Demanding an inquiry into “Islamophobia” within the Tory party. These cunts have set themselves up as some sort of authority without being elected by anyone, and are now trying to embed themselves into British politics.
They have created the word “Islamophobia”, have tried to make it a crime, and apply it to any criticism of their beliefs to try and stop a reasoned argument as their own ideology can’t stand up on its own two feet.
Stop wasting your time with the Tory party. If you don’t like what we say and do, fuck off.
Nominated by Duke of Cuntshire
Special thanks to RTC for saving this post, now please be sensible on your comments
Love admin xxx
*This is a duplicate of my frothing rant about how our country is being ruined by Islam and by the lily-livered enabling politicians*
What a great post. Nice one, TECB.
Where is it TECB? Do you want me to repost what you wrote?
Nah, not at all. Thanks anyway.
How did you save the page anyway? Archive or something?
I was using an iPad at the time the nom mysteriously disappeared… then later back on my office computer I found the page still up, so copied it & the comments for posterity…
Very sharp rtc …. I like your thinking!
Odd, I don’t remember reading a duplicate post by TECB before my cunting.
Not to worry, at least we’re singing from the same hymn sheet.
Fucking goat herding so called peaceful cunts, who give a fuck what they have to say, fuck em all….
You forgot to add the previous comments Admin…
I despair.
Thanks anyway for retrieving.
Between deletions and moderation queues, I think hefty rants are a bit risky; other than lengthy posts actually nominating a topic.
Despair would be a good description of the work involved restoring each comment to each person that said it.
Fuck that!
I’d be very suprised if the admin responsible for this thread went that far.
Don’t press any fucking buttons!
Ironically it will be down to Jewish pressure and perhaps a little oversensitivity which gives this bunch of bigoted anti-semites their leeway. If all and any criticism of the Jewish state is deemed wrong, and here I am mindful of the difference between reasoned criticism of actions versus old fashioned prejudice and jew-baiting, Labour party style, then this lot will use it to criminalise all and any criticism of Islam. Another nail in the coffin of free speech to please the totalitarian liberals.
I rather hope that they never receive government funding as a “Lobbying Charity” , which sounds mad but you would be surprised.
As they stand they (in my opinion) they have very little public sway, the problem comes about with Politicians trying to bolster support by attracting the minority vote at the expense of the majority, which quite frankly is how we have managed to get into this fucked up position.
Peacefuls need to follow the example of the Jewish community – assimilate and adopt British values, make a worth while contribution. It does not mean they have to abandon their religion – just respect the society that has given them a home and become British. If they can’t do it then fuck off.
I will never, ever fathom those on the right who side with fucking Palestine – ergo, Islam – purely because they despise Jews so much.
Who better for this country: hard-working fuckers who integrate or intolerant nutcases who are busy repopulating the country with their vile fucking progeny?
Well said. I feel quite safe and comfortable in Golders Green or Stamford Hill. I wouldn’t feel safe in some parts of Bradford.
Until certain Peacefuls get rid of their barbaric Medieval mindset then they are going to run into problems. Adress those issues and don’t label it “Islamiphobia” you cunts. I recognise there are Peacefuls that want to assimilate and modernise – but not nearly enough.
And Somalians can fuck off.
I haven’t ever met one peaceful shit who has ever had any desire to assimilate. There barbaric views and way of life are not compatible with western culture or values.
Fucking barbaric the lot of them. Cunts.
You could be right. Maybe I’m too optimistic. In that case they can all fuck off.
Hey its back! Muzzie council!! Sorry admin if my use of a naughty word contributed! They cant be a proper council, fucking sandals and a frock isnt correct p.p. e! And at least theres a job on bins for jihadi jack letts when he hitchhikes home.
Fucking right abut those buck-toothed Somali cunts. Always behind trouble in London (as well as the fucking Albanians). Cunts. My mate (ex copper) said they can’t deport them as no passport etc. and, ironically, Somalia don’t want the robbing fuckers.
