Jeremy Corbyn (18)

Jeremy Corbyn is a cunt.
He masquerades as a “ socialist “. But what kind of socialist is in favour of a greedy capitalist club such as the EU? He’s a fucking clown with little idea of anything that might be worthwhile. By the way, we don’t need another referendum, we’ve already told you to fucking leave, you cunt.
Jeremy Corbyn, class traitor and utter cunt.

Nominated by Jimmy the Spaz

96 thoughts on “Jeremy Corbyn (18)

  1. That is the most Steptoe-like picture of the Flabbott fucking Commie turd I have seen yet, “A’rold”!

    • Exactly how he looked when he was ejaculating in Flabott’s ass 35 years ago.

    • Dunno what your problem is with jeremy corbyn, seem a cynical bunch! Hes honest and manly, wise and fair minded, role model no less. Oh wait i mean Tommy Robinson! No jeremy corbyn is a snidey leftie spineless prick! No i hate him!

    • Compared to Corbyn, Albert Steptoe had a razor sharp intellect and was likeable.

      • Love old man steptoe! Funny, hairtrigger temper, devious, bigoted, working class,top man! This islington soya drinking, yoga practising little arse bandit isnt fit to sweep up hercules horse apples.

  2. Apparently US politician has criticised Corbyn for praising that socialists dictator Maduro.

    I really hope Corbyn never becomes Prime minister.

  3. I can’t stand beards personally but that is the biggest excuse for one I’ve ever seen with the exception of that cunt Gary Vinegar.

  4. Hardly a class traitor…… he comes from a typical upper middle class libtard family. His parents were “peace activists “ in the 1930s ie naive dreamers who thought Hitler would come round after a jolly good talking to. Jezza, like all libtards, wouldn’t know a nasty cunt if he gobbed in his mush. He’s probably mixed with plenty of nasty cunts, but the kind of cunts who know how to manipulate innocents like him. I don’t know why people are so worried about him becoming PM…… he’ll have to do what he is told just like the rest of them. Like any true man of the left he hates the EU but he knows what side his bread is buttered on.

    • Never seen a better summary! Mind you, some credit is due for consistently disobeying the Blairite whip. Pity he can’t do it now, for fear of losing the remaining New Labour contingent.

      Politics is broken, and sadly he is not the man to fix it.

  5. Excellent cunting Jimmy the Spaz, and you’re right Freddie….. Catweazle was brought up in the countryside in a seven bedroom house. Nowt wrong with that except you don’t hear him ever mentioning his upbringing do you. Not unlike his ” Shadow Cabinet ” made up of mainly capitalist civil rights lawyers and the like. Well except Flabbott of course who would probably spell civil as ‘ sivvil ‘

    Corbyn CANNOT be cunted enough times. Cunt.

    That’s better.

  6. If Corbyn possessed the slightest shred of integrity I might have found it in myself to have a grudging respect the two-faced little Commie shit.

    But he hasn’t, and I haven’t.

    Were it not for the likes of Mrs May this dangerous cunt would been rightly consigned to the dustbin of history long ago.

    • Your right Creampuff, he is very dangerous to the country. Someone who hates the military, would push to give back the Falklands and Gibraltar and indulges anti-Semites and terrorists not to mention wreak the economy is STILL in with a chance of getting the keys to No 10. I would advise Lady Creampuff, yourself and Mr Fiddler to make provisions to protect your assets at Creampuff Manor and Fiddler Towers for when/if the Corbyn revolution and purge begins.

      • Too fucking right LL. Am leaving all the arrangements in the capable hands of my butler and chief financial adviser Willie Stroker.

      • Evening Ruffy. Willie acts for me with my overseas investments. I can’t recommend him highly enough.

  7. Just saw a report on the news showing him giving a speech to a bunch of his worshippers, telling them how he was going to unite the people of this country. The only uniting he does is with terrorists, their sympathizers, various hate merchants and just about every nut-job out there.

