Jo Brand.

A nomination please for The BBC’s very own Jabba The Hutt, Jo Brand.

Jo hasn’t had a cunting of her own for about 5 years, which is hardly surprising considering how totally fucking irrelevant this absolute planet of a closet bean-muncher is.

So what has this lard-arse Labour supporter done to deserve lifting from the is-a-cunt doldrums to very top of the cunt tree? She’s suggested that people shouldn’t throw milkshakes at political figures, but battery acid instead, as these people are “easy to hate.”

Imagine a right winger making the same “joke” about Flabbot, Corbyn, Sourberries etc? You’d be having your collar felt before you could say “STASI.” Would the BBC Radio 4 audience and host be laughing? Would they fuck.

The tolerant left ladies and gentlemen.
It’s OK when they do it.


Nominated by Itchen Cunt


98 thoughts on “Jo Brand.

  1. I’m probably going to receive some flak for this, but it sees worth mentioning that I think her “joke” was more a dig at the soy-boys, for choosing to pathetically weaponize themselves with milkshakes and thinking they are are some kind of political saboteur as a result.

    It seems to me, that if we are now to act all outraged by risque humour and scream and shout about how that’s offensive and how she is not allowed to say it, then we are at risk of becoming no better than the other side with their faux outrage here. Who gives a fuck what she said really? Is anyone actually truly offended by it or is this a case of fighting fire with fire?

    • Rubbish. If Danny Baker overstepped the mark for being offensive, then this harridan has taken it to a new unacceptable level. Just read the accounts today of people who have been disfigured by acid attacks. They found the “joke” very “funny.”

      • To be fair, that’s a bit like me saying just read the accounts of people that have been raped, and ask if they found Sargon’s Jess Phillips rape “joke” at all “funny”, or to ask victims of sexual abuse as a child if Saville or Jacko jokes are “funny”.

        We are in this current mess because of the idea that you are not allowed to tell a joke because of a certain person, group, or ideological following maybe not finding it funny and claiming outrage.
        Let’s face it, if we remove the permission to tell any joke that may upset someone, then what joke is there left to tell?

        As for what happens to Baker or Brand at the BBC, I honestly personally couldn’t give less of a shit. It just all seems a bit hypocritical here to say that the leftists are crazy for censoring our speech under frivolous laws, to then agree with them and call for those same laws to be enforced. Are we not just strengthening their argument by using their methods?

      • The call to sack her is mainly about the BBC being consistent in how they deal with those seen to cause offence.

        Most comedians on BbC panel shows are not on the payroll but booked through a couple of big agencies that represent most of the usual left-liberal comics. They will also promote their younger comedians for panels so they get experience with larger /TV audiences. That’s why, if you still watch such hilarity as HIGNFY you will not recognise at least one of the guest panellists. They dont say much at all and the ‘sparring’ occurs between Hislop and the guest host.

    • I think it’s right to stop people making ‘jokes’ about commiting acts of violence. Imagine if we were all allowed to do it, it would lead to a savage coarsening of debate and it’s wrong that Al Bibi allow the left to get away with it – though I notice they’ve now editied out the comment of the recorded programme.

      • No-one on this planet despises Jo more than me. However, I’m with you I think FL. I know it’s a small point but worth making-‘battery acid’ she said. Not ‘acid’. I think Mr Fiddler was saying what a pathetic thing it is to throw milkshakes. At least throw shit. Was she making the same point but in a more vicious dare I say it? More corrosive way? I was disappointed when Baker said that his joke was a commentary on Royal publicity rather than one about Archie being a chimp. Either to me is fine. What is ridiculous is the police investigating ‘jokes’ or ‘tweets’ or ‘comments’. Like Bojo and the letterbox comment.

  2. Yet again the BBC displays mind blowing levels of institutional incompetence.To put it mildly.

    Baker deserved the push and so does this terminally unfunny munter.

    Incredibly this was all destined to be brushed under the carpet until No 10 intervened.

    Coren Mitchell is yet another of the usual types (Oxbridge/ nepotism via old school BBC father/comedian / crap unfunny BBC husband… other words unemployable anywhere else)

    • Victoria Coren Mitchell is another aloof, humourless head girl-type and cretin sold as ‘the thinking man’s crumpet’. She struggled to keep her cool on Have I Got News For You in her testy exchanges with Godfrey Bloom.
      Julia HB (sauce) would savage her and her useless husband.

