
Slavers…are cunts.

Those ignorant of the world at large, or just trying to push an anti-white agenda, will try and have people believe slavery began and ended with the North Atlantic slave trade – it didn’t. There are an estimated nearly 40 million slaves in the world, mostly in Africa and Asia. And most of those that suffer slavery in Europe, judging by the cases reported in the news, are owned by Africans and Asians – bringing slavery to our freedom-loving shores.

One such recent big UK case is the county lines gang. The likes of Glodi Wabelua and Michael Karemera are slaving cunts with their gang keeping as many as 30 slaves but naturally only receiving risible sentences for their crimes. Cases of Romananian sex-slave owners, Pakistani domestic slave owners, gypsy slave owners should all be treated in rightful contempt but to do so would probably be racist so the so-called SJW’s will probably just keep banging on about long-dead whities in a top hat slavers. But let us enlightened cunters give a good cunting to slavers of the 21st century!

Fuck all those Chinese traffickers importing North Korean slaves. Fuck Qatar building their world cup event enslaving and killing epalese slaves to do it. Fuck libya with its slave markets. Fuck the Islamic Republic of Mauritania where roughly 2% of people are slaves…etc

Nominated by MandroidZ

40 thoughts on “Slavers

    • Not me. I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, labelled, numbered, or enslaved to the British Bullshitting Corp!

      My life is my own. Ha-ha-ha…

      • True… The ‘man’ has now banned advertising cigs… Fags, cigars and baccy are not to (allowed to) be seen these days… Yet there are scratchcards and lotto booths in every shop and supermarket… Betting adverts plague the TV… Betting firms don’t give a fuck for the peoples lives they ruin, they’re in it for profit and anything else the “give back to the fans” or “the good of the game” is utter crap…They are poison and just another way to screw Joe Public over… And Ray ‘Bet Free Six Foive’ Winstone is a ‘fackin’ cunt….

      • Good morning RTC. Saw you on Columbo yesterday afternoon & I thought ‘that doesnt resemble RTC at all, where have those rugged looks gone?’ Got to say you looked better when u were the non co-operative ‘slave’ number 6. They clearly looked after you well in The Village.

      • Morning TEGC. You’re not wrong, I’ve become a bit of a washout since my time in The Village. Halcyon days! Wish I hadn’t escaped now.

        Can’t complain though. Nurse Cunty treats me very well in the Portmeirion Nursing Home, even got a flash of her arsehole yesterday. Made an old man very happy.

  1. Modern Slavery? What a great idea.

    Where do I get one? I’d like a well-built.20 year old dusky Maiden who doesn’t mind a sexual tyrannasaurus like me mounting up.
    I have no sugar-cane or cotton,so will have no use for any Buck Tarry-Toots,thank you.

    Fuck Off.

    • I can see the Russian mob promising a sweet naïve peasant girl from the Ukrainian wheat belt a better life. “Yes we have man just for you, English gentleman, live in big towers, very classy, he no trouble, you just laugh at jokes and polish swordstick”.

      • Scroll down from that piece to find article on Chinese surveillance technology. Mei Wa Ching Yu, described on the customs manifest as a gift worth less than $10, is currently out for delivery…

      • I hate fucking dwarves.

        Their arseholes are too small.

        *Sickipedia. (stallion)

      • I fucking love a dwarf i do! Theyre great! About the only thing im not prejudice against! Massive heads an little arms an legs , cheers me right up! Saw one in a pub an hed drink for free all night.( I hasten to point out not got a fetish or anything, not a sexual thing!!!?

      • ”they can answer questions but cannot hold longer conversations”

        No different to a millennial human bird then.

      • I think the idea is just to fuck them, but it does remind me of the film “Cherry 2000” which like most sci fi films seems to be coming true

      • I don’t hold a conversation with a human once I’ve chucked my muck up her, (tend to just wipe my bellend on the curtain, put my money on the side and Fuck Off) so a robot’s lack of interesting chatter’ll be a bonus as far as I’m concerned.

      • Cherry 2000 is fucking ace.

        I can’t wait for Total Recall to come true I’ve been wanting to fuck a mutant with 3 tits since I was eleven.

  2. Damn it, I thought this nom was something to do with those fuckers who drool…

    I’ll keep me gob shut.

  3. Yeah its dreadful, slavery, suggest anyone getting one buys locally sourced, organic, fair trade ones. Oh and make sure you get a receipt!

    • But don’t get conned into buying an extended warranty. Repairs and replacement parts are available for free on the NHS.

  4. We’re all slaves. They no longer keep us in chains, they keep us in debt with mortgages, taxes and bills.
    Not sure this is how humans are supposed to exist….