    • That’s getting to be a disturbingly sizeable constituency MM. Including my niece (who’d never heard of the IRA) last time I looked…

  8. Kinder, gentler my arse. The cunt is the same as all the other party politicians, spewing only lies.

  9. Corbyn the useful idiot of the Momentum party.
    Farage is on question time tonight up against cunts like Anna Soubry and Amber Rudd, should be interesting.
    They just needed gorgeous George Galloway on there fighting Nigel’s corner .

    Good evening RTC.

    • Evening Fenton.

      Three fanatical Remainers against Sir Nigel and John Mills, a pro Brexit Corbynista millionaire oxymoron. As you say, it should be interesting…

  10. Some Labour propaganda came spewing through my letter box this morning. There was a huge photo of that cunt (not smiling of course as no bastard wants to see those rancid teeth of his, whilst troughing their cornflakes of a morning)

    Needless to say it was spat on, torn up into copious small pieces and in the bin courtesy of yours truly, within minutes of landing on the doormat. I did consider defacing it and pinning it to a dart board, but seeing as we don’t have a dartboard, that was a bit of a non-starter, so a good gobbing it was.

    The man is a joke. His party is a joke. He is a traitor to his country in every sense of the word. If he ever reaches Number 10, we are all well and truly fucked and why any of his minions and admirers cannot see this is beyond me.


    • I think he fancies himself as the Islington Bernie Sanders, an American independent beloved of students, hates the rich and capitalism and wants to give people free shit, deserving or not. Recently revealed he is actually a millionaire.

    • Good evening nurse cunty.
      Talking of labour flyers. I was working at an Indian blokes house a couple of years ago. He’s fully wedged up running a successful automotive software company. An A5 piece of propaganda dropped through the door titled. “The Labour Party , working for the community.”
      Underneath it a picture of him doing his shopping in Sainsbury’s.
      He went absolutely fucking nuclear. In his own words. “Those communist cunts don’t know what’s coming to them.
      Top man.

  11. Can someone explain to me about this Plastic Socialist.He avoided like the plague a Second Referendum “the so called people’s vote” Now He claims it would settle the Country? How is that gonna ride with the 60 or so Labour MPs who’s constituents overwhelmingly voted to leave the EU .He claims Nigel Farage sells snake oil let’s see when the EU Elections commence Utter waste of space Corbyn is a disgrace to this Country.

  12. Britain didn’t have a PM with a beard in the 20th Century and won’t have one in the 21st Century

      • Jesus, Mandroid! I hope you would wear a gas mask.

        Rotting Scotch Eggs is not a fragrance conducive to maintaining one’s ardour.

      • Fuckin hell Mandroidz.
        Give us a complete list of all your disturbing thoughts. Get it out in the open dear boy.

      • Bond film On Her Majesties Secret Service was on the other day.

        Thornberry is a dead ringer for the oafish moustachioed jackbooted Irma Bunt.

        Which rhymes with …….

      • MandriidZ, as they resemble each other, and both spout shit, how would you know which hairy end is which?

  13. I had a Labour leaflet emblazoned with his face posted in my letterbox today.

    I have to say, it was extremely absorbent and seeing the resulting collage of my excreted waste across his face was most gratifying.

    • OK if the paper is absorbent, but if the glossy type then it can be a bugger to flush away.

      • Corbyn & May… symbiotic twin turds. Two sides of the same counterfeit coin.

      • If it’s glossy it’ll spread shit around yer arse quicker than a biafran after a chicken ( yes an old joke ), it’s called the Izal effect.

  14. Corbyn is still trying to pretend he will achieve Brexit, conveniently ignoring the fact that the faggots in his party, of whom there are many are scared of Brexit, as are the Dark Keys, as are their yoof movement, not to mention Dame Keir, Lord Adonis, Mangledbum, Blair and pantomime dame Ethel Izzard.

    Is the man deluded or just as thick as pig shit?. He is certainly a fucking untrustworthy liar.

