A soy-granny cunting for this great streak of shit and piss, Chacellor Phillip Hammond who has indicated he would do a Dominic Grieve if there were to be a No Deal Brexit and force a vote of confidence to bring down the new Prime Minister:
What is it with these cadaverous mincing old wimmin that they are so fucking scared of life they make daft threats of helping Steptoe to power because they worry about the result of WTO rules?.
Like Grieve, he looks like one of those strange ageing men who still lives with mum and probably wanks over the underwear pictures in her Littlewoods catalogue, keeps his spare change in a purse, and spends his weekends using lavender furniture polish and a pink feather duster.
Surely Hammond and Grieve can understand that if they rule out No Deal both the EU and Steptoe’s pansies will dig their heels in and we won’t leave at all. No doubt this is what THEY want, but it doesn’t reflect what their members and the general public want.
If there is a general election, I sincerely hope Grieve and Hammond are out on their arses, and the whining poofters like Boles, Bradshaw, Streeting, Russell-Moyle and Kyle forced to find proper jobs. In the meantime all of the meddling minnies should join the Conservative Male Ladies Knitting Circle
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
A well deserved cunting for this premier tosspot of a CUNT.
Hammond has been a major problem for this country for at least the past 3 years. A huge coward and a pansy in thrall to Treasury civil servants, it’s Hammond’s treasonable and negligent refusal to prepare for no deal that’s led to the present cock up.
Hell is too good for this cock sucker. FUCK OFF.
Wouldn’t surprise me if this twat voted Lib-Dem in the Euro elections. However, he wouldn’t even have the balls to admit it. Excellent cunting of the highest order.
I’d be very careful what I wished for if I were Hammond. A general election is by no means certain to return Labour (currently enjoying a smear campaign rather deadlier than that aimed at Farage) and could even put Brexit in charge. If Corbyn submits to the Blairite wing, he’ll lose his North of England constituency – if he manages to follow what I still believe is his own, mildly Eurosceptic, opinion, he’ll lose his London and Midland immigrant seats. In either case a weak coalition of feuding interests is the best he, or the Tories, can hope for, exactly as it is now. The worst is handing a mandate to the Liberals on the back of a pure protest vote.
The EU has been at some pains this week to stress that it will not renegotiate our exit, no matter who is fucking it up on our behalf. The actual choice is between NoDeal and No Exit. The decision was taken three years ago. The rest is fantasy.
Agree Komodo – It seems the Labour knives are out for Steptoe. Tom Watson is on manouvers again today, standing up for poor little weak piss artist Alistair Campbell, who was dumped yesterday. I can just see Watson arranging the beer and sandwiches at No. 10 and if Hammond and Grieve do anything at all to let this come about I can see both of them being deselected by their local parties. They will be free to go on a never ending piss-up with alcoholic Ali
I suspect another general election would result in yet another hung parliament, but Watson bringing back New Labour, but with the unions rattling his cage would be the death blow for this country – immigration would go through the roof, strikes would be an everyday happening. That Hammond and Grieve can even contemplate this shows just how fucking dangerous and barmy they are.
That disgusting effeminate wankstain Grieve has already been told by his local constituency that they want him deselected, but the shitrags at CCHQ have said that’s not going to happen. The Cons have been taken over by a load of mincing gaybar loiterers. No doubt Grieve and the aforementioned glob of felch froth Hammond both know their time is up (regarding ever getting the top job), and now want to butt-tongue the establishment to asure a place in the HoL alongside that insidious cuntwipe Bercow.
Any economic damage resulting from leaving the EU on WTO terms (so called No Deal) will be like Teddy Bear’s Picnic Party compared with the financial damage Corbyn and McDonnell will do to this country.
Hammond is a weapons grade cunt if he can’t see that.
