Cheshire Constabulary and the Guardian

Cheshire Constabulary and the fucking Guardian.

I’ll try to keep this short.

Matthew Furlong applies to join Cheshire Rozzers.

Matthew scores highly. Matthews Dad is a DI in Cheshire Rozzers.

Matthew, despite his excellent application, interview and pedigree doesn’t get into the force cus the fuz are only interested in taking on Blacks, Gays, MGBGTV8’s, spackers and Somalian Pirates, it is, apparently called, Positive Action.

I’m fairly certain it was once called ‘positive discrimination’ and look where that got us, anyone remember Diarrhoea Rennie, the first and absolutely the worst Premier League referee ever, sorry I meant to say he was black.

Anyway back to the story.

Matthew gets rejected, his dad launches a complaint,
the case goes to court and eventually Matthews case is upheld and he gets to join the rozzers.

Matthews case hits the headlines, Cheshire Rozzers admit they discriminated against him in favour of anyone that wasn’t a White Honky Male and the case creates a precedent.

Try to find this story on the Grauns website. You won’t.

In the eyes of the Liberartie Bastard cunts at the Graun White Males can’t be the victims of discrimination.

And finally the cunt that promoted this policy is DCC Jeanette McCormick, I’ll cunt this politically correct waste of oxygen when I’ve got more time but in the meantime let’s hope Jeanette goes on the ‘lone beat in Dewsbury, or Cheetham Hill or Moss Side or Bradford…..

Fucking shit cunt bastards.

Nominated by CuntyMcCuntface

49 thoughts on “Cheshire Constabulary and the Guardian

  1. A great many of the ‘equality’ gang do not want equality. They want preferential treatment for their favourite groups. Same as the ‘diversity’ gang want all forms of diversity except diversity of opinion.

    The Guardian is an appalling newspaper. I am no fan of Boris Johnson but recording and publishing private conversations from someone’s home is a grotesque invasion of privacy.

    • I agree with you entirely Cunts Mate.
      This scum bag of a neighbour will be up on here for a rightly deserved Cunting soon no doubt.
      He obviously hates Boris and is going to get a bung off the Cunting Guardian as a bonus.

      • He’s a typical soyboy neckbeard remainer cunt, with a millionaire girlfriend, who is also a plastic lefty. I bet he wet his knickers when this opportunity arose. The cunt probably had the guardian on speed dial, in the slightest hope of an infraction.

    • What puts this nonsense in to perspective is that my county, Cheshire, is 97.3% white by ethnicity! You just couldn’t make it up. Oh, they just have! I know what it is, they need some dark quay representation to deal with the cross county lines drugs gangs coming in along the M6 and M62.

  2. Apparently, the same is now happening in the Met. If you want to join, you must first be approved by a “community liaison” person before your application goes any further. So, who do we think these “community liaison” people are? Yup, the local goat fuckers. So, you apply as a white, 6ft, rugby playing bloke, good grades, obviously fit to do the job. Will your application go any further?

    • Personally i think Matthew & his dad are selfish! Whos going to play steel drums at moss side carnival? Whos going to roller disco at village pride now? This is my local police force (cheshire) and i grew up on a council estate just recently in news over Tommy Robinson’s visit known as the most depressed place in uk,( no you cheeky cunts! Not why im miserable!) And our local copper then was a guy called fred, big fuckoff noddy holder sideboards he had, and when questioning us ‘youth’ he’d stand on your toes so you couldnt run off, and if you got sarcastic or lippy hed rabbit punch you in the guts. Nowadays hed get fired, proper bastard, proper copper, god bless him! We all loved him!!

      • Look Miserable, how many fuckin’ times do I have to tell you “Peterborough ain’t in Cheshire!” You’re a Miserable southern cunt now. Get used to it!

      • Being southern is almost as bad as being a peaceful! The gormless fuckers dont have gravy on theyre chips, and beers like virgins piss. Please dont wish that on me Blunt! Love miserable chris Evans

      • Haha! Hope you had a great day out in the Peaks. Raise a glass for me next time you’re in the Lord Rodney!

      • Just thinking about it, that’s another example of pc madness isn’t it? Changing the name of a pub from ‘The Lord Rodney’ to ‘The Rodney.’ Fuckin’ local labour council!

      • Went to Edale Blunt, me missus kids (grown up) the dog and my parents, cracking meal & ale in the Ramblers inn, end of the pennine way, truly gods country, not a burka in sight! Love my family, love my country love my ale! God bless ya mate!?

  3. Not a fan of the fuzz they are just the muscle, hired goons of big brother and globalhomo fuck them

    • Don’t know what’s happening to this once great land of ours Political Correctness gone absolutely mad Where’s my Passport fire up the Bentley (British Racing Green of Course)

  4. Fucking insane times we’re living in…..
    The ones going around screaming RACIST in everyone’s faces are in fact the most racist people on the planet.
    Maybe the police should arrest themselves for hate crimes.
    Honk honk…..
    (Facebook have actually banned the word honk as it upsets them ….. fucking clowns).

