Islamaphobia (3)


If this doesn’t get me killed, banished from the western world (in fact, actually, all the world …. except China or Russia maybe), or banned from my favourite indulgence (and indeed crucial therapy) ISAC, then I don’t know what will….

They want to ask about “islamophobia”.
I say to you, I’m not “phobic”, I just don’t trust you…

You may ask why.

Well, I’ll be honest.

In all known Muslim countries women are treated like second class citizens. They’re oppressed, belittled, forced to marry ugly, smelly cunts that they don’t fancy, and raped and stoned just because …. well, you’re a man and if you feel like it, you can.
That goes against my values and morals.

But that’s not the reason I don’t trust you.

Gays are a normal (ish ?) thing. I’ve met loads. Some were cunts, and some were ok. Just like everyone else.
Although I can’t understand how a man (or anyone else for that matter) would like cock, they have the right to live. They have the same right to enjoy life and be free as everyone else.
But in Muslim countries it’s illegal. They’re persecuted (jokes doesn’t count as persecution by the way), REAL persecution, they’re even killed in some countries.
Many Muslims in the West agree with this doctrine. I don’t.

But that’s not why I don’t trust you either.

Your countries (and many “British” muslims) HATE Jews. Now I’ve only met a few Jews so I can’t comment on them as a race, but from what I’ve gathered, they’re pretty much just the same as everyone else.
Some are cunts.
Some are great.
And the rest just wanna live their lives in peace and be left alone by cunts like you.
For some reason though, you will insist on wanting them murdered. *sigh*

Even that’s not the reason I don’t trust you.

Islamic terrorism kills hundreds of thousands of innocent people every year. Not soldiers. Not police. INNOCENT men women and children are butchered, intentionally, on a daily basis by islamic terrorists.

Even THAT’S not why I don’t trust you.

The entire media and political establishment sycophantically fawn over your every move. They suck up to you like a whipped dog whining to its master.
It’s embarrassing and pathetic.
Especially when the police are involved…. so called “impartial enforcers or the law” sucking up, sucking up, sucking up…
Your religion stands for every value that they claim to be against.
Yet they still protect you.
You are a … sorry … THE … protected class.

That’s not the reason I don’t trust you.

Tens of thousands of vulnerable children were targeted, groomed, beaten, intimidated and raped. Sometimes by as many as 10 “men” at a time. They believe that their religion gives them the right to do whatever they want, regardless of the pain, hurt and torment that it causes others.
It’s still going on now.
And there are the countless vulnerable victims that were deliberately hooked onto heroin just so that they could be used as prostitutes and trafficked around the country.
I’m sure many Muslims are appalled by this behaviour, and although it came from your community, I don’t hold you all to blame.

I’m pissed off with you, but that’s not why I don’t trust you.

There is a certain man that lived a long time ago. I won’t mention his name for fear of getting my beloved ISAC into trouble.
Let’s just call him “aherm, aherm, moh aherm” .. ed”
He was a worse human being than hitler.

He raped.
He murdered.
He conquered.
He enslaved.
He tortured.
He massacred innocent people.
He stole.
He lied.
He raped children.

You idolize and worship him…
You proclaim him as the PERFECT human being. A man your ideology states that you should look up to and emulate.


How many of you name your kid moha….*agerm* *aherm* (sorry, close one there) ….
You name your kid after a murdering, anti Semite rapist and then ask why he might get bullied?
If someone named their kid hitler, do you think the cunt would get bullied? Of course he fucking would. Good.

You call me “phobic”, …an irrational fear….
I’m not scared of you.
I’d defend any of the above …. women, gays, Jews, whatever, from your oppression, persecution and your murderous rage, with my life if need be.

…doesn’t sound very “phobic” to me.

I’m just being honest. Since you seem so desperate to find out about “islamophobia”, I thought I’d just give you the truth.

Anyway, I’m buying a Russian phrase book and changing my name to volobtkin or whateverthefuck and getting the fuck out here before ….


It’s the religion of peace isn’t it …. ?

Nominated by Deploy the sausage


79 thoughts on “Islamaphobia (3)

  1. Read this when it first appeared in the noms…
    Nice one Sausage….fucking ace….

    • Yes a great and measured cunting. I just felt envious once – I wonder if I could palm Mrs. Boggs off on a peaceful. Mrs. B as a second class citizen – I would pay to see that, and I bet Mr. Phillips if he is honest thinks the same about Jess.

  2. Islam can fuck off.

    I don’t like it and I believe that our western values are manipulated and used against us so we tolerate it.