The decision taken three years ago was that the UK would not be allowed to exit the EU. The rest is pure pantomime. The intellectual and financial elite of the Bildberg set and their acolytes, multinational banking, finance, manufacturing, academia, broadcasting and media and one- world government politicians and their civil servants are determined to prevent Brexit. It doesn’t conform to their vision of a United States of Europe. They know best. Brexiteers are extremists, morons and unsophisticated plebs. Hasn’t the MSM already told us as much? May was an acolyte. Johnson, Gove, Stewart, Corbyn, Farage any British politician you care to name are bit part players of no consequence. The electorate? Oh please, such naievity. The Brexit Party could win 95% of the vote in a GE and it would make no difference. The electorate do not hold power. They never have done. They are controlled, manipulated and legislated against if they stray from the correct path. You will live your lives as dictated by your superiors. That is your future. It had been determined. You will live in a peaceful, multicultural, racially and religiously diverse United States of Europe. War will be obsolete. Your purpose in life is not to fight for your country (it’s passed away) but to work, work, work until you drop to keep the elite and society’s ungovernable scum in the comfort to which they are accustomed. Think I’ m fucking raving? Look around you cunters.
I hadn’t previously considered Len McCluskey a Blairite K, perhaps he changed his spots when I wasn’t looking.
Len buys the message that Brexit will mean job losses for his members – and in the short term, he’s probably right. My picture of him is that he’s traditional union rather than either doctrinaire Marxist or Blairscum.
Agreed… which is why I question your suggestion that Catweasle is submitting to the Blairite wing regarding the “people’s Vote” or for Labour to come out full-blooded in favour of Remaining.
McCluskey, along with Momentum and the Labour Party membership (all in favour of PV & Remain), has far more influence and power over Catweasle than the Blairites could ever dream of wielding.
I didn’t suggest Corbyn was submitting to the Blairite wing. I offered it as an option in a brief synopsis. That said, McCluskey is a useful idiot for the centrists, and can safely be added to their number if we’re counting votes. No, he’s not a Blairite. Yes, he is in the position of supporting them. them.
I think we agree that Corbyn’s power base is strongly in favour of a second referendum and remaining in the EU. That’s “English” irony for you!
I’ve got a custom made slogan for him:
Good old spreadsheet Phil. Rolling in cuntitude. Any temporary no-deal economic downturn pales into insignificance compared to the economic, long term disaster that Magic Grandpa will bring about, aided by his cabinet of Marxists and half-wits.
That could well be the outcome of his call for a No Confidence vote.
They’d be hard pushed to do worse than the current crop of mutual backstabbing arselicking selfservatives under – or rather running rings round – Mrs Strong and Stable.
Plague on all their houses.
Even after the carnage of the euro election for his party, him and a sizeable number of Tories do not understand what will happen if they continue, with there slavish devotion to brussels.
Catweazle will get to number 10, as I’m starting to hear regularly anybody but the tories. As for the silly cunt at the top of the page, him more than anyone ( even the hunchback ) has done more to betray the leave vote.
The tories before an election should deselect this cunt, greaves, and bercunt who is now making noises he’s not standing down as speaker.
Even leadership candidates are saying I won’t leave without a deal !!!
Their arrogance is off the scale, wait while their kids are singing “keep the red flag flying ” at school, hammond, and any euro loving Tory is a CUNT
Francois or Bridgen for leader, then a GE slay these cunts and catweazle once and for all.
In the film Men In Black, they capture the cat and look inside the bauble on its collar where inside is a little, wheezing, tired-looking alien about to die. That’s who Hammond reminds me of. Finally got it. Hoo-ee, what a cowardly, wheezing, little cunt.
….or was it in that little man’s head? I forget. Though it was a small, coughing cunt and it looked like Hammond.
What is it about hook-nosed cuuuunt politicos ?
Hammond, Macron, Campbellend. Seems to be a mark of enhanced cuntitude.
Can’t comment on Cable or May’s nasal appendage, as I really cannot bear to look at their faces.
This is fucking great. The Labour cunts are at each other’s throats with the remoaners screaming at Steptoe to go full on remoan, while the Tory wankers are all jockeying for position, back stabbing and threatening each other. What a mess the Pig Fucker has left them with. It’s all our fault of course. We should have voted remoan like our masters intended and expected.
Now look what we’ve done.
I fucking love it.
