The mail is the highest selling daily in the UK and until fairly recently reflected the views of middle England to an extent, but now they have lost the plot completely. Almost unforgivable they decided to side with traitor May over Brexit, but the bales of straw that fucked this camel’s back are their hounding of Tommy Robinson and UKIP. The cunts can’t even print his name without resorting to the so called BBC trick of giving his “real” name in the same sentence.
The hatchet job on ukip candidate Carl Benjamin this Sunday was breathtakingly hypocritical, as in the preceding pages they had condemned the selective misrepresentation of Roger Scruton’s statements by the lefty media.
Count Dankula, another ukip candidate with a significant online following, has also been targeted with the sort of biased untruthful smears one would expect from the guardian. I will never purchase their pile of cunt again, but may continue to peruse the pub copy’s racing page on Saturdays. Yesterday I signed up for the Brexit Party, £25 well spent.
Nominated by Themagiccunt
Mrs. Boggs reads this shit “newspaper” when she isn’t watching new soap and old soap repeated from decades ago. That should tell you all you need to know. It is like a glorified womens magazine, with *important* stories about the Markle woman and her baby, and how hard done by Cliff Richard feels.
The Daily Mail became Remoaner rag when it changed editors. It was always shit but at least before it’s political instincts were correct. Now, along with The Remoaner Times, it’s become a steaming bag of horse manure.
I am not quite sure that its core readership has just yet realised that The Fail has changed its political allegiance from ultra Conservative to just right of the Guardian
Time will tell…
Seems all the main papers of the Fourth Estate are “falling into line” due to some unknown force of nature. Am not sure what UK papers are left that still offer an objective view of the contentious issue that is Brexit? Perhaps the Telegraph, but I can’t think of any other.
Democracy is well and truly fucked in this country, as is the freedom of speech, the power of thought/expression; and now what is becoming a very one-eyed news media.
And I suppose all those cunty Guardian readers will be falling over themselves when they realise the Fail has “seen the light” and seen sense.
I have been following sargon of akkad for almost 4 years now so i got a good handle of the situation but Carl has admittedly said some really dumb shit to put him and ukip in hot water
I’ve been subbed to him for the same length of time and I agree, he’s been a right fucking tit of late. Cunt needs to get over himself.
It waa only the one rape joke really. Everything else has been quote-mined and cherry-picked.
Jess ‘Norris-Thing’ Phillips claimed Benjamin’s whole career would be defined by that joke, and yet her whole life seems to have become a vendetta against him.
He appears to have taken up residence in her head, rent-free.
To be fair, the second rape joke (that youtube deleted) was quite funny.
“I’ve been in a lot of trouble lately for my hard line stance on not even raping her.”
“….I suppose I could cave with enough pressure”
“But let’s face it, no-one’s got that much beer.”
As I understand it the Mail went remoan when Paul Dacre left. I don’t know anything about Dacre except he was one of James O’Shithead’s triumvirate of evil, along with Sir Nigel and the orange and white racist devil who lives in Washington.
That reminds me, having stayed away from O’Shithead for about 16 months I intend to make a point of tuning into the cunt the morning after the EU elections. I want to hear the little wanker cry and see who he is going to blame for brainwashing us thick cunts who refuse to take any notice of the great O’Shithead.
The Mail is an excellent paper if you’re a Biddy suffering health problems while going through “the change”and due to “empty-nest” syndrome have developed a fixation on the Royal Family.
I don’t get it anymore after realising one Sunday that it’s magazine contained articles by Piers Morgan, Tom Parker-Bowles,Chris Evans and Jeremy Clarkson…The Four Riders of the Cuntpocolypse as far as I’m concerned.
Just as the Brexit Remoaners hope that as time passes
Brexit supporters will quietly die off,so I hope that the Mail.and it’s correspondents, will do the same.
Fuck them.
Morning m’Lord !
Is the health problems part of the Fail anything to do with its absorbent qualities ?
Mentioning Parkyer-Bowels and the Four Riders makes me think of Camillaaaah astride Jug-Ear’s pink, blotchy face while twizzling his chipolata. Probably while Silly Jilly watches through the keyhole.
May I remind you all that this is “mental health Awareness Week.” So best to keep your mouth shut and don’t mention our great leaders in the Palace of Westminster, Suckdick Khunt , the 25 goatshaggers who turned up in a rubber boat yesterday and the new royal bastard parasite.
