Yvette Cooper (4)

Yvette Cooper Member of Parliament (MP) for Normanton, Pontefract, and Castleford.

A proper cunt and no mistake. Polls suggest a lot of voters are happy with leaving the EU with no deal. But this sanctimonious hatchet-faced do-gooder will not have that she wants us to leave with a shit deal or rather she does not want us to leave at all. So she bulldozers all our expectations with a crass amendment.

What a cunt

Nominated by iamnot

77 thoughts on “Yvette Cooper (4)

  1. Yvette ‘sugartits’ Cooper:

    “has the body of an ironing board and a face like a turnip.”

    © Captain Magnanimous 2019

    • Haha, good one. I’ll picture that every time I see her. Alongside something my mother would pull out of the boiling tub, onto the wash board, then through the hand wringer. Always wondered what happened to her then. Now I know.

    • I would Ruff Tuff.

      But am growing to dislike her intensely as the Brexit farce plays out,

      Sugartits wants to make it law that we cannot leave without a deal (contrary to article 50) knowing full well that between them they cannot agree on a shittier deal than the EU/May sellout.

      Hope both Tory and Labour parties disappear up their own backsides. Useless fuckers.

      • I paid my subs to UKIP last night.
        Tories, Liebores, LimpDumps…all in the past for me.
        Did I forget to mention the Greens ? Oh dear, how sad…

      • Oddly that doesn’t actually buy you membership, the way it would in other parties… BP are currently only registering ‘supporters’ and seeking donations.

      • She has been married to that great fucking useless lump Balls for so long I can only assume she is so flat chested where he has been doing missionary work on her during long hard brutal shags. Tits like fucking whelk shells.

        She is so boyish I assume she appeals to the lesbian labour ladies as well as their endless parade of poofs. Definately Principal Boy in the Westminster pantomime

  2. Does she give Balls ‘ed? She must have some useful function.
    PPE, Oxford check, positive. Career pol alert.
    Expenses dodginess check, positive. On the make.
    Constituency vote for Leave check: 70% Does not know what democracy means.
    Nepotism check: Married to Labour fellow-bigwig.

    No, no use to man, beast or constituent. Probably our next PM but one, then.

    • Ersatz democracy mate.

      Tell the people they’re in charge through the power of the ballot.

      Then ignore them completely.

      It drives the proles crazy and then THEY have the audacity to moan about being called traitors when that is EXACTLY what those cunts are (along with Sourberries, et. al.).

      Well you ask the ancient Greek, Roman and Byzantine Ersatz “democracies” how long those cunts lasted once the people rumbled their pernicious regime.

      The sad thing is that Guy Fawkes was 316yrs too bastard early!

  3. I not a expert with names and ethnic origins of said names but Yvette sounds like a slavic name then a english one which makes sense seeing how this cunt is most likely a communist most liberals are

  4. She can fuck off and then fuck off a bit further and then fuck off some more.

    Knows better than 17.4 million people and knows better than 70% of her constituents.

    She can fuck off and keep going.

  5. She’s such a cunt!
    For all of the face pulling , folding of arms , head on the desk, and eye rolling
    Seriously how old are you cunt?
    She’s the female equivalent of that fucking man baby Owen jones…
    She can’t articulate her thoughts in a grown up intelligent fashion so behaves using the body language of a fucking spoilt child to show her dissatisfaction..
    Worse still it’s all done for the cameras!!
    stupid useless CUNT…..

  6. The UK voted to leave. It was a referendum, hence it was a national vote and not a constituency representative vote.


      • Yea I’d say all this betrayal of democracy is cultural appropriation…
        If she loves African democracy so much, maybe she should go practice politics over there.

  7. This morning, on my way into London, one of our Eastern European cousins is hogging the middle lane of the A1 sending text messages!

    I hooted him and he stuck his finger up (not my arsenal, but Herr Fiddler) . I was in the outside lane. At the lights he tried to verbally abuse me. Oh, boy did I enjoy giving this pig ugly Ivan a piece of my mind. I then went in front of him and trapped him in the lane at 30MPH until I turned off.

    Dirty, and ugly scum cunt.

    • Poor old Tyrelle. Fancy being splashed all over the media wearing a cheapo jacket like that.
      Im just a tramp innit? Raaas.

      • These things rarely happen in a vacuum. I would be surprised if the victim wasn’t as a huge a waste of space as the perpetratoriys standard operating procedure now. You’ve got the family giving it aspiring architect, went to church, had been in a bit of trouble when he was younger but was turning his life round….etc

        …then: the first picture of the kid is usually gang signs and a description of his ‘street name’ as ‘mac10’…etc etc.

