Losing “The New winning”

Losing is the new Winning
The Brexit Party have won the most seats in the UK EU elections by a significant amount, fact. However, the optimistic losers are now trotting out the spin that if you add up the votes for some of the parties then it shows that votes to remain got the majority.

Also laughable is that Labour got a massive kicking but Emily Fatberry, one of the most horrible of leftist post-menopausal witches, was on telly this morning spouting ‘we need a second referendum and we should campaign to remain’ despite the fact that the party with the most MEPs is now the Brexit Party.

Then we had Anna Nazibry thankful for the measly votes Change UK got and how there is much for Change UK to be optimistic about.

Just fuck off.

Nominated by Cuntologist

Admin note, don’t go off topic, no fucking football! cunt away. 



112 thoughts on “Losing “The New winning”

    • You are a cock-eyed optimist your Kingship. The cunts in Westminster will keep us in long after October.

      • The EU will keep imposing extensions until Parliament caves in and ratifies Barnier’s vassal state “agreement”.

      • Hopefully Farage will piss the Brussels off so much that they can’t wait to see the back of us.
        Maybe wishful thinking on my behalf.
        Afternoon RTC

      • Perversely, I agree with Salvini – stay in, but cause maximum disruption from inside. Verminhofstadt is so feckin deluded, that it wouldn’t be long before some major psychiatric event would occasion his removal by the white coats. Also, severe tiredness and over-emotion could definitely worsen Gauleiter Druncker’s “sciatica”…

      • Afternoon Fenton. I heard Nigel say he’s not averse to a further extension! They’ll love that. ?

        Nigel’s broadcasting for an hour tonight on LBC (Freeview TV channel 732) at 6pm.

  1. Desperate cunts who cant face facts. These cunts will keep insisting on a ‘democratic’ second vote so they can ramp up the lies of project fear even though the Bank of England of all Remoaning cunts have put no-deal downturn at 2% compared with a double figure dip for a Labour government.
    And by the way, I hate fucking football but there was some good rugby over the weekend.

  2. This ‘if you count the actual votes blah blah blah’ can be interesting; one wonders how many of the whining lefty twats know that in the elections for presidential candidate for the democrat party Clinton got more votes than Obama.
    I hope our brave brexiteers do not get too carried away with rhetoric as to be truthful local and European elections mean fuck all apart from two fingers to the incumbent party. The real test is the general election the result of which always appears to follow the accepted status quo. Time for the masses to get radical.

    • Spot on, Bb.
      Brexit need to work bloody hard to convert to a GE “similar position.” It would be wonderful if they do. Opinions were voiced on the idiot’s lantern last pm / this am as to whether or not Liebore / Tory incumbents will pay a blind bit of notice to the Brexit result. Several said “probably not”, and I concur. I fear that the usual mind-numbing smugness and arrogance will prevail, and if it does, Dog help them, as the solids will really hit the aircon. We’ll know for certain as and when the Tories pick another basket-case, weak-as-piss remainer as leader.

    • By that logic, if you add up the IQs of all the class failures they’re brighter than the highest achiever!!

  3. what I like is the fact that the EU will have to pay out 28 salaries, staff allowances, relocation allowances, accommodation allowances and all the other stuff to group of people that dislike them.
    Almost like the “damage claims” our government has had to pay some very dubious people.

    • The EU themselves don’t have to pay a thing, we the tax payer and paying those wages along with all the other free loading EU cunts.

  4. Remainers are panicking and in a state of meltdown after realising they don’t have the numbers they thought they had and even if there were a second referendum there is a significant risk, perhaps even a probability, that they will lose. So they shut their eyes and pretend it’s not happening. They accuse leavers of being delusional. They are the delusional ones, the fuckung cunts.

    • The Remainers can’t really lose when the choice on the ballot paper will be:

      (a) The EU’s Vassal State Deal
      (b) No Bexit At All

      • I don’t think leavers would vote at all if those are the only options, damaging the credibility of a second referendum. Still, Remainers would just ignore that and claim victory. I don’t think I have ever seen a group so devoid of basic political honesty, so mendacious and addicted to sophistry, as the Ultra- Remainers. Total cunts.

