A nomination please for Burger King. Now, I’m not a particularly big fan of fast food. I prefer to stay healthy. However, I’ve been known to indulge in the odd Big Mac or Whopper meal. The rare occasions that I do indulge will now solely be at Maccy D’s. Because Burger King UK have just shown themselves to be a bunch of virtue signalling, left wing cock jockeys.
As we all know, it’s become something of a trend lately for sad, low IQ, virginal lefties to throw milkshakes over MEP candidates with whom they disagree. Farage, Tommy Robinson and Sargon of Akkad being three of the most prominent victims. In fact it’s becoming so prevalent that Police Scotland tweeted a request to fast food outlets not to sell milkshakes or ice creams during a recent Farage rally in Scotland. Said fast food outlets duly obliged. Except Burger King UK, who thought it would be funny to tweet “‘Dear people of Scotland. We’re selling milkshakes all weekend. Have fun,’ Burger King tweeted, along with the hashtag #justsaying”. They also liked a number of Antifa tweets.
Completely forgetting the far left in the UK are actually a MINORITY, BK have, rightly in my opinion, faced a massive backlash, causing them to issue a grovelling apology and deny that they were in anyway inciting violence. It may just be a milkshake, but it’s still assault. Besides, when Corbyn had an egg thrown at him, the guy who did it was arrested and charged. Many people have taken to twitter to ask if they can throw milkshakes over BK staff, most though have announced their intention to take their custom elsewhere, hence BK making the grovelling apology, because nothing makes a large company shit itself more than the thought of a drop in profits.
Personally, out of the two, I prefer Maccy D’s, because I find BK’s fair somewhat tasteless. However, that won’t be a problem anymore, because I will not now be spending my money (however infrequent it may be) in Burger King ever again. Fuck Burger King, and their snowflake bosses. Incidentally, if anyone here ever ventures over to the US and develops a sudden craving for a burger, I would recommend a visit to Wendy’s. In my humble opinion, they are far better than Maccy D’s and BK combined.
Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw
This passed me by. A wave of BK managers covered in milkshake would have made these cunts at the corporate office reconsider the funny-side of having liquids thrown in your face by angry people indeed.
And I too won’t be buying a whopper ever again.
I have also heard Wendy’s are the best of THAT bunch…
I will not touch any shite like this since I read the article on Iceland’s last ever Mcd’s burger, please excuse the pun but it really is food for thought.
Bunch of smartarsed cunts. Good spot, Quick Draw; thanks for the heads up on this one.
Apologies for the drive by cunting (Chauffeur – keep the car running)….
How wonderful to see Meghan Markel up and about after her recent…erm…illness wasn’t it…getting over her pregnancy…? Meghan Markel couldn’t be arsed to meet and be cordial to El Don on a State Visit but managed to rouse herself to douse herself in gown and jewels and sit in a carriage to wave at all the plebs for Trooping The Colours.
Psh. Hasn’t this old bashed in cunt divorced and fucked off to ‘Murica yet?
Meghan Markel is a cunt.
Burqa King.
Allåh carte menu. Please eat with your right hand.
It never ceases to amaze me that the supposedly highly business orientated cunts that run these multinationals aren’t aware that supporting 50% of polarised customers immediately alienates the other 50% and removes them from your profit margins. Saying fuck all keeps 100% happy.
Common sense but clearly sinevdi not possess any.
Our local pub had outside on their blackboard some witty remark directed against Nigel a Farage.
Stupid shit for brains cunts as 58% of those in Ipswich voted Leave.
As you say advertising your particular political persuasion will alienate close on half ofvallnpotential clients.
Furthermore the “food” is as plastic as the wrapping. From the same culinary nadir as McDonalds/Nando’s/KFC, etc. Cover it in salt/sugar/rich sauce to mask the disgusting taste.
McDonalds brags about its use of “meat” from the cow but forgets to mention that it’s from the tail, the horns, or the genitals.
? Doo-doo-doo Dooop dooo. Not lovin’ it.
Last McDonalds burger I consumed was in July 1978.
I had one over 4 years ago, on the day we moved round the corner from one, and a BK mushroom double swiss back end of the 70’s.
I don’t think I’ve EVER eaten one.
I know I haven’t.
Wouldn’t go into any of these fucking fast food shitholes anyway so boycotting these cunts not an issue. Intolerance of debate the norm nowadays so throwing milk marks you down as a childish idiot.
The best burger in the whole fuckin world bar none……the truck stop, Bellata New South Wales, Gods country. Carl Lewis couldn’t jump over it!
Elvis was the Burger King and y’all know Elvis ain’t dead, right? There’s a guy works down the kebab shop who’s a dead ringer.
Only joking. Died on the throne on the Burger King cropper and had shat out most of it, apparently. Rock-a-hooler onion rings, baby.
I hadnt seen their liking of AntiFa tweets, but the idiotic giveaway was the #justsaying’
Utterly moronic. I hope their social media strategist and whatever flunkey operating their twitter account have been sacked and now at home, watching videos of that old bloke being pelted with milkshake while the butterball NHS worker screams at him.
Hopefully their universal credit gets delayed for months, the snarky leftist cunts.
Off topic, just watching womens world cup, Germany v China, I know I am a cunt but a couple of the german girls are fucking hot, would love to give them a nice soapy shower after the match.
Sadly the majority are rough as fuck, some of the Chinks look exceptionally doggy.
Back to the cunting, Burger King are cunts for the arrogant way they put out their message, if they had messaged that they would continue to sell milkshake but expected their customers to behave responsibly then fair play.
But no, they have to try to be fucking clever….. CUNTS!!!!!
