t they?
The president of our closest ally and potentially biggest post Brexit trade partner comes to the UK on a state visit and these fuckers start throwing their toys out of the pram.
Corbyn refuses an invitation to a state banquet even though he’s prepared to sup with terrorists (hardly the behaviour we would expect of a future PM), Khan okays the use of that pathetic blimp. May refuses to let Trump invite Farage or Boris to the party.
And the worst of the lot? That stupid bitch Markle who can’t decide whether to be a royal or celeb, absents herself from her husband’s side because she’s a Democrat (sic), and campaigned for Kilary.
And to top it all we have two – yes, two – anti Trump movements preparing widespread demonstrations to bring London to a standstill. Apparently, they aim to show that the people of this country won’t tolerate Trump’s brand of hatred.
Well bollocks to the lot of them, lefty scum one and all, I’m one of the people of this country and you sure as fuck don’t speak for me,
Fuck off.
Nominated by Dioclese
On the subject of trump, I had the misfortune of bumping into some of his devoted fans when I was last in the US; holy shit I know we have some stupid people in this country but these MAGA hat wearing rubes were next level pigshit thick.
Thank fuck we are separated from that country by an Ocean.
All of those protesters don’t even know why they’re protesting, except that it’s cool to be anti Trump. Then they can all wank themselves silly over soshul meeja, letting everyone know that they protested, and showing how liberal and right-on they think they are. Bunch of ignorant, virtue signalling, sanctimonious cunts. Let’s see them go to the world’s most oppressive countries and protest against real racism and sexism. They might last one minute before being thrown in the dungeon for the next ten years. CUNTS.
Social media posturing is exactly why these cunts are all protesting. They are ranting at someone who isn’t going to see or hear what shit they are shouting, and if he did, he’d piss his presidential pants laughing. These dregs are only looking for bragging rights on twatter and cuntfacebook. Let’s see how many of these Labour twats turn up to these demos, because they can say what they like, but they are disrupting the commemoration of a pivotal event in our history, one where the are still participants alive to see their treachery. Respect the occasion, you fucking smelly rabble, that prick Corbyn will grovel at the feet of any terrorist scum, yet sours this event, which is probably the last big one the veterans will see. Statesman? We are proper fucked if that cunt and his cronies ever get into power.
Just when you think that Corbyn can’t sink any lower, he surprises us all again. I hear that the cunt is boycotting the state dinner for Trump and is going to speak at a demo against the President. Fucking hell, it’s not beyond the bounds of possibility that Old Steptoe could become PM; then he’ll have to deal on our behalf with the man he’s so blatantly insulted. This a state visit by the Head of State of our closest ally. Just as in Sadiq Khunt’s case, this is an occasion when a lot less of the politician and a lot more of the statesman was called for. Sadly neither of these two have shown themselves to be remotely capable of such behaviour. They’ve acted the cunt right and proper, and it reflects badly on our country.
Wholeheartedly agree with that, Ron. That’s the action of someone who is completely incapable of running a country. And who has forgotten that the Trump-voting demographic is dominated by the workers he claims to care for. Shortsighted, and if principled in some sense, the principle is flawed.
Tango Man, by stark contrast, never never uses the social media to bitch about anything. So undignified!
They should build a great big wall around those lefty cunts Khan and Corbyn.
I heard the last State Banquet Catweazle turned up to they stopped him at the door and said “Dustbins are around the back mate.”
Khan? Is an absolute cunt , only yesterday he claimed that he has spent his first 3 years cleaning up the mess bojo had left? Oh really? Nice one cunt!
Much in the same way labour blame the Tory ( cunts) for the monumental deficit and austerity!! Pot kettle black cunts!!
I’m sick and tired of these absolute fuckers lying and passing the blame….
Remain are lining up to thwart the biggest trade deal Brexit Britain can do!
Although a cunt tango man will cut us a deal to tempt others to leave the over bearing and somewhat disingenuous mafia cunts that run Europe!, what the fuck did these cunts ever do to deserve the position they claim as if by birthright ?? Absolutely nothing……?
Apparently Tangoman isn’t welcome in Newcastle… I wasn’t aware he was planning to go there?
‘Banned’ from Southend don’t you know…
Southend’s loss is far greater than The Don’s.
Today is the 30th anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre. I wonder how many of these noble SJWs will find time to protest outside the Chinese Embassy……. Cunts, one and all
Just been watching C4 news and their unbiased reporting- NOT! What an utter pile of shite. The EU want Sir Nigel of the Farage in Brussels by tomorrow to explain a £450,000 donation by Aaron Banks, as reported by said channel a while ago. Is this the same EU who have not had their account’s properly scrutinised or audited since the 1990’s. Two faced, hypocritical CCCUUUNNNTTTSSS. And as for the Trump protesters throughout the UK today. GET A JOB. GET A BATH. GET A LIFE. Fellow cunter’s, don’t forget. 75th anniversary on Thursday of the D-Day landings. Lest We Forget. And lastly, Corbyn the CCCUUUNNNTTT. Crawl back under the terrorist rock you crawl out of every day and have a slow and painful death.
The BBC have ruined their own coverage of the rememberance celebrations with their obsession
with the Tangoman.
They also brought on a scruffy youngish academic to explain that the steel barrier had been erected because while Bill Clinton was a ‘man of the people’, Trump represents harder power and is more ‘imperial’.
Fuck right off. Clinton was as much a neocon as Bush
and sending US forces overseas on a constant exercise of power projection. Acommon joke of the 90s was
‘how do you get eight Americans into a phonebox?
Tell them it’s none of their business’
Trump is far less inclined to send servicemen on overseas
adventures, hence the Pentagon and Arms industry wanting the nutcase Hilary as their Commander in Chief.
Pathetic, lying cunts.