The Parole Board

The Parole Board are all a bunch of Cunts.
These twats seem to let people out of prison without any thought of the innocent public who have to live along these scumbag convicts.First of all there was that John Warboys they were going to let out until more women came forward and kicked up a fuss and now we’ve just had this Cunt today who was caught in Congleton Joseph Mcann who they let out on licence without actually assessing him.How about this you useless fuckwits,anybody you deem fit to come out on parole lives with you and your family for 6 months first ,before being released into the great wide world.
Or even better NO FUCKING PAROLE for any scumbag.


Nominated by Crusty Flaps

34 thoughts on “The Parole Board

  1. The parole board do indeed appear to be another cunt cog in the utter fucking cunt machine otherwise known as the British legal system.

    The Worboys case in particular was fucking breathtaking for the apparent lack of decency and common sense toward the public.

    Let’s be fair in the interests of balance: when a Crown Court case is reported in the media, you only get select details – usually the case for the prosecution. The prosecuting case has all the salacious, scandalous details writ large and embellished by the press. Defence cases, and mitigating circumstances for any defendant on trial are rarely heard outside the courtroom, which is why basing opinion of guilt on the media coverage is folly.

    But the Worboys cunt was unequivocally a serial predator who only stopped offending when he was caught. He would have carried on fiddling drunk women in the back of his taxi from now until kingdom come otherwise.

    So in the name of St. Cunt can any sane thinking parole board member truly believe that this fucking beast is anywhere remotely close to rehabilitation, especially after spending such a relatively short time behind bars?

    I’d say that the parole board were second only to the police in terms of legal cuntliness and disregard for the public, a public who they are allegedly supposed to protect. Stupid fucking cunts.

  2. What really pisses me off is the idea that you only serve half your sentence by default? WTF??? Then sentence the cunt to whatever time s/he will be locked up. When I get a bill, I don’t get to just pay half the fucker. Maybe next time I go to work I’ll fuck off at lunchtime and just tell them I’ve finished my day. Any early release should be justified by good behaviour, doing something good (fucks knows what, perhaps killing the only peaceful hate preacher out of 25000 that is actually locked up). And just what is life, what a meaningless sentence. “You are sentenced to life, to serve 8 years.” Utter cunts.

    • Fiona Onasanya MP was released after serving less than a third of her paltry 3 month sentence…

      • I suppose you could say she has been transferred to HMP Westminster, full to gills with crooks, thieves, shysters and cunts as any clink.

      • Yes but i think you’re forgetting that she swears she was innocent.
        Are you somehow implying that a member of parliament and Corbyn favourite would lie to the British people/courts? Surely not Ruff tuff.

      • John worboys always looks dead sad doesnt he? Hangdog expression its called! And this dog should of hung. Cheer up cock! Whats wi the face? Things could be worse! Pull yerself together son, yer gloomy cunt! Yer look like droopy!

  3. Now I may be a little dated in my knowledge but any sentence under 4 years does not have to be custodial.
    A prisoner may apply for parole after serving half of their sentence, they will automatically receive conditional parole after two thirds of their sentence (providing they have behaved).
    In this particular case Mr WB would have been imprisoned in a place called a VPU.
    A Vulnerable Persons Unit, is a prison within a prison, because believe it or not crooks do have standards (and families), so they tend to beat the shit out of pedephiles, rapists, child killers ect.
    So Mr WB has had it quite light on the inside, the VPU’S inmates are normally non violent (To adults) and considered compliant so have better conditions, education facilities than the other main stream prisoners ( Yep I was quite surprised to find that the pedos in Wandsworth get computer courses).
    This is where the problem comes about the more coercive types will end up in the VPU and qualify for early release through good behaviour, its not so much the Parole board, further to this should an inmate be detained past any of these due dates the prisoner can sue both the prison service and possibly the Probation board for false imprisonment.
    Its legally complicated and more sided on the side of the Prisoner than the victim common sense rarely prevails.

  4. Similar to the story today of the drug-dealer enjoying time off un a spa.

    It’s just a fucking joke to these cunts. Meanwhile the rest of us work and pay tax.

  5. Great nomination Crusty.

    In my humble opinion there should be no parole board, where the sentence handed down by the judge is the one served (none of this 50% bollocks or even less in the case if Fiona Onasanya) and where life means life. None of this appeal after appeal nonsense.

    And much stiffer sentences from the judges please.

    A much fairer and simpler system to administer, and everyone knows exactly where they stand.

