The Peterborough By-Election

The Peterborough by ‘election’

It seems a certain, convicted vote rigger was Magic Grandpa’s right hand man during the election. A Peaceful so no doubt reformed and above reproach.

Postal votes accounted for 9,898 of the 33,998 ballot papers received. That’s 29%. Nearly a third of those that voted.
There seems to be a funny smell wafting up from Peterborough. The same smell you get in Bradford and parts of Birmingham and London when votes are cast.
I wonder what it is? Corruption? Surely not?
The norm for postal votes is said to be about 17%. Any suggestion that there is something amiss here has been dismissed by labour as a ‘racist trope’ whatever that is.
Probably just my cynical nature, but watch this space.

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble

94 thoughts on “The Peterborough By-Election

    • Haha yeah! Envelope crammed to fuck with votes! Cheered me up that!?

  1. Having read this I can completely understand, very similar to the rigged Brexit vote that the far right won a tiny margin through lies and deceit.
    We have yet another case of a far right smear campaign aimed at the infirm, do they not realise that some people are infirm and not able to leave their homes? the poor souls with dementia who do not know their birth date, and those with poor vision and literacy issues, the sort of people regularly targeted by far right thugs.

    I am sure the glorious Labour party will be vindicated

  2. Like Tower Hamlets, loads of Parking Stanleys in one house = postal votes = fraud.

    Unless somebody is ill or bedridden, or away for work (e.g. services) no postal votes should be allowed under any circumstances.

    It will be quite ironic if it is suggested to Steptoe and Slubberguts Watson the poll will have to be run again. I bet that is one 2nd vote Sugartits Cooper will not be colluding with Letwin or Boles to have.

  3. On the day I remember a news reporter stating that labour were mobilising the muslim community to help them win the bye election. They will obviously be happy to vote for a known anti Semite. I think it was the BBC if not then Sky. He will probably get the sack for spilling the beans.

    • I think the towelheads are just honouring their part of the deal made with Blaircunt, “Let us in en masse, give us citizenship and all the goodies that come with it and you’ll have a large corrupt voting bloc for life”.

  4. It would be interesting to know what proportion of the postal votes were in favour of Labour compared to those cast in person.

    I bet the proportions would differ somewhat.

    I smell a big fat rat somewhere.

    • I hope the electoral commision are looking into that.

      There were a significant of rejected postal votes, signatures not matching the original one provided when applying for the postal vote, even the name not matching the original application, date of birth incorrect.
      The have to release this data and I bet every single one will be an asian and the vote is for labour.

    • The Labour Party fully supported the corrupt leader of Tower Hamlets, Lutfur Rahman, who was guilty of vote rigging and worse. He was banned from holding public office (only until 2021 sadly), declared himself bankrupt to avoid paying costs and penalties and was struck off as a solicitor. His corruption undoubtedly serves as atemplate for all of the other ethnic minority led constituencies which rely heavily on postal votes.

  5. I heard some cunt on the radio who works for some organisation that monitors elections all over the world.
    He described people photographing their ballot papers and, what he described as “families” crowding into booths and checking each other’s votes. He said he had only ever seen that once before…… Khazikstan!
    I think it’s fairly obvious what happened here…….organised fucking fraud by the Labour Party and the local imams. If you can’t win an election then fucking rig it.
    Will anything come of this “investigation”? Fuck off.
    This is where we are now…….a fucking joke banana republic with corruption, election fraud and pretend democracy.
    It fucking stinks.

    • It will on get worse Mr Frog, most of our politicians are as bent, as the people who perpetrated this scam.

  6. Dead right Freddie. I’ll bet the polling station officers were Mediævils hence no feedback about what really happened.

  7. This thing stinks like a fucking dead dog. Will anything be done about it? Will it fuck. Cunts.

  8. The employment of some filthy foreign vote rigging cunt should have disqualified Steptoe’s candidate without further discussion.
    The election was crooked, and nothing any fucker can say will convince me otherwise.

