The BBC (07)

The BBC again, the BBC has the same attitude to the people as pre Cromwell monarchs. We are there to enrich them and they’ve a divine right to lord it over us.

They have given a statement to justify the TV license, I’ll let you read it below. Suffice to say they purposely miss the point.

If the BBC wants 3 tv channels, regional channels, more radio stations than they can reasonably justify. BBC Asian or whatever it’s called, what the fucks that about?

It’s really time the BBC was commercialised, every defence they make of themselves just highlights how far removed they are from those forced to pay for the gravy train.

“Cutting the pay of stars and senior managers would only save a fraction of the cost of free TV licences for older people, the BBC has said.
The broadcaster has defended its decision to end universal free licences for over-75s because of the £745m cost.
In a letter to the Daily Telegraph, BBC director of policy Clare Sumner said the BBC could only save £25m if it kept all salaries at or below £150,000.”

Nominated by Sixdog Vomit

61 thoughts on “The BBC (07)

  1. Fuck the BBC, the licence is a rip off, with so much media scrutiny the ‘independence’ of the BBC is no longer valid.
    It has been seen recently they cant even getting the vetting process right when they had their leadership debate.
    They manipulate reports to favour left wing agendas, this has been stated by many peole including MPs, the coverage of the Trump visit received many complaints and newswatch ran all the examples, did the BBC admit they were at fault…. No did they fuck
    Time to go commercial and face the same media scrutiny as all the other commercial broadcasters, I think there should be a public vote to scrap the TV licence.

      • We would need a people’s vote after a couple of years of debate by our illustrious politicunts.

      • Very true, its hard to interpret a vote when the question is scrap the TV licence or keep the TV licence, there would be so many reasons why people may want to scrap the licence.

      • Indeed. Was it a ‘hard’ licence exit they were voting for that still retained some pornography or the ‘soft’ option?

  2. The BBC has become an apologist for a left wing liberal agenda. It has forfeited its right to be regarded as an impartial national broadcaster.

    Al Beeb needs to reform or be privatized and forget about its license fees.

  3. The BBC may have it’s faults but one thing in it’s favour is the absence of nauseating tedious fuckin ADVERTS. Let’s keep it that way. Can anyone Listen to LBC without being driven bonkers by ads repeated over and over and over again. I still haven’t had my wine cellar valued or taken out an Ocean Finance credit card.

    • You make a good point. There are some relatively impartial factual programmes I do like to listen to on radio 4 like The Briefing Room, but all in all I just can’t defend this openly wet left propoganda machine.

  4. LBC is free and finds itself via advertising. If the BBC was a subscription service they would only have to run adverts if they wanted to boost their income. Either way I don’t give a shit, why should I pay so you can listen to advertisement free radio? I certainly shouldn’t have to pay under penalty of law to have bullshit agendas pumped into my home every time I land on a bbc broadcast.

    • Fair do’s Richard, but even with the adverts LBC is still 100% more bearable, informative and entertaining than ABBC Radio 4.

      Btw, are you seriously telling me you still don’t want to apply for an Ocean credit card?


      • Sorry Sixdog, my reply was meant for Richard1 above your post. Seems Boris is not the only incompetent cunt in the cuntry…

      • No worries I managed to Boris my reply to Richard which is probably what caught you ought.

        I should probably apologise for the cock up but as Boris would tell you one can’t spend all ones time apologising.

      • Ha ha. Am tempted but have managed to resist so far. If there was a competition for the worst advert ever that would win hands down. ‘But I know why you’re not applying because you’ve already got one!’ Fuckin hilarious.

  5. The BBC are a bunch of money wasting cunts who need to be reined in asap. We don’t need all these local radio stations, especially the ones that cater to fucking foreigners. Why do they have to broadcast during the day when there are plenty of trashy channels to cater for old dears and chavs? Why do they spend money on fucking slebs like the Taxdodger and all the poofs they employ?
    Their news and current affairs is a fucking disgrace that only fucking Blair would approve of. They are cunts, total cunts.
    And let’s not forget the Savile business……..they got nicely away with that one didn’t they? No heads ever roll at the BBC.
    Close them down and tell them to fuck off the EU loving wankers.

  6. I remember Des Lynam talking about his stint on Countdown. He said he couldn’t believe he had to press the button to start the clock himself. At the BBC he would have had half a dozen cunts to do that for him.
    As we speak hundreds of BBC cunts are on their way to Glastonbury for a nice little cokefest at the taxpayers expense. Over staffed and under employed. Fucking cunts.

