I’d like to nominate the guardian for a cunting. Not just because they’re the guardian, although that deserves a cunting by itself, but also because they’re moral cowards.
“comment is free”, they boast. Liberal guardians of free speech. Yeah right, my arse. I’ve posted several comments recently, making sure they abide by the site’s rules. I don’t make personal attacks on individual journalists nor on individual commentators, no matter how insufferable the average guardian reader is. And yet I find most of my posts deleted simply because I have the gall to disagree with their bubble of opinion.
I only read the site because I think it’s important to get as rounded a view of current affairs as possible. Yet it seems that to the guardian, if you dare to disagree with their opinion, you’re automatically a nazi and therefore not worthy of being allowed to comment.
Far from being Liberal, the guardian seems intent on operating a rigid ideology that cannot be broken. As such, they stifle free speech and the free exchange of ideas, and are therefore cunts of the highest order.
Nominated by Le Cunt Noir
The only reason I visit the Guardicunt website is coz its just about the only one that doesn’t demand payment or flood your screen with adverts.Incidentally I was permanently banned from posting comments on it a few months back after I called its staff a bunch of cock sucking left wing Nazis.
Top class sir – they are indeed that.
This is the left in a nutshell Noir. Anyone who disagrees with me is a Nazi.
Liberal? Funny how that word has been hijacked by them….it actually meant in its original meaning to be liberated from the state. So more capitalist than socialist but it’s been list in translation with them. Universities used to be debating chambers now their just safe spaces for snowflakes. This is what happens when 30 years of leftisms spreads to all institutions unchecked
It was warned of long ago.
For cultured progressive thinking liberals like myself, the guardian is a bastion of well balanced fair & diverse ideas. Just because you beastly people spend your time rooting in bushes for sexist pornograghy, and being racist xenophobic nazis! My friends tobias and drusilla yardley wright are organising a vegan trans friendly benefit for jo brand shes had a rough time lately, suggest you people come and contribute! Oh no jews by the way…
Oh goody I’ll bring hummus and sparkling mango infused Vichy water.
It had better be halal mango ron!
No probs DS. I always buy it from a Parking Stanley shop which certifies that all its mangos have been ritually slaughtered.
How utterly, unbeawably sexist…
What about the womangoes ??
What about dem, indeed ?
Sod them.
Morning all.
It’s Radio 4’s print edition. Not sure which one steals the order and content of its news from the other, but they’re identical, as is the slant of everything else. Long since gave up trying to comment there, as dissent was being progressively ignored – its current state is the logical conclusion of that. It’s a cosy little club for Islingtonites and, as long as they don’t look dangerously unlike LibDems, Blairites. An echo-chamber for urban bourgeois creatives. A sinecure for woke opinion-piece hacks. Leftwing? Uncle Joe would have shot the lot of them. Put that AK47 away…don’t tempt me.
On the bright side, it’s perpetually up the financial creek, and it can’t groan on much further. Can it?
Bail out by the EU and other dodgy donars that go unmentioned.
I’m still trying to work out how to stop their newfeeds infecting my web homepage so they don’t peddle their left wing opinionated filth.
It has the smallest circulation of any UK paper, and it’s not reaching the EU’s critics. Hard to see why even the EU would want to keep it alive.
The BBC buys half of its print run just to leave around its buildings for snowflakes to run to if they feel challenged by nasty far-right wacist pensioners. Pull the plug on the BBC and the upshot is that this shitrag will disappear up Owen Jone’s shitpipe as well. Win-win.
Uncle Joe not exactly yer average left winger. Totalitarian psychopath more like.
At least he and that other Nutter Adolf kept to their promises, “Im gonna wipe out the Kulaks” and “Im gonna wipe out the Jews” Nasty but Honest Cunts of the first rank.
But very effective.
Whatever floats your boat.
“Any culture that burns books will eventually burn people”
Wonder if that will also apply to Smith’s albums…
Not so much a newspaper more a modern day hippy journal. We could all live in love, peace and happiness if only we followed the Guardianista lifestyle (and had a shitload of money obviously).
Any newspaper which employs the likes of Owen Jones and Polly Wrongabouteverything Toynbee is not worthy of the name.
I’d use it to wipe my arse on if they gave it out for free, except for the fact that it would undoubtedly inflame my chalfonts.
Surely the Grauniad can’t survive much longer?
