Clive Lewis


A red flag waving cunting please for this oleaginous turd, who in addition to agitating for a “confirmatory” referendum, and his often prejudiced remarks against people he dislikes or disapproves of, has reached a new level of cuntishness today by appearing on Wireless 4 World At 1 to stir up tomorrow’s London demonstration against President Trump. No doubt the unemployed, housewives, students and pansy Labour MPs, not to mention Saddick Kunt will be there blowing their whistles and shouting and there, cheerleading at the front will be Steptoe and his boyfriend Clive.

If Lewis had brains instead of a big uncouth mouth , he should realise that there are very many serious problems in their own shitstained party, and it will be remembered, especially as general election time approaches, thanks to the wankers trying to become Prime Minister, that Lewis, Thornberry, Steptoe and Kahn are perfectly happy to insult the leader of our closest ally, yet never said a word against the commie leaders of China being afforded the same civic ceremonies that the Donald is receiving. I suspect these Poundland Labour politicians would rather it were Robert Mugabe or one of their other *underprivileged* friends who were being feted.

Lewis and his pals should keep their bowels open (Thornberry looks as if she has the worst case of constipation in medical history) and their mouths shut, and go and fuck themselves into oblivion.

Nominated by W. C. Boggs

37 thoughts on “Clive Lewis

    • Looks a right nasty moaning little cunt . watched a documentary called ‘wild wild country’ about a cult in U.S where the guru Rajneesh collected rolls royces had a million pound wristwatch and private armed police force. The ‘devotee’ cult members thought the sun shine out of his arse, certain type of blind devotion, reminded me of corbynistas. Check it out on netflix worth a watch?

      • The flappy ears, the earnest face, the suede noggin, I think she has a certain Obama look about her. Obviously the eye shadow and plucked eyebrows are not very manly so Barrack, not the husband.

  1. Disturbingly creepy leftard wankstain.
    Anyone with a haircut like that blekk geezer out of Star Trek Voyager is a cunt

  2. Filthy fucking scumbag. Ex BBC “journalist” who has admitted to shoe horning “subtle political bias “ into his reporting. Oh really? We hadn’t noticed any cunt at the BBC doing that before.
    Arch fucking remoaner and special bumchum of Catweazle. Has been in trouble for using patriarchal language and groping some bird’s arse. Found to be squeaky clean by the usual thorough Labour Party investigation. His hatred of Trump and democracy is only to be expected from this sack of libtard shit.
    An absolute cunt of the first order.

    • Groping some bird’s arse? I’d always assumed he was a carrier of The Gayness……….perhaps it was some butch, skinheaded, tattooed leftie type “bird” that looks like a bloke and he got confused.

      Either way, he’s still a cunt.

  3. Fucking MPs protesting against Trump, what a bunch of cunts and this one is a total twat, “I want to hold one of the ropes on the blimp” big fucking kid.

    Someone should have tied a rope around his scrawny neck and shouted to the others to let go…. now that would have been a real protest and fucking hilarious!

    A leftie cunt flying across london being choked by Trump!

  4. Yep He’s a proper little puff I bet his mate Owen Jones will be at the front of the flag wavers along with Polly Toynbee and all the other usual suspects.New Labour The Jew Hating Party

  5. This cunt?

    “A leading left-wing Labour MP has been forced to apologise for sexist language after a video emerged of him shouting “get on your knees b****”.

    Seems like he’s a bit conflicted doesn’t it? Also investigated for sexual harassment by his own party, he was cleared but it doesn’t say if
    Shami Chakrabarti Conducted the investigation.

  6. A seminal cunting of one of the biggest cunts on the Labia benches.

    It has been my misfortune to observe this excretion on Question Time where he came across as an arrogant and elitist little brown turd – the type that you can’t flush and remains bobbing in the toilet bowl.

    Fuck off.

    • If the picture’s anything to go by, he looks like a shaven headed boot faced dyke in a jacket.

      • I thought that Ron, although one of those quiet, keep-yer-hatred-under-yer-hat dykes rather than the is-that-a-feller? dykes that’s a theatre technician or works in Lidl.

