An emergency for the many not the few cunting for that lily heap of New New Labour shit Starmer, who has yet again donned the facepowder and lipstick to plead for a second referendum/peoples vote/confirmatory referendum :
We all know that the old queens of New Labour, their Green friends, all the kids pansies and Dark Keys not to mention old idiots like Ken Clarke, Mangeldbum, Heseltine, Cable aided and abetted by Osborne’s comic would turn up the Project Fear amplifier to full volume if the government were stupid enough to give in to this titled ponce.
Nominated by W. C. Boggs
What a whopper of a cunt.
The cunt.
A steaming helmet and turd of a man.
I remember a few years back some bloke went round dating sites pretending to be Keir Starmer….he managed to not only get his nutsack wet but managed to fleeece a few grand out of the hapless bints.
If you wanted to shag birds wtf would you pretend to be Keir Starmer?
I misread that as “get his rucksack wet.” I suppose it’s not entirely impossible…
This cretin personifies the standard of his generation . Cubts one and all. Notice he drops the “sir” when he wants to come across as one of the plebs.
Surely now (and I don’t know the numbers of votes for the brexit party as I type) the next GE has got have a party with the following policys
Scrap BBC license fee
Scrap house of lords
Drastically reduce foreign aid budget
Spend said on police numbers
Remove red tape of said police to let them do their job without the fucking threat of being sued
Slush fund (say £39 billion) to help any business restructure to new tariff system
National nhs /builder/electrician/joiner programme to take the bright but not necessarily wanting to go to uni kids and get them trained up and earning instead of getting a fucking social science degree
Immigration system that provides the gaps but not the rest who we all know ignore 27 other eu countries to get here legal or not
Feel free to add to my manifesto maybe we can send it to Nige?
Forgot to add proportional representation
Many fair points Mr Cuntwood.
Bring back hanging for rape, murder, treason and terrorism
Legalisation of drugs and free Curly Wurlys for pensioners.
And paedophiles.
Evening Bob.
God, I’m more Liberal than I thought!
Free paedophiles ? Would these be allotted to slime kiddies ?
IM my Gran, reinstate public flogging. But Singapore-style.
why should nonces get free curly wurly’s ?
Benny, drop the apostrophe.
That would have seen Ched Evans hung before he could clear his name by exposing his accusser as a serial drunken slut.
One I prepared in December 2017 Squint
Abolish Political Correctness. Stop all benefits especially for those not prepared to work. Deport all foreign criminals. Do away with the third strike rule, lock up first time offenders. More prisons (absolutely no fucking luxuries at all) where life means life. Solitary confinement for all of the fuckers for the entire duration of their stay. Replace our judges with hard nosed bastards. Immigration reduced to zero unless the country needs them. Stop overseas aid. Ensure politicians only have one job, with no conflicts of interest. Abolish completely the House of Lords. Stop HS2. No more fucking mosques, any protesters to be deported immediately. Increase defence budget and strengthen our border defences. Bring back national service. More police on the street. Fine heavily any individual or corporation not paying their correct tax and ban if necessary. Put British people before immigrants. Abolish or rework the human rights act. More money into schools, free university for those bright enough. Start making stuff that the rest of the world needs. Fucking sort out the NHS once and for all from top to bottom. For essential operations/treatment ONLY. Stop immediately all the gender fluid bollocks. Overhaul the justice system and ensure everyone can access legal aid at no cost. Get rid of the BBC news channels, just let them make dramas and documentaries etc.
fuck me you have my vote.
Willie , could we finally come together and thrash out a comprise ? i.e national service is beyond the snowflake generation mate, they’d crumble,,,,but the rest ? we could stand as the ISAC Party and do more joint thinking than they did in the joint talks in 6 weeks ?
we’ve just shown more reasoning than our betters have over 3 years
Rebel suggested that we call it the Common Sense Party.
Something sadly lacking in British politics
Excellent work SC …..
Level political playing field….
leave have been investigated top to bottom !! Remain?
Farage continually called a fascist and fascist? It’s Hate language!, the perpetrators are never hauled out and questioned!!
Boris ends up in a crowd fund court action on the RED BUS!!
That’s okay! Meanwhile
Osborne- emergency budget!
Carney – interest rate hikes etc etc
The point is the absolute fucking bias of our media and political swamp!!