Indeed, Oz is a better place for the hard working Indians and Chinese that made a home here after being chased out of Malaya by the indignant obstructive and terminally shiftless native slimeys. That’s why it’s still a feotid shithole, their loss our gain.
I remember commenting how the photo perfectly illustrates their commitment to equality with a ratio of 6 men to 1 woman. Could you imagine if this was some sort of political committee? We’d never hear the last of it. Hold on, isn’t that
Abdullah Patel, questioner from the Tory leaders debate who said about women being in a room with a man……
“If you put yourself in that position don’t expect every man to pass up the opportunity.”
Leave the room quickly ladies – I fear a gang bang is about to take place.
Ah yes the goat botherers. As they live in the West they can’t execute anyone who speaks out against their religion so they use the race card and of course the idiots here think a religion is a race.
ADMIN. Surely everyone was sensible on their comments first time around?
The mystery of Mediævilgate deepens! Conspiracy theories will continue to abound!
No some were a little OTT
They can fuck off, along with the LBGT pressure groups, the Jewish Groups and any other minority pressure group. Either your British or you’re not. As soon as you start lobbying for minority interests you’re saying fuck you British accommodate our culture, religion, perversion or whatever other axe you’re fucking grinding.
Special interest groups stop any progress, the state is so busy pandering to these cunts no one does anything because some special interest group doesn’t like it or wants it changed to suit them.
Religions in particular can fuck off, why should we all pander to someone else’s beliefs?
Just fuck off, if you don’t like it fuck off somewhere else on a plane.
Most of these people are here because or their immediate ancestors wanted a better life away from the shit these cunts are now forcibly injecting into our system and way of life.
They are not even satisfied with the cunting they got, they had to rerun it.
Like sex, it’s always better first time round. This nom has somehow lost it’s innocent appeal.
Our company solicitor is a Muslim. A young man, clearly born in this country. Very bright, very helpful, a family man who is pleasant and courteous. I would love to have an in-depth conversation with him one day about the problems facing the UK to get his measure. Pity as I don’t have the guts to initiate this.
Despite the bollocks I write on here, I do try to take individuals as just that and not lump them all in to the same category.
Very wise. Sadly I cannot be as wise as you are.
I work with a guy who is a Muslim and he too is civil, very bright, very patient and in most respects a model work colleague.
However, one moment stuck in my mind. After the London Bridge attacks, he specifically, and very deliberately kept referring to it as an ‘incident’, and even corrected someone who did ask, before it was known, if there had been a terror attack.
Anecdotes be damned, but the mask slipped for an instant and much can be read about the underlying attitude and allegiance.
Not sure I am wise, TECB, just that in dealing with an educated, UK-born Muslim, I would have believed intelligence and rational thinking may have trumped that of the stone age edicts of the Quran.
I don’t know the man that well, but I suspect that many like him (professional types) could have a dual persona that enables them to navigate the westernised challenges of life in the UK in their professional lives, but outside their lives are operated exclusively around their religion.
My day to day experience of Muslims has been similar to yours Paul. My doctor is a peaceful. But I don’t doubt for a second that any in-depth conversations would swiftly result in my being beheaded.
“Yes, Mr RTC, here’s a prescription for some chelated infidel ointment…oops, your head seems to have fallen off”
I was once in a fist fight with a couple of Bosnians with me was a Lebanese guy Muhammad khalid he was hezbulha.
He had fought the siriyan invasion of the Lebanon and had the scars to prove it.
one day I said to him,when all of this is over I would like to come and visit you.
He said ” if you come to Beirut I will kill you” as you can imagine I was rather taken aback and asked why, he said “better I do it than my friend’s ” .
funny enough never bothered looking him up in my retirement.
Lord Benny, you never told us what happened with the fist fight!
Heathrow Airport
Plenty aeroplanes
Get on one quick
Fuck off
Don’t come back
Right on FF, if they all fucked off the benefits money saved could be used to supply solid gold rails for HS2 or spent on other worthy projects dear to the hearts of our cuntish leaders. Joking aside there most certainly is not a wall round the UK. You can all fuck off, really easy, just do it you baggy trousered bastards hell I will gladly chip in a few quid to get the ball rolling.
