The ‘Millennial’ Generation
Skinny fake-nerd runts and fat trannies. Just the fact you actually refer to yourselves as ‘millennials’ makes you cunts. Do you think anyone from my generation would actually rock up and say ‘Hi I’m from generation X…’ fuck off. It’s a marketing term and the fact you cartoon-watching cunts buy into it as a reality like you’re some sort of seperate species is testament to your cunty pricks. You’ve given us trans-obsession you fuckers, how about giving the world a decent fucking band? Christ at this point I’d settle for a decent fucking song but you cunts are incapable of creating anything exciting, incendiary, or genuinely dissenting in music (add to that no master filmmakers). Do you not feel like a right bunch of cunts being fatter than your parents, men wearing dresses, getting excited by the latest children’s movie on show at the local idiot-plex? Fuck off.
Nominated by MandroidZ
Tranny obsessed, soy drinking, vegan fanatics with made up intolerances, global warming conspiracy theorists, Corbyn loving, Muzzie placating PC obsessed scum cunts, the lot of them.
I am off to the gym so everyone else can just FUCK OFF.
Good morning.
You’re such a Nazi dude. Such a drag. Consider yourself unfriended oldster.
Spot on Cunting MandroidZ. Viva generation Baby-Boomer!
Thing with this millennium generation is WE let them be educated by looney teachers reap what you sow . Lib/lab /con fuck off
Millennials’ trouble lies in their breeding. They are of the Age where it is desirable to be neither Black or White nor Male or Female. A mixture of both is what is required. The only trouble is that these watered-down children seem to have inherited,or aspire to,the worst aspects of Black/White,Male/Female.
They ape the lazy,lawless aspects of the Black without the athleticism.They copy the weakness of the White without the intelligence. The Male children copy the physically incapable side of the Female without the organisational skills. The Female child suffers from penis-envy without the Hunter gene.
They are diluted versions of true Men and Women and seem to be leading the charge towards a race of coffee-coloured ,sexually-ambiguous,malleable Weirdos. Their breeding and rearing makes them easily manipulated. They have also never left the teat. Their obsession with mobile-phones is the same as sucking a dummy….” Oh, social media’ll tell me what to do” is how they live their lives. They can’t make a move without clearing it with Twitter. All their opinions and styles are ruled by “influencers” as they lose the ability to think for themselves.
When push comes to shove,this generation will be incapable of standing up for itself. They lack the physicality and independent spirit required to kick back….” Run, Hide Tell”,indeed. When Mo. comes calling,this bunch of Nancies and lezzas had better hope that their rings are ready greased,because they’re going to get a sweaty,sandy cock rammed right up there….Good,serves them right.
Fuck Off.
Moreover, anything they cannot deal with, or if they get some negative vibes on social media, they go into a manic depression bleating their world has come to an end and “no one understands the pressure I am under!”
They go on protest marches, not because they believe in what they’re supposed to be protesting about, but because social media insists its the cool thing to do!
Similarly, if you tell one of these cunts you’re not allowed to do something they instantly retort with a “it’s my right!” shite.
There was some kind of half-baked protest march by thousands of school kids across the country on Friday, banging about climate change and all that bollocks. One of them actually had a poster saying “we are mourning our future!”
Good fucking grief, talk about not knowing your history! Try living here 50 or more years ago; try living without access to daddy’s car, or the internet, or phones and tablets or a shitload of other labour-saving devices that have made your ungrateful lives far easier than any other generation before it.
This country will be well and truly fucked in the next 20-30 years – hopefully I will be dead and buried by then, and spiritually wishing the country would just sink in the fucking sea and take all the entitled cunts with it.
Fuck them
Great posts Mr Fiddler & NCFOM, although imo this country is already “well and truly fucked.”
We’re just waiting for the fat tranny to sing.
I remember, as a small child, being in awe when BBC2 was added to the already huge choice of 2 channels. Oddly enough, there may be 100’s of channels now but often there is still fuck all worth watching.
Further investigation shows I was only 8 months old when it started so what the fuck is it I clearly can’t remember?
I am still wondering who won that game of naughts and crosses between that clown and teenage girl as part of the BBC test card back in the 70s.
As an aside, I was listening to the radio which had a couple of these Millennial types giving their views. The discussion,of course,got around to “bullying” and these two lads(?) said that they had never had a physical fight in their lives…I was genuinely gobsmacked. How the Fuck can any lad,particularly two as vocal as these,get to that age without having the odd dust-up?…..Fucking extraordinary.