I eagerly await its eventual destruction…
If we do leave the EU snakepit (yeah right) let us hope these fuckflake faghags are flushed down the crapper for good…
Nope,apparently its constant use of the begging bowls going very well,plenty of cunts sending in money,hence the constant “Thanks so Much! Without you, Dear Reader and Contributor etc” arselicking after every fucking article
Three words here, Owen Peter Jones, no doubt this wankstain alone is a reason to cunt the Guardian.
He is upset because questions have been raised over the number of postal votes in Peterborough…..
Almost one third of the votes that were cast were postal votes (just under 10,000), there have been accusations of bribery and possible interfernce from “community leaders’
Its a little off topic from the Nom but rather than say ‘ thats a lot of postal votes – why? he goes straight to ‘waycist’
Jones is a cunt, therefore the Rag is a cunt!
Owen Jones is a professional contraryist, attention seeking, cry baby, CUNT
It is so right on that one prick even complained about a cryptic crossword clue which he said could have been prejudiced. I gave up reading it or contributing to its Comment is Free about a year ago and haven’t missed. I bet it is devoting acres to the Women’s World Cup farce.
Anyone who has anything to do with the Guardian is, by default, a cunt, including its readers. I wouldn’t even line a cat’s litter box with that anti-British, communist shitrag.
The gospel according to the Guardian:
A few racist attacks = widespread institutional racism (but crimes, grooming and rape by migrants are isolated incidents and PC Britain is not authoritarian at all, of course) and removal of public funding for an increasingly out of touch and biased mainstream media is an attack on the free press.
The sooner it goes out of business the better. I’d love to see Owen Jones and Polly Toynbee out of work. They’re deluded, arrogant, patronising and sneer at anyone who isn’t in their bohemian bourgeois clique.
Communist my fundament. The Grauniad is as fully in favour of the means of production, distribution and exchange being in the hands of the financial services industry as fucking Mark Carney is.
The leftist posture of its readers bears no relation to an ideology to which they pay only lip service. They’re AB management grades in unproductive and unnecessary ‘industries’, which would close immediately upon the implementation of Chairman Komodo’s first Five-Year Plan…and students.
Sorry – a bit too sweeping there. It is also read by social worker management staff for the job ads Some of these don’t make the B income group until they get the job.
I hate the typography.
Vox populi, vox Dei.
Horrible rag, stinky opinions. I wouldn’t use it to block the sink if my pipes burst. The writers smell of excrement.
I am proudly banned from CiF on the Graun. You can probably imagine why.
Incidentally – a couple of you touched on the subject of the integrity of the Peterborough election in an earlier post. Rod Liddle has published an article today basically coming out and saying it looks like it was as bent as fuck. The twitter mob have gone into their usual apoplexy!
The last time I read anything from The Guardian was about 2 years ago when they had one of those web-chatty Q&A with a chap called Bruce Dickinson who was plugging a new book.
Mr Dickinson is an interesting and mulit-talented chap. Best known as a singer he has many strings to his bow so I was looking forward to hearing questions and answers about aviation, business, history etc and even putting forward a couple of questions myself.
So what were the first questions The Guardian and it’s readers put to him? Is there any truth in the rumour that you and the guitarist from his band are gay? (There was no such rumour) and Who in his band of 6 old married men, has the best arse? Very fucking sophisticated.
Needless to say, I closed down the page and never went back.
All The Guardians in my local Parking Stanley shop come with free Anthrax in the centre fold but keep it to yourself. It’s a surprise.
That’s the Iron Maiden guy, isn’t it? Apart from his day job, isn’t he also a qualified commercial pilot and a fencer of some repute?
* Like sword fencing, not the garden variety….
No mecha rigsby, Bruce is good at both! Dab hand with a rapier and can knock up a wavylap panel with trellis as well. As started above multi talented! Did our patio…
That’s right, owns the largest air ship on the planet, flies 747’s all round the world, played behind The Iron Curtain, historian, Brexiteer and record label owner. I’ve since read his book and it’s a really good read.
But he was good friends with Bowie and one of his band members is a bit glam. 2+2= Shit Stabber in the world of the Guardianistas.
The fact he got the kind of throat cancer you can get from eating too much pussy is just a minor fact they’d like to gloss over.
You’re a more tolerant fellow than me LCN. I wouldn’t be able to read the Groaniad for more than a few minutes without smashing my fist through the wall.
The Guardian holds true modern liberal opinions which are totalitarian in their outlook. Trannies, Gays, lefties, anti-Trumpingttons, Pro-Palestinian and so on are always in the right. Get used to it.
I’m always amazed at how much cuntitude they manage to shoehorn into it!!