In a democracy transperency is required for the electorate to make wise choices. If only the powers would let us know how much muslims are costing this country in benefits and poilicing the general public would make the right choices at the ballot box and the muzzie population would be going in the right direction in a generation.
There are two newsagents near me, one is run by an Indian & his family and the other is run by a terrorist & his family. I know the former is an Indian because he has a moustache and smiles when greeting people. I don’t know the other is a terrorist as he wears a dress, never smiles, and has one of those ridiculous beards without a ‘tache.
I shop in neither as they’re both over-expensive, look dirty and smell, even from the outside. A few times I’ve run out of tobacco and bought from the Indian, instead of Tesco. One time this Indian didn’t have my 30g pack so I went without rather than funding terrorism.
* I don’t know the other is a terrorist…
Indeed I DO know he’s a terrorist as he wears a… etc
Aye, the moderates are fine until their bosses issue a fart-wah, then its a call to arms…
These fuckers are defenders of the faith, no questions will be tolerated, no dissent accepted..
Blasphemy, cannot say anything against the prophet. Sharia,,the law of the faith.
I dislike these fuckers intensley, fucking China has the right idea…. brainwash the cunts!
And knock down their fucking mosques.
The Muslim Council of Great Britain:
Representative body of minority religio-ethnic group which lobbies as hard as it can to obtain preferential treatment for its members. It does not represent the whole of the community it is drawn from.
The Board of Deputies of British Jews:
Fuck them all and the Middle Eastern sky fairy they rode in on.
The middle east has produced the 3 most stupid,ridiculous,divisive and intolerant “Belief Systems” ever created by man.
Slightly off-topic, but you can add statism to that
very off topic write it up in nominations.
Just recently I got caught up in the rush hour just outside our local tube station. A sudden surge of jostling travellers almost threw me over had it not been for the spontaneous reactions of a gentleman whose steadying hands around my waist, prevented me toppling like an idiot. As I went to thank him, the implications of his actions, from his point of view, left him apologising profusely. All I could do was reassure him, but I’ll not forget seeing the fear in his face. Walking home, I could only feel some sadness, and despair for the continual losses of so many qualities, once inherent in our British citizens. And he smelt nice too.
That’s the sort of thing I do, But your last comment makes me think it wasnt me.
This rush out of the tube station……wasn’t caused by a tanned backpacker was it?
Most likely @lord benny. And I’m quite sure I’ll not live to see the day, when one of them saves me from toppling.
Perhaps he was just trying everything he knew Lostsheep, to prevent you from becoming a fallen woman!
Ah @Bsc, I truly feel I fell from grace the very day I refused to confer with A female Muslim Doctor, unless I was able to see her face. I was about to undergo treatment for an aneurysm in hospital at the time. Had problems wrestling with my conscience about this for a long time afterwards. But times were not as bad then. Now, years later, I’m glad I did.
One cunt from Greenpeace – who happens to be a woman – gets pushed and starts screaming assault.. Numerous Muslim grooming gangs convicted and says nothing….
Go fucking figure…
@Norman, I had figured long time ago. Hence my post, minus elaboration. I just figured most would have the f****** intelligence to realise that.
How are Muslims supposed to abide by all the rules of the Qu’ran when the ones who run the local Parky Shop sell tins of multi-pack beans separately?
In all seriousness I have a couple of friends from the peaceful community, one of which is an Afghan chap who came to the UK in 2001 under the Blair Government. He suffered under Sharia Law, hates people who force their women to wear letterboxes, he refuses to go to Mosque, his kids speak English, he works and he has adapted quite well to our culture(albeit it took him a good 10 years).
I asked him the other week why he still believes in Allah and the faith. His response: “I have to believe in Allah because I need to believe the evil people will be punished in the next life.”
Unfortunately such rounded individuals, at least in my experience, are few and far between when it comes to the snackbars.