And worse still…..a certain pig headfucker is now a bit bored at home. He is sniffing around the Sevenoaks seat with a view to re-entering the House of Cunts.
Believable, as is also the rumour that Osborne’s looking at Kensington, again. But Sevenoaks will be over Fallon’s dead body (I don’t rule that out, knowing Cameron) even if the Tories are minded to let the clueless fuck try for a safe seat after dropping them in the shit as he did They might let Osborne have a stab at the current Labour MP for Kensington, just to shut the cunt up.
Popcorn, please. Munch.
Boris Johnson has been ordered to appear in court over claims he lied by saying the UK gave the EU £350m a week.
The Tory leadership candidate has been accused of misconduct in public office after making the claim during the 2016 EU referendum campaign.
It is a private prosecution launched by campaigner Marcus Ball, who crowdfunded £200,000 for the case.
Mr Johnson’s representatives have called the case a “stunt” that is being “brought for political purposes”.
Perhaps both the Tory and Labour parties should be prosecuted for lying by clearly stating on their 2017 election manifesto’s that leaving the EU means leaving the Single Market and Customs Union?
Also there must be a case to answer in court for Anthony Blair claiming “WMD in 45 minutes” – Alcoholic Ali gave him the line but he repeated it.
That’s disgraceful. I suspect an Establishment stitch up to tarnish his name even further. Rather like the Electoral Comission probe of the Brexit Party.
If there is one thing the Referndum has highlighted its that the Establishment are TOTAL CUNTS.
The cats out the bag now and, ironically, nothing will be the same again until a full Brexit happens.
Was going to cunt Ball as yet another hysterical Remoaner but your post gets at the cunt.
If Boris can be prosecuted for the bus figure (which was true except we get about half back to spend as the EU deems fit) then Osborne, Carney and all the other lying fuckers can be prosecuted. Emergency budget? Rise in VAT? Gridlock and mayhem? Bodies piling up at ports? (my favourite) and on and on.
I note that the judge that allowed this frivolous waste of time and money is of course London based.
600,000 unemployed, just for voting Leave.
Totally disappointed with the amount of Cuntervative leadership candidates saying no deal is off the table, egged on by Phill Pansy-Cunt-Hammond. The latest is Matt Hancunt, an insignificant tosser if ever there was one. And the there’s that Cunt Jeremy Cunt, now backing down on his previous statement that no deal would not be so bad. If this cunt gets in he’ll be Theresa May in trousers.
I’m starting to think the Conservatives are finished. Fucking lemmings. It would be funny if it didn’t mean Comrade Cuntbyn in No 10.
Could be even worse, another LimpDump/Lieb alliance.
My only hope is that the former are so far up their own collective shitchute after their “massive trouncing of all other parties” that they will refuse to cooperate with anyone. So be it, may Mr. Fiddler’s piss be upon them. Mine certainly will be.
Anyone who wants to be PM in the current political climate is obviously insane. Fuck them all. Drawing lots for a backbencher would be the best hope.
Misconduct in a Public Office?
The whole fucking lot of them should be up in court in that case.
Exactly. And what about the expenses fraudsters in Parliament. It’s still going on according to the Telegraph. Are any of them going to be indicted for misconduct in a public office?
Even tho Gerald scarfe is a caricaturist his art is getting more abstract then i previously thought sure salividor dali and max earnst are masters of surrealism but good stuff drawing looks really lifelike but nice distorted look of a ugly man who eats dogshit fucking beauty
Can someone cunt Marcus Ball? To much of a lazy cunt to do it myself ☺️
Talking about political whores Heidi Allen, now with the Mandy Blair Chuckaduckies has said that Nigel or the Brexit Party should not be allowed in EU neotiations “until they have won some elections”. What a pity she and her turncoat pals don’t do the decent thing and submit themselves for election under their “new” party – but they best be quick, I doubt it will be around much longer. It’s great to think of Anna Sourtits and Slubberguts Gapes not to mention Chuckaspear out of Westminster for good.
Cunt Allen is one of the worst Cunts in a Parliament full of cunts. A total hypocrite, her constituents apparently loathe her for flicking her hair all the time. One of Cameron’s light weight Lub Dem entrants, she can fuck off, the demented cunt.