  15. If this fucking clown gets into number 10, he will do more damage than Hard Brexit ever will. The financial markets know it and so do Catweazle and the other cunt, McMao. He’s spent 40 years voting against integration with the EU and he hasn’t got the balls to follow his conviction. Slaaag.

  16. It’s still not clear what he fucking stands for . We might have a referendum and / or we might leave with a deal. He never commits to anything beyod spurious comments about jobs and workers rights bollocks and ending austerity and the railways and the post office. I really really wish he supported Tottenham.

  17. There are (with a few exceptions) 650 cunts in the house, Steptoe is a limp dick in a sea of withering pussy, all fucking useless.

    Part two of brexit behind closed doors tonight, if anything like part one the leave vote should be 100%, the EU and its executive is a pile of shit.

    If ever I had a very very slight doubt about brexit it has been extinguished forever.


  18. Catweazle is fucked over Brexit. He has the Blairites on his right who hate his guts and the Trots on his left who love his arse.
    The only thing both bunches of cunts have in common is their overwhelming love of the EU.
    We all know the beardy wanker hates the EU but he has to go along with the farce if he wants to get his picture on the staircase in No 10.
    Let’s face it, up until a few years ago that would have been a hopeless fantasy. Now he can almost taste it the cunt will do and say whatever it takes.

  19. The Jew hating cunt held a press conference in a public library. I thought the nadty Tories had closed them all down? The cunt made nefarious comments about the Brexit party whilst sucking up to the Ali Snackbars.
    I think his son was there,the one who lied about the Israel Defence Forces a few days ago. He is famous for Israel gating: Just like his dad.

    Bunch of cunts.

    • He has allowed antisemitism to become mainstream within his party….so much so that many guilty of this are oblivious to it.

      Now if they saw a chimpanzee being hailed as a newborn prince, then they would doubtlessly be all over it.

  20. Also, the curry munching Doris I spoke to at a certain airline call centre: GO AND LEARN SOME FUCKING ENGLISH.

  21. Corbyn isn’t a class traitor – like so many in Labour’s ranks he was never working class to begin with. And it shows, what with him being the latest in a long line of twerps in both Labour and the trade union movement who have sold out the working man in this country.

    But the reasons for cunting him don’t stop there.

    Far from it.

    Add in his admiration for terrorists of various stripes, his dogged refusal to accept the will of the electorate quoad Brexit and his apparent antisemitism and, hey presto, a case for saying that he’s even worse than Dancing Terri emerges.

  22. Sorry to change the subject but I’ve just heard that the rapist who was caught in Cheshire refused to attend court, so the magistrate had to go to the prison. WTF! could things sink any lower in this country! We must be the absolute laughing stock of the whole world.

  23. Catweazle is right. He always has that same confused look as Catweazle. If you remember he came from the 11th Century. And is confused by the modern world. Corbyn is like that. He is confused by the position he finds himself in. He has the same ‘confused’ look as the the original. There was always a feeling about Catweazle that he wanted to get back to his original time. The same with Corbyn. He wants to get back to the theorizing Left Wing politics of the 60s/70s. He really is just a theoretician. Catweazle was a wizard. If Corbyn gets into No 10 I will know that magic is real.

    • The other difference between Catweazle and Cuntweazle is that Catweazle was likeable. Cuntweazle is a cunt.

    • Nothing magic about it Miles. Just a matter Tory vacuity and ineptitude.

      • You’re probably right RT. Though I wouldn’t discount sorcery or witchcraft.

      • Corbyn owes more to Merlin than to Marx. In the sense he is simply a theorizer nothing else. He sits around trying to ‘change the world’ with ‘ideas’. Things will change as if by magic if he wishes hard enough.

  24. Just heard that CHANGE UK are not fielding a candidate in the Peterborough by-election.

    Now that’s what I call confidence! ???????

    • Those cunts are already imploding. Hilarious. How is Heidi Allen and others of her ilk going to save the country? All that useless cunt knows how to do is flick her hair.

      • Did they have a Change of:

        a) Heart
        b) Mind
        c) Underpants

        Answers on a postcard to Democracy House, Fuckwit Lane, Turdsville, Arseshire, UR1 CNT

    • What will happen to these cunts if “Change” ends up as “No Change”?