Virginia Woolf said on or around December 1910 ‘human nature changed’. Maybe she was right. And we are now only seeing the ‘fruits’ of that change.
What happened then,Miles?
Err…I think to do Picasso’s first exhibition and ‘seeing’ the world differently… Some bullshit like that.
Sadly Mr. F, it’s all or nothing with this generation. A kiss on the cheek or a fuckin knife in the guts.
Put aside the fact that this treatise has been written by Mr Fiddler, who is often attacked by the media for his misanthropic views, it could well turn out to be a classic piece of work of lasting significance. Some even think it transcends his fine work on the Gayness, another classic.
Sadly, in years to come, Anthropologists will look back at his work and acknowledge that his warnings were ignored. The Millenials were a forerunner of what we have today – a race of males with no bollocks and the female reduced to little more than a rash for a gash.
Wow, Mr. Fiddler. That is all so true, and so eloquently written. x
That pic in the header says it all really.
5 cunts probably using social media and/or texting each other rather than just standing face-to-face and talking in the old fashioned way!
And the brainwashed twats all think that President Combover is the devil incarnate, because facebook and the latest Netflix show featuring yank women arguing loudly told them to.
Fucking little mongers…
Fortunately, most of these Millennial wankers live in cities, where I’m not. Small towns, villages and the countryside don’t put up with all this self-entitled pish and the young people are much more like their parents and grandparents in attitude. Sorry, don’t have time to add much more, as I’m off to the weekly poof shoot.
Look to your front. Mark your target when it comes.
We have the annual Tranny and nonce hunt today. We have them bussed in from Londonistan well the trannies anyway. The nonces wear sir Jim costumes and the trannies must have sensible shoes. We have over 500 acres of mixed woodland and some gravel pits.
The ‘prey’ once debussed and declared medically fit are given 45 mins head start. The hunters are then blessed by the manager of the local brewery the community bell is rung and off we go. Last year I collected two jimmy wigs and a very nice handbag moschino I think, looks great on the den wall.
One of many things that fuck me off about Wireless 4 these days is that overused “Young professionals and busy millennials” bollocks they spew all the time, then we have to hear from the little bleeders with their “So” affixed to the opening of every
answer to a question, and how everything is “cool” or “on trend”. I suspect every baby born these days comes with the sort of manual packed with cheap chinky plastic radios. Pigeon English spewing from the mouths of over-sensitive, self obsessed plastic humans.
Top cunting.
The bland leading the bland. Clueless, useless cunts with no spark or work ethic. They have 60 years of great music to dip into and prefer todays shite. A hundred years of films and they watch superfuckingheroes or cartoons.
Rights and identity trump common sense. Cunts.
A generation which believes screaming and stamping its collective feet over anything they don’t like is the norm; incapable of tolerating difference of believe or opinion. Worse still, this behaviour has been encouraged by government and corporate pandering which seems to fear offending them more than giving it to them straight.
Perhaps borne of the Eighties/Nineties schools of parenting which gave children too much leeway to become spoiled, unchallenged brats – never truly learning how to handle adversity or difficulty, thanks to ‘naughty steps’ and trophies for everyone regardless of ability or importance.
I personally believe that our ‘millenial’ generation is the result of children being afforded to much protection, to little discipline, and to few harsh realities, creating these overgrown man-babies who at 20+, still talk infantile, behave infantile, and daren’t leave the comfort of their parent’s basements.
Your ‘future doctors, carers and scientists’, people. Be afraid.
I can probably understand now why employers are so keen to employ foreign nationals either from the former Eastern bloc or Africa – the people over in those countries probably never had the same pampered upbringing as young cunts here have. They don’t have strops or tantrums and go running to mummy when someone says “no!”. And they probably have more of an old school work-ethic, as well as not being all that bothered about materialism – or at least not yet!
I think if I was an employer and had to choose between an entitled “graduate” from the UK; and some booshka booshka willing to work and with no fucking attitude problems, then the choice would be bloody obvious!
Good observation.
A Polish bloke I worked with recently turned out to be a fairly accomplished boxer from a young age, his dad basically putting him in the ring back home and letting him learn the hard way. The guy is unfailingly polite and sometimes you would think he is a bit docile, but if push came to shove, this bastard would knock your head off without any effort.
I reckon most Eastern Europeans have a bit of toughness due to obvious circumstances. Christ, even Novak Djokovic was dodging bombs in Serbia while learning his topspin forehand. It gives them focus and hunger in later life.