    • The remainers all banging on about “actual numbers of votes cast”, but they’ve missed one very important point. Votes cast largely distributed amongst any number of parties. In England, Liebore, EatYourGreens and LimpDumps, and elsewhere, chuck in the local nationalist parties. I somehow doubt that even the thorny big issue of remain will get such a disparate parliamentary spectrum to unite in any “meaningful” way. Oh, I nearly forgot the Chukup Party, who mostly even trailed behind UKIP. Most of these parties would cross the road to avoid each other.
      Brexit however stood on one issue purposefully to give some clarity (as La Widdecombe pointed out), and Brexit is surely the most united party at the moment. Here’s hoping for good things.
      It was good to see Liebore lose two seats in Londonistan (especially given the Diversh & Multicultural demographic – shows that locals must be seriously pissed off with them), particularly as there’s Mayoral election due next year. Hopefully the Khunt will get kicked in his goatfucking parts.

  5. Tories shit……..Labour shit……..vote to Leave, vote Brexit party……..vote remain, vote Lib Dems or Green party.

    Fucking simple isn’t it, no need for all the shite that so called experts waffle on and on and on about……..

    Worthy cunting Cuntologist as I felt the same after watching the results come in…..they try to jiggle the results to make losers look like winners.

    Fuck the EU and it’s sheeple followers

  6. Don’t worry everyone. St Jeremy is going to go away and have a ‘conversation’ about last nights results.
    Phew thats ok then.
    Silly commie cunt.

  7. They know. The Remainers know that they were humiliated by a six-week old party.

    Change-your-underpants UK managed 3%. I advise taking a job as a fruit-picker. It just hasn’t worked out.

    Can’t wait to hear crazy Anne Widdecombe berating the Fourth Reich.

  8. Anna Sourtits is obviously pissed as a fart again:


    It is disingenuous of Labour pansies* and LimpDums to say that if you total all the “Remain” votes together they beat the Brexit Party because add both together and it is still a smaller number than the Brexit party. True they have added the Green votes and that does bring up the number past the Brexit Party, but up until last night both Steptoe and Cable’s gang have always laughed off the Greens.

    * Lord Adonis failed to become an MEP last night – another chance to leap aboard the well-paid bandwagon ending in failure, despite telling the Standard last week he is *gay*. No doubt he got married to a woman for political expediency rather than love. What a sticky cunt the man is.

    • Sourtits is now officially in orbit around Planet Zog, the barmy, deluded fuck ugly cow.

  9. The likes of the BBC and all the other in-denial cunts are desperate to “if you add all the seats from the other parties, it means there are more remainers than leavers!” But that assumes that those winning seats were for the party itself or just a protest vote against the big two!

    At least with the BXP you know what you’re voting for; all the other cunts were just protest votes, most of which coming from multi-ethnic Londonistab – a definite turkeys and Christmas scenario!

    So while most of England sent a clear and unequivocal message; none of that counts because those cunts in London are dictating otherwise.

    Well fuck off London, you shower of delusional cunts!

    • Indeed. It’s fake statistics.

      Didn’t Labour go into the EU election still officially promising to “respect the result of the referendum” and “negotiate a better Brexit deal”?

      Those Labour votes cannot be counted as ‘Remain’. In fact they should be added to the pro Brexit total.

      And how do the Remoaners know that cunts who voted Green weren’t voting for action against Climate Change? Even a vote for Change UK cannot necessarily be interpreted as a vote for Remain.

      In fact the only Party whose votes could legitimately be interpreted as Remain is the LibDumbs.

      Votes for the Brexit Party were unambiguous. They won by a cuntry mile, however you fucking slice it.

      • I’d consider going on the telly, but I’m worried about the Elf ‘n’ Safety ishoos…
        Dribble dribble flash bang !!

  10. Did anyone notice what a bigger twat than usual, that latest Lib Dem convert Alastair Campbell looked on tv? Let’s all sing along together now(to the tune of ‘He’s got the whole world in his hands’ – – – – – –

    He’s got a tri – angle on his head,
    He’s got a tri- angle on his head etc.
    That patch of hair on his head just looks fuckin ridiculous. Shave it off you stupid cunt. The man just fuckin depresses me.

    • Campbell looks an even bigger cunt than ever. He was making some claim this morning to the effect that Nige would be disappointed with the results this morning? Disappointed??? His party’s not even two fucking months old, and it’s kicked the arse of both Labour and Tories.
      Before the election, he was calling Farage out as a liar. A liar? This from Tony Blair’s spin doctor! I think he should stop digging the hole and call it a day. He’s a fucking nobody now anyway, so why the meeja keeps turning to him for his ‘insight’ is beyond me. He looks a bigger cunt every time he opens his miserable, bitter gob.

