I wish to nominate Establishment flavour-of-the-month Rory Stewart for the consideration of the denizens of the award-winning website ISAC.
The media are currently indulging in one of their groupthink exercises over this escaped extra from the Planet of the Apes. Little bit of reality, Stewart gained 19 out of 313 votes in the first round of the Conservative leadership contest – a muscular 6%. But the media love him because he is one of their own.
Let’s just examine the evidence…
– son of a diplomat;
– attended Eton;
– PPE at Oxford (natch);
– Harvard;
– private tutor to Princes William and Harry.
A complete and utter Establishment figure.
What is it with all these beta-males in politics and the media at the moment? Rory Stewart is just the latest in a long procession of chinless wonders talking down to the public. Nick Clegg, Emmanuel Macron, Guy Whatshisname, Owen Jones, that twat from Channel 4 News, they are fucking everywhere. Perhaps Stewart is trying to get his own back on Boris Johnson for flushing his head down the bog at Eton?
The Chinese, the Russians and the various jihadist mentalists must be trembling in their boots
Nominated by Cunt’s Mate Cunt
Treeza the Appeaser wearing trousers. What an absolute fucking useless poshboy retarded chimpanzee. This grinning remoaner primate has so many media tongues up his bumhole it’s a miracle he can put one foot in front of the other. They fucking love him the cunt.
Of course as far as that farce last night……..have you ever seen a bigger bunch of soft as shit, bungling wankers in one place before? Tusk, Macron,Merkel etc must have been watching that, popping open the champagne and pissing themselves laughing.
I reckon the Lib Dumbs and Sir Nigel had a big grin on their mugs as well.
This pencil necked geek is rumoured to have been working for MI6, I know our security services are forced to cast the net wider in the name of ‘diversity’ but come on! Its like they recruited Westminster’s answer to Mr Bean.
A strangulated diction so reminiscent of Hartley Hare from the children’s 70’s show Pipkins.
It is of much comfort that this wide-mouthed, undernourished willy warmer is firmly stuck on the back of the grid in the race to PM.
He shows an astonishing lack of foresight, telling all he wont serve in the cabinet if silly bollocks Boris is made PM. Boris would be hardly any less competent than Saggy May, would he?
Funny you should mention 70s kids tv Paul, whats with Rory having these photos were hes dresses as lawrence of Arabia, scottish highlander, Afghan shepherd etc? Seen em? Wtf!! Not mr Bean, fucking mr Benn!
“…and as if by magic, Boris Johnson appeared”
Rory in his Highland pose looks like something I suppose would feature in a gay interest publication. Not that I have any real knowledge. Krav and MPG would be able to comment.
And has anyone noticed the amazing resemblance between Rory Stewart and Woody from Toy Story? They’re both cowboys…
Perhaps they are related. I think we should be told.
Rory Stewart
“To obscurity and beyond!“
A cunt like the other hopefuls, scruffy jezza gets ever closer as I watch these posh boy clowns. Except “saj” and I hope he’s a none starter.
During last night’s “debate” this gurning freak wasn’t actually sitting on his stool properly. Instead he was sort of leaning back against it in the manner of someone bracing themselves against a wall in a back alley in order to curl one down.
From his posture, I think he had already curled one down in his pants, and was attempting to manouver it so it would roll down his trouser leg without drawing attention to himself.
Which is a bit difficult when you look like the progeny of a drunken Mick Jagger shagging a spaced-out Keef by mistake.
This cunt makes Treeza look like a nazi. He should be with the other militant libs in the Green party. He would force through a Norway type shit deal to keep all the remainers happy.
WTF is going on this cunt will make it to the final 2 then what will happen a Boris setup? Why didn’t the fuck up nice guys at the ERG do the dirty on this cunt. They should have voted for Raab just to get rid of all the remainer cunts and then make their final decision in the final ballot from the two half decent Brexiters. It makes so much fucking sense even Ray Charles can see it.
He looks like a beggar outside of my local Coop and he’s proper smack head. This cunt walked across Afghan but he probably never even saw a poppy field? Treeza runs through wheet fields Rory avoids poppy fields. Gove got coked out of his head and the media wont forget it. Stewart smoked smack which is way more addictive and dangerous than coke and its fucking glossed over. We hear about Gove’s Visa applications and not been able to visit the US WTF what about Stewart?