I wouldn’t want to see any of you cunts carried off in a strait jacket.
Can I have my cigarettes now Nurse Rached?
OT But I have seen that the old fucker John McDonnell is suggesting Liam Byrne be given the chance to become a Mayor in a nice Labour place:
Who remembers Byrne, the bald headed slimy heap of shit forever up Blair’s arsehole and whose one famous line was “There is no money left”
Who does run Labour? Off their fucking head whoever it is.
Did he pinch that line from John Cleese in “Clockwise” ? … “the phone…has eaten… my money.”
I revise my opening sentence to the cunting of the Fourth Estate on 30th April last. A cunting please for the extinct Fourth Estate. Nicely summarises the state of play in the UK.
‘Almost unforgivable they decided to side with traitor May over Brexit’
I stopped reading the Express at the beginning of the year for that very reason. I no longer buy any newspaper, local or national, although I will glance at the Metro if my wife manages to pick one up on the bus. I also stopped watching the national news some years ago and am slowly getting disillusioned with the local news too. I will spend the rest of my days getting the unbiased news from the excellent correspondents here or remain (eek!) uninformed and in a state of blissful ignorance.
I might also spend a few months gradually becoming ‘bigoted’ and ‘racist’, not difficult in Leicester, and thereby satisfy the left-wing stereotype of the Brexit voter.
Leicester? Don’t tell me you have Keith Vazeline-arse as your MP?. There is another member who should have been put in prison like the tart from Peterborough.
No, since I live in a suburb, which is politically in the county, I am spared that disgrace.
A nomination, well deserved! These gutter press non entities took it upon themselves to ban me from their on-line site, for posting a few theories about the Half-Blood Prince, and the ghetto trash wife! Well DM, there are other soap boxes to be had, and I will not be silenced from drawing attention to your twisted, sycophantic, contradictory dribbling over Ginge & Cringe! You sniveling, shit stirrers! At least show some backbone, and stop deleting post that may show you for what you really are! That being, complete and utter cunts!
Nowadays the mail resembles the express!! Like a ship hit by a torpedo it’s starting to list to the left and will eventually slip under the waves on its journey to the bottom, it’s full of utter crap and things that the ladies find interesting, it’s only possible use would be as emergency toilet paper …….
Mental awareness week? Fucking hell thats serious as according to the experts most of us are suffering from one thing or another , must remember to up my awareness……
My personal favourite awareness week is always the railway one , this is when we get educated it’s not a good idea to walk out in front of a speeding trains ?
Last year the BBC excelled, standing on a platform was some cunt being interviewed who looked like he had been run over by king tiger tank!!
Bbc cunt reporter “ tell us your story Claude what happened to you? “
Stupid cunt…” well I had been down the pub all night and was on my way home when I decided to get a kebab”
Bbc cunt “ go on “
Stupid cunt “ so I get my kebab and I’m walking home, the barrier was down and the lights were flashing “
Bbc cunt “ what happened “
I’m guessing there’s a fucking train involved
Stupid cunt “ well I was ( busy) eating my kebab ducked under the Barrier and got hit by a train”
Hardly fucking surprising!!!
Bbc cunt “ didn’t you see the train “
That’s possibly the most stupid fucking question I’ve ever heard!! ?
Stupid cunt “ no”
Bbc cunt “any advice for our viewers?”
Stupid cunt “ errrrr yeh! Don’t duck under barriers as it’s likely you may get hit by a train!’
Fucking genius!!
Next week …
national awareness week about using electrical appliances whilst sitting in the bath…. CUNTS
Morning Q…. The experts are right – most of us are suffering from one mental illness or another. How else to explain this basket-case of a country?
Good morning RTCP ……
Hope your getting the sunshine we are this morning? Excellent!!
We certainly are Q!
People on their way
Beginning a brand new day
I love (a-)hearing people say
It’s a beautiful day today ?
(Moby Grape 1967)
Excellente RTCP ??
No doubt those “Had an accident?” lawyer cunts will be on his case trying to twist the tale in such a way that it was all the train driver’s fault for not realising that drunk kebab eating cunts will always be ducking under barriers – fucking obvious really you stupid fucking driver (probably voted leave!)
God, no wonder people are going steadily mental with all the shit that goes on day in day out; most of which is shoveled by the half-witted news media!
