Jo Brand.

A nomination please for The BBC’s very own Jabba The Hutt, Jo Brand.

Jo hasn’t had a cunting of her own for about 5 years, which is hardly surprising considering how totally fucking irrelevant this absolute planet of a closet bean-muncher is.

So what has this lard-arse Labour supporter done to deserve lifting from the is-a-cunt doldrums to very top of the cunt tree? She’s suggested that people shouldn’t throw milkshakes at political figures, but battery acid instead, as these people are “easy to hate.”

Imagine a right winger making the same “joke” about Flabbot, Corbyn, Sourberries etc? You’d be having your collar felt before you could say “STASI.” Would the BBC Radio 4 audience and host be laughing? Would they fuck.

The tolerant left ladies and gentlemen.
It’s OK when they do it.


Nominated by Itchen Cunt


98 thoughts on “Jo Brand.

  1. Jo Brand disgusts me by default, add battery acid is beyond the pale. Muslims are easy to hate but how long would I maintain my freedom if I suggested using battery acid as a primer?

    • What a truly horrible disgusting cunt of human being. She’ll probably get the battery acid from her smelly dirty fat minge.

    • That’s absolutely how I feel about this swamp donkey C n R?

      I just think she’s got a constant yeast infection and halitosis.

  2. This ugly lesbian bitch is the High Cuntess of Cuntishness. She looks what she is – a vile putrid stack of shit. She looks, like Jess Phillips although she hasn’t had a bath in a decade. She is as funny as cancer and she can onoy thank the charity of the BBC – or us – that her 1980 agitprop is still in some sort of demand for low rent radio shows.

    I bet her gash gives off an awful stink.

    • Absolute horrible stinky smelly unfunny Labour supporting Jezbulla lover She should be lowered into a bath of hot soapy water The BBC cannot sack me You wanna bet?

      • I would put money on the BBC not sacking Brand.

        Certainly nothing on BBC’s news today about this story, perhaps hoping it will just go away. Clearly they (the BBC), Victoria Coren Mitchell and Brand think its ok to promote criminal behaviour? But only against Leavers obviously.

        Rees Mogg says Brands comments were ok by the way. A “joke” that backfired. Twit.

      • Anyone who thinks Coren Mitchell is ‘sexy’ is either blind or mad… As Trueman Capote said about Mick Jagger ‘About as sexy as a pissing toad’….

        And Brand is a slab for putrid lard with pissholes for eyes…

    • Probably smells like a sulphur explosion in a fish market and looks like a maggot and puss filled clam. I can’t believe she has a husband who has to eat that, presumably his name is Susan and his hobbies include Scissoring and shopping for dungarees.

      • Apparently his name is Bernie (a male) and he is a psychiatric nurse.

        He’d need to be. And not that fussy. With a bad eyesight. And no sense of taste. Or smell. And happy for the wife to wear the trousers (literally) and bovver boots. Not really after the feminine woman. From the one photo I could find looks like a simpleton.

        Has had sex with her at least twice as they have two children. Or perhaps from some other sad fuckwit who porked her? Or adopted?

        Only joking Jo. That’s ok then.

  3. This fat ugly Labour supporting bastard needs sacking off the BBC straight away If anyone else had come out with the same stupid comments regarding throwing battery acid they would be marching straight to the nearest job center An untalented not funny person who should think herself lucky to hold a job a proper retard Labour supporter of the highest order

  4. I dont want this bitch to apologise, I want here arrested and charged with incitement to commit violence, if she had said this as part of a stand up in a comedy club then fair enough but not acceptable of national radio.

    Another example where BBC are cunts, she should be sacked and the police need to get involved!

    Fat Ugly Cunt!!

  5. I’m fine with jokes about absolutely ANYTHING, so long as they’re funny or display a modicum of wit.

    Brand’s ‘joke’ fails on both counts, it’s just a thinly veiled incitement to violence, aided and abetted by the ABBC.

    My missus still rates the fat bitch. Then again she’s soft in the head, not sure what she thinks of this latest ‘joke’ though. I’m afraid to ask…

  6. Jabba the Brand definitely needs sacking for this comment after the speight of milkshakes being thrown and also acid attacks it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to realise there are some thick gobshites that will take her at her word.
    Unfortunately common sense has become an oxymoron these days so these sort of jokes can’t be used anymore for fear of a fuckwit taking it literally.

  7. In the picture at the top. Brand looks like Michael Gove ! Is it a fat Michael Gove ? Or his pug ugly fat sister ?

  8. Surely in this day of faggotry, what she said is illegal. Danny Baker got sacked over a picture ffs.

  9. Soooo…..Carl Benjamin jokes about NOT raping Jess Philips (logical, really, given the state of the greasy fat skunk pussy) and it’s a capital offence. Cue calls for prosecution, defunding, de-platforming and any other means of silencing/crippling him.
    But if professional calorie disposal system Brand “jokes” about not using milkshakes on right-wingers (as it’s not strong enough) and suggests using battery acid……..the beeb cunts (and their libtard wank audience) think its oh-so-hilarious.
    I hope the first thing BoJo does in office is pull the plug on them.

