
MSM cunts invent new nation and race of people to replace German cunts

I have been watching D-Day commemorations on various news outlets and its plainly obvious that the G word cannot be mentioned. The politically correct cunts at BBC and Sky have invented a new nation called Naziland and a race of people called Nazis. This is to protect their beloved EU which is controlled by Germany. Also to further their BS that the EU has brought peace to Europe. Why because Germany has now successfully managed to conquer Europe.

The BBC news at 1pm to 115pm was all about D-Day and not once did it mention the G word. As for Sky they managed to mention Nazis a few times and even managed to show a map of Europe which never included Germany just Nazi territory.

It seems history is in the process of being rewritten and we never actually declared war on Germany and the million plus Brits killed weren’t killed by Germans. The MSM cunts need to be reminded that Neville Chamberlain said: “I have to tell you now that no such undertaking has been received and consequently this country is at war with Germany.” This is not the same as being at war with National Socialism in fact many Germans that fought in the war were not Nazis.

I was surprised that Trump fell for it, I thought he may have used the G word rather than Nazis. However, you would expect that from our Quisling PM. As usual dressed like an alien from Star Wars with one of her cunting hats that look like some cunt has stuck a dinner plate on the side of her head. How that scruffy cunt Merkel managed to sit there knowing her countrymen were responsible for all this I dont know. Even PM May can call her thick skinned. As for Globalis Libtards Trudeau and Macron why did they even bother going?

Nominated by ScouseCunt

73 thoughts on “Naziland

  1. We fought the Germans. Most Germans were Nazis. This is another creeping Americanism. I had the misfortune to work for a kraut company for 2 years and they are fucking cunts who are still the same as they have always been. They want to rule europe.

  2. We live in a country where most people are terrified to call themselves English, yet not Scottish, Welsh or Irish.
    It is a long term goal of the liberal-left EU loving political class (and the tories are as complicit as Labour and the Dims) to erase English identity,

    As for Germany, it’s really down to the same mentality. The Davos crew see the nation-state is a relic, and evoking any idea of nationhood is divisive, xenophobic, ethnocentrist and anti-European.

  3. Revisionism in full effect.
    Although it still says Spain and Portugal colonised and brutally murdered millions of South Americans; Mongolia massacred their way to push West; Egypt used slaves to build the pyramids; Italy was in de Congo; it was France that snatched parts of Northern Africa and let them brutalise their language; Britain colonised / civilised /developed loads of South East Asia (with little thanks!) and was the Manager of other parts of Africa; Japan occupied Korea and East China; Russia murdered millions and China even more.

    Prussia became Germany and started, and lost, two World Wars. Germany made a “union” with Austria and Germany ploughed into Czechoslovakia in ’38. Germany, with Russia, divided up Poland. It was the Germans who strolled into Paris and Germans who bombed Britain as we did them. It was Germany who loaded up on Zyklon B and ended the lives of innocent people.

    Germany and ze Germans.

      • Naziland? Ive just booked 2 weeks in july there! Meant to be nice!

      • Staying in Berchtesgaden ?? with daytrips to Dachau & Belsen ?
        The gift shops have a lovely selection of yellow stars and hitler-youth costumes for your kinder

  4. Seeing as so many “more educated” people now refer to Brexit voters as “Nazis”, I wonder if it would be possible to partition Britain into Nazi territory and well….London. Then we Nazis can invade. Can’t really see it taking too long to over-run the massed ranks of “woke” Soy Boys….the Harridan -Lezza Brigade may put up a bit of resistance,but I expect that our shock-troops, the belligerent,scarlet-faced Gammon Army’s bellowed battle-cry of “Brexit Means Brexit” should be enough to see them off.

    Fuck Off.

    • PS
      I met some Krauts once when I was on holiday. I didn’t much care for them.

    • Divide London into an English zone and a shit stain zone, the problem would be trying to stop the ‘shit stainers’ trying to defect to the English half.
      Suckdick Khan, the mayor of the shit stains, he would be happy with that.

