Save the Children
I recently returned from holiday and the airline was selling fucking scratch cards to benefit Save the Children. Allegedly.
So I had a look at where the money goes.
CEO Jasmine Whitbread earns £234k pa. In London, natch. Hard graft when you have to have a concerned look on your face whilst dining at the Ivy.
11 people are on 6 figure salaries.
It would be interesting to know how much of the £1 some dull cunt spends on a scratch card actually gets further than St Johns lane, EC1.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Sorry for the out of context post but I wanted to make sure as many people see this as possible.
Not sure if this has been mentioned already, but anyone voting today take a black biro with you or ask for one at the polling station as they’re supplying pencils to mark ballots with. Opening the result up to possible electoral fraud and vote rigging. Corrupt cunts
Jesus mate, at least wait a few posts before derailing the topic.
Lol. Seriously though you hear all these schools begging for money because they can’t afford pencils yet the head teachers get 400/500k per “year” in wages?
I use per year in loose terms as we all know teachers don’t ever work a full year, just a few terms and the odd full week without teacher training days that oddly always fall on either a Friday or a Monday.
As for these charadies what’s the point of giving them your money when you know these children will be next fucking immigrant benefit scroungers coming across on a rubber dinghy in 15 years to come?
I know, terrible form!
Thankfully voting is no longer a thing for me because all it means is that some cunt will get in.
If that’s true about the pencils though I’m sadly not surprised. The whole countries as bent as fuck and we’re little better now than a 3rd world banana republic.
It probably explains why Leave won the Referendum ?
I don’t recall ever using anything else but a pencil. Why bother changing votes when it’s much simpler to just iie about the result.
Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
It starts when you’re always afraid
You step out of line, the man come and take you away… ?
Absolute classic Buffalo RTC. My absolute favourite from the band, closely followed by ‘Everybody’s Wrong’. Classic Stills.
that’s normal been there seen it. next is the photo copy tipex scam seen that too.
any way Brexit for me. any way no matter how you swing please vote people died so you could don’t piss on their graves.
I did feel like a bit of a twat when they said “the pencils are in the booths” and I pulled out a shitty old pen covered in filler and said am I ok to use my own pen?
Yes I am paranoid, and as moggie said, it’s easier just to rig the vote or lie than go erasing all the crosses, but fuck it.
The pencil rumour has been wheeled out at the last several elections and used by all parties to bolster support. I certainly remember it being to used during the People’s Vote of 2016 and by Jove it helped.
I hope he receives at least a third of the vote, Labour/ Tories are crushed, and Cable ends his days crashing his mobility scooter into somebody exiting the Polling Station in too much vigour after voting for the Brexit Party.
? Bring it on.
The image of the refugee children triggered me, must ensure brexit…..
I hear the husky, cigar-laden voice of Savile’s ghost…
“Save one for me!”
Fuck Save the Children. Over 7 billion of us on a the planet so we need more death.
I never give to charities except via the tax I pay of which some goes to Foreign Aid, allegedly.
Save the children? Why, don’t we have enough? And they’re trying to stop abortion in the States. Anybody would think the human race is in danger of dying out.
Every kid who’s ‘saved’ means there’s less for everyone else. Less food, less everything. The planet can’t sustain this population growth. Maybe the Church of Euthanasia has got it right after all.
If it was ‘Save the White Children’ I’d be onboard. Just look at the demographic changes, we’re a dying breed.
A lot of kid’s charities, in my humblest, rely on the fact that they are associated with ‘Teh Childrenz’ to avoid scrutiny. Look at that Batmanghelidj cunt, skimming the cream off the donations to fritter money left, right and fucking centre; as well as favouring certain kids over others.
“Today’s children will be tomorrow’s doctors, scientists and care workers”
No, tomorrow’s children will more likely grow up to be my future muggers, unscrupulous pension advisor and the estate agent who tries to con me out of my bungalow. Tomorrow’s doctors, scientists and care workers will instead come from India, China and Nigeria.
All things considered then, Save The Children and their obfuscating conmen executives can cunt right off.
Speaks volumes about the charity industry that Mrs Blobby Batman-jelly hasn’t even been charged, let alone banged up like the cunt should have been.
Yet another example of the libtard Establishment protecting their own.
Save The Children.
Keep them away from Catholics, gangs of Mûslîms, BBC DJs, Rolf Harris, the EU, and Michael “Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough Jackson.