  3. Is it your own opinion that Danny Baker overstepped that mark? Or are you quoting the militant, leftist faux-outrage I alluded to?
    Are you saying that Danny Baker should be punished, as well should Jo Brand? Or are you saying that Danny Baker was wrongly punished but Jo Brand is rightly criticised? Or are you saying that in reality, neither should be thought policed over a bad joke?

    Again, are you truly offended by it? Or are you fighting fire with fire here?

    • Sorry that was meant to be in reply to BSC in my earlier post, I’m not sure how I missed the “reply” button, cunt I am.

      • Of course Danny Baker didn’t overstep the mark, but that fat twat Brand certainly did. It’s a matter of degree. Danny Baker’s comment did not result in any harm to any individual. Brand’s comment was an encouragement to violence. Don’t post when saying “you’ll expect some flak from this” when you can’t accept the reaction.

      • Not sure exactly what gave you the impression that I couldn’t accept your reaction. Do you mean I simply don’t agree with you, therefore I shouldn’t post unless I do?

        But ok, a lets say hypothetically I made a comment, and it went a little like:

        “All these pathetic little soy-boys throwing milkshakes at “nazis”. If they had any balls or real moral principles, then they would be throwing liquids in the face of the likes of Theresa the Appeaser. Though a bucket of Hepatitis-ridden shit and piss would be a better option than a milkshake”

        Should I now be arrested and charged with inciting violence?

      • You’ve lost me. I only deal in reality not the hypothetical. I would finish with the remark that Fenton makes that follows.

    • You can’t equate dark keys with monkeys. It’s just a rule and everybody knows it. Baker left Al Bibi with no choice but to sack him.

      • Baker is a libtard Remoaner cunt, fuck him.

        His “good friend” James O’Brien spent a whole week on his show attempting to explain Danny’s “unexplainable lapse of judgement” cos “he’s such a lovely man, not a racist bone in his body, unlike proven racists Trump and ‘Farige’, he didn’t know what he was tweeting…” etc, etc, etc.

  4. well I expect this one will go into moderation.
    I would shag jo.
    quite honestly the state I am in right now I would shag nurse cunty, or Belinda Hubbard, did have my eye on caughtspeeding too
    I am a very sad puppy.

    • We all admit to wanting to fuck a ugly bird on occasion usually in a drunken moment of shame or out of desperation but under no circumstances should you ever admit or even thinking of wanting to shag jo brand.

      I think i rather fuck russell brand in all honesty than this fat ugly walrus of a women fuck i’d rather douse my cock in battery acid then even think about fucking jo you can do better m8 we all can

  5. I have to confess, I did find her briefly funny when she started out on Channel 4 in the early 90s, ‘Through the Cakehole’. Before C4 was infected by completely demented cultural Marxism, one might add. Back when they used to regularly show obscure foreign films chock-full of tits, bum, willy and fanny. I’d agree with everyone else though that she’s been nothing but a complete gunty cunt her entire manure sorry tenure under the British Bashing Cabal.

  6. I have never heard Jo Brand say anything funny. Yes she is an ex psychiatric nurse but she has no empathy. I doubt she is a BBC employee because she has no show of her own.

    She’ll be a contractor employed by an agency. She’s not as good an actress as Hattie Jacques.

      • As it happens Ruff Tuff. Hattie Jacques loved cock, she simply couldn’t get enough of it.
        I would have given her one because she was a dirty fatty.
        Not from behind you understand, that’s to disgusting to visualise.

  7. Well for what its worth I’ve complained to the AlBeeb and all I’ll get is the standard response after 10 working days that the matter is closed cus she is a fat lefty.

    See that they are hoping it all quietly goes away, typical lefty tactic move on to something else no doubt Farage’s shopping bill the other day is being closely scrutinised for any wrong doing or dodgy donors.


  8. Brand has always been shit… Her entire routine has always been about men, cakes, men, chocolate, men, cakes, anorexia nervosa, err cakes, and umm men….

    I recall a ‘joke’ Brand made about Karen Carpenter… Carpenter had more talent in her arse than lardball has in her whole repulsive anatomy..

  9. Just read police are taking no further action wonderful I’m sick of these so called funny leftie overpaid comedians

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