    • The whole sorry system needs a complete overhaul Willie, starting with a purge of snowflake liberal do-gooders intent on idealistic crusades to ‘reform’ those who will commit crime regardless of any deterrent.

  6. Speaking of parole: Apparently Kenneth Noye is soon to be let out. Should he be? Probably not. But there is a lot about this that is not in the public realm. The bloke he killed was one of the biggest coke dealers in Kent. They knew each other quite well. Similarly, there is a lot about Stephen Lawrence that has never been made public.

    Releasing Noye is actually probably quite cruel – once he realises the Albanians and the Somalians and the Nigerians run London now, he’ll probably be knocking on the doors of the prison begging to be let back in.

    • Ah yes, Mr Noye, it’s been quite a while since they locked him up, so it’s only right and proper to release him. He only killed one person after all. Oh no, it was two, wasn’t it? That we know of. And I’ve always thought in the back of my mind he might have had it in for Jill Dando. But he’s even older than me so he can’t harm anyone now.

  7. Top notch Cunting Crusty Flaps.

    Anyone remember the scumbag who was cleared for release by the Parole Board after he’d murdered three small children and impaled their bodies on ­railings?

    I expect he told them some old guff like “I’ve found Jesus and it probably won’t happen again, honest guv. Trust me I’m a psychopath.”

    “Fair enough” say the gullible do-gooder Dog botherers.

    If ever there was a case for a full-life tariff, or preferably execution, it’s cunts like this and those fucking Parole Board bastards.

    • And just for good measure lets give anyone convicted of a heinous crime against children a new identity at huge expense the taxpayer.

      What is the reason for this exactly?

      So they can blend in anonymously with the rest of society and pose a threat without anyone knowing.

      This country is well and truly fucked up. In Japan the cunt would have been executed.

  8. The additional problem which needs mentioning is that our prisons are already grossly overcrowded, and universities of crime. And run by incompetent private enterprise at rather more cost to the taxpayer than State supervision. Increasingly, and not least for this reason, the policy is to keep cunts out of jail; Unfortunately deterrence doesn’t work, and well-meaning social initiatives don’t prevent crime either. The probation service was privatised in 2015, and this is now seen to have been a spectacularly bad move, as anyone following the money could have told Grayling then. Private companies should not be involved in administering any part of the justice system for profit. The proposed solution, now under way, to limit private involvement to rehabilitation and education, is a positive improvement, but inadequate policing and crime prevention, with the unfitness for purpose of custodial units, remain to be addressed as matters of policy.

  9. If we legalise all drugs, that would take a massive amount of pressure off the courts and prisons. Really, if some cunt wants to take heroin, let him, I don’t care. Put a VAT of 30% on the sale and you get a revenue stream.

    Harry Roberts killed three policemen and they let the cunt out because he was “sorry”. Jon Venables is out because he was “young”. Fucking ridiculous.

    • It would also save the NHS a small fortune if drugs of controlled quality were available from licensed outlets at a cost undercutting the criminal market. Some of them are pretty easy to synthesise, and their manufacture under state control would become an economic opportunity. But thinking outside the box* on this topic is not encouraged.

      *Copyright registered to Harvard School of Business Jargon ™

    • But if you legalise drugs think of all that legal aid the lawyers will be missing out on, we can’t be having that!
      Also, thousands of dangerous people will have their main income source taken away. They may have to resort to kidnapping or home invasion which only affects the rich, another reason why drugs will never be legalised.

  10. This is where other cultures can teach us a thing or two.

    Dead cunts don’t need parole of looking after inside – so bring back hanging for nonces, murderers and traitors.

    Human rights do not belong in prisons,Cat prisons should be as comfortable as a concentration camp and guarded the same way, fucking big dogs, machine guns and a pit for the corpses of those who can’t behave inside.

    Cat B and Cat C prisons should be closed and all the offenders tagged and given hard labour, the devil makes work for idle hands, keep the cunts busy I say.

    That’s the penal system sorted, time for a coffee.