    Remove God from Islam and it’s a vicious nasty ideology and most of what’s currently acceptable due to its religious status would be seen for the dangerous fanaticism it truly is.

    One of the cornerstones of western civilisation has been freedom of speech, if we sacrifice the right for anyone to freely but peacefully express their opinions we’ve lost.

    Islamophobic? Nope just detest bullshit and in particular I detest bullshit that allows one person to be able to spout hate and silences those who’d say fuck off, we ain’t having it!

  3. Spot on mate. Nailed it! I live in Cambodia. When ISIS kicked off the PM here ( a strong fucker it must be said ) told the local born carpet kissers that if they started anything here, he would blow up every Mosque. No problems here!

    • Demolishing mosques is the way to go. It’s a policy that needs to follow hanging all terrorists and those affiliated to terrorist groups and the fighting age males in their families to root out and deal with the trouble-makers in the ‘community’ first.

      A hostile environment to islam will see foreign muslims choose different countries to try and colonise, and existing british muslims begin to leave.

  4. A faith that stinks more than Faith Dingle’s knackered old horse-collar must do…
    Totally incomparible with the 21stC.

    They’ve turned Cardiff into a shithole. Letterboxes ?? You wouldn’t be able to push a stamp in, let alone the envelope.
    Why are they all so bloody UGLY. Round here, they take selfies, and say “Al – BottomFeeda”, no joke.

    HE mobile phones could come in handy, if sold to the right clients.

    • Certain Asian communites’ predilection for marrying their cousins means they’re paddling around in the shallow end of the gene pool.

      • Lots of genetic deformities around goat fucker communities in Londistan. But hey, never mind, whitey will pay to look after them.

  5. I am gay,Jewish and FUCKING HATE the term Islamaphobia. It is not phobic to hate a medieval death cult….

    • Islamaphobia means “The IRRATIONAL fear or hatred of Islam”. I know of no-one whose fear of Islam is remotely irrational.

      Islamaphobia is a shit word, presumably meant to describe anti Muslim /Islam prejudice. ‘Anti-Islamism’ would be a more accurate term imo.

      Most religions quietly go about their business, I’m ok with that, no problem, without feeling the need to control everyone or blow innocent cunts up at the drop of a hat. Not so the Religion of Peace.

  6. Hugely agree with all this, and the fact you highlight islama’phobia’, a phobia is an irrational fear, there’s nothing irrational about it. I don’t want to see children and women raped or treated like dirt, I don’t want to see suicide bombers blowing crowds of innocent people up, I don’t want to see persecution against someone because they have a different religion or sexuality. And finally, something I was going to cunt separately but will be happy to add it to here, I eat meat, but I am conscious that I buy British farmed meat as I know the slaughtering process is somewhat humane to ensure the animal doesn’t suffer, single bolt to the brain ensures the animal dies instantly. You peacefulls can take your fucking halal and fuck off, I’ve seen the videos of halal slaughter houses and it is barbaric. Animals have their throats slit whilst completely conscious and bleed out, the animals literally struggle and writhe in pain and can take up to five minutes to die. Everything about your religion is fucking ancient, inhumane and backwards. We have laws in this country around animal welfare, the right to free speech, child protection, abortion etc. But even with those laws, somehow you smelly fuckers get away with murder because you use your religion to shield yourselves. Every other religion in the world has adapted over the years to remove some of the more out of date rules, but yet fucking Islam is still the same historic, dogmatic, excuse to be a cunt it ever was.

    • I agree el. Halal slaughter is brutal and against the values of animal rights that we hold in the West.
      I’m not a vegetarian, I love eating meat, but the animals must be killed in the most painless way possible. They were only born in the first place to be slaughtered but they should still be treated with respect, and the utmost should be done to curtail their suffering as much as possible.
      Islamic doctrine goes against this, and pretty much the rest our “priciples”, yet we still suck up and support Islam.
      I say “we” …. huh … not most people, but the …. well …. hard leftists and appeasing cowards.
      Halal slaughter is brutal and immoral, yet we all get fed it without choice..

      …..not a peep from the “animal rights activists” though….
      Hmmmm ?

      • That’s what I don’t understand, the law states that animals must be stunned and killed in Britain to ensure suffering is kept to a minimum, but both Halal and Kosher (sorry to our Jewish friends but your method is just as barbaric) slaughter houses are exempt from the laws, because we have to respect their beliefs. So in other words, fuck the animals welfare if it means appeasing god.

      • And when Morrisey said he was against Halal slaughter he was called racist. Now this is from a man who is anti ALL animal slaughter and who is known by anyone with a brain eyes and ears as someone who has always had this opinion. Even when he played Glastonbury he tried to show film of the dairy industry and its poor animal treatment but greedy eavis banned/removed it.
        So there you go anti animal cruelty is OK unless it’s anti halal then it’s RACIST. fucking cunts.

