Emily Thornberry and Sky News are cunts.
I’ve been watching the state visit of Trump, the democratically elected leader of our closest and most powerful ally on Sly News, and who do they roll out as soon as I turn my telly on?
They roll out Emily fucking Cuntberry to tell us all about why she is betraying our country by joining the protest against him by the largest collection of cunts that our country can muster.
Did the Sly News presenter take her to task about the fact that she’s the shadow foreign secretary, and by joining a protest against the POTUS she is proving unequivocally that she is unfit for the job?
Did he fuck.
She came out with many retarded points about “our” values, and how it’s ok to cozy up to the Chinese president, an oppressive, authoritarian dictator that tramples all over the rights of the his people like no one else in the world excluding Kim Jong Un. It’s ok because they are so far away, yet America is closer to us.
But the most retarded was when she talked about climate change *yawn*….
Apparently we should see how well the Chinese are working to combat climate change.
Yes really.
She said that.
Apparently the Chinese have been doing lots of great work to combat climate change, despite the small insignificant fact that they’re by far the biggest polluters on the planet.
The Sky News presenter just stood there like a twat, nodding stupidly and agreeing with her stupid points.
The woman is a fucking bigot and the only reasons that she opposes Trump is because he doesn’t share her oppressive, self righteous, far-leftist ideology, and also the fact that she can gain some SJW brownie points from the unwashed losers that congregate at such events by signalling her virtue to the crowd. There’s also a hint of jealousy in her voice. Yes Emily; He’s more important than you. He’ll have his photo taken with the queen and you won’t.
You’re a pointless cunt. Get over it.
This fat cunt boils my piss and I sincerely hope that she never becomes foreign secretary.
….and don’t even get me started on Comrade Compo. No doubt Sly News will give bells and whistles coverage of his latest betrayal of our country. They’ll put a positive light on it though obviously.
Funny how he cosies up to terrorists the world over but won’t engage with Trump…
And Trump is right. Sadiq Khunt is a stone cold loser and he is doing a terrible job as Mayor of London.
And Meghan Markle IS nasty. In more ways than one.
I’m kind of looking forward to tomorrow when all the snowflakes, that for some reason don’t have to be at work on a Tuesday, come out to menstruate all over London and embarrass themselves and our country to get likes on twatbook.
Hopefully there’ll be trouble and the police will bust their skulls open.
I can always dream anyway.
Nominated by Deploy the Sausage
Emily Cuntberry ( or Lady Nudee if you prefer) is a fat fuck of a Libtard cunt with shit for brains. A typical representative of the workers party, ie: wealthy, upper middle class and never done a days work. What an embarrassing waste of oxygen she is.
Emily Piggyperry is such a disgusting, snooty pig that David Cameron would probably stick his winkle in it.
Ye God’s.what a ghastley thought !
I wouldn’t rape this cunt if my balls were on fire. If I was going to be burned alive from the testicles outward and my life depended on ejaculating into this beached whales vagina I still wouldn’t do it but would choose to die through immolation.
If you classify yourself as working class and vote for this cunt you’re as thick as she thinks you are.
Things Emily despises.
The English flag
White Vans
The working class
The middle class
Things Emily likes.
Knighthoods for her husband
Being rich
Emily is a socialist
Why doesn’t chubby Peppa Pig protest the churches who shamelessly fly the George Cross from their flagpoles? Blatant racism but not a word from her. She selectively turns her snout up at them.
That hairdo she has ffs! White bit at front like shes in the fucking xmen, why bother with your hair when you look like a upright pig? Like putting sprinkles on dog shite…
She is preparing for life outside parliament now. Together with Ian Beckford, and Diane Abbott they are reforming the 1960s pop group The Lovin’ Spoonful – they are to be called The Lovin’ Shovelful
I can’t believe this fuckin slag has only been cunted 3 times. As Arnold Rimmer would say, she’s a cancerous polyp on the anus of humanity.
I’d love to hitch her onto my towbar and scrape her fucking boat race all over the tarmac but she’d probably stall my motor, fucking fat shitcunt.
I suggest it would be the equivalent of pulling a fucking rhinoceros off his bitch during mating!! Good luck
Obnoxious, argumentative fat ugly cunt.
I can’t comment on her policies because I can’t stand to listen to her speak.
Self righteous fuck wit.
I had the same problem with the pompous priggish supercilious Patricia Hewitt one of Tony’s Tarts/Blair Babes 20 years ago. They sound remarkably alike. Every time pompous Patty came on I had to mute the sound and the same thing happens with this old brass
Peppa Pig of the Labour Party
An utter disgust to the Country The Shadow Foreign Secretary not fit for office and should be told so in no uncertain terms by the Government.
The Labour Party We are the Government in waiting don’t make me laugh Corbyn will run this Country into the ground within 6 months Marxist Politics are best left in the 60/70s
Unfortunately it seems that Marxism is back in fashion. Marxism is more murderous and oppressive even than n@ziism, but they seem to forget that small fact when they signal their virtue.