      • Divide London into an English zone and a shit stain zone,
        I see a fatal flaw in your plan, you’ll have to import some English people first…

  5. Nazis? Thank fuck I finally have a new term to describe Audi and BMW drivers aside from cunts.

    • I’ve been referring to German built cars as “Panzers” for years…

  6. Been in G-word for the last 24 years and am going to marry one in october because of the B-word (covering my arse) and they are ok and have good sense of humour and the fiance even laughs at my jokes But mention polotics and whoop-de- do they turn into socialists ;communists and the wurst ones are the brainwashed grannies from the west known as the 68rs and their madness shows no bounds even the old men in the knitting circle are fist clenched che posterboys
    One old one died last year (decent fellow,but still a cunt) and the family plundered his belongings and i got a viet cong helmet (pith) which i wear on site in summer and the red star was pulled off
    but like you said some are very decent ones who have earned a crust AND VERY FREINDLY but they all have chairman maos little red book in the book stash
    BTW mutti merkel scruffy cunt (PMSL) looks like tiger feet A BIT OLD FRAYED ROPE

  7. They way that thick cunts call someone a Nazi for just wearing a hat, shows that very few people these days knows what a Nazi was. Usually German, however you can add French, Belgian, Swedish, danish, loads of Eastern Europe cunts, and even a couple of Brits. You could have a Nazi bible and a Nazi Koran, both seemingly compatible with the ideology. However, they were mostly German, and most Germans either were up for it, or at least put up with it. Modern propaganda is desperately trying to put some distance between the population of Germany, and the conflict and atrocities that they subjected the world to in living memory. Soon, this will no longer be the case, and the Nazis will be almost fictional baddies, like the Klingons or the triffids. Schools don’t teach it anymore, and kids don’t give a fuck for anything but themselves. We have so much self loathing pushed on us by all sides, that next time, we will probably surrender immediately, and say we were asking for it.

    • Jesus christ. Sad, isnt it. About a decade ago I worked with a 16 year old who had never heard of Charles Dickens

      Millennials and the i-gen (1995 -present) are culturally impoverished thanks to pathetic left-liberal teaching of values over facts.

  8. Did you know that today is the 70th anniversary of the publication of “1984”? I believe Orwell had one or two things to say about the importance of words and language.
    Here’s the delicious irony………I wonder how many people today think that “Big Brother” is just the name of a two bob tv reality shitfest?

      • Most think he just switched 48 to 84. It was published in 1948. But I believe it was a reply of a sort of to Chesterton’s The Napoleon of Notting Hill, which was written in 1904 about the state of democracy in the year 1984.

      • To think his name was Blair. No wonder he changed it. With his prophetic ability he could see what was to come.

      • I do think Animal Farm is a much greater book. It works perfectly on that allegorical level.

        I wish Miles Plastic was as famous as Winston Smith. ‘Love Among The Ruins’ is much more accurate of what’s happening now than 1984.

      • Agreed. I always preferred Animal farm. i also think Brave New World is more like the world we now live in than 1984.

  9. My grandfather’s, their brothers and brothers in law fought against Germans, Italians, Japanese and their puppets, not just Nazis, Fascisti and Bushido Samurai. I can accept the past but, LEST WE FORGET.

  10. The beeb and Sly news really do think that they can fool us all by not mentioning the Germans ( i did once but i think i got away with it).
    Todays snowflakes would surrender within 20 minutes when they realised there is no McDonalds and no mobile signal in the trenches.
    Pale faced spotty lanky cunts.

  11. They have to try and make distinctions between Germany and the Nazi’s because everyone knows the EU / EC is essentially German. Link one to the other and you have your answer.

    Very clever these Krauts. In 1990 they managed to settle their WW2 reparations at a fraction of the original amount so that “It allowed the recently reunited Germany to have full sovereignty over its internal and external affairs.” – Alan Duncan, minister for Europe and the Americas. Yet the cheeky cunts want £39Billion and to turn our once great nation into a vassal state.

    We were never at war with the Nazi’s, we were at war with the Germans (later AXIS). Any cunt knows that.

    By the same logic Britain didn’t get in to an illegal war with Iraq, it was the Labour Party.

  12. Years ago, an Irish acquaintance of mine was complaining at the amount of litter in London. I said that it was because of you that we had to rid the city of litter bins near any railway station. He asked whom I meant. “The Irish, putting bombs into rubbish bins.” “Ahh” he responded, “Dat was dee IRA, not dee Irish!”