      • I bet his coffin comes from Matalan as well, worthless piece of cunt. And no mistake.

    • Makes you wonder why the Royal Institute of British Architects hasn’t put out a statement already. All this extreme talent going to waste makes me fear for the quality of our future plasticky identikit housing developments.

  8. Little skinny wimmin like her usually have massive fanny holes.
    Come to think of it I’m sure I saw her in a German fisting porno or was it Dobin the horse ? ?
    I’ll have to go through my vast collection of Porn and let you know later.

  9. Mark my words fellow Cunters this poe faced bitch along with her fellow Brexit Breakers(including Treason May) are firmly in the pay of the Globalists who are shitting bricks that a successful Brexit will be a severe set back for their dream of a European superstate.Their inspiration and hero was an aristocratic half breed called Coudenhove Kalergi (1894-1972),After meeting Kalergi, German-Jewish banker and Freemason Max Warburg contacted fellow Freemason Baron Louis de Rothschild to facilitate an introduction to Kalergi, a meeting that resulted in a donation of 60,000 marks to finance Kalergi for three years.The result was a book written in German called Praktischer Idealismus (1925).For some reason? this tome has never been fully translated into English however a few extracts over the years have come to light,eg
    “The European of the future will be a hybrid. Today’s races and castes will vanish. The Eurasian-Negroid hybrid race, similar to the ancient Egyptian, will replace the diversity of peoples .Russian Bolshevism constitutes a decisive step towards this purpose where a small group of communist spiritual aristocrats shall govern Europe.The leaders will be recruited from Europes spiritual master race,the Jews”

    Every 2 years the EU awards the Kalergi prize to the cunt who has done the most to promote European unity.Latest recipient was Fuhrer Merkel of Germany,in recognition of her sterling work in flooding her homeland with 1,500,000 racial aliens in just 15 months.

  10. Can’t believe anyone considers this fucking cunt even remotely fuckable,

    She looks like an inbred basement-reared daughter trapped in the body of a gay choirboy,

  11. Yvette Cooper, what an aggressive undemocratic cow. I get sick at the sight of her, just like most Labour witches e.g. Flabbopottamus, Mary Creagh, Angela Eagle. All stomach churning Labour zombies.

    • Don’t forget Lady Nougat… and Angela Rayner… and Shami Kickhercunti… and Dawn Lardbutt….

      • They’re ALL fucking lying cunts. I want to spoonfeed the bastards molten steel. I hate them all beyond words. I hope cancer eats them all from the outside in.


    Elton John refusing to stay at the Dorchester Hotel.

    • Shock horror.

      Who gives a flying fuck about what Clooney and Rocket man (not the North Korean one) think and do?

      May decide to book myself a room there next weekend.

      • Evening Willie.

        If you’re checking in with Sugartits, make sure she’s wearing a burka, or they’ll think she’s your bum-boy.

      • Clooney can go and fuck himself too, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office have just appointed his bleeding heart stick insect Mrs a special envoy.

    • He’s such a clueless old fruit. I doubt the billions of peacefuls that would happily throw him and his creepy partner off a bridge have ever even heard of the cunt.
      In five years time, the media will crucify him for this. He’ll be lucky if he’s dead.

    • Now come on, if the free sample of KY wasn’t available then I’m sure Sir Elton wouldn’t mind “Furnish”ing his worn sphincter with lard?

      Or, he could go cosmopolitan, and use olive oil?

      Extra virgin would be taking the piss like!

  13. Dont bend over in Brunei , if you do prepare to die !
    I think the Sultan of Brunei should treat everyone the same.

    Anyone having gay sex in the Dorchester Hotel should be stoned to death too

    • I vote we send Mangledbum for a long holiday in Brunei with his boyfriend and a large supply of booze. Dame Keir could tag along as their concierge

    • What about the hotel at Scratch wood services where I once spent the night with a kitchen salesman called Colin?

      A big boy, was Colin..

      • You really do live the exotic lifestyle of a Gay James Bond, Krav.
        Colin the kitchen rep. and the services at Scratchwood….the mind boggles at the sheer glamour.
        🙂 .

        ps….hope the new job’s working out OK.

      • Getting their, Herr Fiddler.

        At uni I had my Wednesday night man: a Essex photocopier salesman. Also, there was Gary the barrister. Lovely briefs…..

  14. Brexit Party official removed for saying Milibands have ‘shallow UK roots’

    Michael McGough, a former UKIP member, has been dismissed from Nigel Farage’s newly-established grouping following his Facebook claim.