You see Sick of It it’s that type of every day sexism that degrades the efforts of these women.
For Gods sake man can’t you see they are pioneers, trial blazzers who are fighting the patriarchy and standing up for women’s rights?
No neither can I.
What a pile of shite but I’d watch it for the shirt swapping at the end.
Hang on a minute, I’ve just had a
thought. If I identify as a woman I may be able to get in the team.
I’m 48 but I’m still fit and even though I’ve lost the real pace I had as a youngster I’m easily as quick as this lot and definitely as skilful.
Fucking hell, I could be the first tranny to play for the women’s England team.
Fuck yes. Any cunt not agreeing to shower with me will be immediately called out as transphobic.
Fucking hell how have I missed this???
If you could convert some of them straight you might be in for some naughty goings-on in those showers!
I know i need to be re-educated but my animal instincts cannot be suppressed.
These women are athletes, fit, young, strong…… oh my god where is the soap!!!!
Thes women’s decision to play a traditionally male sport in the face of white male aggression is stunning and brave.
anti trump climate rmetoo rebellion:
‘Stunning and brave… diversity is our strength… gender is a spectrum…. black lives matter..’
Oh fuck, their processors have fucking crashed again! Who do we call again; PC world or Common Purpose?
If you think wimmins footy is bad, watch the rugby.
Cheaper than going to Marwell i suppose.
It’s a little known fact that the first celebrity to endorse a grilling machine was not George Foreman but was actually Elvis Presley, the design of which resembled a large hamburger.
A Breville in disguise….
I smell the whiff of the marketing man, with his demographics and flip charts here. The statistics show that dumb millennials tend to be the cocksucking EU lovers. They also show that a large percentage of them are customers of packaged American style shitefood. Combine that with the fact that the same dumb cunts are the ones most easily influenced by advertising and social media and you have a marketing policy! High fives, bonuses and trebles all round!
Sadly, it’s backfired on them as many such marketing campaigns often do.
Burger King, like many cunts have underestimated the strength and depth of feeling out in the real world.
Never forgive, never forget.
For the last couple of years I’ve toying with the idea of revisiting BK after a gap of 40 years but this whole business which, I confess, escaped my notice has evaporated any last vague remnants of interest in going. More money for gin, I suppose.
Burgers are the bain of the world, people need to unite against the manufactured shit that’s killing this world.
Long live the cabbage..
Yeah, you can’t beat a large helping of real meat eh, MPG?
Fuck cabbage. When I go out for dinner the burger option is the first thing I look for. Steak second.
I get my burgers from a very good butcher. 6oz each and dark red with marbling, not anaemic pink grains of paste. Real meat makes a big difference.
I know burger joint staff aren’t going to be in the running for any Nobel prizes but, fuck me, the cunts who work in the BK near me are the thickest of the thick. A trip to BK should be on the National Curriculum to show school-kids how they are going to end up if they don’t work hard.
That reminds me of a brilliant edition of The Simpson’s Lord Cuntingdon where Lisa is playing her Sax at school and the teachers basically say ‘look you can’t play the Sax, you’re rubbish, don’t bother thinking there’s a career for you in music, you’re rubbish’.
She’s distraught and they do the same to the rest of the kids and basically say stop dreaming that you’ll be rich and famous because all you’re going to end up doing is working in a Drive By.
I prefer the staff to the chav bastard customers. The staff are usually just college kids working part-time. Of course there are a few Johnny no-stars mopping the floors but it’s the chavs who are rude to them i can’t stand, as they know they cant really answer back.
When any liquid is thrown over you, the natural reaction should be to lamp the cunt because there’s potential it could be a noxious/harmful substance.
Excellent. Another company along with Gillette and protractor and gamble on the boycott list. 🙂
I always use mcdoos anyway cus the last burger minge I had at BK tasted of fucking dung.
Make sure you wash your hands as there’s human shit on their self-service screens which doesn’t surprise me as something like 1 in 5 men is walking around with excrement on their hands the filthy fucking cunts.
Tastes better than the burgers, Mandroidz.
Wendy burgers. Please come to the UK. Will gladly add to my bulging middle aged dad bod, with a few Wendy’s. I vaguely remember one being in Croydon but that might just be age catching up with me.
I thought there used to be one in Leicester but I’ve realised I’m confusing Wendy and Wimpy, duh!
Not crazy about wendys milkshakes, too thick they must add some kind of thickening agent to get it like that. Wendys chicken nuggets and burgers are pretty decent for fastfood but my homemade burgers is way better
The worse fast food franchise in the US is Dairy Queen. Don’t even think about eating their “hotdogs”. Not very hot and once you have bitten in to one the word “dog” begins to worry you.
May I recommend “Arby’s “. Not strictly a burger but thin hot slices of beef served in a bun. Quite nice as fast food goes and something different.
Is the In and Out Burger a real place or did they just invent it for Big Lebowski?
That sounds like something from South Korea, with the façade of a dog pound.
Every single cunt who works at the BK off Market Street in Manchester is now of a peaceful persuasion… And I do mean every fucker… Coincidence? I think not…
Right about Wendy’s… Me and Mrs N went to one in New Orleans and their stuff pisses on Muck Donald’s and Burqa King…
This is a classic… A killer…
England wimmins ‘football’ captain says Phil Neville is a leader in the mould of Sir Alex Ferguson… Fuck me, I haven’t stopped laughing yet and I heard it about six hours ago…. Best joke I have heard in years…
People seem to be so utterly stupid these days, after initially laughing I’ve actually become a bit sad now.
Stupid police asking people to not sell milkshakes, it’s not like a fucking hand grenade, we can all make a diy milk shake.
A cunting for the police in this case.