    • They send Carol the fucking weather girl all round the country to read the weather report. For fuck sake how do they justify that? Does the haggard old bag really need to be at Ascot to tell us the weather? How much does each jolly cost?

      Shit like this is par for the course on the BBC and it boils my piss. Same as sending that northern bint to factories up and down the country to interview the Mr Burns like bosses as the plebs are all shown in the background looking like happy idiots. A small fortune spaffed for no real journalistic reason. The real reason is budget justification, hordes of producers, editors and related cunts justifying their income with shite no one wants or needs, the justification then used to grab another 750 million off pensioners.

      I’m pretty sure I could cut 750 million from the BBC’s budget without the viewing public noticing a difference in quality of output.

      The BBC is corrupt and it needs to be reviewed by a totally independent authority.

      That’s before we even touch on bias.

  7. A lot of the license fee goes to ‘independent’ production companies, many of which would not exist if the BBC hadn’t decided to outsource its original content. Then there’s the layer upon layer of management, with portentous titles and meaningless job descriptions, more suits by some way than are actually required to run the ship.

    We need to see some metrics. What is the actual cost per programme-hour? How many management hours per programme-hour? Cost of in-house production vs. external per programme hour? And much more.

    I can’t work out, though, how much of the BBC’s offensively BAME-LGBT oriented output is due to the Guardian-reading culture within, or government nudging from outside. The latter, I think, or why would an organisation which is securely funded by the license payer feel it has to compete for audience with the commercial shite-pedlars?

    Go to the chapel at Rothiemurchus. Put your ear to the ground. The noise you hear, that is the ashes of Lord Reith, spinning.

    • ‘A lot of the license fee goes to ‘independent’ production companies, many of which would not exist if the BBC hadn’t decided to outsource its original content.’

      Be fair, that one was down to the Tories and one of their spots of meddling with Auntie…though, as is typical, the BBCunts took an attempt at saving license money and turned it into another fucking black hole for it to disappear into.

      It’s amazing how many BBC ‘stars’ have both direct contracts with Auntie, and also (as shareholders or owners of production companies) indirect ones…talk about having two bites of the pie…

  8. John Prescott is in hospital after suffering a stroke. If it had been in the House of Lords he may have been undiscovered for days with staff thinking he was sleeping off a long boozy lunch.

    • Fuck! I’ve had Two Jags in the dead pool loads of times and now he pulls this trick on me when I haven’t got him. What an inconsiderate cunt.

      • I bet he is not at a local NSH hospital either, Mr Akbar is waiting for his hip replacement after flying in from Pakistan and an expectant mother from Lagos has quads due any hour.

    • Apparently it happened because he’d been shagging his secretary who, unbeknown to him, turned out to be a pre-op trans, so he ended up with more than egg on his face.

      • Made me smirk how the radio news referred to the pie eating baboon as Lord Prescott… And will he fuck as like be in an NHS hole… He’s always been a champagne socialist turd of the first rank….

  9. To hear the BBC at it’s smarmiest, condescending, snooty Remainer worse, just listen to fatarse Mark Mardell every time he introduces Wireless 4’s World At One, snapping at Nigel or any of the *far Right* (i.e. anyone to the right of Karl Marx) and interrupting, then the silence as he listens with respect to the likes of Hilary Mary-Ann Benn and Dame Keir, probably sucking their cocks while he does so.

    • I hate that cunt with a passion that cannot be expressed in words. If nothing else I would advocate disbanding Al Bibi just to put that smug nasally uber-lib out of a job, everything else would be collateral damage.

  10. BBC news today , interview with Liam Gallagher, he is a total cock but he was asked about politics and slagged off Suckdick …. so funny.
    “All we hear from him (Khan) is ‘London is Open’, open for what, getting stabbed”


  11. Frankly, I don’t know why they bother with all of their numerous bloody channels/stations/whatever. Most of what is on them is TOTAL SHITE and they broadcast things that you would only watch or listen to if you had an AK-47 pointed at your head.

    They may as well have adverts because they would be about the only decent thing worth watching on their cunt fest channels.

    I never watch BBC these days, but my parents both like a bit of ‘Countryfile’ and ‘Antiques Roadshow’ of a Sunday and my retired Dad has his arse glued to the living room chair watching the daytime bollockry they show like ‘The Repair Shop’ and ‘Flog it!’ (should be renamed ‘FUCK THAT!’, in my humble opinion, but I digress) They are naturally not impressed by this license fee shite, but are pretty resigned to now having to pay.