    • Damn fucking right! Make the cunts go private and see how edgey and cocky they think they are when they have to actually earn their fucking dough! Cunts.

  10. Leaving the ugly fat bitch aside, this was broadcast in a pre-recorded programme. Victoria Coren also issued an apology at the end as if it was a faux pas in a live broadcast.
    Therefore it is some overpaid cunts at the BBC who should be carrying the can for this not fat arse Brand. That’s why they want it to go away the cunts.
    Contrast this with Baker, on his own private twitter account……out through the door straight away.
    BBC = total cunts. Close them down and sack the fucking lot of them.

      • The problem is that the fuckwits who grab their free tickets for shit like this are the same fuckwits who attend recordings of The News Quiz and piss themselves over inane Trump/Brexit jokes. They even record an extra 15 minutes of News Quiz for Wireless 4 Xtra, which is calculated shit they wouldn’t get away with on Wireless 4 itself.

        These audiences are probably schoolboys and the mentally retarded as are those taking part.

  11. As I have said before, the cunting media lists “moderate left” as fuckwits like Brand, but “hard right” if anyone had said it about Corbyn. She’s an absolute cunt. And where is that cunt Jo Cox organisation? Very quiet about all this.

  12. Woe betide the BBC or Brand if some twat actually does pour battery acid – or any kind of acid – over someone’s head!

    Although I would guess if the victim was a moderate right-winger or Leaver the BBC wouldn’t give two shits.

    • Typically I should have posted my comment above in the Jo Brand nom; but being a cunt and because I loathe both her/it and the BBC I had a bit of a brainfuck moment.

      don’t worry admin has fixed it,

  13. I hope Danny Baker has his tribunal planned if they don’t act and fire Jo Brand in the same way. Baker’s tweet was taken way out of hand and made to seem like a racist joke when in fact it had nothing to do with race whatsoever. Jo Brand literally said she’d like to throw battery acid at someone and apparently the BBC think this is fine.

    In this instance I don’t actually think Brand is the cunt (well not for this particular reason, maybe more for making the same sexism jokes for the past 20 years), I’d like to think anyone can say whatever they want as long as they don’t act on it, no crime has been committed, it’s the BBC who are the hypocritical cunts for disciplining people based on their political stance. One rule for the left another for the right.

    • I don’t actually buy Danny Bakers story that he didn’t even know there had been a royal birth or that the child suffered from negroism. It just sounds like bullshit to me.

  14. Fuck me with ice cream and a break!

    What’s acid to a grotesque baboons arse hit by an asteroid mug like that. A full scale nuclear war couldn’t make it any worse.

    If that appeared in front of me I’d throw acid in my own fucking face to end the horror of having to look at it.

    Thank you Itchen cunt. The screen of my phone has just fucking shatteted.

  15. I can understand so called comedienne, sorry comedian sorry fat ugly lefty cunt Ms Bland’s reason for wanting to throw acid at people. She seems to think if other people become horribly disfigured by acid then she will become more attractive than them.

    Sorry to deflate your Doc Martens lard arse cunt but most people will find a seriously over cooked pig on a spit roast much more attractive than you. In fact if you wish to become more attractive than said pig you should try a long relaxing bath in acid.

    If Ms Bland loves the EU so much why doesn’t she go live there before we finally Brexit on 31st October? It’s a shame Ukraine are not a member state of the EU as Ms. Bland could have moved to the exclusion zone around Chernobyl. She would feel right at home with the other radioactive mutant creatures.

    It would mean one less witch in this country on Halloween and an improvement in this countries weather. Obviously Ms. Bland moving south would alter the earths rotational speed and tilt angle towards the sun. It would also make the UK carbon neutral and reduce green house gas emissions emanating from Ms. Bland.

  16. I have to say the reaction here is quite strong, I have found the new world rather depressing, I have a wonderful repertoire of aphartite, jewish, and racist jokes that have no meaning anymore, Aphartite collapsed, the state of Palestine exists, Communism collapsed and god forbid should I ask the question “how many Jews can you fit in a mini”
    The reason that the joke is not well received is quite simply we are not allowed to return fire because of her “protected status” so it really pisses us off, yet another demonstration of do as I say not as I do.

    • The difference between the ‘Jews in a mini’ joke and Brand’s joke is that the Jews joke is actually quite funny. And I say that as a ‘pro-Semite’.

      Btw, for anyone who didn’t know the answer:

      “2 in the front, 2 in the back… and 6 million in the ash tray.”

      • Benjamin Netanyahu, George bush, and Michael Gorbochov are at a meeting together when suddenly God appears before them.

        “I have come to tell you that the end of the world will be in two days,” God says. “Tell your people.”

        So each leader goes back to his capital and prepares a television address.

        In Washington, Bush says, “My fellow Americans, I have good news and bad news. The good news is that I can confirm that God exists. The bad news is that he told me the world would end in two days.”

        In Moscow, Gorbochov says, “People of Russia, I regret that I have to inform you of two pieces of bad news. First, God exists, which means everything our country has believed in for most of the last century was false. Second, the world is ending in two days.”