Fucking Eaton and Oxford – Modern History for one year, before switching to Philosophy, Politics and Economics. WTF all we need another fucking useless arts student. Mi6 my arse if he did work there he was an intern making the tea during summer off Uni. Fucking convenient that he cant deny it. Just like his fucking time in the army as an officer he wasn’t there long enough to learn how to polish his boots. Sounds like his CV was being setup and he was being groomed for this job. Where did he get the time to change the princes nappies?
It said on BBC News he setup a charity in Afghan. Bollocks it was setup by Prince Jug ears himself. Stewart worked there before pissing off with an employees wife. He goes on about his great negotiating skills, yeah look at Afghan now the cunt couldn’t walk ten yards these day without ending up on youtube getting beheaded.
If a legitimate reporter wanted to destroy this cunt and see him off for good all it needs is a few simple questions. He goes on about representing the people and doing what they want and not lying so he should tell us
1. How did he vote in the referendum?
2. How would he vote now? He refuses to fucking answer so much for being honest with the people cunt!
3. Would he be happy if Article 50 was revoked?
4. If he was PM would he revoke Article 50?
5. What remainer cunts would you have in the cabinet?
Nigel worries me he is giving this cunt oxygen. He says how much he likes him and his campaign but doesn’t agree with him over Brexit. Maybe its because Stewart has said he wants to work with Nigel if he becomes PM. Well if Nigel is falling for that one then he must have be on some illegal substances too. I think Nigel could come to regret this he needs to cunt Stewart now!
Great post SC.
Very telling that Labour /LibDem commentators and supporters think the sun shines out of the chimp’s backside…
Rory needs to fuck off back to Labour from whence he came.
I’m past the stage of caring who they have,what they do or how the final sell-out is packaged.
Just put the whole sorry affair out of it’s (and our) misery.
Fuck them all.
Who would you prefer, Fiddler?
I honestly cannot muster any enthusiasm for any of the shitlist. My trust in the Tories is just no longer there, and I believe any of them would just renege on promises and carry on the May tradition of open-arsed subservience to Brussels,
All of the parties might as well just get together and say “Brexit is cancelled….that’s it”. At least,for once,they would be honest. I don’t think that it makes a jot of difference who is “Leader”…it’s not going to happen.
Bearing in mind that I don’t believe that “Brexit” will ever happen,I’d prefer to just see Article 50 revoked.
Morning TECB.
I’d also like to see Eton College closed before it produces any more total Fuckwits…..
Out of frame Cameron is eyeing an unsuspecting porker.
Morning Dick.
That’ll be music to the Remain ruling elite’s ears. But what can you do?
I agree that is just what they want,RTC,but I think that it’s about time to face facts. I don’t believe that Johnson’ll deliver “Brexit”,I don’t believe that anyone can deliver “Brexit”.
Anyone who believes that Politicians will decide the fate of “Brexit” is wrong…big business has already decided it’s fate. If it was ever going to happen,it should have been immediately following the referendum.
Defeatist?… can’t deny it.
Agree 100% Dick. As I posted yesterday, the damage has already been done. Mrs May has served her purpose with distinction and next month Boris will come in on a wave of delusiory optimism and proceed to put the kibosh on Brexit once and for all. You can bet the Remain ruling elite have more than enough dirt on the dissembling oaf to guarantee he sees their Slave State Treaty through the House of Commons by Christmas.
In fact I’ll be a Rory Stewart’s uncle if he hasn’t cut a deaI with those fuckers already.
I voted “out”, but seeing what a fucking incompetent troupe of baboons we have as a government, it is clear that they couldn’t run a fucking whelk stall, let alone a sovereign state.
I am beginning to have some regrets about my vote; not regret altogether (yet) but sufficient to make me think again about my choice if we could rewind to 2016.
It is far, far beyond their expertise as they have ably demonstrated to us. It doesn’t matter if Boris or Gove is at the helm; I foresee that parliament will continue to vote against any deal and Article 50 is then likely to be revoked.
I am coming round to the thinking that we are better off under the Gnomes of Brussels. Wait until the EU implodes, which it will, and then the reigns of UK power will be handed to Germany. Seig Heil. Now where’s my bratwurst?