    I on the other hand have my piss boiling off the scale, but then being a moody old cunt, it doesn’t take much.


  12. Just read on SPivey that BoJo’s girlfriend was a victim of John Worboys. Can this be true? And if it is why no mention on the MSM?

  13. Quality and timely cunting. Mrs MR is disabled and fretting about the increasingly threatening letters these cunts are sending her. We don’t watch any of their dross, we watch box sets and docus on YouTube, etc.

    Im not disabled and from Lewisham and I’m actually quite looking forward to battering a pair of Nigerian traffic wardens when they turn up and wont take no for an answer .

    • I was attending the burial of a traffic warden when suddenly a voice from the coffin shouted, “Stop, let me out, I’m not dead.”

      With that the vicar leant over the coffin and said “Sorry mate, I’ve already done the paperwork”….

  14. I’ve been debating with Mrs. Schizophrenia about not paying our licence for a while but she’s a stickler for the law. The middle-class are always the most law-abiding cunts. She’s at breaking point though.

    By the way, it’s Licence (with a “c”) for the noun and license (with an “s”) for the verb. I bought a licence, this shop is licensed to sell booze, etc. Like practice and practise and advice and advise. We don’t all speak Americano.

    • You’re absolutely right about ‘licence/license’. In my defence (septic: ‘defense’), though well aware of this I couldn’t be arsed, and think the meaning was clear. No offense…

    • The problem with being self educated I’m afraid, school was always a prison to me and I paid little attention to it when I they did manage to get me there.

      I make many grammatical errors, sometimes through laziness and often because I just never paid attention to the droning noises emanating from the front of the class. So yep it’s a licence but I know my fellow cunters make allowances for my limited intellect and even more limited education…….mostly.

      • The way i tap on my iPad i am just happy that most of the letters fall out in the right order.

    • Thank you GS, I missed this grammatical point at school, it will now come in great use for a cheerful pedant as myself.

      I also left my glasses off the day Mr Gilbert wrote Periodic Table on the board in chemistry. For years after I thought it was the Penodic Table.

      • I was in the 3rd year of primary before the Math teacher kindly explained that it was Math not Mass.

        I really was a waste of space at school.

    • Too right General. There’s a shop not far from where I live with a sign reading ‘Off License.” It boils my piss every time I pass it. Whilst we’re at it let’s give a cunting for the common practice, note practice not practise of replacing ‘s’ with a ‘z’ in words such as ‘privatization’ or ‘organization.’

      • The Septic Z – thank you, Webster’s Dictionary, which reckoned English had to be spelled differently in the US – does boil my piss, as does ‘f’ for ‘ph’ as in ‘sulfur.’ They can’t even pronounce ‘z’. the cunts.

      • I wasn’t singling out anybody and my grammar and spellink ain’t perfect but I do dislike Yankifications.

  15. The old detector vans could pick up the IF from a cathode-ray set, so would know which channel was being watched. This is of course no longer the case with digital screens.
    It would be immoral to suggest withholding the licence fee whilst continuing to watch live TV, but there’s little chance “they” could find out.
    But I won’t shed a tear for the Grauniad/BBC unholy alliance should the funding change.

    • I think those vans are a BBC perpetuated myth. How were they targeting people in tower blocks or built up residential areas?

      All the same: if Mtembe and Nbugo post at my door to ask why I haven’t paid they will be told to fuck off out of it, before I set the fucking dogs on them.

    • I don’t agree. Why should I pay the BBC for watching other channels? I don’t pay Wait rose a subscription for shopping in Aldi.

  16. Check out this cushy BBC job. I wonder how much this woman gets paid to hold journalists´ hands and say “there, there” when they describe their “traumatic” experiences using Twitter.
    “Kate Riley first became involved in trauma support as Managing Editor in the Newsgathering Department. As the part of the organisation which is regularly deploying teams to conflict and disaster zones on high risk stories, safety considerations, risk assessments and post assignment debriefs were a daily part of her work. Kate has co-ordinated the BBC’s Trauma Risk Management Network for the past five years providing peer-to-peer support across the BBC. In the past few years, Kate has become increasingly interested in the impact of vicarious trauma on teams of journalists, particularly those involved in using social media and User Generated Content as a news gathering tool.”

