A prize nomination for Zamzam Ibrahim, the newly voted president of the National Union of Students.
The incoming president has said that she wanted to “oppress white people” and have an “Islamic takeover”.
Zamzam Ibrahim, 24, from Greater Manchester, also described the Government’s counter-extremism strategy as “disastrous” and “racist”.
Using the hastag #IfIWasPresident, she wrote on Twitter in 2012: “I’d oppress white people just to give them a taste of what they put us through!” She signed off the message by writing “LMFAO”, which in urban slang is short for “Laughing My F***ing Arse Off”.
Responding to questions online about what book everyone should read, she said: “The Quraan. We would have an Islamic takeover!”
In another question about friendship between men and women, she wrote: “I’ve had this debate with many friends! Maybe in some cases but Islamically it’s incorrect for girls to be friends with a guy anyway! So I’m gonna say NO not the kind of friendship they can have with the same gender there is always boundaries.”
Ms Ibrahim, elected as NUS president at their annual conference this week, said that her remarks should not be taken “out of context” and they were from a time when she was “struggling” with her view of the world.
She went on: “I was grappling with the deep injustices I could see around me and trying to figure out how I could make the world a better place. I said these things when I was young, impressionable and still developing my personality and opinions.”
Ms Ibrahim will take over running the NUS from Shakira Martin, 28, a self-confessed former drug dealer who did not go to university and once claimed to be more radical than the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.
So when is this hate filled piece of garbage going to be arrested and charged with racism and incitement ? Words taken out of context ? Bollox, that leopard will never change her spots. I wonder how many dopey white guilt-ridden arseholes voted for her.
Am I glad I’m not a child or a young person growing up today, and to think that some of these arsehole students might be tomorrow’s politicians or lawmakers.
Nominated by Mystic Maven
Zamzam Ibrahim (beautiful British name there) is a cunt, and is very much in need of an emergency cunting.
This despicable cunt has just become president of the National Union of Students, an organisation founded on the principles of being a useless, whinging, moaning, self righteous, know-it-all, student cunt.
She has vowed to “fight racism” (what is it with these cunts and their obsession with race?) and is …surprise, surprise, of the “peaceful” persuasion.
There’s just one small problem…..
Turns out she’s a racist cunt herself and is in NO FUCKING POSITION WHATSOEVER to judge anyone else for anything.
She’s previously tweeted that she wants to “oppress white people” because she wants us to “get a taste of what we put her through”.
Oh duddums.
We put you through school.
We put you through free medical care.
We forced you to live in a safe, peaceful country, where all are free (or were anyway) to practice whatever stupid wanky religion they want.
….oh no sorry. We didn’t force you. YOU (or your parents) fucking came here uninvited and FORCED US to endure your cuntitude.
Now I’m sure that most students are spineless, cuck, soy boy, male feminist, Reich loving bitches, and so will just sit there and clap stupidly while a modern day Nazi (or Muslim as some call them) mugs them off and openly calls for them to be oppressed in their own country.
Well fine. If you want to surrender, go a-fucking-head….
But count me out.
Zamzam, not only has a fucking stupid name that makes her sound like a tranny, but is also an ungrateful, miserable, pitiful excuse of a cunt, that should be packed onto the first flight back to her own side of the world, so that she can be around her own people, and not have to be persecuted by us evil whites.
I’ll even buy her the ticket.
…..anyone got any blowpipe missiles?
I would vote for her……
…..to tie a washing line around her intolerant scrawny neck and attach the other end to the rear of a passing truck…
Lets see if that improves her opinion of anyone who isn’t the same ethnicity & religion as her, as she’s dragged down the M6 at 70 mph….the CUNT 😉
I’d bury the evil muslim cunt alive in pigs hit.
The cunting ought to be directed at the fucking snowflake halfwits who voted for her. She is just an uncivilised drab possession who will never amount to anything outside of the world of victimhood.
Guess which religion still practices and condones slavery?
Piss boiling isn’t it? When people go on about how unfair it is that young people are under represented in the political system show them this cunt, this is what we will have elected if these cunts were left to choose.