    “Why do they do such terrorism?” I inquired.

    “Becoz of de British” he replied.

  13. Fuck me – they’ll be making out Hitler wasn’t a German next!

    Err… wait a minute…

      • The great triumph of the Austrian Tourist Bosrd is that everyone thinks Hitler is a German and Beethoven an Austrian.

      • A tale about a German in the Austrian capital…

        He sees a “Maritime Ministry” building, and turns to his Viennese friend, laughing, and says “But where’s your coastline, Anton ?”

        The Austrian replies, “Well, when I was in Berlin I saw a building with a brass plate – ‘Ministry for Culture’ !”

  14. A shrewd cunting Scouse.
    Some years ago I visited the Holocaust Memorial Centre at Yad Vashem, outside of Jerusalem. I recall that references were repeatedly made to Germany and the Germans, not to the Nazis.

  15. Didn’t the Germans elect the Nazi’s? That’s like saying Labour invaded Iraq…I was’nt abaaaaht in those days…perhaps an old cunter can correct me.
    The Germans are cunts.
    They have a psychotic tendency simmering under the surface like Sebastian Vettel who lost it and rammed Lewis Hamilton after wrongly thinking he brake tested him.
    However the German’s make the best motors…in fact most mechanical things and although I prefer Danish they’re women are nice as well.
    Anyways fuck the Germans and the Nazi’s, in fact fuck the whole of Europe.
    I miss my Black

    • Hi BWC.
      I’m only a young cunt, but I love my 20th century history.

      In 1932 they won enough votes to be the biggest party, but didn’t have a majority and when all non-nazi parties were outlawed in 1934, no-one stood a chance of beating them in an election.

  16. Apart from the vile treatment of the Jews,something Corbyn would like, we should have teamed up with Jonny bosch and put that horrible nation of quislings and turn coats the French out of their misery and envy of us English once and for all, would have eliminated the smell of piss and garlic that wafts it’s way across the channel along with the new boat people.
    I will never forget the Falklands war where our nearest neighbours supplied the Argies with missiles and aircraft parts.
    Dirty underhanded bastards your frog. Remember Agincourt, Waterloo and Trafalgar you snakey gits

    • Now now, Civvy, let’s not bring up the French. This is about ze Naziland and not the horse-eating, soap-shy, craven, Pernod-sipping Frogs with their small genitals, shit plumbing, arrogance, notorious cowardice, under-cooked and over-praised grub, ridiculous policing standards, and woeful, abhorrent table manners.

      Be fair.

      • Sorry Captain but I do have an unnatural loathing of your French. Nearly equal to my hatred of king cunt Blair.

    • Don’t forget their (the french’s) desire to rule over vietnam following the 2nd world war, we tried to help, but our forces were fucked and a shit load of miscommunication with the yanks led to a terrible loss of life, all thanks to the greedy french.

    • Don’t become ill, infirmed, or end jp in a wheelchair…you’ll go for a ride in the back of a van, with a ‘U’ bend exhaust pipe for air-con.
      They don’t like burdens to the state, those National Socialists !

  17. I’ve posted about my grandad before, he was a teacher who voluntarily signed up at the start of WWII.

    He never once spoke to me about his experiences until that was I returned from Germany after visiting my best mate who was stationed out there towards the back end of ‘91.

    I’d been to Cologne and was struck by the amount of market stalls that were selling trinkets,
    souvenirs and postcards that showed the devastation that had been inflicted on Germany’s main city’s.

    I’m as patriotic as they come and had no motive when I discussed this with my Grandad and simply said I was shocked at the complete devastation that had been caused.

    He snapped at me ‘I was in Coventry during the blitz and we
    took a hell of a packing, don’t talk to me about what happened to the bloody Germans’.

    And that was it, end of conversation and never mentioned again.

    Turned out he was commanding an anti aircraft battery when the Luftwaffe dropped everything they had on Coventry in November 1940.

    I don’t even want to think about what he saw.

    He knew what a Nazi was, on 2/3 consecutive days and nights he starred directly upwards at them as they dropped thousands of 500lb bombs and incendiaries directly at him and his fellow service men and civilians, somehow he survived.