How comes the House of Lords is dominated by liberals? It’s an unbelievable state of affairs ……. and on
to Kier starmer, a man who wears more make up than Barbara Cartland and makes about as much political sense, a complete and utter waste of space, starmers 6 point plan was brilliant!!
A deal which exactly replicated our EU membership!! CUNT!!! ?
I’m just glad that hunchbacked Trojan horse of a remainer has eventually fucked off! Listening to all the political pond life saying how they respected her was truly jaw dropping……..
A more useless and deceitful cunt who could give Blair a run for his money would be hard to find……
“The country I love” My arse!
Evening Q…….?
Yeh!! Duplicitous cunt….. ???
Evening squire…. RTCP
I’m celebrating the death of the Trojan horse……
“The country I love…”
Doesn’t she know the EU isn’t actually a country?
Nice one RTCP
Much in the same way other dim witted cunts say the UK shouldn’t leave EUROPE? Err don’t you mean the EU you thick cunts ?
I suppose many times that’s deliberate
Misdirection as leaving EUROPE sounds like your upping sticks and actually moving away rather than leaving the EU which merely means getting outside a superannuated dirigiste over bearing anti democratic bunch of ( self appointed) bureaucrats who are suffering from the same single delusion that you can turn the whole of Europe into one fucking country! Cunts…….
Yes… and cunts like O’Shithead who keep deliberately misrepresenting Leavers, saying stuff like: “Farige is a hypocrite because he hates Europe and foreigners yet his wife’s German and his children have German passports but he wants to stop other people’s children travelling freely in Europe, blah blah snake oil salesman, racist, woof woof…”etc.
Rees Mong continually disagreeing with but respecting the right honourable (lying scumbag) Prime Minister right up to the end and then like a cunt changing his fucking mind and voting for her/EU’s shitty deal.
The exact same deal he voted against twice.
Posh Lord Snooty twat.
This cunt……
For two years……. bla bla bla…. 6 tests,
1 year ago….. bla bla bla …. peoples vote, option to remain
6 months ago….. bla bla bla…. Customs union.
Now, remain remain, peoples vote
This cock sucker is a master snake oli salesman, he is a slimy fucking cunt.
How can Labout put this guy up as Shadow brexit secretary, he would sell his own mother to help remain.
The beady eyed fucking CUNT!
“How can Labour put this guy up as Shadow brexit secretary”?
Ask Corbyn, he’s responsible for appointing the gormless looking turd.
PS: Blair appointed Dame Kier Director of Public Prosecutions. No wonder the justice system has been fucked ever since.
sir I can only imagine that you have come from cryogenic suspension.
I am sorry to inform you that Diana Abbott is a respected member of the party, terrorism was pardoned and the onus is on prosicution of the security service’s.
I am sorry it must be a rude awakening.
She didn’t mention the 250,000+ immigrants last year, did she?
Even the Grauniad did…and the BBC, briefly, once today.
‘Tens of thousands’ was the target.
I really don’t understand anyone who would still vote labour. Haven’t they seen/listened to Steptoe ,McIRA ,Flabbott ,White van Nugee and this traitorous prick Lady Starmer and all the rest of the commie cunts?
I think some people still think Labour is still a noble Party fighting for the underdog and better living conditions. My parents for example were blinded by it, they thought Tony Blair was another Clement Attlee or Harold Wilson. They had no idea that this latest bunch are more interested in the plight of the Palestinians, Peaceful cunts moving in and the IRA than the plight of their own constituents .
I think you’re bang on Fenton. It’s sad that our parents generation still think the ideals of the Labour Party still apply. It’s the baby boom generation that have seen the change happening. I’m not ashamed to say that in my youth I used to sing along with the Strawbs ‘I’m a Union Man’.with real passion. Today, as a result of what the Labour Party have become, my political stance is somewhat right of Genkhis Khan
The right of the old Labour Party ( not the Foot or Wedgie Benn lot obviously) say Roy the Boy and Babs Castle etc – would not be a long way off the center of the current Cuntservative party. The right wing of the current Cuntservative party — your Mark F’s , Owen P’s and Steve Bakers etc are painted by the BBC et al as ultra far right extremists- yet they would only just qualify as full throated Thatcherites. The world has gone utterly mad.
mine too.
first on the band wagon for shares and personal number plates too.
as for the IRA could be something in that too, they never liked me
I will never understand how that arsewipe David Lammy got away with calling Brexiteers “Nazis”, when we know such a remark upset the Anna Sourtits woman so much it became a police matter. I bet if a white man had called Lammy a Nazi a lot more would have been heard about it.