      • And he slandered Brexit, mentioning “roubles pouring in”, and then, when rebuked by Richard Tice, started going on about SOH failure.

        It wasn’t that many decades ago that Liebore were well-known for being in the deep pocket of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

        And, I believe, he is a Liebore hypocrite who LimpDumped, which makes him a feckin caaaant cubed.

        Hameron may return… Hope that doesn’t give the unflushable jobbie B. Liar any ideas. Christ, it would be like Groundhog Day.

  11. The BBC keenly wheeled out a Professor of Data Science this morning to interpret the data and the boffin said “there are two ways you can read this”. Then remainer after remainer was paraded with their ‘No Deal will be a disaster’ mantra, never once challenged.

    Btw, I recommend that you sign up to YouGov. After filling in about 100 surveys you will earn £50. I get a one or two surveys a week and relish in telling them that I don’t watch TV, what I think of the BBC, that I get my news from ‘other’ sources and love giving them my opinions on Brexit which comes up every few surveys. Hilarious.

    • You can have all the professors and “experts” in the world to explain the voting last night; but none of them are actually paying any attention to what actually happened, and what the voters actually said!

      Take London away from their calculations and most of England said a resounding “fuck off, and give us Brexit now!”

    • I left them a year ago, took me over a year each time to get £50, fuck that, got better things to do.

  12. One good result is that Arch-cunt Lord Adonis failed in his bid to be elected to the European Parliament. Not even coming out as gay secured his election. Twat.

    • ‘Gay’ is a bit last year’s thing. He’d have done better identifying as ‘gender neutral’.

      Made my fucking day that he lost. And that Esler twerp.

    • Sweet!!
      I haven’t seen that ……
      I actually forgot the irrelevant little twat was running……

  13. And let’s not forget that Change UK were humiliated, winning a tiny portion of votes and no MEP’s. Change even failed in Chuckup’s own Lambeth constituency. With any luck Chuckup, Sourberries, Cunti Allen and Wollacunt will be history at the next election.

    • I reckon they were history long before they were taken by the delusion that they had enough, or even any, support to form their own party. All we need now is for Sourberry to be hit by a tram and all will be well in moggieland.

  14. If you take the Lib Dem and the green vote, add labour and the tories, because neither had voters who knew what the fuck they were voting for, then add all the people who died in the bombing of Dresden, anyone who has eaten quorn, multiply that by the amount of times Emily Thornberry has said ‘I’ve been perfectly clear on this issue’ and you will arrive at a figure that proves conclusively that more people have walked on the moon than voted for the Brexit party.

    • Absolutely fucking bang on, GJ.

      Sums up the ethos of the recent arguments in a nutshell.

      Nuts being particularly appropriate, given all the bs I heard trotted out last night.

      Oddly, I thought they’d got the one-eyed haggis Broon on last night, but it was some Liebore guy – John-something-or-other whose syrup bore a passing resemblance.

  15. Sky were on top form this morning
    First up the king of spin for Teflon tony and a man who knows his way around a lie Alastair Campbell who was trying to convince the listeners farage would be “disappointed” with the result? I’m sure if farage was disappointed this morning it was only because Campbell hadn’t passed during the night…..
    Next up , the rabid festering pile of dog shit that is Anna soubry, if you were listening to her with your eyes closed it would be easy to imagine the person talking was strapped to a bed wrapped in a straight jacket with men in white coats in close proximity, So utterly deluded it’s unsettling, all the fucking losers had their little bullshit script ready , blah blah add up this , blah blah take away that!! Utter cunts have absolutely no shame!! At least the sky presenter gave the old bint some tap….
    Fuck these moaning devious democracy denying cunts!!

  16. This shit gets my piss exploding out of my nether regions.

    The Liberal Democunts bleating on about their success and how they are ‘back in business’……are they fuck.

    Look fuckwits, the only reason any daft bastard voted for you is because they were hard up for choices, as they sure as fuck didn’t want to vote for the Tories or Labour.

    So fucking get over yourselves.

    The denials are incredible. Still all the Remoaners burying their heads in the sand and refusing to acknowledge that the vast majority WANT OUT, just as they originally voted for, and this result is a clear representation of that fact.