    He knew what a Nazi was and what a Nazi looked like, they wore a uniform, they dropped bombs on you, they shot at you, they threw grenades at you and they did this because they didn’t like what you stood for, they fought you so that you wouldn’t have the right to exercise your opinions, your right to free speech and your right not to be persecuted for having a difference of opinion.

    Nazi’s aren’t semi retired blokes wearing MAGA caps, Nazi’s aren’t those who voted for Brexit, Nazi’s aren’t those who believe in the right to speak freely.

    Nazi’s today don’t wear uniforms, they haven’t yet started dropping bombs or shooting at us but they have started to persecute, assault, publicly ridicule and terrorise those of us that don’t share their views.

    Siobhan Prigent is a Nazi, Antifa are Nazi’s, David Lammy is a Nazi, Polly Toynbee is a Nazi, Owen ‘MGBGTV8’ Jones is a Nazi, Paul Mason is a Nazi, I really could go on……

    Apart from opining on ISAC generally speaking I have my views, they are mine and I live and let live.

    I tolerate views that I don’t agree with because in the country and generation I grew up in that’s what you did and still do.

    I was taught that ‘sticks and stones will break your bones…’ and that boys were made from ‘Frogs and snails and puppy dogs tails and that girls were made from ‘Sugar and Spice and all things nice.’

    Seems fair enough to me.

    But then there are those that believe I’m a Nazi because I have such extreme opinions.

  18. I quite like German music.

    Particularly the Wurstals “Oi got a brand new mobile gas chamber!”

    • How about “Tomorrow Belongs to Me” by Horst Wessell and the Brownshirts?

  19. The first time I went to Nuremberg (about 81/82 I think) I was asking Krauts in the street where the stadium was.

    “Stadium” , they said, “What stadium”?

    “You know, the Hitler stadium”.

    They looked at me like I was a cunt and walked away. The Krauts have an enormous amount of guilt about their history and rightly so. But trying to make up for it by sucking the peaceful cock is a massive mistake.
    They should stick to working hard and living their life not apologising about the past they can do nothing about or trying to be the masters of the world.
    I’ve met plenty of square heads and I don’t trust a single one of them.

  20. I don’t believe in theholocaust there i said it, totally made up it didn’t happen the way schindlers list claims it did pure Hollywood bullshit you want the truth? you can’t handle the truth

      • Well, my great uncle John was one of the British soldiers who was there when certain camps were found and liberated… He was a hard man, but what he saw choked him when he spoke about it (which to my knowledge he only did twice)…

      • There’s a fucking bellend in work with me who thinks the the holocaust was bollocks, he loves David Irving and all those wankers. I had an aunt who was one of the nurses that were sent to Belsen just after it was liberated. According to this know fuck all, she was lying, because some swivel eyed loser on YouTube said so. Just because people don’t like them, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, stupid fucking cunts.

    • The grandfather of my workmate had to go to one of the concentration camps at the end of the war and whilst he was there he had to bulldoze mountains of rotten corpses into an unmarked mass grave which apparently affected him for life.

      Bearing in mind this work mate of mine is an anti-zionist so I doubt he would lie about such a thing.

      In summary, you’re talking bollocks.

      • Lighten up cunts just having a laugh i swear this site is turning into mumsnet from all the humorlessness displayed here but seriously schindlers list has alot of fictitious claims that seem highly implausible even if you were to entertain how it were to happen in such a horrorhouse manner

        Also why are other genocides not given the Hollywood treatment? I can only wonder maybe someone can fill me in as to why? Also why does the shoah have such a guilt trip effect on people our grandfathers and every one who served in the war are constantly told we should of done more we never saved them fast enough and industry of never ever forget why can’t all genocides have equal coverage?

      • I’m open to the idea of discussing the scale and numbers involved with the holocaust, just not the existence of it, that’s not even on the table.

        I’ve not met many people in the grand scheme of things but I’ve met people who witnessed it first hand or had an uncle/father/grandad who witnessed it so all of the anecdotal evidence leaves me with no doubt that the holocaust happened.

        I’m not sure if you were just trying to be edgey and get a rise out of people or if you are a genuine conspiratard.

      • Pol Pot and many others committed some gross crimes also. Yep. You are right Titslapper

      • And people who deny the genocides under Pol Pot and Mao are cunts as well……. We generally refer to them as communists though.