Any charity paying £234 K on a Boss is a cunt, but all these self serving cunts, including councils, use the excuse that they need to ‘attract the top talent’ ……
No you cunts, you can pay fucking less than half that and get someone who is perfectly competent.
These charity cunts should be forced to cap salaries at £100 K, more than enough to get someone who knows their arse from elbow.
And fuck them anyway, cant trust them one inch, spunking money on shit projects, better spending the money on sterilising the parents so they cant fucking breed in the first place.
I used to donate the odd quid to Oxfam and the like. The last time they didn’t want money they wanted my phone number to ‘charge the donation to my phone bill’. So I did and thought nothing of it.
Week later some utter cunt rang me up wanting me to set up a monthly Direct Debit. I said no and they kept going on and on about various human tragedies of the last few years in a pathetic guilt trip, so I just hung up on the greedy fucks and vowed never to donate to them again.
This is nothing compared to the lengths some charities go to rip off the elderly in an attempt to get into their wills.
Well deserved cunting Cuntstable.
Here’s one for Komodo’s ever expanding Bliar file:
I was amongst the many who cancelled their DDs after becoming aware of this utter cuntishness. In fact it opened my eyes to the nature of the entire big business charity scam industry.
save the children and Christian aid have without doubt done sterling work.
They have indeed reduced infant mortality which is admirable.
untill you take in to account the existing life support eco system.
some of the countries that have profited from their generosity being Somalia, Eritrea and Ethiopia.
Brilliant you have now over populated an area of the planet where it was hard enough to live as it was.
next drought the same old happens.
People move to camps (next year’s crops are not planted)
you give them free food (the market traders loose their jobs)
we send in aid. (the incompetent government taxes this for it’s suporters)
It continues.
I don’t know about you but as a kid I touched the stove, they said it was hot I had to find out for myself (not done it since)
where as Africa has received how many marshal plans? ( Europe had one after the war.for.5 years)
That’s why I give my money to the Legion and a Greyhound charity (they cut their balls off)
p.s vote Brexit.
Come on ukip!
Come on Tommy!
Any cunt working for a charity earning more than 40 – 50 k is a theiving cunt.
I used to give to gosh and the red cross until I realised that they spent more on sending me shit I didn’t want like pens and seeds (?), and junk mail, than I’d actually donated in the first place.
It’s all just a scam.
Charity begins at home, so I’m going to donate a fat steak to myself this weekend and that’s my charity done for this month.
Next month maybe I’ll donate a slap up Chinese takeaway, I know the recipient will be very grateful.
Fuck save the children. I would donate a packet of condoms, because that is the only right thing to do. Whether it’s down the road, or darkest Africa, if you can’t feed ‘em, don’t breed ‘em.
Off Topic, Fuck …. piss boiling, just watching look north and they are doing a piece on fucking ramadam shit….
None muslims joining in with the the fucking peacefuls and fasting all fucking day, stupid cunts…..
They think it helps community cohesion, NO… it just gives the fucking peacefuls another leg up in their quest to dominate our society.
FUCK the cunts, if they want to starve themselve for 18 hours a fucking day its their fucking choice, stupid brainwashed cunts!
Is it part of the ritual that they sneak down to the fridge in the dead of night for a cheeky blowout?
Lets hope they don’t start a community taxi ride-along.
Next they’ll be raping white orhans, and blowing up white women and children – then we’ll really be one big community.
Don’t forget to quit your jobs becuase all the white people working is making the pooslime community look bad.
Im happy to let Muslims continue the Ramadanning, but the middle-class white secularists trying to join in are pathetic. Quick to dismiss the Christian cultural institutions yet crawling and rolling over for approval from the other sects.
They’re also all for female empowerment unless they have to wear a Hijab to signal a bit of virtue and score some free samosas.
Loathsome spineless cunts.
Save the children,
Christian aid,
All a bunch of Anti Zionist cunts.
Regular readers will know my thoughts on anything which benefits children, so I shan’t bore you with another rant.
I’ll say this though. I’ve been a regular as clockwork monthly contributor to the ASPCA for over 11 years. There are a billion human related charidees, relatively few for animals. Plus humans can ask for help. Animals can’t. So the animals get my cash, especially (hopefully) cats.
Many moons ago I went for a job interview in London, for a position with the Imperial Cancer Research Fund. Upon finding out that their entire organisation is run using donations from the public, I decided I couldn’t continue my interest in the job. It just felt wrong to try to get as much money as I could in salary/benes etc. when that money had been given to the ICRF voluntarily by the public. No doubt the top brass were on a good wedge. Cunts.