Lammy, Thornbury and Phillips all show utter contempt for the very people they are supposed to represent.
there was a nom that disappeared a couple of wasps who’s kid joined some twats in siriya.
They are being done for sending money to fund terrorism.
(my kids glasses = cost price anti tank weapon) .
any way they are being done to persevere the balance, thing is there is one wasp to how many park your car please?
yep no one else has been nicked for funding Ali’s sabbatical.
Sounds like you’re on some good stuff there, my lord.
no it was someone else, its gone now. but I like to read the noms and sharpen my pencil
Sheer genius Lord Benny… I think…
They get away with it WC because they and their fucking mates control the media and hence the narrative.
You’s Black so you’s can’t be raaacist, you’re queer so you’re a victim and victims have to held to different standards so it’s ok to openly call for violence on Tory’s or anyone who may be doing better than you, you’re a woman so you’re a victim of patriarchy so your victim status super trumps the male and if you’re a white male, fuck ya.
I think I have just got round that one, wipe some shit on your cock, point at it and smile!
second criteria covered without the poncing about.
I was doorstepped by a Liebore munter yesterday pm. I just said “No Labour,” and shut the door on her.
Ugly hag.
Kick her in the cunt.
This prick always looks like a tramp that’s been kicked out of a hedge, or, the office cunt, who thinks his colleagues have no idea that he’s a raging alcoholic, when in reality they do, they just don’t give a fuck
I love a good pantomime and this old dame does a marvellous turn. As long as he doesn’t go into politics or anything.
“Ooh, ducky! Where’s my career?”
It’s behind you.
Steptoe has already started, he is in this years Jack and the Beanstalk where a gullible fool buys some magic beans which grows into a wonderous money tree. When shaken it pays for social care, the NHS, student loans, foreign aid, minimum wage…….
Evening Liquidator,
Is that the one starring Bercow as Sneezy, Anna CinderSourella, Phillip “Widow Wanky” Hammond, Cressida Dick Whittington, and Simple Simon Lammy with his magic non-racist lamp?
Admin: am glad to see you are respecting Sir Keir’s wishes, e.g. not to be known as ‘Sir’ Keir Starmer.
Also, I hate to be a pedantic cunt (of course you do – Ed.), but shouldn’t this be Keir Starmer (5)? And you’ve spelt ‘Keir’ incorrectly… Oh I give up.
Only kidding! Very much appreciate all you do for us miserable Cunters. ?
RTC I think it’s my fault “Keir” is transposed – it’s how I typed it. My only excuse is that the very sight of Dame Keir or Lady Hilary Benn or Her Royal Highness Dominic Grieve makes the red mist come to my eyes and I can’t see to type properly. Precious old fuckers all three of them. Why can’t they be one of the boys like Yvette Cooper and Angela Eagle?
You are hereby issued with an official pardon Mr Boggs…
Perhaps it should be Kea, as in Ikea.
Ikea Starmer: Assemble the policies yourself.
Or Kea as in the NZ parrot that rips rubber and chrome trim off parked cars and shits on everything
I believe that should read ..‘There are limits’
Just saying ……..
Even if Keir is misspelled, he is still a cnut.
The privileged Blairite face of the Labour Party, the very epitome of a red tie Tory. How this cunt must hate old Steptoe and his band of scruffy fake class warriors.
It works both ways of course……can you see this posh cunt on the front page of “Socialist Worker”?
What do we want?
Tax breaks for Goldman Sachs!
When do we want them?
Steptoe appointed him, presumably cos he’s a two-faced Remoaner bastard. It takes one to know one.
Emily Thornbury versus Piers Morgan on GMTV this week.
Fucking car crash.Was she pissed?
Lady Kier is shagging twins who both like it up the ass.
B Liar says to him ‘how do you tell them apart’
That’s easy says Lady Kier, ‘Rachel’s got massive tits and a shaved pussy and Malcolm’s got a moustache and big hairy bollocks’.