    • Not only that, the US never landed on the moon but the Nazis did from their base in antartica, and Columbus never sailed to America, the Chinese were the first humans, Grey aliens built the pyramids, Paul McCartney is a clone of himself, Merlin, Leonardo da Vinci and Rod Stewart are the same spirit in different bodies, magic water cures cancer, Bigfoot killed Harambe and the Bermuda triangle is where David Icke saw Elvis flying on Quetzalcoatl.

      • I didn’t mean to russle anyones feathers it was mostly a satirical joke if you watched the clip you would realize it wasn’t intended to be mean spirited. I admit i have been under alot of stress lately with my life at the moment but I was so sick of all the same old tired germany nazi nazi hate and people picking their pet cause to justify the war whatever i’m sorry won’t joke again like that

  21. Ruth Davidson backing Sajid Javid for Tory leader.

    And Suckdick as Mayor.

    Peacefuls in charge.

    That’s not good is it.

  22. 90% of Krauts at the time adored Hitler, especially women (see you, Me Too cunts!)… My granddad fought the Japanese, but my great uncle fought the Germans… The Hun should have been policed for all time after 1945… UK and the Yanks on one side, Ivans on the other side (fuck the dirty French)…. Imagine if that wall had stayed up? No Fat Frumpenfuhrer Merkel, no hordes of camelbuggering human filth infesting Europe, far less Booshka Dooshka Euromuck plaguing every town in Britain…. The world was a safer and better place with the Cold War still on… Now the animals (and the most savage ones) have taken over the zoo…

  23. They are deviants too, some of the most filthy depraved porn is made by Germans and I have researched a lot.

    Not content with a bit of bdsm the whole family come out to fist granny to within an inch of her life.

    Of course that’s only when all the males of the family return from whichever corner of the world they can fuck lady boys in.

    What the fuck is wrong with theses people?

    • When I think of German porn I don’t really think of depravity
      …….. Unless blonde mullets and handle bar moustaches are depraved.

      • All porn is depraved and sick though and lots of fucked up porn is filmed all over the world not just germany but i agree there is alot of really messed up porn from germany especially the goldenshower and scat material

    • I was once recomnended ‘Supaspermlikker’ by a workfriend. I prefer Japanese porn with its groping of schoolgirls by old salarymen on the train, who then naturally grow tentacles.

      • Don’t care for jap porn in alot of Japanese porn the girls aren’t even enjoying it they sound like they are being raped, tentacle porn is fucked up i can’t wank to that

  24. I remember when the Krauts were also known as the Hun.Or the Jerries.And the Boche.I believe the Germans themselves call themselves The Master Race.Lets just stick in the middle and call them those Nazi Cunts.

  25. Having taken a road trip a while back with my son in that direction. (“G”, Austria, Poland, Czech etc) Same places yer man did 80 years ago. We ended in “G”. Now I did notice there seemed to be three types of them.
    1, over 70 who longed for the days of above fella.
    2, 40 to 70 who were deeply ashamed of said man.
    3, under 40 who were clueless about him and didn’t give a fuck.

    Now it’s the second type that said things like “When the nazis came” or ” When they took over”. Now my retort to this was hold on….you must’ve had family that fought for them. The excuse was yes because of fear. Also each one of their family were either chauffeurs or nurses, so nobody actually fought for them! Anyway I also noticed that when you put a uniform on them that’s when they reappear. So coming home. Walked into the airport, saw a fella when a jacket and said “Scuse me, can you please tell me where the Luftwaffe desk is”…..Now realising my mistake quickly changed to Lufthansa….yes that’s it Luft…Hansa.
    With eyes popping and vein throbbing… said “Ziss vay”….So following quick smart we headed off….”He’er”…Indicating with open hand. I thanked him, he swivelled (I was waiting for the heel click) and he marched off.

    When I get to the front of the queue who was behind the desk….So I handed over tickets, passport etc. He then says they don’t match. I now a bit confused asked for him to explain. He said “Zee ticket says Dave….zee passport says David”…..I said “Come on now. It’s just a shortening of my name, you know Andrew/Andy. Whats your name……..”Hans” came the reply. What a CUNT.

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