  9. I’ve run a polling station during a general election. Only one person is allowed in the booth at a time. That’s why it’s called a secret ballot.

    If this was allowed then it calls into doubt the running of the poling stations. If true then somebody was either incompetant or complicit in fraud…

    • I know which of those two I believe it is and I also reckon it’s becoming more commonplace, albeit not more visible.

    • Im a Peterborough voter, and i voted 15 times for Labour honestly and legally i think? Just because i have webbed feet & hands doesnt mean im thick! I said to the wife, our dad would be rolling in his grave!

      • Miserable Northern cunt living in Peterborough? You need prosecuting under the trades description act!

    • I suspect the fraud is mostly down to postal voting. Apart from that the peacefuls vote for who their imams tell them to vote for.

      Islam has little tradition or understanding of Western concepts of democracy.

    • What’s betting the people overseeing that polling station on the day were also bacon sarnies.

  10. It seems we need to divert some of that Foreign Aid money that goes to despotic shitholes of the world bringing peace, stability and democracy to the provinces of Blighty.

    • And if a bus passes, the local worthies cry: *Look at that – it’s a house with wheels!”

      • Bus? Have you seen how many of the fuckers can fit into a hatchback?
        ….they’d get an entire town living in a bus.

  11. Asian community block voting, its probably been happening for years, I used to work with one of these community leader cunts years ago (70’s) he was always on the phone jabbering away, most of the fuckers couldnt speak english so he would run their lives.
    He was a lazy cunt, spent more time doing his thing rather than working at the job he was paid to do.
    I think he eventually became a local councillor, I guess all his votes were cast honestly

    • Common knowledge SOI – in deepest darkest Bradfordistan and Oldhamabad the imam fills in the postal votes for his flock, their grandparents and uncles locked away in the cellar / attic as those cunts can neither read nor write English but still have a vote. Friday prayers around GE or BE time the imam walks away with bagfulls of postal voting papers. Vote rigging for the dark keys is as old as the hills. The war criminal B Liar and his Liebour scum mates knew the immigrant vote was nailed down when they opened the floodgates to the filth.

  12. So let me get this straight, Boris has literally more votes for the leadership than the next three cunts combined and yet the media are talking up Rory Stewart.

    Are the media completely brain damaged cunts that they think this gibbon’s love child is the way forward?

    • I suspect they know that young Rory would rescind Article 50 as his first gesture in office. Sugartits and Slubberguts would be ever so grateful and Auntie Adonis would shit himself with delight.

  13. Yeah, we’ll have to hear more of this remoaner chimp jabbering away like a cunt while the media crawl up his arse. Now, apparently, he was an MI6 agent but, of course, he can’t admit to it because of the Official Secrets Act.
    Do they really think anybody is buying this shite?

    • When he blathers on about machismo and whatever the fuck, you get the impression that he was the dweeb who used to get the shit kicked out of when he was at school.

      Fucking corrupt media love this guy, shows what cunts they are.

      • He went to Eton so he was probably Boris’s fag……..or Cameron, or even little Gideon Osborne. Creepy little cunt.

      • I find it funny that the MSM are bigging up this Lord Charles lookalike.

        It doesn’t matter a dogs fuck how much they do this, Tory MP’s have clearly already made up their minds who they want as their next leader.

        Al-Beeb and Co, forever unable to drag themselves out of their Londoncentric echo chambers appear to genuinely believe that as long as they report the ‘news’ as they see it then the rest of the Prols will fall in line too.

        Lord Charles is the last hope of the Tory Remain Corp.

        Get him on the final ballot and let’s watch the Tory Party membership send a clear mandate to the winner.

      • Rod not Rory Stewart (real name Roderick) looks like a zombie – perhaps like his namesake in approx 50 years time. The ghastly little shit is the EU’s preferred traitor to take over where their previous plant failed.