That would explain why he always looks a bit puffed out. Perhaps he often frequents a Turkish sauna.
Physicist, Murray Gell-Mann has gone to join the choir invisible. Dead Pool?
Off topic but that Mr Stop Brexit is back on the news …hes really fucking me off.
Cant someone kidnap him take him to a forest and slice his lips nose and ears off and nail him to a tree smeared in honey. Cunt.
The word “cunt” is far too nice to apply to this bucket of gonorrhoeah-infected felch juice.
Women’s World Cup: England ‘Lionesses’ bond like Man Utd Treble-winners, says Phil Neville….
Just crawl away forever, you pathetic snatch sniffing little cunt…
More like a mother and toddlers group whinging about their husbands. Lets hope they don’t win this fucking thing as al-Beeb will be creaming themselves for the next six months up to SPOTY which will turn into even more of a right-on shitshow.
The BBC is reporting the wimminz kits as ‘incredible’. What are they like fucking Iron Man suits or something, they’re just fucking football strips. Funny how everything’s ‘amazing…incredible…fantastic…’ in femmie-land.
Incredible? I don’t believe it to be so.
Fantastic? Not in my fantasy!
More hyperbowl
That word…….”lionesses” is already getting right on my fucking tits.
Can’t wait to see the Neville cunt pacing up and down in front of swathes of empty seats pretending he’s a real “international coach.”
Wimminz football , what a fucking farce.
Neville has named the England squad for the world cup. Tracey Neville that is. The captain of the English netball team. She hopes the England ‘Roses’ can do well. It is going to be the most exciting tournament ever.
Has anyone else noticed that Al-Beeb don’t seem to be able to lift the cameras beyond the top of the touch line advertising boards when covering the Wimminz Super League All Time Greats Best Wimminz League in the World?
On another note, looks like Kenya’s decided that ‘The Gays’ are still illegals.
Apparently one of 33 African nations to uphold the same law.
Africa is a continent made up of 54 countries, do they know it’s Christmas time, I fucking doubt it somehow.
Just give us your fucking money.
And get me an MBE.
Good on Kenya.
Oh but it’s only becuase they’re poor, black people are incapable of being ‘intolerant’ obviously.
“Roses”? Fucking “Roses”? Have you ever heard such a load of patronising, patriarchal, sexist pile of shit in your life?
The fucking BBC employs all those right on, save the planet, vegan snowflakes and not one of the cunts has picked up on this?
What the fuck is going on?
‘The BBC will show every match of the Netball World Cup 2019 from day four onwards’
But don’t fear cunters-
‘Sky will show every game of the tournament as broadcast partners.’
Talking of the BBC that weazel faced old cunt Gina Miller was on Wireless 4 Any Questions again last night. I wonder who the scabby old trollop opens her legs to at the BBC to get all the airtime?. She is very dear to the BBC board, but half price to the producers who want an enthusiastic amateur.
I dislike Dame Keir Starmer intensely, because of his cuntishness and his ridiculous political views. He should be put down as a mercy to everyone in the universe. Even Klingons think he’s a cunt.
He like many in Parliament today……… they should have been strangled at birth.
I believe it’s not too late, even now.
Doctor could set a snare or rabbit trap just outside the birth canal
So I hear a parcel bomb was just detonated in Lyon, by a “man believed to be in his 30s” with whom the authorities now want help identifying. I cant for life of me think what kind of person might want to do that though, it’s a real mystery, where do you even begin to look?
Might want to be careful if you do decide to help though, last I heard, by pointing out obvious culprits and their patterns of crime, you can possibly become a far-right Nazi and not even have any recollection of the occurrence.
If you’re suggesting what I think you’re suggesting then stop being such a racist islamaphobe Mr Flipper!
Mr? Did you just assume my gender? Don’t you know that is unforgivable, reprehensible bigotry? I will be contacting the local cuntstabulary post-haste and you can expect a visit from the thought police any day now.
Also, I think I’m a russian bot anyway, at least that’s what I’ve been told, so you will have to fight it out with them.
The news report on AL BBC about this incident stated that the parcel bomb was planted. I think they should be looking for a postie, otherwise it was just a common or garden bomb. Bunch of cunts.