        In Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu says, “Israel , I come to you today with two pieces of excellent news! First, God and I have just held an important summit he exists and we are right. Second, he told me the state of Palestine will never exist”

        see the old ones are the best.

      • my South African ones are quite good too. though dated.
        I resign myself to doing stand up at Mrs b’s mother’s care home.
        (fortunately all the staff are eastern bloc so my humour is acceptable)

  17. Brand and the BBC need to fuck off. They should both have to live on what people voluntarily pay to see them. both the oversized cunts would get a lot slimmer fast.

  18. The stench of hypocrisy from al-Beebra on this is appalling. Danny Baker (white bloke) makes a comment on twatter about a royal baby, and he gets the tin tack from BBCunts without his feet touching. Jo Brand (left wing, anti-Brexit, feminazi, Beeb establishment) says that battery acid should get thrown at people that ‘are easy to hate’ (I wonder who the beached whale could possibly mean??) and BBCunts rush to defend the fat fuck. Only a joke, right?
    As for the fat fuck itself, what’s she going to think if some unhinged type actually decides to hurl battery or some other acid at someone? How would the cunt like it if somebody advocated hurling the stuff at her or a member of her family, or actually did it? I wonder if she’d think that was a joke?
    Fuck off and die, you fucking fat slug.

    • it depends what you have on your plate.
      I am going through a famine right now.
      it’s either down the butcher’s to buy a calves liver, have a wank, or wink at jo.

  19. Fucking loathsome ugly fat old smug leftist trout. I am clenching my fists in anger that they sack Danny Baker for sending a joke which did make me smile, but this piece of shit gets away with inciting acid spraying.
    Oh by the way the excellent Black Pigeon has been banned from youtube. Probably the most interesting and articulate bloke on there.

    • Yes i see. Not sure why as he had no strikes and wasnt exactly a provocative commentator.

      • Liked black pigeons content he put out alot of stuff that went against the mainstream media views against feminism, immigration , liberal sjw lefties, corrupt politicians Last year I said this would happen i’m honestly surprised it took this long, as it happened to a few right wingers with more blunt language then black pigeon but we can’t have dissenting opinions can we? “big brother 1984 knocking on your door”

  20. The difference between Brand and Bakers comments is non-existent . So why did Baker get the sack?

    Al-Beeb is a Libtard disgrace.

    Fuck off.

    • MM; the fat cunt is apparently claiming that she can’t be sacked because the BBCunts don’t employ her. I assume by that she means that her appearances on BBCunt are all for free…

  21. Just heard on the radio that the coppers are going after fat arse Brand. It shouldn’t be her they’re going after but the cunting BBC for Broadcasting that shit.
    Close the cunthole down.

    • I’ll be watching this space for some action by the plod, Fred. And watching. And watching…

  22. I saw the original headline and I thought it was a headline that Jo Brand had actually told a joke that was funny.

  23. Typical lefty comedian. Tries to present herself as just ‘one of you lot’ possessing the common touch.
    Ive found a few of Jo Brand’s notes. In fact i think it’s been used by a few Beeb comedians over the years.

    ‘I worked as a nurse. Nurses are great aren’t they? Bloody hell we’d all be fucked without NHS nurses.

    The tories? They’re nasty fuckers arent they? Especially that Public school toff Jeremy Cunt -sorry- Hunt *snort*

    Yeah… did you see Trump? He’s a bit orange, isn’t he? He’s mad, he’s thick, he’s racist, he’s rich… and orange. What does he know about running anything, right? Only those who serve us in the public sector know about that. They are experts. We need the experts.

    Brexit? What a mess, eh? Bloody tories dont know what they’re doing… as usual, eh? Eh? Thatcher? Bloody Thatcher!

    Men are useless, right? Hahaha. They’re wankers. They watch meat cook at barbecues and want to be James Bond. Ahahaha…wankers!

    The Daily Mail? The Daily Mail. Right?
    Am i right? The Daily Mail!

    Those blokes i dont agree with who ran as candidates in the EU election. Let’s just throw acid over them..’

  24. My sister in law works for the Police in anti terrorism. So she’s pretty much in the know.
    She and her colleagues have had enough of being sent on diversity courses. She says the BBC Lawyers will make sure Plod gives Brand an easy ride. Fuck me I hate lefty cunts especially the ones that work at the BBC.

    • Brand has made me hit the hard stuff . Please excuse any further rants that looks like I’m talking bollocks especially if I incite any Cunters to throw acid at anyone

    • No fucking chance, she’ll get ‘interviewed’ for 30 mins as a box ticking excericise. I believe in free speech but incitement to violence is rightly criminal. But as others say it’s one rule for the left and another for everyone else.

  25. The BO infused human lardball will get away with it… The same people who protEcted Sir Jim’ll will whirL into action at the BBC sweeping under the carpet department..

    • By the time the police take any action, we will have moved on to the next incident. I’m still waiting to see what the police are going to do about Ruth Townsley the charity worker who, 3 weeks ago made a similar comment about throwing acid. There seems to be a separate law for these hideous looking loony left women.

      • The fuzz have stated they are no longer pursuing that fucking hideous Townsley mutant.

        I suppose that is all OK then?


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