Actually these cunts are too fucking thick that they’ll never become doctors, scientists etc.
Most doctors over here nowadays are from Asia where they’re taught to work hard.
These millennial pansies shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
Fuck them.
Voting age should be 30 At Least!
Only adults should be able to vote and if you now don’t grow-up until your 30’s, then it’s time to increase the voting age.
My piss is still boiling from a few weeks back. Some 15 year old fucker, on the radio, was being interviewed on the one day ‘Friday School Strikes’, when the kids are encouraged to take the day off in protest of climate change …..
The radio presenter asked the question ..’So what would you like to see changed ?’ …
15 year old Cunt ..’So, our four DEMANDS are .. blah, blah, blah…’
‘Demands’ .. Fucking ‘DEMANDS’ …. you little piece of shit. If I saw that ‘achievement’ on the Cunts history if he was applying for a job, that would be right in the fucking (recycling) bin.
Who ever said ‘Children should be seen and not heard’.. wasn’t far off the mark.
And they should only be seen long enough to give them a kick up the are.
*arse*, of course.
One consolation is that this week is half term and then the little fuckers will be back at school for a month then the long summer holidays start, and I very much doubt they will give up their own time for “protesting”.
Millenials are cunts. Every generation has plenty of cuntishness in it, but they seem to be so much cuntier than the rest.
To fair to them though, is it their fault, or the cunts that raised them? They grew up in the reign of st Tony B.liar, the biggest cunt in history. They’ve been constantly mollycoddled and brainwashed in the ways of “progressive” neo-communist cuntitude.
I recon they’ve been deliberately bread to be a bunch of mincing f49s and sjw pussies by the cunts that came before them.
And the government and society in general need to do something about Zucker-cock social media influencers and the media. I don’t really see any millenials “journalists” and they’re probably the biggest cunts in society, and no doubt hold a huge chunk of the blame for the shit-show that we’re in now.
I’m not a millenial by the way (I think ’81 is gen x), but I see them more as victims of social engineering, a bit like the n4z1’s trying to create a master race but in reverse. …. someone (probably labour) decided to breed the weakest, stupidest, lazy, f49 race that they could think of, and they succeeded.
I’m not far from the uni bomber neo Luddite position. Fuck it let’s rid of all this technology. Smash it all to smithereens.
Millenials are ‘81 to ‘96. Basically cunts aged 23 to 38. I made the big mistake of marrying one. Should have stuck with my own kind, gen x.
Fucking cunt-sticks, that means I’m one.
Thanks Gutstick Japseye, that’s my whole world fucked now. I feel sooooo dipressed that I’m off to Twatter for a good cry and some sympathy.
“Mum, is my fucking tea ready yet? God do I have to do everything?”
Fuck it. Start the grouping from ’88, cunts 12 or or less at the end of the 90’s.
What’s an f49 ?
Sorry that’s just me trying not to get modded. I always get modded when I say f@g.
Except then.
Good job I asked. I thought it might be some new cool , hipster word. I was going to go round saying f49 every couple of minutes in the hope somebody might think i’m trendy.
That cunt Gove has just put himself in the race. He’s got to be joking. ?
Gove is probably the slimiest politician in the country. Just shows how deluded and out of touch these cunts are that so many absolute fucking nobodies, hated by the pubic, actually allow their ego’s to delude them into thinking that they could be PM.
I think Boris is the only one that could save the country from the eu and the comrade compo regime, but no doubt all of those slimy little shits will try to sabotage him so that they can get 5 minutes in the sun before catweazle crushes them.
I hope if Boris gets to power he sends gove to a fucking gulag.
Gove the Ronnie Corbett of politics. On this subject 2 of the many runners have said that they will not allow/condone a “No Deal”. That must be music to the ears of the Westminster old wimmin – Dame Keir, Lady Hilary, Mary Ann Starmer, duckie Dommie Grieve and the many “artistic” ones, and Lord Adonis has probably just shit himself with delight.
Don’t worry DtS, I got what you meant.
You could just write fâg…
Or fâggot… or quèér…
Good question – I was afraid to ask!
I missed being a millennial by a couple of years… I’m generation x apparently (1978).
I don’t let the time when I’m born affect the way I think and thankfully I am old enough to remember life before this ultra digital bollocks where cunts with a complaint will tweet it instead of telling someone their restaurant is shit for example.
These useless bellends and cuntesses would probably tweet the fire brigade if they saw a burning house.