Morning Paul.
From the word go I had ZERO confidence in the political pygmies supposedly running this country to make anything other than a complete pig-fucker’s ear out of independence, even if they’d wanted to carry out the will of the people… which they clearly didn’t.
Christ alive. What a fucking terrifying photo to be greeted with first thing in the morning.
I don’t care who wins, they are all massive cunts, they will all fuckup your life with a stroke of a pen and then piss it up in the commons bar and not lose a wink of sleep.
Politics is a bastion of cunts
A very good description of the cunts SV.
The leadership contest is like a blind person trying to find the least offensive turd in a sewage farm, without the assistance of a guide dog. Untrustworthy CUNTS everyone of them.
Lady Cuntingdon was watching that shite on TV last night. I caught a few minutes of it while waiting for the serious stuff of the day (Love Island on ITV2+1). What a load of cunt – it was all set up to a) try and make Bozzer look daft b) try and make him ssay something controversial, especially about the Peacefuls. I think that Matis woman thought she was the heir to Bill Grundy (God rest his soul) who managed to get Johnny Rotten to say “fuck” on tea-time TV. BBC cunts showing their true colours.
Good god he looks like he’s walked straight off the set of the animated film Flushed Away. What an ugly man.
The cunt looks like he’s been at Gove’s house all night on a bender.
Relax everyone this cunt ain’t gonna win Boris will. The Tory cunts know (especially after the EU elections) that they have to deliver Brexit and Boris is the main Brexit figure amongst the wankers there.
This is all a show, Boris will defeat them and we’ll be out of the EU by November.
After all anyone see Merkel shaking like an Alcoholic cunt? Maybe a good bet for the Dead pool. Merkel like the EU is fucked.
What a pile of cunt.
She looked like a vibrating Bratwurst. All the candidates are cunts just varying degrees of cuntitude.
Something definitely up with that Kraut kunt LL…or maybe she ate a dodgy kebab from one of the refugees new shop.
Ach! Zey are using ze cyanide pills on zeir Fuhrer again… Ze rovolver and ze petrol can will be next…
Gott in fuckin himmel….
He’s got a head like a witch doctor’s rattle.
The shrunken head from which the liquid drug was poured into Indiana Jones’ mouth in the 1984 Temple of Doom film, was modelled on Rory Stewart’s very own head.
Fucking hideous.
There it is!
Rory would be flattered.
Mahatma – Bwahahahahaha!!! Just what meself laughing!
Shat not what
Anyone remember that Monty Python ‘Upper Class Twit Of The Year’ competition?
I hope Bozza hammers Cuddles the Monkey into the ground (‘I fuckin ‘ate that duck!’)…
The cunt is a caricature of Dobie from the Harry potter movies.
Ugly little fucker.
Stewart looks like Angel Di Maria on a crash diet…
He sat there, legs apart, showing his scrotum, without a tie. Prime minister’s need poise. This cunt ain’t got it
I stand by a previous comment that they should all have to fist-fight for the job.
BoJo would fucking annihilate all of them- this little fucking snerp would be driven into the ground like a fucking tent peg.
According to the BB of C…. ‘Brazil striker Marta is now the all time World Cup Finals goalscorer’….
No she isn’t…. World Cup goalscorers are the likes of Charlton, Muller, Pele, Kempes, Rossi, Maradona etc… Not silly tarts in meaningless PC ‘Oooh! Let’s slag off nasty men’ fodder…
Do fuck off you box ticking (and licking) cunts….
ITV has its (many) faults, but I love how they haven’t given a single solitary fuck about the Minger’s World Cup… The BBC really are a total laughing stock… And Emily ‘about as sexy as Cilla Black on a bad night’ Maithis (or however you fucking spell it) added to their already disgraceful reputation last night in that ludicrous debate/circus…
I always thought that dog Maitlis had an unnatural relationship with Rory. This photo of them taken together shows it.
We are witnessing the final death throes of a political system well past its sell by date.6 cunts,5 of whom went to the same University,sitting on stools like a bunch of lounge room crooners,all singing the same song with virtually identical voices.That little chipmunk Rory “ace of spies” Stewart is simply uglier than the others and they ain’t exactly beauty contest material.