  7. Lovely cunting that sir.

    Islamaphobia does not exist , it’s perfectly right to be concerned worried or terrified by an ideology that has proven it’s barbaric nature,cruelty and intention many times now.

    Being scared of banana s now that’s a phobia for sure .

    The culture is fucking awful and Islam wrecks every country it rules over. It allows them to do the evilest deeds to there own, let alone an outsider.

    Nah I ‘ll keep my eye on the lot of you goat fuckers.

  8. Islamophobia does exist, though it’s amongst the cunts that are too scared to call it out for the barbaric, bronze-age, violent and authoritarian ideology that it is. Liberals cosying up beside and championing the rights of the most illiberal sect you can imagine, naturally, at the cost of everyone else’s freedoms.

    Fucking clown world.

    • The Liberals are too shit scared to speak the truth because they know they’ll get stabbed, blown up or beheaded. Instead they take cheap shots at the Right because they know fuck all will happen that will harm them personally.

      And yet they’re completely blind to what that religion entails, not list how it treats its women. And yet the Left choose to ignore that in order to keep the status quo and not offend them. So fuck women’s rights to wear whatever she wants, let’s not offend Islam because it might get us into trouble if we start telling them what to do.

      The encroachment of the faith is already spreading throughout the country, and the Liberals are more or less encouraging it unabated. And if they wanted Christmas banned for fear of offence, they will try their utmost to do so, even if it brings about the end of the Church of England.

      In 50 years time you will never know Christianity existed in this country.

  9. A well constructed nom Deploy. It’s one we all would have liked to have written but probably thought we’d have to pussyfoot around it without overstepping the mark. And yet the fact that we would have to, shows just how this Mediævil cult is overprotected. You’ve gone about it in a very logical and reasoned way.

    • I think Glastonbury has lost its way. How the fuck did that rubbish ‘music’ get there?

      • It’s become a political fuck-fest for the Left and its herd of gormless snowflakes to jizz off too, aided and abetted with some shite music from some shite bands.

      • Yep, Glasters has been a crock of shite for at least 30 years to me it’s only interesting fact is that the festival has lasted longer than many of the cunts who performed there.
        Stormywank wearing the latest London fashion what a cunt. How many peacefuls attended?

      • I agree with every single word that you said about the filthy Islamic cunts. You left out just two small items. They are a living cancer who need removing. And they are the enemy of mankind. A set of ignorant, brainwashed, stone age cunts who need wiping out totally.

  10. Ok then, they’ve got a word into the English language.
    It won’t do any good, I consider anyone accused of “Islamophobia” a fine upstanding citizen who can be relied upon not to be scared off by a bunch of unwanted filthy immigrants whose ideology belongs in the stinking shithole they crawled out of.

    • I have to agree being Islamaphobic should be recognised as being consistent with British Values.

  11. One of the comments that came out of the London Bridge Murders inquest related to the security service
    As most people will know there are around 3000 people on the ‘watch list’ of potential terrorists with a further 20000 who are ‘known’ to the authorities. Just concentrating the 3000 it was revealed that Butt wasnt high on this list so that means there must be a significant number of people, by that I mean sand dwelling goat shaggers, who are more dangerous than this cunt and his mates who killed eight people.
    So my conclusion, how can it not be normal to be concerned about these potential murders living among us, their targets are indiscriminate so it could be anyone.
    There needs to be a more rigourous purge of these fuckers, never mind watching the cunts, do something about it.

    • That’s about 1 in every 120 muslims who are known as being potential terrorists. Hardly a ‘tiny minority’. For every 120 muslims who emmigrate here statistically another 1 is added to that approx 20,000

      To put that into perspective if 1 in every 120 of the white British population were nazis/far-right we’d have about 500,000 active potentially dangerous nazis in this country. Would muslims, blacks, and jews be comfortable living in that environment? Obviously not. Would they be racist for not wanting to live in Britain? No, it would be common sense and self-preservation for them and their family. But if we don’t want an immigrant group where 1 in every 120 potentially want to kill us we (naturally) are ‘racist’ – funny that.

      • Conservative estimates put the percentage of Muslims deemed radical at about 25%. If I recall correctly, that was about 600,000,000 really horrible cunts, bad enough to actually be deemed as such. To put that into perspective, that’s about the same as the entire population of the USA that are only too happy to exterminate you in the most heinous ways imaginable.

