People who use “So…” incorrectly are cunts, aren’t they.
“So…we were in the shop yesterday…”
“So… I saw this programme…”
“So…what do you want to eat…”
It’s now being used by interviewers, politicians, and I’ve even heard it in period-piece films:
“So….Lady Farquhar, if it doesn’t displease you, I’d very much would like to see your breasts…”
Listen buttercup, “so” is a conjunction that resides in the middle of a sentence. It means “as a consequence” – She’s got no shame so she wears Ugg Boots, He’s a cunt so he voted Remain, They’re overweight and unskilled so they play rugby, etc.
How in fuckery did this verbal disability begin?
You’re a cunt so stop speaking.
Nominated by Captain Magnanimous
So,…….Everyone’s a cunt.
Another American teenage linguistic import brought to us via the idiot box as usual. I believe it originally came from “Friends” but it could have predated that, not that it matters. There are a lot of worse examples of this phenomenon but this one has more or less become common practice these days.
Here’s one that most people don’t notice but I hear it all the time in sports reporting : cunts don’t say “consecutive” any more but “back to back.” Watch out for it when Man City win “back to back” Premier Leagues in a months time. At least I hope you will, don’t want those scouse fuckers to win it.
‘On the spin ‘is another I can’t stand .
So, going forward Captain is this a back to back cunting for rugby players, interviewers and politicians or whatever? So language usage changes over time, inniit. Understand what I mean? So like why’s your pants on fire bro? Ain’t no big deal my man.
Every bleeder who is interviewed on Wireless 4 now starts every answer with “So”. Even 60 year old company directors sound like 12 year old girls.
Another piss-boiling word is “huge” – nothing is big anymore or large any more . TV tells us there will be a HUGE plot involcing …. in their shitty soap opera (they tell Mrs Boggs rather than me) a newspaper will tell us Mrs May will make a HUGE decision this week (as if)
There are HUGE savings in the Harveys sale, according to the adverts, and Emily Thornbury will do a HUGE turd this morning…. no wait that last one is probably true, coming out of her giant arsehole.
That was a strange thing yesterday Emily Thornberry leaving a letter for the Shadow cabinet like a missive sent from Majesty read out in full on Sky. She couldn’t make it to the meeting she was ‘going somewhere else’. Well where? These are rather important times.
She also acted funny the other day on knife crime. Terrible statistics about how many stabbings there have been and she went into a fit of giggles that her daughter was searched for a knife and how preposterous that was.
You’re right Mr Boggs she will produce the biggest of turds of a morning.
As bad as Cunts in coffee shops saying can I get a triple shot extra foam extra dry gluten free soya free trade latte with almond milk that is halal, free of Israeli products and is a green recycled disabled friendly pro Europe anti fascist drinking cup?
Welcome to Brighton…..
Me and a mate play a game called ‘spot the coffee shop cock’.
It’s not too hard as they’re all full of them but you have to get a picture of them and send it on SO got be careful not to get caught snapping. (See what I did there)
Funnily enough it’s almost exclusively ‘won’ by members of staff.
One cunt the other week had some kind of mini pony tail in his beard.
Fuck he needed a Biffa Bacon full on kick in the gonads.
Yes, Krav,but hopefully you won’t be a barista for ever. I’m sure if you stick at it and keep a civil tongue in your head to your day you may well be managing your very own coffee-shop.
🙂 .
Here’s one you hear on news programmes these days.
Nobody reports on a story anymore, they are “across” the story.
“Pro-Brexit far right protestors gathered outside Parliament this afternoon. Laura Kuntsberg is across that story for us.”
The influence of CNN etc.
Amusing cunting captain…..
This bastardizing of the English language has been accelerated by the deluge of programmes shown on British TV from non English speaking counties like America and Australia ?
Agreed Quizzer, if those new countries made a bit more of an effort, their English would be passable.
Why not the English language? They’ve bastardized everything else in the country. The fucking hypocrites.
I find it used a lot by “ academics “ in radio and tv interviews. A way , if you like , of slowing things down for all of us thick cunts and reminding us of just how very, very important they are .