    • The media love the cunt because he will keep us in the EU, one way or another.

      • I’ve been trying to think who he reminds me of for days and I’ve just got it – John Bishop, but much funnier if he thinks he’s got what it takes to be a good PM.

    • My man Raab, the only genuine Leaver in the contest, has been eliminated.

      As for Boris, you can bet the Remain ruling elite have more than enough dirt on the incompetent cunt to guarantee he sees their Slave State Treaty through the House of Common Cunts by Christmas. In fact I’ll be a Flabbott’s uncle if he hasn’t already cut a deaI with those fuckers. Boris cannot be trusted.

      • Many Cunters believe that Boris Johnson is the Dogs Bollox.Truth is hes a privileged fat wanker who without the old boy network would struggle to find work as a shit shoveller.As well as being a Turk from his fathers side hes also up to his neck with Jew connections on the mothers side,her Grandad was of the hebrew persuasion and she had family ties to the Zionist Sieff family of Marks and Sparks fame.His first missus was Jewish and his second a Parking Stanley.
        So do us a favour fellow cunters, open your eyes,Boris the Turk is up to his fat waistline in the New World Order swamp but hes managed to fool many by playing the proud Englishman card.
        Fuck em all,Fuck em all to hell.

  14. Too right. I wouldn’t trust him any further than I can gob……….and i’d like to gob in his face. The cunt.

    • #MeFuckingToo. Mavis served her purpose with distinction. The damage has been done. Boris will come in on a wave of delusiory optimism and proceed to put the kibosh on Brexit once and for all.

      • Agree, that bloody Maitliss woman should stick a sock in it. What a fuckin’ harridan. What certainly comes across about this is the inability of the BBC to conduct this type of program. Fuck you BBC. You load of amateurish wankers.
        ps I hate that fuckin’ Rory Stewart posh bastard more than ever if it was at all possible.

      • Maitlis was a disgrace. Not that any of them were saying anything worth listening to anyway.

        A professional like Andrew Neil should have been chairing that debate.

      • You’re correct RTCP. But Neil would’ve shown that son-of-Mavis shitrag Stewart up for the absolutely deluded chimp-faced little wanker that he is, and the commies at the beeb wouldn’t allow that.
        We’d be the fucking laughing stock of Europe if we had this enigma of evolution as our PM.

  15. as the topic has shifted already… This cunt Michal Szewczuk (far right cunt jailed for 4 years)
    The media keep saying he is from Leeds….. No!! This cunt is Polish, moved to the UK when he was 10 years old.

  16. Come on RTC, now your man has been knocked out, who should it be? I think your long time hatred of Boris and Rory dates back to your failure to pass that Eton entrance exam!

      • Having also favoured Leadsom and Raab, I am currently feeling your pain.

        However, third time lucky for some. Having tested the Curse of Komodo & Ruff twice, I shall now acclaim the cunt Stewart as the only possible choice for Prime Minister. Hoorah for Stewart! Floreat Stewarta! Not a creepy little scheming maggot at all, but a noble leader of our great nation to greater things!

        And definitely not fuck off and die, you posh nobody with your ripped-off Blair act!

      • With you all the way there Komodo – Rory’s the only one for me now! ? ?

        This is no time for defeatists. ?

  17. Corruption or not, this election shows how important it is for the Tories and Brexit to work together. Well, that would be the clever thing to do…….

  18. Apologies to Cunstable for a change of direction but that Lucy weather girl has just been on my local weather forecast waving her stump around. I’ve got a disability but I don’t insist on showing it off to everyone. No, it’s nothing to do with ED but come on Lucy, cover it up love. Nobody is going to think any less of you.

    • Think shed put a little patterned sock on it or something wouldnt you? Soften it up for viewers. Even get makeup to jazz it up a bit, bit of blusher an some lippy? I dunno…

    • There was a linesman with one arm at an Arsenal game years back. I think they had to tape the flag to his arm. Mind you, he could probably played better than most of our current “stars”.