The Muslim Council of Britain are hypocrites. They say terrorists use Islam to push a political agenda, whilst using Islam to push their own political agenda and do so completely unchallenged. Their first purpose is to sneak blasphemy rules in to English Law, after that, fuck only knows what’ll happen after that but I’m guessing half of the cunts on here, me included will be rounded up and beheaded before you can say fatwa.
The Blasphemy laws in England and Wales were finally abolished in 2008.
The last thing we need is peacefuls reintroducing them through the back door.
Or in this case through the letterbox.
All councils are shit, especially these glut of Savids.
All councils might be shit, J-c-l, but unlike the ‘ Muslim Council of Britain’, they are democratically elected at the ballot box. Don’t figure, eh.
posted this on the original thread. for the truth about Islam check out ‘The Apostate Prophet’ on Youtube.. it’s the work of an ex-Muslim, one of the few to escape the brainwashing. brave man he doesnt hide, he’s on full view in his videos.
According to the MCB it would be ‘islamophobic’ to criticize and condemn the widespread and appalling lack of human rights in the muslim world – forced marriage, the subjugation of women and girls, slavery, intimidation, persecution and murder of religious and ethnic minorities etc….
Oh, and prime minister matathir muhammed of malaysia is a hate-filled anti-semitic old cunt, the Cambridge Union are also cunts for inviting him.
It only figures they are gaining the upper hand, and our sordid bunch of nodding, cowardly, self centred Politicians continue to bawl us with the wonders of diversity. Everything else is blamed, whilst they box tick the wonders of Multiculturalism. Just recently the Army sent our pamphlets to soldiers, warning that showing any form of patronism will be viewed as right wing fascism. No doubt that will be inclusive, as since their latest promotional advert offering prayer mats, and time out for head bowing peacefuls, I’m assuming we now have multitudes of them signing up.
Whatever else one might think about Boris, he’s certainly no fan of the creeping Islamisation of this country. If nothing else I hope he puts an end to this appeasement.
France wanted to introduced national service inclusive of their many peacefuls. Could you imagine all these muslim-supremacists being given guns and taught battle-tactics!
Section 19 of the Public Order Act (1986)
It’s an offence to “publish or distribute any written material, which is threatening, abusive or insulting if you are intending to stir up racial hatred, or if, in the circumstances, racial hatred is likely to be stirred up as a consequence”
Furthermore, a similar offence of Incitement to Religious Hatred came into force on October 1st 2007
The original post has been edited to remove material that breaches these laws
I fear that the MCGB is trying to deflect from antisemitism in the Labour party.
is me saying i think Islam is a load of old bollocks an ‘ incitement to religious hatred’ ? i don’t hate Muslims, i pity them.
I say “Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do.”
Spoken like a true Christian… except I’m an atheist.
It shouldn’t be a wrong thing to say, Richard.
They stir up racial hatred themselves.
Now that ‘phobia is recognised in law, it’s very difficult to say anything really that wouldn’t offend the followers of this particular religion. And, even if what you say wasn’t meant to offend, if they are offended, then you are fucked. As an atheist, I think the very notion of believing in gods is ridiculous, as any sane person should, but not only do we have to respect the various religions, we cannot criticise them if they offend us. Scary times….
Admin are completely right to remind us of section 19 of the 1986 Public Order Act. ISaC can only operate within the constraints of present laws. However, when you read this, what clearly comes over is how dated this 30 year old law already is. Have most ISACS comments been ‘insulting and possibly stirring up racial hatred?” Possibly. Have most IsACS broken the law? Almost certainly. Guilty as charged your honour. Come and put the cuffs on us all. But you’ll need an awful fuckin’ lot of handcuffs.
too right. surely i am allowed my own opinion. i’m not saying it’s bollocks just for the sake of it, i have reasons to say it. if Muslims are sooooooo convinced they are right, they should be prepared to enter debates and explain why ( in their view) the reasons i have are wrong.
You are allowed an opinion. As long as you agree with the left.