A no-platforming, gentle soy boy cunting please for this hysterical lady , 31 going on 12 , who has taken to the Osborne Comic aka Evening Standard to voice her dismay over Steptoe (Jeremy Corbyn). She worshiped him, she idolised him she gave her “PERSONAL” backing to this wonderful man, but Mistress Martin is now upset with him, to the point where her voice breaks with emotion.
As far as I am concerned if you go to university you should just get on and study so you can try to get a good job to pay back the money we loan you to live on our charity for 3 years while you study feminism and get pissed in the student bars. In short they should just shut the fuck up. Why is a 31 year old still reliving her student days.
Of course she is a remainer and you can read her grievances here, if you have the patience, and reflect what a self important little up her own arse cunt she is:
Nominated by W.C. Boggs
All these remainer / Uni types have one thing in common. A huge sense of self entitlement.
It really comes to something when you cant trust a cuddly, doddering vegetarian anti-Semite, terrorist loving ,Britain hating , EU flip flopping old Trot.
Another uppity no-mark shouting from the rafters about utter shite.
No ones listening love. Shut up and fuck off.
Ah yes, the outgoing President of the National Union of Snowflakes. Well, at least her successor won’t be dumb enough to ever put her faith in a white devil. A Somalian peaceful, I believe, who has already apologised for her previous declaration to “suppress all whites” and to “give them a taste of what we have suffered”.
That’s what I call progress in the world of education.
A good Cunting,but I would say that the revelation in the article that the National Union of Students has 7 million members is more upsetting than one over-excited Dark Kie.
Fuck Me, 7 million scruffy,lazy Wasters lolling around on the taxpayers Pound. Most of them will come out of education virtually unemployable. There are far too many “students”,a country this size should have no more than 250 thousand of the work-shy,self-important Dullards at any one time. Personally, I believe that higher education should be restricted to those from a decent background….no one-parent (or same-sex) families, a Grammar or one or two select Private School education, and certainly none from families needing Government Assistance in any form.
We would certainly have less Cunts protesting on the streets of London if my criterion for access to higher education was adopted…..the “no benefit claimants” rule would be particularly effective in keeping out the lazy and the coloured.
Fuck Off.
Good morning Dick. You forgot the Gay / Transbender community.
A rare omission.
You’re slipping.
God Jack, if you took the poofters and lezzies out of “uni” (“versity” is too much of an effort for them to add), the fuckinng places would be empty………. what a great idea!
Well I’d just assumed that it was a “given”, Jack…All state support should,of course,be withdrawn from the Degenerate Brigade.
I’d ban it.
Yes but you’ve been watching an awful lot of ‘ rugby ‘ lately.
Ah yes,but comments made by that Australian player regarding the fate awaiting The Gays proves that rugby is truly the last Real Man’s Game.
I think he ‘ protested too much ‘.
One can never “protest too much” about the Monstrous Regiment of Bumfoolery.
Shame on you, Jack.
Well turned Sir. ☺
DF the part you said about having less cunts protesting on the streets of London – were you talking about brexit means brexit protesters or the largely middle class gaggle of trustafarian cunts known as Extinction Rebellion?
Any and All TITS. I’d turn the water-cannons on the lot of them.
Sadly Boris bought them, but Saddick Kunt withdrew them unused. Some of the wankers glued themselves to a train yesterday – how could they afford the superglue on JSA?
I’d particularly enjoy seeing those old Cunts in the mob getting water-cannoned, Daft,decrepit Fossils….at least it might wash the smell of mothballs and urine off the resource-wasting old Spongers.
At least the young ones have the excuse of naivety of youth…the old bastards are just selfish.
The water cannons cost £322,000 and Suckdick sold them for £11,000, a loss to the London taxpayer of £311,000 !!
Suckdick explained: “I am pleased we have managed to finally get rid of them and I made an election promise to Londoners that I would claw back as much of this cash as possible, and pump it into helping young people at risk of being affected by crime and giving them better life opportunities.”
Unfuckingbelievable cuntishness, you could not make it up!