As someone who’s never voted in his life I feel vindicated by recent events.The parallels with Weimar Germany get starker every day.Liberalism gone mad,sexual perversions encouraged and celebrated,an Economy running on steroid injections and small political parties constantly derided by the Establishment as unelectable clowns run by madmen.I wonder what the British Adolfs doing right now?
Fuck em all,Fuck em all to hell.
Headline in todays Guardicunt:
“Masculinity is a trap – which is why more men should wear skirts”
“Masculinity” scares the shit out of everyone at the Grauniad.
Bunch of woofters…
Esoteric footnote, and I really shouldn’t know this, ‘Trap’ is also a term used by pornographers and their clients for a convincing transvestite or transsexual.
Fuck me, It’s one of the aliens from “They Live”
“Put the fucking glasses on” (Roddy Piper RIP)
I want to know just what fucked-up genes combined to create this cunt.
These privileged twats annoy me. He’s never going to be short of a few bob. If he doesn’t make it in politics he’s always got his modelling career to fall back on.
How does he make money from Airfix kits?
A perfectly-timed cunting. The cunt thinks that he can get Parliament to agree to May’s BRINO on the fifth time of asking…and then slates the contestants in this unreality game show for not having a clue either.
The BBC isn’t bothering to hide its bias. Stewart was roped into the Today programme this morning and subjected to some kindly questioning. Was he in the wrong party as (I think) Javid had suggested? Rory is proud to be a Conservative. He was sorry if he had caused offence by telling an imam he was proud to have him here (as if the imam wasn’t British in thought, word and deed, d’ye see). He’s proud of our diversity….pride seemed to be his defining feature. Not always good.
Looking at his track record, it’s inescapable that, remembering that some enter the halls of fame via the door marked “push” and some through the door marked “pull” (couldn’t find the exact quote, sadly) this plastic Stephen Hawking replica was of the “pull” faction. Nothing else can explain the preference he has been shown in obtaining interesting high-status employment. And no doubt strings, nay anchor chains, have been pulled in the course of promoting this political nonentity beyond any last trace of his ability, wherever that lies.
‘Today’ also had a look at the opinions of some New Forest Conservatives, who must be shaggy and untamed, like New Forest ponies, but was unable to get them to approve of Stewart, or indeed any of the participants. Boris, for the want of anything else, was the verdict.
I’d never vote for anyone called Rory. Or Hugo. Or Mohammed.
Morning DTS. O’Brien’s having a breakdown this morning. He’s afraid Rory won’t get to be our next PM… ?
Ha ha. Fucking hell, if o’shitforbrains likes him he must be a full on ubercunt….
Morning ruff.
According to News reports, Pob and Rory are now in talks to combine forces… To what nefarious ends I know not.
The audacity of the independent tried to claim that Nigel Farage was ready to make a deal with Rory here to make brexit happen. And they claimed that skeletor here was easily the favourite to be next pm. The fucking bullshit-ometer must have melted quicker than Chernobyl’s Geiger counters. This fucking prick is basically saying that treeza was right all along and the deal that nobody fucking wants is the best and only way for brexit to happen and that we’re all too thick to understand that it’s impossible to leave any other way. Fuck off you wet wipe excuse for what is supposedly a man these days. I imagine the establishment is just a room full of middle aged beta males, casually tossing each other off and playing eenie meenie minie moe to decide which of their gimps they put forward for top political jobs next. They clearly unzipped this test just in time for plan ‘destroy brexit mk. II’.
That was supposed to say twat* not test, even my Google keyboard doesn’t want me to mock him
Fuckin’ hell. Who’d have thought Mavis would get the last laugh? She must have been watching that circus last night, drinking her cocoa before coming out with ……….
” Well, I’ll run through a cornfield naked! Philip,these fuckers have no more idea than I had,”
Comprehensive and accurate damnation of Stewart in The Conservative Woman.
The author is Lecturer in International Relations at Berkeley.
This is the cunt BBC 5 Live have been going on and on about this morning, made me fucking sick.
You’d think they were all get blow jobs if you heard the fawning going on.
How do you end up looking like this cunt?
Was his mother violated by a rabid chimpanzee?
No. His mother (Keef Richards) was violated by Mick Jagger.