She can fuck of, fuck off some more and stay fucked off, preferably to a syrian IS refugee camp, she should feel at home there.
Of course there under represented they are not real adults yet and are easily led by hippy dippy teachers and parents.
You dont really become an adult until you are in your 30s and had some life experience under your belt. Instead of lowering the age of voting they need to raise it to min 30yo .
Zamzam ? Were her parents big fans of The Flintstones ?
Her sister was called boom boom until that incident at a check point………now they just remember her as BOOM”
Universities are just day care centres nowadays for over grown hipster cunts kids who never will grow up and will always act like spoilt entitled walkers.
Great picture of TT there Sheriff. You could imagine casting an eye over some university students today-‘what a shower’.
Cheers when I saw it I thought that’s perfect for is a cunt lol cheeky but with air and graces of course ?
Beware Sheriff, Miles is a dirty rotter. I had hoped I was dealing with a gentleman.
With your permission I should like to instruct my man to give Miles a damn good thrashing.
Permission is of course granted dear boy have on too and enjoy the swish of your birch .
Nothing for me a few strokes RT. That’s what I start with in a morning before putting my hairshirt on.
I can literally FEEL that oh so warm flow of enrichment rushing through my body.
Yet more fabulous diversity.
Peace be upon her.
But not those nasty white cunts she wanted to oppress though, eh?
The niqab was invented for birds like this. Looks like she might have a fair pair of tits though. I wouldn’t go near it…..don’t want my cock ending up on the end of a spike in Brick Lane.
Too true Freddie. It’s only through the Grace of God and your timely warning that I didn’t share a similar experience with Cardi B.
I once had the misfortune of having a curry in what was alleged to be the oldest curry house in London a few years back in Brick Lane. Couldn’t have been more bland and tasteless if it was coloured grey.
You can bet your life Infidel cock meat was in there somewhere.
Along with peaceful jizz, piss and greenies.
Bon appetit !
Shit, I was too late.
I nominated this cunt this morning, guess I’d been beaten too it!
How she can be put in a prominent position when she called for an “Islamic takeover”?
If Muslim extremism is so “not islam”, how come every fucking Muslim that they find for prominent positions or tv has links to extremism and cunts that call for murdering gays or slaughtering Jews.
They even made a tv show called “the Muslims next door” to show how peaceful and “not racist” Muslims were.
Turned out one was an extremist.
They couldn’t even fine 4 peaceful Muslims for a tv show.
Utter cunts.
I don’t know why we keep going round the houses with this one. There is no such thing as ‘extremist’ Islam. There is just Islam. At least this cunt isn’t trying to lie about it I suppose.
The universities are full of them today, and parliament will be full of them tomorrow. One of the dozens in Labour is actually on record, filmed at some Conference or other, saying that the day will come when we have a muslim PM.
When I was a disenfranchised youngun lamenting the state of the world and injustices, my big proposal was everyone to just have a nice big spliff and cup of tea together, and hash things out.
This bint could use a big smack to the head and a nice cup of shut the fuck up. Where’s her imagination? Reach for the stars I say, and not the pile of dog shit on the pavement.
And the cunt wants to try taking a second look at oppression and Islam, Christians, Jews, Hindu’s and of course the wrong kind of Muslim all oppressed and worse by Islam.
It’s like Hitler in the bunker wondering why he doesn’t get a Christmas card from the Goldbergs.
When the fuck are people going to realise that Islam is not a religion, it’s an all encompassing control system, never hear mention of the hadith’s do we?
Pissing steam I am.
Every country where Islam is king all other believers and non believers of any faith are rountinly murdered or expelled.
The best you can be is a 3rd class citizen and treated as such.
Every other country that isn’t Islamic they are spreading to and slowly turning them to the same shitholes they come from .
Reminds me of Dennis Taylor when he won the Snooker, wearing ‘special glasses’ that made him look like a VW Beetle.
What is interesting here is the issue of ‘historic’ tweets or posts. She actually says in the Nom she regretted what she said. But now has to defend herself. Another Eastender aisan actress has been dropped for ‘historic’ homophobic tweets. And the Tranny lawyer (who reported the fella who wrote Fr Ted for misgendering him/her) has now WON a court case against Mumsnet so that they have to reveal the identity of a poster who misgendered him/her on their site. That should have been the subject of the Nom.