I was under the impression that they did just that last week.
Brexit party, that is.
The Chuckies are nothing but cunts. They can go and fuck themselves.
John Cleese is getting a kicking from the twitterati for saying “London isn’t an English city anymore.”
What’s the problem? It’s just a statement of the bleedin’ obvious as Basil would have said.
Try going to Harrods. The street is hoaching with walking tents.
Look at Hammond in that photo the smug fucking cunt. You could wear your knuckles to the bone punching that face.
He looks like he’s just found some old dear’s pension that she dropped in the street.
Bastard cunt.
The Tories started dying when Major was elected. Like British Leyland/Rover, it was a slow a tortuous death over thirty years or so. What we are witnessing now are the final death throes. Just waiting for the imminent death rattle to finally consign the Tories to the Libdump wilderness.
Cunts like May, Hammond, Cunt, Elmer, Greave and Skeletor Rory have deliberately allowed nutty May to continue her quest for ineffectual leadership and focussed all their energies on inter-party quarreling instead of delivering a truly negotiated solution with the EU.
By and large, the voting public aren’t stupid, even if the Tories are. The Tory twits have succeeded in making the future non-election of the Tories completely and utterly assured. These cunts are just not listening to their constituents and once the rot sets in, it is hard to stop it spreading.
If Labour managed to oust beardy and find a charismatic bullshitter like Blair, we would likely see a repeat of 1997-2010 or a Labour/Libdump coalition. Now that is fucking scary.
We have the pigfucker to thank for this calamitous wankery, but cunts like Ham and Eggs here won’t be happy until we have Labour/Libdump at the helm. That will cause the country far more economic damage than leaving on WTO rules would ever do.
I think that Boris is the only one who can save the Tories. Yes, he’s a slippery lying bastard but he’s very popular among the Tory faithful. He could at least stem the tide of votes to Sir Nigel as one Article 50 extension follows another.
That’s why i’m rooting for that horrible cunt Gove. That freak would be the kiss of death.
Govie’s wasted on DEFRA. He’s wasted most of the time, by the look of it. The ideal choice. The fucking fishlipped gnome.
That daft fucking Change UK splitarse Heidi Allen is now appealing to the likes of the Lib Dumps and the nutty Greens to work together in coalition with Change UK to hold the UK in the EU.
Allen is a terminally daft cunt and really needs to stay right out of politics. I would suggest she finds a new career in MILF porn, sucking off well hung men to the strains of Rule Britannia.
I would quite happily allow my right honourable member enter her chamber… long as I don’t have to listen to her mass debate.
She’s only in Change (or what ever they called) because she enjoys a stern disciplinarian session administered by Mistress Sourberries every night – before being tag teamed by Chuckup and the Village Idiot. Would you really want to put your manhood where they’ve been ??
She’s a lightweight thick cunt, a Lib Dem through and through, one of the ones Cameron let infiltrate the Cuntservatives. She even told voters not to vote for Change (correct advice) but the Lib Dumps instead ( wrong advice). That shows what a ocean going cunt she is. Anyway, it’s fun to watch her and Sourberries fighting like two ferrets in a sack.
Insofar as who may have been there before…..I care not. She is still an attractive looking airhead.
A standing cock has no conscious ?
Hammong is an annoying cuuuunt who should go on a dirty weekend (AB nappies, I suspect) in Canada with that other fiscal fuckwit Carney. Preferably on board a Boeing Boeing Gone.
Unfortunately do not have enough time left in my lifetime to let everyone know fully quite how much I despise this cunt.
“Conservative Male Ladies Knitting Circle.”
Absolute class. Dodgy holidays along the lines of Thai LadyBoys.
Oh and John Bercow is a poisonous little cunt. Surely he should be booted out for being an obvious remainer alone.
Oh and for having a missus thats had more cock than any Soho tart.
Booted over the terrace into the Thames, the greedy little partisan cunt.
Hammond.. looks like an undertaker, talks like an undertaker. Should have been an undertaker not the fucking Chancellor of the Exchequer.