Not entirely so. Academics even use ‘so’ when they are making perfect sense in an otherwise concise manner. Lectures, presentations and seminar contributions by younger academics invariably begin with ‘so’. It replaces the earlier introductory ‘OK’ after the preliminary throat clearing and glaring at Tarquin Cholmondeley-Bentcunt, who is making a paper aeroplane. It is as likely to accompany excellent science as paltry sociological guff. Though you get more of the latter on the MSM, admittedly.
PS, It is appallingly easy to do. I caught myself using it when talking to a senior academic recently. I immediately slapped myself hard in the face as a negative reinforcement – the academic strongly approved of this, and the problem has not yet recurred.
Also mildly annoying, politicians who answer questions and start every sentence with ‘listen’.
I wouldn’t mind that if they said, “Listen, i’m about to talk absolute shit and lie through my teeth so you may as well not bother listening. It doesn’t matter what you think anyway you cunts.”
Not mildly annoying, but fucking irritating. It’s usually used by leftist shitrags like Umbongo, Millipede (both versions) and that fucking harridan that actually lets Ed Balls stick his fat sweating cock up her arse.
Or “ that’s a very good question “
Real meaning?
Fucking hell I need sometime to think about it ! Usually followed by a pure waffle……
Or “look”. Look, get fucked. Fuck off! Yes, Mr Fiddler, I’ll get my coat.
“Look” is often used to start a sentence by our Australian cousins, usually sportsmen as in “Look, you fuckin’ Pommie bastards are useless at cricket”
Sick of hearing the phrase ‘broad church’ these days. Get fucked.
Not like Islam lol!
Whenever I hear someone say “Can I get” I just want to beat them to a pulp with a fucking claw hammer.
I hear it so often in pubs, cafes and fast food joints these days, and it grates like nails down a blackboard (or is it chalkboard these days?)
I mean if these cunts actually took a step back and listened to what they were actually saying, they’re not actually “getting” anything (other than getting on other people’s nerves).
I don’t get me started on that other linguistic cuntstick – the raised inflection to every sentence, as if it were a question rather than a statement.
How do you feel about, ” Can I, like, get…?”
As good as, “So, can I, like, get….?”
“Can I get” makes me want to start throwing fists.
Starting a sentence with the word “So” signifies the speaker is about to waffle a load of woolly bollocks. And they know it.
The worst offenders interject the word every 5 seconds or so, further distracting you from the fact they have nothing of any relevance to say about the price of fish.
Some big time copper is advising politicians to “be careful what they say” due to “the toxic atmosphere surrounding Brexit.”
Bit late for that mate. They’ve been abusing and insulting us every day for knocking on 3 years. We know what they think of us. Too late to take it back.
And that’s just the arrogant Plods making up the law as they see fit, to impose “speech codes” & thought crimes, particularly if you criticise the Religion of Pieces, or, heaven help you, the fashionable, anti-science, “trans” crap.
Have to agree with RTC.. When you here someone begin with “so” It’s time to switch off and take absolutely no notice of what they’re about to lament about…
There is another over used bullshit term that drives me up the fuckin wall and that is “so called”.. It seems to crop up in just about everything these days. Especially the news on the beloved MSM..
” So called ISIS”.. “So called Brexit”…
So called cunts…
That drove me up the fucking wall NU. For about a year I referred to the ‘so-called BBC’ on my own blog.
Fucking Jimmy Savile enabling, ruling class cocksuckers.
I said it last time “So” was cunted – You don’t begin a sentence with “Therefore” or “Thus” – which is what So means, you dozy waffling cunt.
Anyone being interviewed on R2 or R4 who scores the hat trick of “So” “Basically” and “Absolutely” gets switched off pronto here at Gusset Manor.
So many good examples have been cited so far.
But top trumps by far is something that has become the opening word in any interview to the Cunt in Chief, Cunt of the Realm, the Blue Ribboned Cunt that is Anthony Blair.
No matter what he is asked on just about anything, his more usual opening response gives a clear insight into his psyche.
What else can you conclude when his opening word to a question is, “Look…”
Jesus H Christ!
It’s as though he is offering up a closing overview, or indeed a final judgement on proceedings.