        I would happily wager the real figure is a lot more than 25% though, if only for the fact that the “official” definition of radical differs a great deal from mine. Ethnically and religiously biased paedophile gangs would be a good example, I would tend call that radical and fanatic, as I would slicing off a young girl’s clitoris, or subjugating and systematically abusing an entire gender.

        But hey ho, I’m just a Nazi, so what do I know?

  12. Cheers guys….
    I did lie though. I’m not changing my name or moving.
    Fuck em.

  13. If we just for a minute compare and contrast the current situation with the Labour Party and it’s obvious for to all to see ‘anti-Semitic’ views and membership at the top, the way it’s reported in the MSM as if it’s a bit of a policy disagreement then look at the treatment Tommy Robinson (whose real name is Stormzi) gets when he simply exposes facts and crimes being perpetuated by members of the religion of Peace (inshallah) I would suggest it’s the latter that’s irrational.

    I’m with Cunts Mates Cunt on this. It’s the Liberals in the media and those that dominate public life and all its institutions who are the real racists, islamophobes and bigots.

  14. A daughter of a friend is a teacher (primary) in a North Londistan school. She gets daily shit from mozzer boys (bear in mind these cunts are all under 11 years old). She can’t complain to the parents as they a) don’t speak English and b) even a 9 year old boy is ranked above woman in the mozzer hierarchy.

    I said to her to get the fuck out and let them be thick uneducated cunts. But she is a bit of a snowflake who likes to waste time teaching the cunts.

    • My Secondary school was about 60% peaceful and the cunts are indoctrinated to play the race/islamophobia card from a young age. Hippy dippy shit-for-brains liberals who pander and indulge their behaviour only emboldens them.

  15. I was out with my son today and sitting opposite us was a couple of Iranians. I said look at them cunts.
    My son said they were Iranian Christians, so I went over and bought them a pint each.

  16. A superb nomination, Sausage.

    “Islamaphobia” is a bogus term used by the Liberal elite to shut down legitimate criticism of Islam in much the same way as as the term “racist”. So great is the fear of a Liberal being thought of as Islamaphobic or racist that they will do anything to shake of the allegation. Hence the sorry spectacle of the Conservative leadership candidates last week rushing in to promise a completely uneccesary and unjustified investigation into Islamaphobia for fear of being called out as Islamaphobic by Emily Matliss or whathisname from Bristol.

    The “ Religion of Peace” is anything but. It is an intolerant creed which elevates barbarism into a virtue.

    • Thankfully Boris has rolled back on that pledge. Hunt the Cunt sticking with it as far as I know.

      • ……Indeed, which makes Hunt totally unfit for Downing Street, the Libtard snowflake.

      • The lines have been drawn. Boris says he’s setting up a ‘crack team’ to take us out of the EU within 100 days of him becoming PM.

      • Edward Fox was brilliant as the assasin in “Day of the Jackal”

        Here’s hoping for a “Monsewer le President” down momnet…

  17. Very moving cunting sausage sir.Actually had a lump in my throat as I read it.How far this country and indeed a great part of this world has fallen to appease and molly coddle these ingrates beggars belief.I for one will not go down without a fight and believe me that is what it’s coming to.

  18. I’ve been on here for close on a year now, that DTS has been the best cunting I have ever read! Brilliant

  19. Im not Islamophobic, just Islamoskeptic. One religion seems to get more legal protection than others, and i think the public have had enough.

    However, the PC plod dont have a clue what to do when they see British Hindus laying into Labour’s target voter base online.

    Hindus and Sikhs are gleefully pointing out stuff that young Tommy Robinson would be incarcerated for. Even without the media scapegoat of far-right white nationalists to make up stories about, the situation between religious populations in Britain today is fractured beyond repair.

  20. So, they want to know about Islamophobia? There’s a very simple answer to that. There is no such thing as Islamophobia. Islamophobia is a word that has been made up by Muslims to silence all those who dare to criticise Islam and Muslims, and call it, and them out for their many, many failings. Contrary to what the soppy left will tell you, Islam is NOT a religion of peace. It isn’t even a religion, it’s a cult. It’s a cult that is built on, and encourages the murder and enslavement of everyone who does not follow Islam.

    Islam is intolerant. It’s intolerant of non-Muslims, who should, according to the Koran, be either converted, enslaved or murdered. It is intolerant of woman, who are treated as third class citizens. It is intolerant of gays, who they believe should be murdered, despite the fact many ‘straight’ Muslim men are know to have engaged in activities that could only be described as ‘homosexual’.