I regularly donate to the Donkey Sanctuary and Cats Protection, plus occasionally to other smaller animal charities, Help for Heroes and a local hospice. That’s basically it.
Donkeys are cunts.
I like donkeys.
Fair play to ya.
Anyone donating to donkeys is a silly ass.
Proud to be seen as such, I should be in the commons.
God bless you Moggie. ?
God bless both of you!
“Donkeys are cunts”!!!
OMG, I laughed so hard I nearly fell off my chair.
…coming over here, eating all our hay.
…or whatever the fuck they eat, the cunts.
hahahahahaha yeah as long as the cats are OK hahahahahaha ffs
fuck cats they shit in my flower beds (mine laying cunts)
The only charities I give money to are locally based hospices. Any charity with a huge fuck off office on the Thames Embankment, and a director on a quarter of mill plus expense account and company BMW can go fuck themselves. They’re industries, not charities.
“Charity produces a laissez-faire attitude in Government..”
I don’t remember who said this but it was either Adam Smith or Student Grant from Viz. True though.
Evening my liege.
Salutations, Cap’n.
Ah Viz. Used to be good back in the day. Millie Tant, Cockney Wanker, Roger Mellie, Fat Slags, and my personal favourite The Brown Bottle. Some good subversive wit.
Yeah! I used to like ‘modern parents’ the corbynista types , one of the little lads was called guinevere, probably live in islington now, summer in a teepee retreat to study crystals
Bang on! Modern Parents and The Critics (both done by the same guy) absolutely speared the metropolitan, soy milk drinking, Turner Prize crowd where it hurt.
Both created by John Fardell of “Manfred the Baddie” fame
Viz went downhill when either he quit or they dispensed with his services.
Now Viz is just the fucking guardian with tourettes…
I heard it went downhill years ago when it was bought and moved to Londinium.
Excellent back in the 80s though. Terry Fuckwit, Roger Mellie, The Adventures of Black Bag. One strip was called Dr.Poo and had a Tom Baker lookalike landing on various planets craving a huge dump but the toilets are all occupied by villains of The Master. The last square was his sweating face screeching at his assistant, “Get us to Galactic Six…I’m touching cloth!”
Discovered Viz through a work colleague back in….’87(ish). Instantly loved it. My fave was The Parkie, closely followed by Mr Logic. Biffa Bacon was also right up there too.
I still remember reading a Parkie strip in the refectory at college one time. I cried laughing and could barely breathe for quite a while. Can’t remember the last time I laughed that hard. Thems were the days.
I used to wank over the fat slags
As I have no wish to be labelled a white saviour I have taken the advice of the right honourable Lammy and told them all to fuck off, nicely.
Quite so, BB. Wouldn’t want to incur the wrath of that petulant, sulky fat fuck.
I’ve had this argument with chuggers before, it goes like this – Chugger: “Would you like donate to our charity?” , Me: “No”. Chugger: “But [tells me how worthy the cause is]”, Me: “That’s all very well, but I can’t be sure that my donation is actually going towards the thing that you say it is”. Chugger: “But [repeats how worthy the cause is]”, Me: “You’re not really listening to my point are you?”. Chugger: “I am listening [then repeats how worthy the cause is]”, Me: “I’m bored with this. If you don’t fuck off immediately, I’m going to kick you up and down Maidstone high street”. Chugger: “You can donate via Direct Debit you know!”, Me: “*sigh* I’ve only just bought these shoes as well [the proceeds to scuff new shoes on Chuggers teeth]…..
“I’m going to kick you up and down Maidstone high street”. The image of someone being kicked all the way up the high street, about turn then being kicked all the way back down it again really tickled me. There’s been some cracking one liners today, me old cunters. Keep it up.
Sorry to change the subject but I’m watching the pledge and for the first time in my life I’m agreeing with June sarpong….
Maybe I’m going mad, but British steel should be nationalised. We need it for our tanks and shit.
We can’t rely on China, the cunts.
…..June sarpong ? ! ?
Maybe she’s had a common sense transplant or something.
Deploy the cyanide.
That woman looks like she stinks. That inevitable sour smell you whiff when somebody hasn’t washed mixed with curry and stale milk. That sort of odour.
Evening DtS. ‘Ow goes it oop North? Reet well.”