How about this frightfully important story from todays Osborne comic:
In other news, unemployment plumnets.
Still, never mind ‘eh
Morning Cuntflap.
I’m guessing that people donate to political organisations to help promote policies said organisations espouse.
I’m slowly losing my marbles thanks Cuntflap, but what the hell?
Looking forward to moving into your armed ISAC gated community…
What number below 85 is the target IQ of the readers? Pretty fucking low I would surmise.
The only news sites I trust are Guido Fawkes and Reuters.
The former prints stuff the mainstream won’t and the latter remains largely unpoliticised.
If you want daily, sycophantic articles on Holly fucking Willoughby and repeated attempts to discredit Brexit then sure, The Fail is the paper of choice.
I find myself using those plus Breitbart and RT. You realise how corrupt your media is when you’re reliant on a Russian news vendor to tell you whats going on in your own country. is a good one too – its good to know that there are others like us out there.
5 is another good one.
Thanks for the heads up on that one
I do like and trust both Guido and Reuters. But I also quite like Al Jazeera. It is slightly left on centre with the odd bit of VS bollocks from time to time, but it is far more interesting than the utter wank you get here.
I have never bought a newspaper and practically never read them, except at the dentists or waiting for a takeaway, plus occasional articles online.
The money saved over the years was enough to put a deposit down on Creampuff Manor (aka Sandringham House).
I get my disinformation from a wide range of sources. Needless to say it’s vital to keep your internal crap detector turned up to 11.
It’s a stitch-up. The old Mail was being increasingly attacked by social media (read Guardian readers) under Dacre, and Rothermere kicked him upstairs to avoid reputational damage. Appointing aristo-spawn Greig, who has lots of luvvie contacts, as well as still being a director of Independent Print Ltd and The London Evening Standard, is intended to detoxify the brand. Job done: Mail pussified.
Moral: ve, the global corporatists, have vays of making you stop talking…
Even some local rags are as bad as MSM. There was a piece printed this week in my local rag about Tommy Robinson’s visit to the town and the infamous ‘milkshakegate’ incident where the peaceful had travelled over 30 miles to carry out the assault( but just ‘happened to be working in the town that day’. ) This disgraceful piece of ‘journalism’ was a complete distortion of the truth and had Tommy and his cohorts ‘rampaging’ through the town. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Independent witnesses say the disturbances were caused by Momentum thugs. But of course, this can’t be right because we don’t have left wing thugs, do we? Warrington has two Labour mp’s but voted leave in the referendum. Now, I’m no fan of Tommy Robinson, but like most people in the town I’m a brexiteer and above all I like to see fair play. They are quite rightly disgusted with this shitty little rag and are up in arms – figuratively but who knows how long ‘till literally? I only look online at the paper to see how the Brexit debate is going but if I bought a copy, I wouldn’t even wipe my arse with it. Have a look at the article if you have time. It perfectly demonstrates a ‘balanced’ view with one side being denied the right of reply.
The readership has plummeted, but the online version is bizarrely popular. On my last visit they now cater to Aussies almost as much as the yanks.
Then there’s TOWIE tarts being ‘caught’lying on a beach or Katie Price telling ‘trolls’ to stop making fun of her kaiju… er, son.
Still, if you had to put money on a human vag’ passing a Toho studios character, it would be hers.
I stopped ready papers after they glorified the killers of Lee Rigby but I used to go on the sun website occasionally to get news. It was all about Jordan, Kerry kuntona and love island fucking nobody’s that no one gives a shit about.
I saw that they were running the sargon “ok to fuck young boys” story so thought I’d go on one last time to tell them what I think of them. I left a few comments and now I’ll never go on any of the msm sites ever again. Fuck them.
For anyone wondering about the story, this is what happened:
Fucking disgraceful.
I don’t know how the media can get away with shit like this!
Personally I think it should be a jailable offence to slander some one like this, but hay, I guess “journalists” and politicians are all part of the same cunty system.
I haven’t read that newspaper for a very long time. I just log straight on to Peter Hitchens’ blog every Sunday and that’s all.
The amount of Meghan crap, crime cases and celeb garbage the Daily Fail publishes these days makes it unreadable. The new editor is a cuuuuuuunt.
If any employee of The Daily Mail is reading this, I just want you to know that you and your colleagues are nothing but a fucking big, screaming hat! If ever I meet one of you shit-cunts, I’ll fucking batter you!