Interfering Incomers.
A pub in a village a few miles away from me closed a while ago. It was a shithole. The owner has now applied to convert it into a private house. Several “locals” have objected saying that it should remain as a pub as it was an amenity. It’s not the long-time locals objecting,it’s the fucking incomers. Never mind that most of them hardly ever drank in the place,they think that the owner should,apparently, run at a loss just in case they fancy making their yearly appearance.
My own local village is also plagued by the same sort. The incomers objected to a farmer converting one of his old barns into a hostel/ camping site. They even got a petition up. Although they didn’t ask me to sign it,I told the organisers that I rather hoped that the new business was hired long-term by Social Services and used to give troubled children and Pikeys a well-deserved holiday.
What really fucks me off is the way that these people have built extensions,conservatories etc. on their overpriced farm-labourers’ cottages and nobody objected….now all we hear is ” It’ll change the whole character of the village”. Well, they’ve changed the whole character of the village themselves,and not for the better. Dreadful middle-management types with social worker/teacher wives imagining that they are the guardians of the “unspoiled beauty.”….Load of utter shite. The area can not just stand still because these appalling people want to pull up the drawbridge.
Luckily I don’t live near enough to the village to have to deal with them often,and since I stopped them using a nearby field for their “family fun day”,they try not to have too much to do with me. Black+ White Cunt actually gave me an idea the other day when he suggested organising a music festival. I think that I’ll apply to have a weekend long rave in the field that they used to use,and make sure that it’s on the same weekend as their fucking family fun-day…see how they like that one up them.
Fuck them.
Nominated by Dick Fiddler
Yes and they make house prices unaffordable to locals but that’s just the way it is.
I’d like to build a fucking mosque, in the village I grew up in, because it’s full of sanctimonious cunts, who march about in tweeds and wellies, when they’re only going to the shop.
I moved 3 miles and my house cost half of what it does there.
They are vermin (and I’d wager remainers too) I’m glad I moved.
Theres beautiful villages up and down the countey now where all the locals have been pushed out by these middle manager type cunts.
People who’s family have built it up over generations are priced out and have to move out of the town’s that there family’s built. Just so there’s fuckers can have their dream holiday home or whatever.
The few locals who remain then get out numbered by these city rats have to ask their permission to do anything to change the look of the area they built over generations.
Little Hitler’s the lot of them .
Yes and they despise the original locals and dominate every fucking commitee.
Usually can’t stand the noise of birds/cows/sheep too.
Yes, I thunk that I’ve mentioned before about the incomer Parish Councillor who arranged a “community” skip,but forgot to mention it to everyone else. Luckily, it’s arrival coincided with the day that she happened to be having a clear out of her garage,so it didn’t go to waste.
Conniving bitch.
Don’t tell me. You found out and filled it with silage?
Never found out about it until after the bitch had it filled with her own crap.
And cockerels crowing at 4am has been the source of many disputes.
And not very long ago, a vicar silencing his own church bells…
Was disrupting his “quality time” with the choir boys.
I read your nom and immediately thought – isn’t this just what is happening to the whole country on a larger scale today?
Incomer arrives and wants to change my church in to a mosque.
Incomer arrives and wants to change my pub in to a shisha house.
Incomer arrives and wants to change my favourite restaurant in to a curry house.
Incomer arrives and wants to change my whole fuckin way of life.
And so on. The list is fuckin endless
The only difference with your incomers Mr F is they want to keep everything the same whereas the other fuckers want to change everything (a sort of Tory v Labour old style battle).
Fuck all Incomers but especially the curry munchers.
I love a nice vindaloo me.
Morning Bsc. ?
Morning Ruffy. Don’t come near me after you’ve eaten one of those things.
BTW. I noticed you greeted me this morning. Didn’t want to know me did you, when I announced to the world I was a muslim?
Oh Lordy… libelling me again Bsc? My precise words:
“Fear not Bsc, I am not one to tar all Muslims with the same Islamist brush. Of course I’ll still talk to you.”
You’ll be hearing from my solicitors in the morning. ?