  5. Facefuck and Mark Fuckerberg can Fuck Off. Along with fucking lefties, fucking towel heads, fucking Africunts, fucking LGBTXYFUCKINGZ fuckers, fucking pikeys ( die you fucking smelly, thieving cunts ), fucking politicians, fucking Dooshka Dooshka Cunts and Vince Fucking Cable.
    Apologies to any Fucking Cunt I’ve missed.
    Good morning Mr. Sausage.

    • Morning Jack.
      I’m keeping my fingers crossed that Vince cable has fucked off for good. No doubt he’ll be back soon to whinge about brexit, but for now I can hope…
      As for the others, unfortunately I think we’re stuck with the cunts for now.

    • Mark Fuckerberg and all his other Soros-funded brothers and sisters are at least no longer hiding in the shadows, but are blatantly out in the blazing sun enacting their censorship agenda of anything vaguely right of centre, and ensuring that anyone that looks at an IT device will only see Marxist Globablist propaganda. They’re quite happy that the West is going to be taken over by Filth-Slam, whilst they relax in their gated communities raping and eating children. They’d probably reckoned without China but are probably arrogant enough to be thinking “Ahhh well we’ll deal with that when the time comes”.

  6. That was a rather forgiving Sunday morning, almost Christian-spirited, post. I fear you’re going soft Mr Cunter.

    • Probably because they are put in place by the same kind of people, who have the power.
      All pissing in the same pot.
      Morning Paul.

      • Morning Jack.

        At least the sun is out for an enjoyable day in the garden.

      • Afternoon RTC. Mine too. Spark plug is clean, I think the carb is kaput.

      • Weather looks a bit iffy here. Not that it matters. I’m going to be indoors, spending most of the day with an ancient ex gamekeeper, chewing the fat.
        Had an enjoyable afternoon in the garden yesterday, drinking, snoozing and eating.
        Enjoy yourself.

  7. Don’t worry. DCC McCormick will be headhunted by the Met to be the Mayor’s liaison officer with special responsibility for blaming everyfucker else.

  8. What makes me laugh is that all these cunting police forces ( sorry, I mean services……..the word force upsets the snowflakes ) employs a PR department. So they waste our money on a bunch of cunts to persuade us that they are not wasting our money? That makes sense. Round our way they put up posters warning burglars that they are being pursued . Of course the posters are there for us, not the burglars. They think we’re fucking stupid.

  9. It’s been going on for years!!
    Back in the mid 80,s I applied to join the fire brigade! Back then it was a particularly strange affair, you took the tests and only received a letter shortly after if you had been unsuccessful at that stage, then you would wait to hear, anyhow after passing the tests I was called up for an interview , a while later I received a letter of induction, so handed in my notice at work and decided I was going to have 3/4 weeks travelling before I started my new career.
    About 6 weeks later I received a letter which told me that I had been unsuccessful and asked me to reapply?
    So I’ve got no fucking job you cunts and from start to finish you’ve wasted 16 months of my life……
    My dad was really angry and took me to a solicitor he knew, after enquires were made we found out it’s was Uber cunt Ken Livingstone and his cunty GLC that had decided to use “ positive discrimination” and I got fucked over!!
    I never reapplied as my thoughts were if I was prepared to walk into a burning building to save someone’s life I wanted the best people with me regardless of race or colour, hearing that wasn’t the case I thought FUCK YOU POSITIVE BOLLOCKS !!!

  10. I notice the Guardian, in it’s Project Boris story, had the headline “Police race to Boris Johnson’s ……..”
    ? This is Sarf London mate, the coppers don’t RACE anywhere, except the KFC in Streatham High Road before it closes.
    But if it makes your hatchet job on Boris sound more convincing then you go ahead.
    Makes a change from all those stories about the racist, sexist and homophobic police force which are the staple diet of your libtard Nancy boy readership.

    • Bored of you lot whining now, off with the family for pub lunch in Peak District, have a good day!?

      • Fuck you then. I hope your Yorkshires are burnt and your gravy is all lumpy.
        Oh, and I hope you run over a peaceful on the way home and get arrested for “far right terrorism.”

  11. And the cunts who thought up ‘Positive Discrimination’ need to be burned alive. How the fuck can ANY discrimination be ‘positive’ you stupid bastards? Why don’t they just call it ‘Preferential Treatment’, because that’s exactly what it is.

    • Because these are Orwellian times where ‘Discrimination is Equality’

      Also I read your post as, ”And the cunts who thought up ‘Positive Discrimination’ need to be bummed alive”. Which should read ”…bummed to death”

  12. The media, establishment and their useful idiots on twitter are, in the words of Brendan O’Neill, ‘re-racialising British society’. Race, gender and sexuality are now being divided up as never before by the same people who want to make cinema adverts and MoD guidelines on spotting ‘far right extremists’.

    The saddest part is voting in anyone other than the Brexit parry, DUP or UKIP will not change this. The tories have been in power for 9 years and the leftist dogmatists still run everything.

    • Well, I’m 1/4 Scottie, and I can tell y’all that there are three. Boyz, gurlz, and Nicola Sturgeon.

      And, apologies to Spine Millington…
      We’re doing the Daz,
      Keep Ruthrieston white
      On a Saturday night.

      Boom boom !! Er, what a surprise to see you here, Imam…

  13. Fucking love this story:

    But it’s not scientific!
    Scientific isn’t always right.

    The kid should use that excuse to not bother doing his biology homework.

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