What a cunt…
A firm favourite of the Flabotamus. “So – er, I just love de chiggun, innit sister. Nomesayin?”
…or after being asked for the twentieth time if the Labour Party is planning to hold a Second/Third referendum:
“So…we’ve made our position on this ver clear…”
Flabbot speak.
Have you noticed that every politician works INCREDIBLY hard at this INCREDIBLY difficult task and has done an INCREDIBLE job and being an INCREDIBLE cunt.
Get INCREDIBLY fucked!
………and everything they say is INCREDIBLE.
Dictionary definition : unbelievable, hard to believe, beyond belief.
My definition : Cunt talk
Weasel worded cunts!!
“ I respect the referendum “ Always spoken by a cunt who obviously doesn’t
“ we have to respect the 48%” Why?
Never seen that used after a general election!
Don’t remember Cameron declaring “ we won but we really need to respect Labours policies and views” ?
“Infact I would like to step aside and install ed millipede as PM”
That’s deffo like SO AMAZINNNNG!
That reminds me of a fair number of cunts facebook.
A so so cunting.
FFS – the MSM is still going on about Paras firing wax bullets at a photo of the enemy.
They’re on your side, RTC. Portraying Corbyn as someone to be shot at fits snugly with the agenda. It’s all about the dogwhistle.
Just hope the next time we end up fighting someone else’s war, we’re not using wax bullets. And I concede this would be all too likely under Corbyn.
Far from being on my side K, they’re inexplicably portraying Cuntbyn as some sort of victim!
No. Proper victims get an enquiry after thirty years have elapsed, and charges may even be brought as a result. The test is: are the MSM claiming the bullet holes were self-inflicted? That the soldiers were shooting in self-defence? Has the evidence been destroyed or lost? No? Then Corbyn isn’t a victim. File under ‘skateboarding parrot’.
Bloody misfit.
Forgot to add ?
Don’t forget the cunts who punctuate, like, every, like, fucking, like, word, like, with like. Almost as mind wrenchingly irritating as the brain-dead fuckers who use “u” instead of “you” in their infantile SJW whining diatribes whenever they write anything. It could be fucking Shakespeare, but as soon as my eyes alight on “u”, I turn off as it’s clearly been written by a cunt too lazy to use the correct sodding word. So, like, here, like, it is, yeah, like, write in txtspk and, like, show yourself up as a lazy, ignorant, ill-educated, like, yeah, CUNT, like.
You’re back Mr Sheikh Anvakh! I was beginning to think the antisemites had driven you out…
Putting the like freshness back into exposing cuntritude and fuckwittery. BTW, they’re not anti-Semites, they positively LOVE the Semitic, genocidal, Fakestinians, it’s Jew-Hatred pure, ignorant and simple. As for Corbyn, I wouldn’t throw someone else’s piss on him of he was on fire.
On the other had, seeing a load dumped on the old fascist when he’s not on fire, would normally give me great pleasure and satisfaction, but that would be tempered by the fact that it would be an insult to piss.
I stand corrected, Jew-Haters it is.
Had to lower the volume of a chat with some mates in the pub to surreptitiously eavesdrop on a girl of college age using ‘like’ to destroy her own train of thought. It was seriously, like, distracting?
It’s certainly a swift way to identify who is a cunt.
“So..” Ah, a cunt. I’m much obliged you flagged that up early on.
The hipster beard is usually a giveaway too.
Better know as the Wanker-Beard. An Order of Lenin cunting to those wanker-bearded hipsters who in order to regain their soya, ball shrinking, immasculated youths, also sport the trademark “man bun”, an armful of pointless “individual” graffiti, with the truly inadequate having black coat hanger reinforcement rings in their ears and a snot-hanger nose-ring or septum piercing to complete their identical-to-every-other-cunt “individuality”.
Here’s another rock to lob onto the “cunting pool”: The irritating tossers who don’t know the difference between LOSE and LOOSE. Puts me into axe-murderer mode.
Here’s quite a good article about this irritating phenomenon. For a more “in-depth” treatment, good old stackexchange can always be relied upon, although that site frequently teeters on a knife-edge of disappearing up its own sphincter.