I remember banging a 21 year old a while ago… Not much in common as I am far to cultured and knowledgeable to be interested in much she had to say but she had an energy and sense of pleasing me that you don’t get with these lazy (over 30) ladies.
So I have made the decision I have to do my duty and teach these 21-30 year old year ladies how a real man treats them by trying to fuck as many of these ladies as possible. It will be a hard task but I’ll remain determined and keep pounding away. I’ll even give them some extra pounding for you lot.
Anyways most ladies past 30 want kids and/or are bitter and pissed off with the way their own lives have gone and want a man to moan and whinge at.
I’m abaaaaaht to do the millennial act of going on Tinder… A mate of mine is on there and has fresh pussy every week.
I will put the preferred age group at 21 to 33 (to catch some of the decent early thirties ladies).
Its going to be an interesting adventure.
I may even hide a camera and show you cunters what I’m up to…
Actually I won’t… Ya perverted bastards go fuck yourselves. ?
Go on B@WC, give them the BB@WC!
Upload in HD to pornhub motherfucker! I can never get enough of seeing blokes arse cracks bouncing on a suffucating flabby bird.
I fully agree. These quiff-haired, bollock-clenching trouser wearing hipster cunts have royally fucked society with their fuckery.
Great cunting all round, every point bang on. Mr Fiddler fucking excelled. I cant stand the cunts, their language and ‘kulture’?
My son in law is a prime example of a useless ‘millennial’ cunt. I went round recently and saw him through the window rushing round his living room swatting flies. This had ended by the time I was in the house. On my way out I looked back and I could see he’d started up swatting again. I said what the fuck is the overweight, effeminate cunt up to? Turns out he was playing on his ‘console’. Grow up you cunt. You’re supposed to be a 30 year-old man. Mow a lawn, put up a shelf, fix something, you useless moron. I’m starting a group called Extinction Welcome. He’s first to fucking cunt on the list.
This is the worst generation ever. Spineless, feckless, reckless and good for nothing (mostly, there are exceptions). So glad that I’m not a child or young person growing up today.
As a member of this accursed generation, I wholeheartedly agree
Not to worry OC, it’s my generation wot’s to blame.
I was born only two days before Blair…
So it was all a lie RTCP I thought you were Longshanks… Born in the middle ages.
I believed every word you said in that film.
Drat and double drat B&WC!!!
It all started going wrong with the introduction of the 1833 factories act, made children weak and feeble and a drain financially for the parents. Repeal it and problem sorted, a tired child is a quiet child, long days and short nights for young men and young horses. Give the little fuckers something else to think about.
Yeah, fucking kids of today have it too easy!
When I were a lad we’d be kicked out of bed at 4am, thrown down the stairs, made to wash in the rain puddle in the back garden; eat breakfast from the scraps off the bird table; walk 10 miles to school in all weathers; only be allowed 2 spoons of water and a crust of stale bread for lunch; return home, but not before doing the week’s shopping with only 4 bob in my pocket; getting slapped across the face for not buying the right fire lighters; been told to scrub the floors with a toothbrush and wash the electric light sockets with a wet sponge; dig the garden with a tea-spoon; scrape all the fat and grease from inside of the oven and use it for my one slice of bread for tea; get thrown into a tub of cold water with my clothes still on, thus saving on clothes washing; and then told to stand in the back garden to dry off despite it raining. And finally getting dragged upstairs by the hair and then kicked into bed (a blanket on the floor) and told to write on the back of a stamp “I am a useless bone idle cunt!” 100 times on pain of 50 lashes of the belt.
Ah yes, those were the fucking days!
Absolute luxury!
The spoiled little cunt!
Seriously, very amusing stuff, No Cunt.
And you tell that to the youth today and they won’t believe you.
You had it easy…!
Why isn’t there a number in brackets after this nom? Millennials have been cunted a few times.
The signs are glaring….