I wonder how long it’ll be before Corbyn, McDonnell, cuntberry and the abbopotomous open the gulags if they get into power….
Not long mate! See you there:(
Remember though, the ends of Communism always justify the means. It’s up there with Islamic supremacy regarding how many poor cunts have to die before the utopia/universal umma is achieved.
She shouts down interviewers with false anger as if she’s aghast that she could in any way be challenged. I really cant stand this fat cow.
It was a sad day indeed when the SPG was disbanded.
They could’ve kicked those lefty bearded cocksuckers up & down the street for Donald’s amusement.
Then down the station with them, and the whole watch could’ve used the cunts as a bouncy castle / boot polishing machine.
Couldn’t agree more. The spg would’ve dealt with those climate change cunts too….
And knife crime, moped gangs, sharia marches….
We need them back.
The shadow of this fat arrogant cunts arse weighs a good 40lb!!
Thornberry is all that’s wrong with labour, purports to represent the working class but absolutely fucking despises them along with her ultra cunty London fake socialist pals! .
This thin skinned gobshite has absolutely no place in government and anybody who actually works for a LIVING and thinks thornberry and her primrose hill socialists represent them needs to wake up….
I’ll never forget her spitting the dummy with dermot on sky , the clueless cunt had absolutely no idea of her opposite numbers name in virtually any country dermot mentioned! Trapped thornberry started accusing him of sexism? (Yawn) and pub quizzing her (yawn) …….
Piers Morgan grilled this wobbling turd over Donald Trumps policy of detaining and deporting migrants on the US’s Southern border, pointing out that the lefts, Saint Barack of Obama, was much more ruthless during his presidency, up to the point where he was know in Mexico as ‘Deporter-in-Chief’. Afternoon Q.
Yes Liquidator but that was cuddly, liberal, right on ruthlessness, and all the bombs he dropped on Arabs were cuddly, liberal, right on bombs
Ha ha yea they just recently discovered that the images used by the media to show Trump’s barbaric treatment of child migrants were actually from Obama’s time in charge.
…they haven’t reported it though.
Funny that.
Why is it Trumps fault the bodies found on mexican border? Pisstake to lay it at his feet, what is he meant to do? Give them fuckin swimming lessons?
I wouldn’t throw a life ring to an iranian drowning in the channel. Fuck ’em, France is that way pal.
Evening LL ……………
Thornberry is an arrogant, patronising remoaner shit. However I can forgive her anything as she overwhelms me with her astonishing sexual power.
Her Ladyship would have you for breakfast and fart you out again before PMQ’s, Ron.
What a way to go! Thornberry is a sexual goddess! I could never get enough.
You’re a sick, sick man ron ?…
We’d have to despatch the Ron Knee Search Party. You’d be like those Mexican miners, lost and starved of oxygen.
Blimey Cap’n don’t tell she does that erotic asphyxiation thing as well! I’m about to explode in my leather underpants here.
This would have made an ideal Jeremy Kyle episode ‘ Thornberry sex addict…..expose!’
I liked Elisabeth Fritzl’s take on the story of those miners trapped underground for 69 days….
“69 days?…fucking lightweights”…
She’s more than a pig – she’s a warthog. Just draw the photo out, it’s terrifying.
She says Trump is a racist, biggot and sexist…..
Well, so whats your point?
So is her mate Corbyn: hates Jews and white people in general, despises cunts who want to do well for themselves in life, and takes his lefty mates back to his flat to show off naked Flabbottomuses in his bedroom.
Fat malodorous hypocrite.
Hates his own Armed Forces,Hates Jews, Loves the IRA ,The Poor Palestinians China,Russia Putin A horrible misguided little Man Not Fit to run this Country
Fat, heaving, obnoxious pile of champagne socialist, remoaner dogshit. There are no limits to the cuntishness that this overweight pig of a woman can reach.
Rich, snobby and despises the working class with a passion. One of the best adverts for the Tories out there. She couldn’t be more of a cunt if they paid her.
Ron Knee needs to be taken out and executed for his own good.
Could this be the unwanted result of a drunken brief encounter between Bernard Manning and Jo Brand?
Nah. Bernard had some standards…
All she is ever good at is faux outrage at anyone she doesn’t like or disagrees with. Here’s the best example:
Excellent clip. He deals with this cunt’s phoney outrage so well. These days cunts just apologise to the like a of her, Hitchens basically tells her to fuck off.
Vile woman.
Ebola would be too good for this one.
The hideous hog is so fat that she can’t reach round to wipe her arse.
Filthy cunt.
I didn’t know Eddie Izzard had gone into politics?
5 tons of clinical waste wrapped up in clingfilm.
“My God, you’re ugly”, as Basil Fawlty said.
Good grief, she’s got a face like a blistered pisspot, or is it a bulldog thats swallowed a wasp?
Talk about snout in the trough, looks like sneezed in a bowl ( i almost typed bowel then) of porridge.