I wish to nominate Establishment flavour-of-the-month Rory Stewart for the consideration of the denizens of the award-winning website ISAC.
The media are currently indulging in one of their groupthink exercises over this escaped extra from the Planet of the Apes. Little bit of reality, Stewart gained 19 out of 313 votes in the first round of the Conservative leadership contest – a muscular 6%. But the media love him because he is one of their own.
Let’s just examine the evidence…
– son of a diplomat;
– attended Eton;
– PPE at Oxford (natch);
– Harvard;
– private tutor to Princes William and Harry.
A complete and utter Establishment figure.
What is it with all these beta-males in politics and the media at the moment? Rory Stewart is just the latest in a long procession of chinless wonders talking down to the public. Nick Clegg, Emmanuel Macron, Guy Whatshisname, Owen Jones, that twat from Channel 4 News, they are fucking everywhere. Perhaps Stewart is trying to get his own back on Boris Johnson for flushing his head down the bog at Eton?
The Chinese, the Russians and the various jihadist mentalists must be trembling in their boots
Nominated by Cunt’s Mate Cunt
What was on offer from left to right; brinkmanship, brinkmanship, brinkmanship, brinkmanship, capitulation. Capitulation.
The BBC are the biggest cunts here, and Emily Maitliss is also a massive cunt, although she does give me the horn in a strange kind of way, but then again I’m a dirty old cunt.
All cats are grey in the dark…
…and I wouldn’t say no
There’s something of the Miliband about him…
He also goes on about his military service, he only served for 5 months FFS. Cunt
Bunch of cunts but if I heard it right, this cunt wants to carry on with Mavis’s cunning plan. Surely, amongst such illustrious cuntitude this cunt is a stand out?
I think this cunt’s got a real identity problem
Is he a character from ‘Planet of the Apes’ as CMC suggests?
Is he Dobie from ‘Harry Potter’ as Twata reckons?
Or is he in fact Gollum from ‘Lord of the Rings’?
The public has a right to know.
He’s Lawrence of Mayfair. and he’s rimming Gove…
Wet my pants
Rory Stewart has just been eliminated from the Tory leadership race.
I would have preferred it if he’d just been eliminated. End of.
Exterminate! Exterminate!
Release ROVER!!
So all those bullshit rags that kept saying, Boris should be worried about Rory ‘ugly likeness yet TBC’ Stewart, as he was the people’s choice (I genuinely read that on the internet). It turns out literally no one actually wanted this 4 stone rent boy as PM.
His comment after being booted out of the leadership race is fucking golden.
He said his warnings about a no-deal Brexit “probably proved to be truths people weren’t quite ready to hear”. Ha ha ha, yeah that, or it might be to do with the fact your warnings are all fucking fictional. All these warnings about brexit chaos are about as real as the benefits boasted, the answer is we don’t really know for sure. But that wasn’t the question asked, the question asked was do we want to be told what to do by the EU (remain) or do we want to decide what to do ourselves (leave). The more of these chancers like ‘young Blair lookalike’ here get fucked off, the better.
Channel 4 presenters this evening went into mourning overload now that their luvvie favourite chimp boy got fucked off from the leadership challenge. Couldn’t control the laughter at that point now that that mong is out of the race.
No surprise to any of us cunters that they then went into full attack mode on Boris because he represents the biggest risk of Brexit being delivered out of the remaining candidates.
Channel 4 a special breed of cunts…
There was a young fellow called Rory,
who thought he’d be no. 1 Tory.
Emphatically beaten,
by a blonde man from Eton
and that is the end of the story.
Fuck off, you deluded rubber-faced cunt.
Rory Stewart
– Wears ladies knickers and stockings under his suit – probably.
– Has to pay for sex – probably.
– Has a creepy disposition and accent in manner of a psychopath – definitely.
– A total Remainer son of a bitch – definitely.
How did he get so far in life? One has to wonder…
Good to see you back Cuntologist. ?
Cheers 🙂 Rory Stewart is so revolting I had to share my anguish!
Looks like that cunt that prime ministers New Zealand without the wig
Everytime i see that mug, the line ‘It’s the taste!’ pops into my head.