  7. Ho, ho, ho! The Muzzie v the lgbt schools row rumbles on. The lezza mp Angela Eagle was really upset today when discussing the issue. Says she’s not going to go back in to the closet. What a fuckin’ shame!

    • I heard that and heard her interviewed later. The lezza bitch was very careful not to use the M word. She said “religion” and “extremists.”
      Naturally, the “overwhelming majority “ of parents are in favour of this “lifestyle education.”

  8. The scenario I am envisaging is:
    Either Johnson or Cunt completely fucks up Brexit, obviously.
    There is a vote of no confidence, passed by a massive majority.
    There is a General Election.
    The Brexit Party gains a useful number of seats.
    Labour clusterfucks UnBrexit, comprehensively.
    There is a vote of No Confidence At All You Incompetent Ideologues…
    Another general election…
    Rinse and repeat.

    Therefore, pass the popcorn. This should soon be Farage’s chance to prove himself and his party. Last chance, I’d say, but in the country of dribbling retards the guy with a bib is king.

    • Hmm, I think you overlooked that to gain a majority, Labour would have to give the Scottish Nazis a reach-a-round where, despite having had a “once in a lifetime referendum”, they’ll demand another “once in a lifetime referendum” (ad infinitum) and if they score independence (sic), Labour won’t have enough seats to continue to govern and PM Hardie will have to do a deal with the unLiberal leader Anna Sourberries whose party have joined with the Greens, led by their leaders, Lorraine Kelly and Danny Dyer.

      • ‘in the country of dribbling retards the guy with a bib is king.:

        The world or ‘society’ or the country is becoming so fractious I actually would actually welcome a military coup.
        Trouble is the Army are snowflakes too.

      • Yeah, fuck what generations of our forbears fought and died for. Let’s have a military coup.

      • Labour can easily deal with the SNP. Who are looking less and less like real nationalists, to the disappointment of the latter. Double the Barnett Formula and stay in the EU to keep Krankie purring like a kitten. What I am proposing is short term in any case. Even Corbyn can stall the Nats long enough to surrender to the EU – from which the Nats have no desire to be independent at all. Certainly, Labour won’t have enough seats to govern. Which makes it less likely still that Corbyn will go bright red. He might with luck reach an agreement with the Glibs, etc, and thus lose all credibility with the theoretical socialists who got him into position. I stress, theoretical. I haven’t seen a plausible socialist (or otherwise) agenda from any of them, still less any economically feasible path to the goal. Whatever the goal is supposed to be. First, they need to read Marx and then Varoufakis.

        We agree, perhaps that the outcome will be chaotic: there’s plenty of room to imagine what shape the chaos will take.

      • RT Well they fought for democracy and that is all but dead. They fought for ‘Christian Civlisation’ and that’s all but dead. Everything they fought and died for has simply been trashed. A coup to bring us back to what is normal is what is needed. What our forefathers would recognise. Not this insanity.

      • I’d buy a Cromwell. And while he’s at it perhaps he’d like to prune the line of succession again?

      • Democracy isn’t dead Miles, it just smells a bit funny.

        As for ‘Christian Civilisation’, you want a return to Crusades, Inquisitions, religious wars, drowned witches, oppressive morals, hostility to sex, Christian priests burning people at the stake if they do not believe that wine turns to blood when a priest prays over it, or that the earth sits immovably at the centre of the universe?

        How about whipping cunts and slitting their noses for having sex outside marriage, or preaching that masturbation is worse than rape, because at least rape can result in pregnancy?

        Whatever floats your boat I suppose.

      • Load of rubbish Ruff Tuff. Germany is an proudly Christian country with a christian party in power, christian-based legislation and it doesn’t include any of the things you mention.

      • What stone image was erected in every town any city in the country to honour the war dead?

      • Germany a proud example of Christian Civilisation MandroidZ?

        A somewhat unfortunate example I would have thought… especially given the years 1914 – 1945.

      • They obviously made mistakes but the democratic germany of the last 50 years is different to the autocracy you refer to.

      • Hitler was democratically elected in a Germany that had been Christian for over a thousand years.

        And the UK of the last 50 years has been no less democratic or Christian than Germany.

        If, as Miles asserts, democracy and Christian civilisation is all but dead in this country, then the same surely must apply to Germany.

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