RTC. I get so confused. I banged my head when I entered my place of prayer ? yesterday and it’s resulted in selective amnesia. You wouldn’t take the last coppers off a poor old pensioner, surely?
Hey wait a minute you demented pensioner person – whatever happened to your recent declaration:
“You’ll be pleased to know that I’ve now reverted to Orthodox Kuffirism!” ?
Btw, if you can afford Willie Stroker’s services managing your overseas investment portfolio, you can afford the few £££ hundred thousand my solicitors will be demanding to settle this unfortunate matter out of court.
Be seeing you. ?
God, this is scary! I’m beginning to think that you’ve got transcripts of all the conversations that have taken place on IsAC over the last 5 years. Your either a moderator, a weirdo or the self same solicitor that you mention! I must urge all cunters on this site to take great care in what they say.
? ?
Be afraid Bsc, be VERY afraid.
My arm is long and my vengeance is total!
PS: I have secret access to all Number Two’s files…
These are the same sort of cunt who move into a house on the flight path of a major airport then complain about the noise and try to get it stopped.
And will then pick up a princely sum in compensayshun when it happens!
Or slimes who move in next door to a pig farm.
Thick, genetically-fucked medievalist cuuuuunts.
In a small village not far from me a pub closed down after a petition from incoming locals to keep it open.
The landlord said ‘ its quite simple, come in once a week for a couple of pints/wines/even coffee and it just may be viable’.
But no they wanted it kept open for the one summer day and Christmas day that they used the place. Wankers.
Townies, as the farming side of the family call them.
From moaning about muck spreading to cockerels and church bells. They should fuck off back to stabistan and be a public sector ponce there.
Mr Fiddlers suggestion of a music festival sounds appealing. Strobe lights, ear-splitting ‘music’ and hordes of drunk pilled up millennials and forty something 1980’s ravers, that’ll show them, welcome to Fiddler Fest 2019.
I asked Keith Flint to headline. Apparently topping himself was the preferable option to making my acquaintance.
🙂 .
Nah, go for the Who. Loudest fuckers on the planet.
Quick though, there’s only two of ’em left. A load of Bikers and Mods turning up should seal it.
This happened to my home town.West end High st once had many pubs to cater to all tastes, a lovely place to get maggotted, a picturesque 19th century jewel in an otherwise shitty port. Bought out at a pittance by the CofR on behalf of Notre Dame university for dumb rich kids that couldn’t get into a recognised school. A dead part of town now exacerbated by the fact that prime land no longer generates rates for the council leading to cuts in services and a decline in local businesses as students spend less than drunkards.
Would your village happen to be a local village for local people Dick?
In the Domesday Book it was described as “an hutte with a pigge outside”.
At the rate invasion and certain breeding rates are going, bloody everywhere is just going to be a fucking suburb for the nearest diverse shitty urban conglomeration. There’s even a mosque in Inverness. Probably won’t be long before the local chapter of ISIS commission their own tartan.
Governments seem quite happy now to build on green belt land, so it won’t be long before we can’t produce enough food for the inhabitants.
Governments are reet cuuuuntsd.
“England has plenty of green fields and meadows that can be built on”
Apparently a quote from some cunt in the Green Party no less…
The Tartan Shop on Edinburgh’s High St has many Tartans for 1/Patel 2/Mohammed 3/Singh. I am reliably informed that there are many other Tartans for heritage userping gimmeegrants.
We don’t produce enough now. Neglecting stuff we can’t grow here, like coffee, we’re ~25% short.
And as long as that ol’ ten-acre field’s worth more to a developer than under wheat, production will continue to go south.
Lovely little coastal village of Appledore, set on the River Torridge in Devon. Charming, quaint, and very Devonish… That was then. Now. ! You are more likely to hear a “Lahnduun” accent than a Devon accent. The former fishermans cottages all bought up, extensions built, modernisation to “non fisherfolk standards”
and let to holidaymakers at a huge price. The result ? Local people cannot afford to buy in their own town. Local People are not welcome in their own pubs. Local people are squeezed and abused by incomers, and the Village “dies” at the end of the season, when everyfucker goes back to London or wherever.
Incomers? Cunts.
I hate cunts like this, I hope their shit stiffens!