    • Is that Lucy veramasomy or whatever her name is?

      I haven’t noticed her stump, or the weather for that matter as I keep staring at her tits.
      I haven’t seen a weather report in days when she’s on but apparently its raining. Cunts.

    • I quite like her. She reads the forecast in plain English and leaves it at that. I couldn’t give two fucks about her disability.
      Did you notice that she’s up the duff ?
      Oh yeah.

      • Maitlis is a fucking gobshite and she’s a smug cunt…
        That about covers it…

    • More than fuckable CNR. The side camera angle tonight was particularly arousing. There would be a mass(t)debate if I had an hour with her. There would be an in or out negotiation before she considers a no deal and i pull out. Erm……. I’d cross her border……. id fuck her is what I’m trying to say.

  19. If someone doesn’t tell that cunting hag Emily Maitlis to fucking shut up and let the candidates actually fucking talk, I’ll be sure to give her long tome stalker access to the ex-directory directory.

    • While presiding, the chairperson should remain impartial and not interrupt a speaker if the speaker has the floor and is following the rules of the group. (Wikipedia: ‘Chairperson’)

      Blatant bias and outrageous procedure.

  20. The view from this gently decaying area of the North, is that Labour have gone for the muslim vote in a big way, with all that entails.
    As far as they’re concerned, the white working class can Fuck Off.
    The Cunts.
    Get To Fuck.

  21. Fucking Labour, import millions of votes and still can’t win an election fairly.

  22. Dunno why Labour cast off its connection with white working class? Because thats why it formed, has history/connections, its like they hate us? Seems odd I cant understand it, years of history then, fuck you lot? Being charming with a dazzling smile and a nice figure im not used to rejection! The heartless cunts!!

    • ‘Dunno why Labour cast off its connection with white working class? ‘
      Tricky one, some people put it down to the influx of university educated feckless fuckwits who never did a day’s honest work in their lives, but hey, as they came from ‘working class backgrounds’ they, with their politics and geography degrees, could speak for the working man..

      I know my family en masse quit supporting Labour back in the mid 70’s, nothing to do with these university educated tossers, everything to do with the local party apparatchiks, councillors and MP, good solid working men all, being corrupt bastards to a man by that point, ISTR there was a single incident which left such a bad taste, that all my family gave up their membership overnight in protest (something to do with a dodgy land/property deal involving a social club) and started voting for the Liberals – sad but true, even the local backstabbing two-faced Liberals were more honest than the Labour mob, though I’ve never felt the inclination to vote for those shits either.

      Either way, it’s the usual problem, once one rat gets in, unless you deal with it sharpish, it attracts its mates, and before you know it, you’re overrun with the fuckers, and rats are only concerned with issues of interest to, umm, rats, and not people, who usually leave anyway as they can’t stand the funky new ratty scent the party now reeks of..

      I’m north of 50, white, socialist by upbringing and inclination, and have never voted for the fuckers.
      Family history with the local cunts initially stopped me voting for them, a couple of further local corruption cases culminating in the curious case of the missing 1.2 million quid, the convenient heart attack on holiday and subsequent record breaking case of alzheimers-inna-month (good old Spanish doctors..) suffered by No.1 Labour councillor suspect, reinforced this ‘love’, and, of course, nationally, the Übercuntingführer that was Bliar and his regime were the final nails in their coffin, after him and his cronies, they’ll never get my vote.

  23. Ha ha ha ha ha …. like it Willie. I just coughed my lungs out after reading that!

    • Hilarious, it must have been the thought of possibly dealing with Britain’s Iron Chimpman elect, Rory Stewart.

  24. Fabulous, it looks like she’s got some Josef Mengele vibrating love eggs up her snatch, if its serious what she’s got, it might be worth having her in next Deadpool.

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