Boris bought the cannons from Germany in 2014 to deal with social unrest, but they needed substantial modifications make them usable. According to the Telegraph they cost £322,000 to purchase and refit — including more than £32,000 to make them comply with emissions regulations, more than £19,000 for repainting and almost £1,000 on new stereos.
Wished I knew suckdick was selling them I would have fancied one myself!!
What could be more enjoyable than bimbling around on a winters day blitzing Brighton’s snowflake population!!
@RTC…that self-promoting Cunt Johnson only bought them to boost his own popularity. Add in the cost of his failed “Garden Bridge” project and you get some idea of the lengths that the blustering Wanker will go to to promote his own image.
I detest him.
I find it ironic that it would have cost £32000 to make the water cannons comply with emissions regulations. Its not the exhaust gases on the streets that are obnoxious but the cretinous anarchists that infect them. If we’d used the cannons,there would have been no need for water – we could have just ramped up the emissions and sent them all to extinction.
Morning Dick.
Agree entirely re Boris, we are of one accord. I was just pointing out Mayor Khunt’s monumental ineptness in adding insult to injury in this sorry saga.
Apart from yourself, you’ll find no greater critic of Boris Johnson than myself.
@RTC…..to be fair to Khan.he might as well of got rid of them. No British Government would have ever had the balls to ever deploy them. At least he got something for them instead of them just rotting away in expensive storage.
Get rid of them… fair enough… but for £11,000? Something very not right there methinks.
Fiscal incompetence or corruption? Yow decide…
Fair fucks DF, fair fucks.
water cannon ppft amiture short of a flame thrower this is the next best thing.
What a shit thing to have done. I’m sure there’s an opportunity here for Mr Fiddler to do a deal with the Israeli government to supply some fine Northumbrian farm effluent to replenish their stocks.
Morning DF.
Don’t entirely agree with you as private schools have their fair share of thick cunts. I went to a grammar school in the 70’s and some of the pupils were clearly only there because daddy had money as they could barely spell their name. I then went to university and had a really good time, getting a degree that proved utterly useless in my life. To this day I regret not taking the RAF commission in Air Traffic Control I was offered, or even just getting an apprenticeship in some trade that appealed, they were plentiful then.
Oh, quite agree with you about thick Cunts at Private schools….but the Civil Service has to get it’s intake from somewhere.
Morning, Moggie.
Morning Dick,
Automatic NUS membership for all uni students and even those with real jobs that study with a professional body can now obtain an NUS card from said professional body.
So all they’ve done is to allow any cunt to join to bolster their membership/power.
I agree with your access criteria. Having a degree doesn’t mean fuck all anymore, like having a colour telly, every cunts got one.
You’d think that people with a proper job would be terrified to carry an NUS card for fear that they were in an accident and someone found the card in their wallet.
I know that if I came across a victim and ,while rifling through their wallet ,came across an NUS card,it wouldn’t encourage me to administer life-saving assistance….quite the opposite,in fact.
Morning Blimpo.
I had an NUS card when I was 13.
The worst fake ID ever. The picture was selotaped on and the date of birth was written in biro…..
The p@kis didn’t mind though. They’d always look at it, shake their heads, then just sell me as much white lightning as I could carry before hastily ushering me out of the door.
Well now that you’re older at least you don’t need the fake I.D to buy your daily supply of White Lightning, DtS.
🙂 .
Mr Fiddler back in my day(early 80s) only 5% of Cunts got into University.You had to be a fucking Genius to even contemplate it.And no bolloxing about with Media Studies,Trans Gender Studies etc you had to study Maths or Physics or Chemistry or you know,something difficult and useful.Today its 5% of Cunts that DONT get into Uni.Were we all such a bunch of thick Cunts back then?Is todays youth a Golden Generation full of Newtons,Einsteins and Shakespeare’s?
I think we can be sure that the present bunch are no Golden Generation. In all seriousness, I’d like to see far more Apprenticeship schemes. The Country will always need Tradesmen…social-justice warriors?…not so much.