    • I wont bore you with complicated stories on how I ended up working for the MPU, But in my work I had the fortune/misfortune to work at three establishments, the first an investigation center that would put Guantanamo bay on the place to be list, Then a punishment and correction center (Not a prison, it does what it says on the tin) then finally at a rather nice closed Military prison.
      Forced labour stopped in 1980, The prisoners are offered work as a privilege, with the money they earn they can buy food, toiletries and smokes.
      They are also paid a reasonable wage and able to save for their release.
      The rights of a prisoner were simple, shelter, food and medical attention, the quality of this varied from establishment too establishment, to paint a picture for you The old wing of Lepoglava was a monistry, the cells have wood burners and prisoners received a wood ration, there is no heating and the temperature can drop to -30 in the winter, these prisoners do not work so 1 hour out of cell a day.
      Their food
      breakfast .5 liter of burnt sugar and water (tea) 1/5 loaf of bread 1 tablespoon of jam.
      lunch .5 litre of thick stew or soup (no meat) 1/5 loaf of bread
      dinner .5 liter of hot chocolate or camp coffee (sugared) 1/5 loaf of bread.
      staff to inmate ratio on the main was 8 staff to over 700 prisoners the prisoners are shit scared of the staff because when push comes to shove the staff have no qualms about serious shit kicking or shooting anyone who goes near the wall ( interesting rule, any prisoner sentenced to 15 years or over can be shot whilst trying to escape or committing violent conduct, my question was how do you know who is who? they dont )
      Any way through my time there I occasionally met reoffenders, for the life of me I can not understand why you would A, allow yourself to fall fowl of the local police who are to say the least nasty cunts, in the investigation center I was quite often surprised at the condition of new inmates and B, why the fuck would you want to go back to such a place, your life outside must be horrendous for you to even risk your return to such a place.
      Criminals in prison are just really fucking stupid

    • I would suggest the care of Category A prisoners could easily be privatised. I can immediately think of one location in Northumberland where this could be put out to tender. The infrastructure is already there and would only take some slight modifications in raising the gun turrets and adding to the number of fearsome hounds already present. As well as diversifying his income, the said gentleman would also benefit from the ready source of broken rocks in order to make repairs to his once majestic but now sadly, crumbling ancestral home.
      The picture below illustrates how harsh the conditions would be in such a set up.

  11. I don’t subscribe to the Hang ’em and Flog ’em brigade school of thought. Hang, draw and quarter them would seem far more appropriate! No, I’m not talking about prisoners, I’m talking about the parole board!

  12. ‘There is a lot about Stephen Lawrence that has never been made public’
    Oh yes? Such as ?

    • Plenty. I’m not advocating for Stormfront here. Stabbing a child to death is repugnant, regardless of the colour of his skin. But I come from the same area and I know some of the people involved (used to see them around at clubs and parties, not exactly friends). Accourt stabbed a kid I was at school with through the face and left him monged. A friend of mine – as black as the proverbial ace of spades – kicked the fuck out of the pair of them in Greenwich, Thats how tribal it was, then. Despite this, they were not considered a ‘quoted’ gang, at the time. I also know some people that were involved and got away with it. I also know who Stephen Lawrences ‘friends’ were. Not nice people.

  13. For 40 fucking years politicians have been repeating the mantra “privatisation good, state involvement bad” at us on an endless loop.
    They look at things like the prison service, education and the NHS and are furious that their mates ain’t making a big fat profit out of it. Fucking it up is therefore in their interests and the only losers are trash cunts like us who don’t count anyway.
    It’s not about incompetence it’s about money.

    • You absolutely right cynic, you. Following the money, it should be obvious: the more criminals, the more moolah for the shareholders of the global scam charged with their care. Wouldn’t be surprised if SERCO was running county lines, in fact.

  14. Fucking hate Parole Boards. Particularly the “Independent” MIP ( member of the public ) as overseer. Tit feeding those who should rightly have gone to the gallows.
    2011. Paedophile described as “very low risk re-offender” who had completed training in cooking and hygiene ( level 1 )
    Re-arrested and jailed for life within 1 year of parole.

  15. There’s a great Parole Board in operation in HMP Strangeways.

    About 3 or 4 years I heard a story about a women who was really badly assaulted after getting of the tram in Didsbury.

    Some 6’ 5” Russian cunt MMA expert followed her off the tram and kicked her so hard from behind on the calf of her leg the muscle became detached.

    He did this to steal her bag.

    Stupid fucking cunt was found relatively quickly as he’d been filmed on the tram and following her.

    So he gets banged up.

    However he’s battered somebody who he shouldn’t have.

    Within a week of going inside he got the napalm treatment (boiling hot water laced with sugar) in his face and a fucking good hiding to boot.

    Cunt never came out of his cell again apparently.

    Carlsberg don’t do parole boards but if they did…..

  16. These twats need to be accountable to the General Public when cowards like Kenneth Noye are released for stabbing unarmed people going about their business This is the second time this a rote has done this the first victim was an unarmed police officer Noye should rot in hell

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