    A senior official from Nigel Farage’s newly-established Brexit Party has been dismissed after a number of antisemitic and otherwise offensive Facebook posts were uncovered by the Guardian.

    Party treasury Michael McGough, a former UKIP member, reportedly described Ed and David Miliband and Peter Mandelson as having “shallow UK roots” or being “devoid of UK” roots, the newspaper reports.

    In another post, McGough is believed to have referred to David Miliband as the “son of an east European communist now milking it from a charity in New York and devoid of UK roots”.

    Another message reads: “The Miliband dudes and Mandelson have the shortest of roots. Transient folk they have no loyalty to the UK.”

    The Brexit Party condemned the messages as “unacceptable” and confirmed McGough would no longer hold a position in the Brexit Party.

    And the problem with these comments is what exactly?

      • Appeared in the Jewish Chronicle.

        Mr McGough also said (of Mandelson) “I resent being called racist by an old queen with shallow UK roots.”

        Again, what’s the problem?

      • Nothing, unless he was singling out one particular racial heritage for criticism. Probably just a coincidence that they all happened to be Jews.

      • I had no idea Mangledbum was Jewish – he has always got up mu nose for being a pompous old queen. As for the Milibands, when Ed made such a great production number of eating a BACON sandwich I thought he had renounced his faith and having his foreskin glued on again.

      • Nice image Mr Boggs… but the Milipedes etc are secular Jews, e.g. non-religious.

        They don’ all wear funny hats and beards and curls jew know.

      • What the hell is a secular Jew? A Jew who doesn’t believe in the religion? I gave up on the C of E’s sky fairy long ago: I don’t call myself a secular Christian but a non-Christian, which is what I am.
        Ed’s contortions while simultaneously deploring Cast Lead and ingratiating himself with the Jewish Chronicle as a ‘friend of Israel and a proud Jew’ were pathetic. If he’s given up on g-d, he’s not a Jew, end of.

      • Albert Einstein famously stated God does not play dice. That makes him a very strange kind of atheist doesn’t it?

      • Al was bang on the money: God does not play dice because God doesn’t exist.

  15. Michael Mcgough will always get a job in the Labour Party with his anti Jewish remarks

  16. The look on her face sad it all: “Fucking hell! I’m shit at this job and was depending on EU gravy to keep me afloat when the constituents realise how shit I am and boot me at the next election!”

    No leaver ever wanted a bastard deal!

    This is an artificial construct concocted by Brussels and the foreign cuntry known as Londonistab to hinder the exit process and provide a worst of both worlds “leave in name only” deal.

    If Cameron had had the stones, he should have walked out announcing that he’d triggered Article 50 there and then (thus nullifying the Miller interference), and that the UK would be leaving on WTO rules.

    Then sent out envoys to every EU country apart from Germany and France. Sent trade envoys to the US, China, India, Brazil and Russia, and completely ignored THOSE FUCKING CUNTS! in the EU.

    6 months before we leave we offer the cunts a free trade deal – with no cunt strings attached (TRADE DEFICIT you coward, complicit Cuntminster CUNTS!) – along with reciprocal rights for EU citizens and watch the fuckers bite our hands off!

    Everyone outside of that 600x400yd pocket of cunt in Westminster could see that was the way to go but in this Ersatz democracy we find ourselves in – where “the people will be respected” but in reality that’s just the 600 self-serving twats sat in the commons – mysteriously, no one in power can see WTO as the only common sense choice, lest we continually show fealty to the uber cunts of Brussels!

    Fuck the lot of them!

    We need better!

    We deserve better!

      • Yes I know. That’s what makes it a cunt!

        If the media spent 5% telling it like it really is rather than project fear and showing “What Brexit means for me.” adverts the whole country would be on board!

        Instead they canvas the cream of remoaners who love the EU for giving us the NHS…

        Want cheap calls abroad…

        Won’t be able to leave the UK anymore…

        Yeah, the cream!

        Govt, lanestream media and tech giant elites are all in it for themselves.

        1984 beckons.

      • I doubt I’d have known what Article 24 was had it not been for Farage on LBC…

        The occasional brave /naive soul phones in to O’Brien and mentions it, but O’Cunt quickly cuts them off, more or less insisting the provision is nonexistent!

      • Amazing how this has been suppressed by the remoaners asked and abetted by the media.

        I’ve known about article 24 and have been banging on about it for years as has John Redwood.

  17. I’m personally sick to the back teeth of this sanctimonious bitch on the telly every five minutes. She is the Queen of Brexit Blocking another one who thinks She knows better than the rest of us who voted to leave that’s 17.4 million of us If Ed Balls fucks that he will fuck anything.

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