      • Sounds a bit like that cunt jihadi jacks dad saying he has ptsd through worrying about what might have happened to his cunting offspring

      • Being called a cunt. Mind you, doing risk assessments is among the bloodiest paperwork there is. I expect she delegated that.

  17. I would not mind paying a licence fee if they were not so eu / left wing biased. They make no attempt to cover up their naked ultra left wing views and NEVER apologise for it. Its so hard trying to get a balanced view when seeking out news.
    And Sly news are no better , or Cunting left wing channel 4 news . RT news is a 24 hour relentless anti western pro Kremlin Propaganda rant. They still deny those 2 Ivans had nothing to do with the Novichok poisoning in Salisbury even now their banged to rights.
    I tend to watch internet channels such as Summit News, Black Pigeon, Pat Condell and Paul Joseph Watson when Youtube are not banning them. Oh and of course isacunt.
    Forget Mainstrem media you will NEVER get a balanced view from those cunts.

  18. The sooner this archaic old boy network is closed down the better. It gets EU funding via the back door so how can it be humanly possible to be impartial Overpaid & grossly underworked staff getting a kings ransom for doing virtually nothing all funded by the Licence Fee Oh and the EU.Id save the money by sacking nine tenths of the lazy bastards

    • I hope the EU funding will stop after Brexit (if it ever occurs).
      It’s a disgrace already – their charter emphasises impartiality and balance, ha ha ha, really!

  19. Some fucker should have been sacked for that Jo Brand business. They not only allowed it through the edit but put an apology at the end as if it was a live broadcast and there was nothing they could do about it. Fucking cunts. I bet if it was one of their favourite remoaner politicians they would have cut that out.
    All protecting each other’s arses as usual.

  20. Fair do’s to them though. The comedy W11A was a brilliant piss take of themselves.’ Head of Now’ lol.

    • It was closer to a documentary than a comedy. Have a look at some BBC job titles.

  21. The licence fee is an outdated poll tax. The BBC is such a bloated edifice because it is guaranteed our money. Run on commercial lines and trimmed it could easily trim a billion or so off it’s costs, and produce decent programmes. I mostly watch recordings so adverts are not a problem. In fact the garbage the BBC inserts before the 6 oclock news is just as irritating as adverts.
    Privatise the fucker.

  22. This isn’t a cost. A cost is a bill that has to be paid. This is a lack of revenue. Aged cunts who have served their time and paid their dues but nonetheless feel that the Beeb is value can buy a fucking licence anyway and wipe their runny noses with it. That they don’t is a useful indicator of their perception of value delivered to them by the endless fucking antiques and house-buying drivel, and leftie cunts being rude about rightie cunts that passes for programming.

  23. This link is the Beeb’s own charter, with its Object, Mission and Purpose…

    If you pay it a cursory glance I’m sure you’d agree that any fair-minded customer would easily conclude that it fails to meet the requirements of their charter and should therefore be disbanded.
    But fair minded customers are so hard to come by these days.
    And it’s all so subjective in stating that it must show “the most creative, highest quality and distinctive output and services…”
    Creative – by definition
    Highest quality – Rarely
    Distinctive – Always
    It produces creative low quality shit

  24. The cunts decided to abandon the free TV licence after a poll they conducted resulted in 52% to 48% being in favour of scrapping the free licence. You can’t make this shit up.

  25. BBC Channel 4 and all the other media outlet cunts think they are the news and it’s just a vehicle to spread their London bubble views as opposed to reporting facts in an even handed way like things used to be back in the day ( not perfect but …. late sixties and seventies you just got the news reported) .

    What preutrid scum – – – scrap the licence fee and bring back the ‘stocks’ in towns and villiages up and down the country. First In will be the utter filth from Channel 4 . Snow and krishnangurucunt face —— rotten veg and dog turds thrown at their smug faces. Soldier ants should be tipped down their liberal leftie standard issue corduroy trousers and pubic lice and crabs positioned in the inner arms of their leather patched jackets. These people hollow out decent society — they are vermin.

  26. I detest adverts, however I fully support product placement and sponsors.

    What does Coronation Street get, 13 million viewers? It’s more viewers than Australians, so let the pub sell Stella, the locals Smoke Regal King Size and have a Dominos Pizza, Subway and McDonalds on the street.

    Fuck they can have a pringles party if they want as long as long as it’s only once.

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