It’s the way of the Libtard world. Madonna can say “bomb the Whitehouse” when Trump is in there and fuck all happens.
Try saying that when Obama was playing basketball and eating fried chicken in the Oval Office and you would have had the FBI, CIA and the Secret Service falling over each other to get their hands on you.
Maybe she can go live in New Zealand – she would be deputy prime minister by now. She can get that Jacinda cunt a new hijab for her next hug a peaceful rally.
Maybe she can cook poor old Jacinda a meal, the poor lover of the peacefuls looks like she hasn’t eaten for 6 months.
That’s how her husband likes it. A step up from the sheep as it cooks. Would not suck a better cock though as the teeth are more from a horse.
FGM would be too good for this cunt.
And Ash Sarkar.
What a piece of half-human rubbish. Christ on a skateboard even the photograph stinks of shit. The ever-ubiquitous irony of a female Muzquito extolling the virtues of the ancient desert cult whilst enslaved in an oppressive hijab/blanket/Halloween costume.
That reminds me, I must put the rubbish out.
Trouble is Miles it’s a tenet of Islam to lie to non believers to ingratiate yourself with them. She may regret what she said or she may of become more sophisticated in picking and choosing what she reveals.
I remember declaring to an astonished family when I was 16 that I now believed in Communism and was joining the SWP. 6 months of ridiculousness-going to the meetings, selling the paper on the picket line. Anyway, my point here-. if you can’t make your ‘manic statement’ when you’re young when can you? I mean this woman wanted to make a statement and get noticed. She’s not alone. Churchill made radical statements when young. Dennis Healy was a Communust. Bercow was very right wing. It’s just a part of growing up.
Not conceding for a moment the danger of Islamic fundamentalism but I am not sure it applies in this case.
Triggered memories of me being a right cunt when I was graced with the wisdom of yooof. Agree with you MP if you can’t act the twat when young…
Zim ZallaBim could look at the history of her religion if she wants to know about oppression and enslavement of white europeans.
Clueless cunt. Probably can’t even read.
Still, the NUS are facing huge debts, so hopefully the appointment will be short-lived.
Bomb in a market in Pakistan this morning. Children amongst the dead and maimed. Wrong kind of muslims apparently.
Where is the NZ PM when you need her?
She won’t criticise Muslim atrocities, no virtue points in that.
“Wrong kind of muslims”. So there is a right kind, is there?
Yes there is a right kind. Dead ones.
Nobel Prize worthy cunting Mystic Maven. Thank you. I think all Muslims should be oppressed for what they are putting us through and made to wear proper European style clothes whilst in this country.This ugly looking cunt should be stripped naked and flogged with a dead goat in every market place in the land. Now if she can spout hatred against white people and get away with I too can spout loathing of Muslims and their medieval religion without fear of arrest. After all we live in a free, tolerant country don’t we? Where everybody is equal in the eyes of the law and nobody is above the law. That’s why I love the UK. Just a minute please, someone is knocking very forcefully on my front door…….
Spouting hatred against Whites is a lot more serious than spouting hatred against Muslims. You can change your religion but you can’t change your race. Unless you’re a cunt self identifying as any old black /white Uncle Tom Cobley and all.
Muslims are not a racial group, whereas Whites are.
Good afternoon RTC. You’re quite right of course.Islam is a religion shared by many “races”. I put that in parentheses because attempting to categorise race is not simple. Many different ways have been used to attempt to classify “distinct” human races but none of them are scientifically tenable. Most are social constructs designed to reinforce outward differences (skin colour, language, geographical origin etc.). Ironically, given my views on the EU, I find myself in agreement with the Council of the European Union: “The European Union rejects theories which attempt to determine the existence of separate human races.”