  5. Its going to be dead funny when the libfuck left start ffghting each other… The much despised ‘white man’ (as that ‘Nazi Scum’ shouting fat human slug/slag shouted) should retire from having anything to do with these cunts… Because they will then turn on one another… It’s in their nature to be offended about something (anything) and they just have to be the best (or is it worst?) victim in the street (or social media)…. The increasingly psychotically feral Me Too Femstapo won’t like the stunt pulling LGBTWYfuckingZ lot getting more ‘victim points’ than them… The peacefuls and the Lammyesque types will want be top (dirty) dogs, and the Hollyweird celebrity libflakes will change their ‘loyalty’ and ‘political opinions’ as quick as they change drugs to take or cocks to suck… People like Tommy Robbo and Sir Nige should just say nothing and watch the snowflake civil war unfold… I -for one – cannot fucking wait… Wonder what the BBC coverage will be like?…

  6. We are all slaves to money and most dont even realise it. I see all the cunts running around London town and elsewhere… miserable, bitter, pissed off going to a job they dont care about or want to progress in. They have to do it because of money, because we live in an expensive country where pay rises are’nt level with inflation…cunts getting ripped off paying three times there house value back over 30 years for a tiny plot of land only for some to get ripped off at the end, our wonderful Government bailing out the Banks with our money to only sell the shares off at a massive loss, etc etc etc. Realised long ago when I was a young 18 year old that the system in this country keeps you in your place and unless you get out there and make some money you’ll be in the same job (you dont care about, or want to be in) thirty years later…washed up, bitter, and pissed off boring the younger staff with your boring yarns and repeating yourself.
    Better to be at the bottom of a ladder you want to climb than half way up one you dont.
    As for slavery we are all descended from slaves. Its not right and I would’nt keep one but its been the way of the world for ages.
    Its a fucked up world and if you cant handle it…Go fuck yourselves.

    • Of course slavery was a terrible thing but you cannot judge the actions of slavers through todays eyes, as you rightly said B&WC, everyone took slaves from the Romans to the Vikings, Ottomans, Aztecs and African tribes selling prisoners of war to Europeans. People shouldn’t forget their history but should stop acting like they are still suffering the consequences when living in a first world country as more than anything its an insult to the people who did actually suffer.

      • Exactly that LL, what pisses me off are people who go on and on about trans atlantic slavery…yes it was terrible and out of order and it should’nt be forgotten…but its 2019 and me for one (having slave ancestors) am not going to go on about it and use it to have a chip on my shoulder…as I cannot imagine or would want to experience the life some of my enslaved ancestors did, and I am sure they would look at the freedoms and life Britain has given me and be happy for me.
        People who go on about Britain this and Britain that should realise that Britain is the best country in the world and I for one am not only proud to be British but wouldn’t live anywhere else.
        Its usually cunts who are skint, pissed off and whose life has not worked out the way they wanted looking to blame something for their failures.
        Britain provides a good education, free healthcare and they even pay you not to work. No excuses…if you fail in life in most cases you have to question yourself and not blame others or events that took place hundreds of years ago.

      • Ben Shapiro says it well with his ‘rules for avoiding poverty’. Stay in school and finish your education, avoid teenage parenthood and avoid long-term unemployment. There will be unavoidable circumstances but it isn’t a race thing and in a country like the UK or US is a good grounding.

      • People shouldnt forget their history’. Given the appalling education system and indoctrination by the BBC and liberties taken by Hollywood, most people under 35 in the UK do not know any history to then later forget.

      • Nobody reads books anymore. They get education from hollywood movies where the hetero-normal white englishman is usualy the bad guy, and facebook where retards lead the retards.

  7. Grenfell survivors and relatives open US legal battle on firms they say are to blame for the fire… Nothing to do with the dozy bogo cunt who had that dodgy fridge then?… Was wondering when they’d smell money….

    No surprises that Victoria Derbyshire is onto this like a errr dog with a virtue signaling bone… Also expect Lammy to put his big nose in any time now… He just might mention he had a ‘friend’ who lived there….

    Here we go! Here we go! Here we go!

    • And couldn’t these companies say that most of the cunts in Grenfell were there illegally anyway?… Well, they could have done until Theresa May Iscariot gave them all a free pass…

  8. Great cunting.
    Let’s not forget the commies with their gulag slaves.
    Worked to death, starved, frozen or just plain shot once they were too weak to work. An ideology supported by the likes of the abbopotomous….. yet she has the gaul to point her fat sausage finger at the white man. Cunts.

    • Fuckin ‘A. The Left have been responsible from the deaths of 10’s of millions in Russia, China, Cambodia but don’t expect them to actually know that.

  9. We all know the ‘Beeb’ deplores slavery…
    Unless it’s sex slaves in Rotherham and Rochdale…
    Or in the TOTP studio (Owz about than then!)….

  10. Here we go again… “Diversity Is Our Strength” says Suckdick Khan (and the BBC)….

    “Diversity” helped us to import…

    Isl@mist nutters
    Knife wielding psychopaths
    Benefit scroungers
    Health tourists
    Cash point fraudsters
    Roma Booshka beggars
    People shitting in the street
    Struggling NHS, Councils, Schools et

    Fuck diveristy! And fuck Khan!

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