The exact details are misty, and I can’t be arsed searching for them, but I very vaguely recall an interview many years ago by Jeremy Paxman (I think) of AN Other¹. AN Other incessantly started his replies with this hackneyed and redundant discourse marker, and Paxo swiftly became inflamed.
He retaliated by beginning each of his questions with a heavily-inflected: “Actually, …” Eventually, the penny dropped, and the interviewee was suitably chastised and offended. I think he may even have stormed out, at the perceived “patronising” condescension.
¹AN Other may have been Michael Howard, but iirc this was 20+ years ago. [Such apoplexy-inducing nonsense is nothing new.]
I disagree that it’s a discourse marker as it isn’t marking where the speaker is going. All it does is tell the listener, “I’m more important than you and my answer is the solution therefore listen up.”
It is what it is, Cap’n M. Whatever that might be, its over-use certainly is very annoying, and such usage does appear de rigeur among a certain type of contributor to Radio Bore.
So, ….
I don’t believe in the term ‘discourse marker’. Would that be in the traditional grammar books of say the twenties or thirties? It sounds like an innovation. The word ‘discourse’ means an extended deliberation over time. Just doesn’t sound right.
Redaction rules, KO
I don’t know the etymology of the expression “discourse marker”, and I agree it is a somewhat coarse and cumbersome one.
It has been the accepted term for such lexical particles as: “so, umm, errm, look, listen, right” &c since I studied MML in the 80s.
I agree that it is not an elegant descriptor, and very much doubt its usage goes back much before decimalisation, but we may both be wrong there. It is, however, a convenient and clear label, and not wholly inapposite, as such usage is largely limited to speech.
As far as I was aware gentlemen, it is a marker in discourse (conversation) to guide the listener to the speaker’s point. They act as signposts.
Nonetheless, consequently, however, furthermore, incidentally, conversely, meanwhile, although, etc.
‘So’, like ‘but’, ‘and’, ‘or’, because ‘, ‘unless’ is a conjunction which shouldn’t go at the beginning of a sentence. I know novelists and sloppy journalists begin with ‘But’ and ‘And’ but that is terribly inelegant, isn’t it? Moreover, ‘so’ at the beginning if a sentence is at best, vulgar, and at worst, cunt-like.
Another fucking word that is so universal now that it’s lost its true meaning, primarily because even the simple of things like getting out of bed and scratching one’s arse can be classed as “Awesome!” (Or if you’re a hipster, then it would be “Awesome, dude!”)
Have an awesome day, you cunts!
You should’ve started your first sentence with “so”..
So, what about ignorant “celebs” who say “fed up OF”…. It’s, fed up WITH…. testament to the Marxist infested, discipline-free, knowledge-lite, propagandized, everrrrrrreeeeeee-chuuuuyyyyyuuulllld-is-preshhhhuusss, prizes-for-all, state daytime, crowd control units masquerading as Comprehensive Skoollzz and Univershitty Halls of Knackerdemia, turning out self-entitled, unemployable, SJW tattooed, coloured haired, snot-hanger nose-ringed freaks.
Youv’e got me going now.Cannot stand these yankyisms that have come to the shores of this scepted isle.
On wireless 4 I’ve also heard ‘From the get go’ , ‘go figure’ and ‘Butt’ all used by people who are old enough to know better.
CUNTS the lot of them
There are more but my piss has just boiled over onto my keyboa*^$&^%&&^Rf
I hate Americanisms, period.
Is that some sort of Californian menstrual discharge?
Could I have a tea, please.
No, I don’t NEED sugar but I would like some sugar.
No, I don’t NEED the receipt but I would like the receipt.
This fuckwittery crept in years ago by portentous turds but refuses to budge. Its use signifies the massive importance of the cunt liberally spraying this word around. “I need some help, I need a own,” etc. Fuck off. You need to be more polite.
Even in supermarkets you hear, “Do you need a bag?” Well, my life won’t end if I don’t have one but I would like one.
Infuriating cunts.
Another cuntism….
How are you? I’m GOOD.
No you’re not, you’re FINE or ALRIGHT.
Another fucking Khaliffornism we can do without.
My pet hate is “Absolutely” in reply to a question when the simple answer is “Yes”.