    Islam is also incestuous, since Muslims see nothing wrong with close blood relatives marrying and having children, which often turn out to be deformed and lacking in any higher mental functions. Islam is also paedophilic, because it’s traditional for older men to marry girls as young as five. Though they do claim that the marriages are not consummated until the ‘bride’ is much older (which is bullshit). Islam is polygamous, with many Muslim men having more than one wife. This is illegal in the UK, but their have been many cases in the UK where a blind eye has been turned to this practice in the case of Muslims. Partly because only one of the ‘wives’ is actually referred to as such. The rest all have their own homes, with accompanying spawn, and the ‘husband’ makes regular rounds to collect benefit money, create more spawn etc.

    They hate pigs and dogs, believing them to be unclean. Now I’m sorry, but I just can’t trust someone who won’t eat a bacon muffin or flies into either a blind panic or a blind rage at the sight of a Labrador.

    The absolute worst thing about Muslims though, is that their a bunch of snowflake cunts. Most religions are criticised for some reason or another at some point. Most followers of those religions may take exception to it, but then they calm down and get on with their lives. Muslims don’t. Dare to say anything negative about Islam, and they will, literally, go out of their way to prove your point for you, by screaming like banshees, wailing, crying, stamping their sandaled feet and threatening you with violence and death. Then they try to commit violence and death against you, thereby proving you right when you said that Islam is NOT a religion of peace.

    No other religion has a phobia associated with it. There is no Christianophobia, Hunduophobia, Sikhophobia, Buddhismophobia, Shintophobia, Daoismophobia. Only Islam. It’s because, unlike the aforementioned religions, Islam does not stand up very well to scrutiny. A quick glance at the Koran will show the inherent violence and evil that it promotes. Islam is not a religion, it’s a death cult.

    It’s a death cult that likes to play the victim, and has managed to do a pretty good job of that, thanks to their dhimmi’s on the far left. Take that bullshit with the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar (Burma). The left and the MSM would have you believe that they are just poor, innocent people who simply want to live their lives peacefully, but are being prevented from doing so by the evil Buddhist dominated government. NO! What never gets mentioned, is that the Rohingya’s started the violence we’ve heard so much about in the past couple of years. Groups of armed Rohingya’s have launched attacks against army bases and police stations, attacked Buddhist villages, and even murdered Buddhist monks in the most brutal of ways. But that doesn’t fit with the peaceful, innocent Muslims narrative. Yes, they have suffered violence. But only in retaliation for the violence that THEY have meted out. Likewise, no mention is made of the fact that Rohingya’s are not native to Burma. They were allowed in as refugees in 1942, to escape persecution at the hands of the Japanese. And pretty much since day one, they were nothing but trouble, demanding to be allowed to establish an independent state within Burma. A demand they are STILL making today. THAT is why the Burmese government has been so tough on them lately. They’re at the end of their tether.

    It’s a simple fact that wherever Muslims go, trouble follows. Religion of peace? Islamophobia? As Jim Royle would say, “My arse”.

    There. You wanted to know about Islam, hope that helps.

    • Awesome post qdm…. I agree wholeheartedly.

      As for the pigs and dogs being unclean….
      All I say to them is; takes one to know one ?

    • QdM very good comment I totally concur with everything you have mentioned. The peacefuls are a pain in any country they wind up in. They are so fucking bad that even other Muslim countries don’t want them how many Syrians, Libyans etc were allowed asylum in UAE, Saudi, Dubai?. Daft is it not that the major centres of Islam do not want other Muslims bet they gave the square route of fuck all in monetary aid as well. Islam cannot exist peacefully alongside any non Muslim population (when they are few in numbers they will act all peaceful and such) as soon as numbers increase and some political power is gained the we want, our culture, victim bollocks starts; cue for libtard lefties drop pants bend over and get your back doors hammered in by Abdul and his mates. You have to pay for the privilege mind; sorry we the general population have to pay and pay again because we are run by spineless, useless, fuckwits who are of the opinion that only they and their ideas have any real value in the world I pray to the Gods that their next shit is a large Hedgehog and their ears turn into arseholes.

      • Saudi and those other Arab states might not accept asylum seekers. However, they fund the terrorism that displaces these people in the first place.

  21. If you see something that doesn’t look right, report it to a member of staff immediately.
    See it; say it; sort it.

    What, like a Muslim with a bag?

    Good cunting, DtS.

  22. I say this to all religious people “the burden of proof for your stories and your god is on you”. You must prove to me that a god or whatever deity you worship exists.

    It’s funny but I Knew you would fail to prove they exist. So shut the fuck up. Cinderella and Snow White are as likely to exist or have existed. Religion is for cunts. The churches have pulled the greatest con trick in all humanity.

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