  17. The Brexit Party only did well because of all the lies they have been telling.

    How many fucking times

    Someone tweeted recently about Teflon Farage, and that it was unfair that none of the claims made against him have ever stuck.

    That’s because they were investigated and found to be false allegations.

    Why are Remoaners so fucking thick? Thought it was supposed to be us Leavers who were the uneducated ones who did not know what we were voting for?


    • Twitter is nothing more than a conspiracy site for left wing loons and snowflakes, and allows them to spread hatred and bile, as well as calls for violence.

  18. More good news – Change Cunt-in-Chief Gavin Esler lost his seat as well. Fucking village idiot.

    • I mean he failed to win his seat. He never held it to lose it. The only thing he holds is delusional elitist thinking, no doubt a by product of venerial disease and syphillis.

  19. Flabbott’s analysis:

    “We have to take the time to analyse the EU vote. But, when we come in third after the Brexit party, that is a clue something is wrong with our strategy.”

    No shit Sherlock! ?

    • Lol Flabbott, there really is ‘something wrong’ and that ‘something’ is the presence of you and cunts like you within Labour!

    • Afternoon chief…?

      Maybe Abbott should become police commissioner of London as absolutely nothing gets past her….
      wonderfully perceptive individual…..

      • I really look forward to a “detailed and meaningful analysis” from The Flabbott; someone so hopelessly retarded she surely doesn’t know what day of the week it is. Can the terminally clueless spot a clue ??

      • The clueless sack of shit said Labour came in “third after the Brexit Party…”

        No, you thick slug, Labour came in third after the LibDems!

    • How much time does it take to analyse that they lost and the Brexit party won? Maybe she meant she needed to take time to get anal-ised? Or she was thinking about roast dinners and got side lined?

  20. A spot on cunting, Mr C.
    I think this ‘we lost but we really won’ head in the sand mentality should be given a clinical name by psychologists, and I propose that it be called ‘Hillary Syndrome’.
    Afternoon, all.

    Deleted comment
    (sorry Admin; couldn’t resist the temptation!!).

  21. My morning ritual consists of drinking my awesomely wonderful Lavazza coffee and visiting a bunch of websites including ABBC ‘news’, Sly ‘news’, an ABBC ‘news’ website page containing pictures of all the dailies and a few others including, of course, ISAC.

    It’s interesting to see how things are presented. I woke to the news that Big Nige’s party has pissed all over everyone else. How is this reflected in the media?

    Sly News: Main headline about Traitor May hoping the EU election results focus the minds in Parliament. It’s hard to understand why that would be the main headline given what’s just happened. Sub-headlines include direct references to The Brexit Party, there’s a picture of Big Nige smiling like a Cheshire cat and clear mention of how his party claimed more than 30% of the vote. Fair enough.

    ABBC News: Main headline “Europe’s Biggest Blocs lose grip on power” along with a picture of a bunch of people waving French flags! No mention of The Brexit Party or Big Nige or the margin of their victory in any of the sub-headlines!!

    The papers:
    Daily Mail: “Farage Plunges Dagger…Knives Out For Boris” (pic of Nige & Boris)
    Telegraph: “Humiliation For Tories As Farage Storms EU Poll” (pic of Nige)
    The Times: “Farage Surge Sends Main Parties Into Meltdown” (pic of Nige)
    Sun: “Now Will EU Lot Get it” (pic of Nige)
    Express: “Now Give Us The Bexit We Voted For” (pic of Nige)
    Guardian: “We’ll Bring You Down, Top Tories Warn Hard Brexiters” (pic of Gove)
    i: “Voters Turn Against Tories and Labour”
    Mirror: “Hatton Gang £2M Stash On Costa” – SERIOUSLY!!!!
    Star: “Fears For Beers” – WTF?

    So the ABBC, Guardian, Mirror and Star all seem to be in denial. Are any of us surprised?

    Anyone know how far off the next general election is, assuming an early one isn’t called? Would be interesting to see if The Brexit Party decides to go domestic mainstream. Are we seeing the end of the Tories and Labour stranglehold on power?

    • Not sure the Star has ever reported on politics. As for the Mirror they and the i are print versions of C4 news, as is the Guardian. Views, rather than news.

      • Good to know. Views rather than news. I like that. Made me chuckle. Ta CP.

    • Yo IY!

      Next GE is scheduled for 2022.

      For the Tory Government to lose a vote of no confidence (thus triggering an early GE) at least two-thirds of Parliament would have to vote against them.