— Directive 2000/43/EC[139]
I find the whole race thing extremely tiresome, whether it comes from “oppressed minorities” or the “far right”. It’s all a crock of shit but of course there’s a lot of political reputations at stake in the game and these cunts will exploit the race card to its full extent. For me there is only one race on Earth and that is the human race. That doesn’t mean to say I take kindly to wack-backy growing black Somali cunts or black Nigerian scammer cunts provided it is understood that I am being descriptive of the type and not definitive of a racial stereotype. When I look at Mrs Fim I see my beautiful wife not a slitty eyed noodle-eater. Fuck all racists including the black and Muslim ones.
‘I find the whole race thing extremely tiresome’. So do I. It’s all just based on a screen grab off Twitter. Like Rebel said yesterday by taking seriously we’re playing the game. It would be more honest if on The News they had a section ‘made up race tranny gay twitterstorm bullshit’ then got back onto the real news. So weary of it.
You mean that’s NOT BBC News then?
When you tire of ISAC, you tire of life. It is when people “tire” that they are at their weakest and most vulnerable. It is when people “tire” that injustices present themselves, tyrants take over and indifference sets in. My father did not have the chance to “ tire” fighting as a desert rat before being blown up in his tank. Thanks to him and other brave men who gave their lives, I never “tire” of mine. Sorry for going off on one. The same applies to those who “tire” of Brexit.
Afternoon Fim. Points well made.
As I have posted here on many occasions: it’s culture that’s the problem, not race or skin colour.
To complement your observation, when I look at Lady Creampuff I see my beautiful wife, not a curry eating female of Indian descent.
With mushrooms?
You wouldn’t let it fucking lie would you LL?!!
?? ffs! ??
Zam Zam Ibra-him
Looks like shit and pretty dim
She won’t screw and she won’t suck
Wants to blow GB to fuck
? i’m here all week
Very nice Freddie. Very rhymingful ?
Nice tits? ☑️
Wide, pearly-white smile? ☑️
Tilted head on gravatar, regular-style? ☑️
Eyebrows, regulation type? ☑️
Attended shit university? ☑️
Pointless degree, ibidem ☑️
Chippy, gobby, Northern Git? ☑️
Reassuringly like Nadiya Hussain-off? ☑️
Towel-head/niqab/hijab/burka (any)? ☑️ Political, outspoken & opinionated? ☑️
Non-British antecedents? ☑️
Female/MGBGT/Disabled/Victim (any)? ☑️
10/10, and a clear shoo-in for PM, rUK ca. 2035! Place your bets now, please.
Make that 12/12, though the odds have just softened a little!
Brilliant CS.?
I thank you [Arthur Askey 1941]
Best argument for FGM I’ve ever seen
Or post-natal abortion.
Check this fucker out:
Hareem Ghani, winner of the NUS Munter of the Year award 2019.
Clearly purdah in the zenana wasn’t for her, so she went into politics. Could well be Zamzam’s Foreign Secretary, and will certainly appear somewhere in her putative Cabinet.
She’s culturally appropriated those eyebrows! This has to stop!
The picture of this ugly looking sand wallah certainly warrants the use of copious amounts of cloth to hide her from general view. I hope she reads my insult, and further than that, I am very pleaded to be white, in my own country, speaking my own language, wanking as desired whilst reading the only decent literature to be published ( IMHO ) this century (Fiesta, issues 3342-5777 1969-1978 ) which I would not only recommend,to her, but would insist that she learns to recite ( verbatim of course ) the Positions of the Karma Sutra whilst fingering her rancid porkless twat !
She looks to be exactly the kind of sanctimonious, humourless, head up her own arse twat that the NUS would elect as its president. Female, ethnic, chip on shoulder etc. Daft bint.
What is it with fucking students, why would you want a cunt like this as NUS president, following on from another fucking efnic.
I guess they like to be ‘radical’ ……cunts
This one looks like a cunt, surprised she didnt go off to Syria to further the cause
She’s smart enough to know to know that them IS fellas would of stoned her to death the moment she opened her gob maybe?
She can say she’s changed all she likes, the book she holds so dear hasn’t.
Fuck me, if the Martians are out there they won’t need a telescope to see this virtue-signal!
Can anyone tell me why the fuck students need a union other than a platform for aspiring labour politicians? Go to lectures and pass your fucking exams you utter wasteful cunts.