Morning CRU
Yes, after a career in academia why not do a trade?
Like the famous and brilliant gynaecologist who after a distinguished career retired and went back to trade school to learn his boyhood interest, motor mechanics.
His report card for the first practical went as follows: “The Board is impressed with the precision and quality of his work in refurbishing a V6 engine. He has done an magnificent job in replacing the big ends, reboring the cylinders and fitting blueprinted pistons; applying the gaskets seamlessly and with every nut tightened to 0.05% 0f specification. We were especially impressed by the fact that he performed all the above tasks up the exhaust pipe!”
Spot on Mr Fiddler,too many snowflake cunts scared of getting dirty hands.
I’m sure that the National Union of Students should have an A in front of their abbreviated name.
“Cunt” is too nice a word to describe this hideousity.
Amalgamated Nation Union of Students. On the other hand, no alteration needed for the Teechuzz Union, the NUT and their appropriately named HQ, NUT House as was in Holborn.
It’s amazing that this dozy tart has managed to get to her 31st birthday before realising that she has been done up the arse by the political class. That puts her at least ten years behind every other cunt.
What the fuck was she studying?…….her own sloppy cunt in the mirror I reckon.
Another waste of oxygen, like the climate protesters.
And the CO2 the fuckers (extinction rebellion, stupid name) are breathing out, cunts should do the decent thing and die.
These cunts should be sued for causing stress and back injuries to the cops who are having to carry them away.
The water cannon would have sorted this lot out in minutes.
Self entitlement usually means unemployed / unemployable. Also the cunts who shut down London with their green protest ( wtf), how will they account for their hissy fit in their job search?
At 31 this imbecile has discovered that politicians lie? I read the ES piece “ with her voice breaking” “ heartbroken “ that catweazel has told a few porkies!
Imagine how she’s going react when she discovers Santa claus and the tooth fairy don’t really exist?
Did corbyn actually promise all of those things ?
The sheeple that blindly follow the blithering idiot probably believe in them…..
You missed out the Venezuelan Magic Money Tree where everything is free; free poverty, plenty of free time as jobs disappear, free reducing diets when inflation puts food out of reach and no energy bills when the lights go out. And the cunts STILL think Socialism can be made to work despite a century of contrary existence predicated on a pile of 120 million bodies.
Dammit Sheikh, you beat me to it!
Ain’t I the Imam of all cunts….
Yeh I noticed that too….
daft cow
It’s probably her IQ ?
Fucking pretentious twat ……
You’re disappointed with Jeremy Corbyn?
Just wait till he and his shower of cunts are “running” the country, dear.
Disappointment may be one of the milder sensations you experience, especially if you try protesting against him…
What a pig……
shakira? I remember that colombian singer cunt shakira like a decade ago she was a annoying cunt never cared for her singing despite being a nice piece of latina ass So this shakira martin is a black transbender or is she female? i can’t tell
Off road for a moment…
Anyone notice this recent example of cuntishness from down under? Apparently The Melbourne International Comedy Festival has announced its ‘Barry Award for best show’ is to be be renamed, cos Barry Humphries is “transphobic”… ?
Is that a “phobia” against being transported to Australia, rapidly turning into another Islam fellating, leftist colony of cuntitude.
Even the Australians, where men are men, all the women are called Shelia, and no fucking poofters!
Of course she’s a remainer, what do you expect of a lefty cunt who STILL hasn’t grown up.
But here’s the punchline, she’s a BLACK lefty remainer, of the ilk that bleats and bitches about “white colonialism” and the slave trade while never condemning who actually rounded up those slaves; the rival tribes and Arab slavers.
But here’s the best bit from this fucking hypocritical cunt, she bitches about “white colonialism” yet is seemingly ecstatic at the thought of Britain being a province and offshore colony of Brussels with our own Parliament reduced to toothless parish council status.
What a racist, hypocritical, lying-for-public-consumption CUNT.
We should never have given them shoes. Big mistake.
Even better photoshopping here.
Removed the missionaries leg AND the blood spatter.