      Will they just walk back to their original parties and carry on like nothing happened?

  25. He has a fantasy of himself as a gung ho freedom fighter against nasty Americans/tories with his fucking silly Lenin cap.
    Can’t believe this complete commie cunt could get this close to number 10.
    Truly fucked country if he and his gang of complete lefty simpletons get in.

  26. I see that Old Man Steptoe was gobbing off about Our Nige earlier, claiming that a vote for the Brexit Party is a vote for ‘a Donald Trump Brexit’. Not sure what the fuck that’s actually supposed to mean, but I don’t think that it can be construed as being complimentary towards The Don. It won’t go unnoticed, I’m sure, the dozy old cunt.

    • Presumably it means a “highly successful, economically-thriving, low unemployment” Brexit.

      Evening Ron

      • Can’t argue with the progress Big Don’s having with the US.
        It’s exactly what we need. No more Lawyer or career politians, lets have a Businessman or Business-wo-man running the fucking country, someone who’s bloody successful and who knows how to negotiate.

  27. What a fuckin pretender, a true friend of the bomber and the brick chucker, this prick should be sectioned just on the strength that he got to grips with that she boon Flabbott, I would sooner vote for Joey Essex than this scrawny maggot.!

  28. Some dumb fuck university sent out a trigger warning. Why? Because a small number if Jewish students held a small lunchtime gathering to mark Israel independence day.

    I am now really getting concerned at the Islamification of UK universities.

    • Can’t help thinking you’d be up to high doh if some Palestinian students had a similar gathering…assuming Oslo hadn’t been kicked into touch by Likud, and the Pals actually got some kind of independence.

      • No such place as Palestine. No such person as a Palestinian.
        Tell me: Who was the president of Palestine pre 1967?

        Know your history….

  29. Looking at that pic he’s the kind of dirty old perv you’d see in a flasher mac outside school gates offering out lollypops!

    • They don’t do that anymore. It’s all done online or in the back of Abdul’s taxi.
      And it’s booze, fags and drugs not lollipops.
      It’s called the “multicultural society” and the “digital age”.

      • you’re quite right, Freddie. I was stuck in a timewarp for a moment. reflecting on the good old days when dirty old men hung outside school yards dressed in bogus blond hair, and wearing lots of bling and called themselves “Jimmy”, or an Aussie cunt with glasses and a beard, playing with his enormous didgeridoo!

        Those were the days!

  30. Corbyn hides behind a veneer of bogus respectability, relying on bully boys like Chris Williamson and Momentum brownshirts to do his dirty work for him. But come the next election his anti British, pro terrorist, anti defence, Jew-hating baggage will be laid out for all to contemplate. Unless the Tories try to lose again…

    • I dunno about that. Come the next election most of the country will be brainwashed by the ever growing band of virtue signalling cunts, who seem to breed faster than Ali and his wife!

      People will be too thick to see through his gossamer veneer; or too shit scared to utter anything remotely right of centre without being accusing of some kind of mass-murdering racist bigot!

      The Tories will fuck the next election right up the shitter if Maybot is still lingering like an old fart (which takes us full circle back to Corbyn. Funny that!)

      • There are very few things I feel absolutely sure about these days NCFOM. One is that Treasoner May will not lead the Tories into the next election.

        If proved wrong I will happily accept a gang-banging from Emily Thornpiggery, Diane Flabbottomus, Angela Rayner, David Lammy, Dawn Lardbutt and doolally Rebecca Long-Bailey. I might even stick my tongue up her reeking arsehole.

        Failing that I will dig up and eat whatever remains of Paddy Ashdown’s corpse.

      • Let me be absolutely clear: I mean the next General Election. ?

      • You’ll never come through that alive; and even if you did you’ll never be the same man again – probably ending up in a padded cell traumatized & jibbering to yourself constantly!

      • Whatever happened to the days when it was sufficient to just eat your hat?

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