Luminous coloured hair
Ready made (and expensively paid for) ripped holes in trouserwear
Badges with ‘No To Brexit’ and ‘Fuck Off’ (real hard cases, eh?) on them
Hogwarts, Star Wars, or Marvel T-Shirts (sad twats)
Always on their phone at every opportunity
Never give up their seat on public transport for a lady or OAP
No manners whatsoever to shop or catering staff
A very unhealthy Game Of Cunts fixation
Stupid ‘Look at me! I’m a knobhead!’ expensive Mickey Mouse ear headphones
Think Ed Sheercunt and Titless Swift are musical geniuses
View anything from the ‘Big Bad 70s’ as racist and sexist (when they weren’t even there)
Couldn’t fight their way out of a wet paper bag
And that is just the male (for want of a better word) of the Millenial species…
Cunts, cunts and more cunts…
And these don’t know they’re born knobheads think daft tarts like Titless Swift, Shagbag Delegvigne, that Queen of Dragons bint off Game Of Cunts, Ariana Grande-Cunt, Skanklett Johansscunt, and J-Law are real women and sex symbols… Fucking hilarious shit…
So….can i get…FUCK OFF CUNTS!
If you see one of these creatures on tv, perhaps on a quiz show or similar, they are all fuckin useless at answering history questions. What’s even worse is they all come out with the same trite comment “oo that’s before my time or I wasn’t born then.”
This is no surprise as half of them drop the subject and the other half are indoctrinated by the political slant put on the subject by leftie teachers. Every secondary kid should be force fed the full details of events and people that shaped this once great country. Then told, ‘do you want to see all this disappear?’
No? Then fuckin well man up and do something about it.
They may well be shit on quiz shows but have you seen the teachers? They know even less and I and the wife always know they’ll be out of contention.
I think we really have to look at what we mean by the word ‘millennials.’ The older millennials or Generation Y are those born in the 1980’s. The younger ones or Generation Z born in the mid 1990’s onwards are the worst fuckers. Being generation Z, they are the end of the line and have just simply given up on being human.
What do we call the next generation – do we go back to A? It’s like running out of names to give storms. It most certainly is ‘End of Days.’
The “D-generation” would seem appropriate given their degenerate thinking and way of life.
It generally depends on whose definition you are using but generations are generally considered to be between 15 and 20 years and the earliest conception of when the millennial generation began is 1981 although some put it at 1985 which would put the average end of the millennial generation very much at the end of the 90’s if not the Noughties.
I will be departing this coil in the not too distant future, and the sprogs of today can do what the fuck they like. Am I selfish ? Yes !
You gonna leave me few quid
or what eh?
Yeah come on you old tightfisted cunt.
Update your will and give us all your assets and cash, and then you can fuck off and die.
Cheers from your bestest friend
And there was a poll (obviously infested with millennials and nu-footie cunts) for an all time Manchester United XI….
It included Schmichel, Best, Charlton, Cantona and Keane… But it also Ferdinand, Vidic, Cuntiano Ronaldo, Giggs, Gary Neville(?!), and fucking Rooney…
An all time MUFC team without Duncan Edwards, Martin Buchan, Bryan Robson and (worst of all) King Denis Law is a fucking joke… It’s like all these millennial City ‘fans’ that have suddenly appeared… Mention Roy Paul, Barnes (Ken or Peter), Summerbee, Lee Won Pen, Neil Young (no, not that one), Corrigan, Owen, Tueart, or even Kinkladze and they look like cavemen who have seen a cigarette lighter… Fucking pig igonrant clueless cunts…
That Paul Mcgraw was a tasty player.
Big Paul was a great player… Shame he liked the sauce a bit too much… My all time team would have Buchan and McGrath in central defence… And that Virgil van Dijk is some player, isn’t he?…
VVD is a colossus for us, wasn’t sure about him at first due to the fee…I hope he keeps Son or Harry Klaim (The goal) quiet Saturday.
Football….. Fucking white noise.
Now that’s being racist TITS, abaaaaaht black noise… like Hip Hop.
A well deserved cunting, IMHO.
This lot don’t know they are fucking born. They want everything their way or the highway. They are spoiled, entitled and have never known TRUE hardship (in the main.) They cannot comprehend the world prior to the one that they are living in now, and what’s more, make no effort to try to.
When I talk about life before mobile phones, the internet, emailing and suchlike and even the basics, like how I had no lifts to and from school and often walked the three miles back home, my young cousins (ALL Millennials) look at me like I have two heads and just instantly zone out…..their faces say ‘Oh whatever, old lady.’
Everything seems to come far too easily to the fuckers, so they live with this expectation that all of their needs will of course be met……and that fucks me right off. They are frankly, spoiled brats who need a damned wake up call.
Because of this, we now have them whining about wanting their every fucking whim indulged, even including how we refer to them in terms of their gender. We have reached a point of total lunacy and some day in the future, this will all come home to roost.
Some of the flabby console playing twats are going on 40 now Nurse. Soft little fuckers are just sitting ducks for a wake up call.