It’s great oop narf maate, loovin it. Fucking hard work though. Working my socks off at the mo but life it great up here.
Beautiful part of the world and the people are great. Cheers for asking.
How’s life for you cap? You oop naarf?
No, I’m daaan Saaaaf. None too shabby.
She probably didn’t know what she was saying… like the 17.4 million who didn’t know what they were voting for.
Ha ha. Yea she must’ve seen a bus with common sense written on it.
I’m sure she’ll be back to normal soon.
Besides, for lefty peabrains like Sarpongo, nationalisation is the default position. Cunts like Cuntbyn and McDonuts would nationalise the shit baking in your arse if they could.
Ha ha ha ????
Nationalise the shite baking in my arse…
I have missed you creampuff.
How’s hijinks at creampuff manor lately?
Yo Deploy – sorry, missed your post earlier. Not much in the way of hijinks here at the Manor, except Lady Creampuff told me last night she’d voted for Change UK! Keep your peepers peeled for news of the celebrity divorce of the Century…
All the best mate.
Not allowed to nationalise it as per EU rules!
Fuck the eu.
Nationalisation is not against EU rules. But subsidising industry is. Unless the EU gives its permission.
apart from the Frogs, who do what the fuck they want with or without the permission of the EU.
Which is yet another reason why the whole concept of a European union is so utterly shite.
The British are handicapped because they set great store in playing by the rules.
I would rather fuck Justin Bieber!
Fair do’s to you on that Krav, but in Bieber’s case, you’d have to get his head out of his arse first.
Like councils and all public ‘services’, charadees have all morphed into a great big lefty fest that can squeal about austerity whilst cleaning up on £200k a year.
Good cunting Cunstable, thanks. Never let the suffering children get in the way of a six figure salary plus perks. Gouging cunts every one of them. Save the Children is just one of many. Fuck the children. I’m saving my money.
In the 80s and 90s I “sponsored” the education of a girl in India for about 10 years through an outfit called Action Aid. I had wanted to sponsor a boy in Zimbabwe after visiting a school there and seeing how awful the facilities were but they just went ahead and presented me with a cute Indian girl aged about seven. I didn´t feel I could complain especially when they sent a picture and told about her poor family background. Every year I got a thank you letter. Then one day I got a letter from her “father” saying how pleased they were that I was going over to India to marry their daughter who was about 17 then even though I had never met her and was about 20 years older. I stopped the payments immediately.
Several years later, the girl tracked me down to my office even though I had worked in different countries. I did not return her call but later received an email from her saying she had married a German and was living in Germany. She said the marriage letter had been a mistake and she wanted to apologize to me in person. Since then I have been wary of many of these charities.
Christ that’s creepy.
I’ve been thinking about this new accepted definition of islamaphobia and how rejecting ‘muslimness’ is now officially ‘racist’ according to some. Technically rejecting arrangend marriages is anti-muslimness therefore racist. Truly orwellian PC madness.
Hmmmm …. action aid did you say?
Marry a 17 year old?
Too young. She’d have to be 18 at least.
I’m single so why not, but I’d have to wash the smell out of her first.
I’m sure she’d be stinking of spunk before long though….
Sorry that’s the beer talking.
…or have I just been reading too many of fiddler’s posts?
Action aid …..
Save The Children, eh?
‘Save The 35 Year Old Dave Clark Look-a-like Sandfilth From The Calais Shitheap’ more like…
Fuck them, the cunts…
Save the fucking children – yeah whatever. And when they get older they turn into right gobby, self-entitled materialistic wannabe, selfie-driven cunts telling old cunts to fuck off and die. Just like that Greta Thunderbird shitbag!
Ah, that Swedish windowlicker cunt…
Noticed a charity shop recently called Marie Curie Hospice. I thought she discovered radium, not invented a use for equine urine.
Bollocks to Save The Children. What about Help The Aged? Just a couple of pounds a week can buy Sir Limply a rub-down and hand-shandy from a Philipino masseur. Give generously.
Help The Aged.
I’d donate to that. Only monetarily of course…. all the tea in China couldn’t make volunteer for that kind of “aid work”.
But only if the younger generations agreed to fund a happy ending or two to me when I’m in the autumn years of life.
Great idea for a charity. Guaranteed work for the prozzies and a happy ending for all.
You should be ISAC minister for pensions.
You can’t beat Hands-on experience, DtS.