Mind you with Uber cunts like polly parrot toynbee and cry baby jones spilling their filth it soon fills up the pages..
I saw a particularly ridiculous article after Brexit where john grace claimed many Americans approached him in New York to pass on the commiserations regarding the vote?
Yeh cunt!! I’m sure they did …….
funny I was on holiday in Michigan in August 2016 and was approached by many locals who thought the guardian and john grace in particular were absolute CUNTS!!
Doesn’t the two horrible twats Polly Toynbee and the other fucker Owen Jones write for this scumbag paper? Enlighten me someone?
Posted this and it was awaiting moderation “what’s all that about please”This a forum for counting cunts Toynbee and Jones are two of the biggest ones on the planet.
Wordfence has a habit of being a tad overzealous with the spam moderation.
What do you expect from a rag that employs Polly Toynbee and Owen Jones
And we won’t even start about a certain Mr Nakrani who works at the Grauinad… Just look up ‘Charlie Clitlicker’…
Grauniad readers apparently hate the nickname. However, if you enter ‘grauniad.co.uk’ in to your browser it immediately redirects you to The Guardian! So the name’s here to stay even if the paper isn’t!
“Comment is free” is an Orwellian double-think statement. It’s free, in other words, no cost to comment, a completely different concept to “you are free to comment”. Always look at the way these cunts word things, they’re never as you would reasonably expect. Assume the worst, that way you’ll never be disappointed.
A good cutting to cunts who write a load of cuntswallop and expect newspapers to print it.
The problem being that they deliberately print demonstrable crap, the “apologize” afterwards, but by then the damage has been done. It’s about time that should the media print or broadcast demonstrable bollocks that does damage, they should have to give equal unequivocal coverage headlined on the front page, or leading the broadcast.
The (not so) independent is no slouch in the cunty stakes , a remoaners wank mag that’s highly attractive to individuals that don’t understand some of the longer words used in the guardian!! ?
By the way, has anyone tried out that Guardian parody headline generator? It’s brilliant.
Al Beebezeera only advertises for staff in the guardian, no surprise there then.
This is also worth a look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOgV6Fvc8wc
The Guardian us neo-Marxist anti semitic bilge.
My Allah bless all who read it with Ebola.
I did post a little back when comment was actually free. I havent honestly bothered since Rusbridger left. The new editor is an identity-obsessed tit whose new business model is silly middle-class women whinging about their bodies and men, mindless idolatry of NHS and Obama, identitarian rage-bait, hit pieces on people they disagree with and self-parody.
No news to be found, just like that student rag, the i.
I read the graun once on a site building site if you can believe it.
The electrician I worked with fancied himself as being a bit of an intellectual. Cultured, enlightened, better than everyone else… he used to put on a posh accent to sound sophisticated to the rich cunts even though he was common trash with shit for brains and came from a shit hole. …. and still lived in a shit hole.
Anyway, I suddenly saw where he got it from…..
Every column was the most pretentious, arrogant, “listen to me, I’m so much more educated and intelligent than you. If you can even understand what I’m saying (I’m just so much smarter than you), then I’ll help you to be a little bit like me… lucky you”, BOLLOCKS.
Utter stuck up twats, championing the poor and victimised in the world, while in the next breath victimising the fucking poor, “those racist, homophobic, uneducated, philistine cunts”.
The guardian makes me ok with being poor.
I’d rather be starving in the gutter than be that much of a stuck up middle class cunt.
On a similar theme one of the cunts on 5 live last night said that the over 75s should pay the TV licence because ‘irs only the cost of 4 meals.’ What kind of fucking bubble are these bourgeois neoliberal cunts living in? It’s like they’re living on Mars!
If only they were oc.
That’s an idea….
Someone should tell them that there are racists on mars, that don’t believe that a man can become a woman….. they must be bullied into the progressive bourgeois ideology at once, before they spread any more islamophobia!
Maybe they’ll fuck off over there and leave the rest of us in peace.
I like the way you’re thinking DtS!:
Don’t forget to inform the cunts that Mars has breathable atmosphere, an ozone layer and moderate temperatures.
Then they won’t bother taking any spacesuits or oxygen…
when I do a googlecunt search why do I always get bbc First then The Gaurdian?
Cunts the lot of them
The Daily Mail is getting as bad. This is now the popular newspaper for the Remain cause since the new Editor took over. I get so many ‘your comments have been removed’ because I call May, or Chimp-face a bad name that it is getting boring.