      • Thanks RTC. The next few weeks are going to be very interesting. Appreciate the intel on the next GE. Cheers – IY.

  22. Well I must say that this is bad news for me. When I went fishing with a couple of friends last year (a private beat on The Tweed,of course),I had a friendly bet with them about who would catch the most fish. I caught 9,one friend caught 6 and the other 4.
    I now realise that I actually lost to their combined catch of 10,and owe them both £50…what a Cunt I am.

    Fuck Off.

    • And since you didn’t know what it was you were fishing for, the ones you did catch don’t count anyway.

  23. Basically, in 2016 Remainers rejected First Past the Post.
    Now, in 2019 they’re rejecting Proportional Representation.
    Do they actually believe in ANY sort of democracy?!

    • Only when it favours them. They have a similar approach to free speech, theirs only. CUNTS the lot of them

    • Only if it allows them to get tbeir sandwiches from ‘Pret’, and they know their money is going to cheap foreigners, not the dreadful racists and working class oiks.

  24. Alastair Campbell said this morning that Nigel Farage would be disappointed with the EU Elections result Don’t make me laugh Labour have been wiped out in Wales and Scotland totally imploded Campbell is a Brexit denier EU Election Denier in short wake up and smell the coffee you cunt

  25. Didn’t Catweazle claim to win the 2017 election, despite losing? I’m sure it was Cuntweazle and Hillary Cunton that started this trend of losers winning.

  26. I fear that extremists are taking over the country. They are everywhere you go. I went to TESCO this morning and the aisles were full of these extremist bastards, calmly examining the fruit and veg and queuing up patiently at the check out counters as if they thought such behaviour would disguise their extremism. After lunch I went for a stroll along the cliff tops and there they were again. Hundreds of the bastards parading up and down as though they owned the place. Some even walking with children and grandchildren, eating ice creams and clearly enjoying the holiday. They are clever, devious bastards aren’t they? To the casual observer they looked just like ordinary British people. When I arrived home I found my neighbours, whom I have known for many years, had turned into raging extremists whilst I’d been out. It’s frightening how quickly this extremism is developing. Extremists were a rarity until this morning when one John McDonnell, supporter of the Provisional IRA and Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, defined Brexiteers as “extremists” in a television interview. He had a heart attack in 2013. It didn’t kill him. I hope he has another one very soon. A massive one. What a cunt.

  27. You pleb cunts just don’t get it. The libtards are always right it’s just that, sometimes, dumb cunts like you can’t see it but they know best.
    It’s just a matter of time before they prove that Sir Nigel won by a mile because
    (a) he told a pack of lies
    (b) he was given money by sinister people who no cunt has ever heard of
    (c) we were all brainwashed by the Russians and Chinese
    (d) he told a pack of lies
    (e) Er…. he is very nasty
    (f) he was very rude to his postman in 2009
    (g) he didn’t tip his barber in 2003
    (h) somebody he went to school with (who might have been called Stephen Yaxley-Lennon) said he used to smoke behind the 6th form block
    (I) he once kicked a cat according to one of his neighbours in 1987
    Once you dimmos realise this we can have a People’s Vote and hang the bastard.

    • He was seen on board a red bus !!
      ( the cunts forgetting to mention it was the 402 to Whitechapel)

  28. The psycho Sourtits is now attacking Heidi Allen…
    And I am about to piss myself laughing. Are there enough psychy secure units left in the cuntry to cater for all these nutjobs when they finally self-destruct and implode ?
    I wonder if, as in that rather good British horror film (sorry, I am a cunt, and I’ve forgotten the name) the asylum will be run by a lunatic…the ghost of Sir Sheath Joseph, perhaps. The Mad Monk himself.

    Liquid cosh and straight jackets all round.

    • More of a Carry On Movie than a horror. Carry On Remaining with Babs Windsor as Sourberries and Hatti Jacques as Heidi Allen, Charles Hawtey as Lord Adonis and a blacked up Kenneth Williams as Chuckup.

      • And playing the big useless dummy that is Campbell it’s surly gotta be Bernard bresslaw ?

      • ….and coming to a cinema near you. Don’t forget to bring your sick bags.

    • Change (the record) UK are in bits!!
      They’ve had their Warhol 15 mins and everybody’s moved on….
      Funny looking back, they really believed that the electorate wanted them, needed them and would ultimately vote for them? Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! ?

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