I want to cunt camp and butch behaviour.
First off, I have no interest in people’s sexual preferences, any normal person should have far more important things to be occupying their mind.
But what really fucks me off is this ridiculous fake persona that many adopt, in the case of gay men its campness and gay women it’s being butch as fuck. I don’t see this as having anything to do with finding someone of the same sex physically attractive, it’s just a excuse for attention seeking dickheads to indulge their self obsession and draw as much attention to their deviation from the norm.
Why can’t a gay guy just act normal…..instead of all this repulsive mincing around, squealing like bitches and general excessive flamboyance? Why does that have to go hand in hand with homosexuality? Same goes for the typical dyke….fat, short hair, dressed like a bloke. What the fuck? You like women, fair dos. But why the hell does your femininity have to disappear along with it?
I know two gay people, one is a taxi driver, one a ground worker. Both are as normal as you could ever wish to meet, both simply reply when asked, that they enjoy fucking men. Other than that, you’d never have a fucking scooby that they were gay. Both are bloody sound lads to boot, and neither has this sad need to camp it up like most of their ilk.
In the case of both sexes, it’s completely warped and unnecessary behaviour…..fuck all to do with being a fudge packer or rug muncher.
The sooner the LGBTQ community eradicates this retarded behaviour, the less issues they’ll have to face. Although I kinda think they like the attention really.
So fuck off you tarts!
Nominated by The Ghost of Glauber Berti
Most gay men seem to have a lisp, it’s like the Masons secret handshake except everyone knows it.
Goodbye for now.
Lisping? That’s not surprising if you have cock crammed into your mouth (see Will Young).
I think Berti has alluded to the reality. Most gays I know are top people and behave perfectly normally (there are exceptions) but it’s the too-many-to count omnipresent TV/ media gays that give the others a bad name.
I blame Larry Gayson off the Generation Game.
They culturally appropriated it off real lispbos. Cunts.
Lads, I am a gay and otherwise totally normal. You wouldn’t know unless my knob was out in front of you, or maybe just IN you.. Most gays do NOT lisp or mince. You don’t notice THEM. They’re like every other cunt. People only see the gay ones that DO mince n camp n lisp. (parallel but opposite characteristics in lesbos). Being a puff is NOT a choice. Being camp or lisping is NOT a choice.
Nowt wrong wi bit of mincing an lisping! Solves any ambiguity! I like gay blokes to be of the “hello ducky!” dick emery/ Larry Grayson school. Know where you stand, its entertaining! Also think they should go back to wearing feather boas and handbags. Bit of fun, no half measures if i was a. Bandit!! Sequined catsuit, ziggy stardust makeup the lot.
I think it’s an advertisment that the tradesman’s entrance is open to any and all who wish to enter…….
I know B—–t is frowned down upon here, in some quarters, after yesterday’s outbursts of emotion, but I suggest the reason it has been rejected in Parliament is because there are far too many poofs in Westminsters. They have a fear of it, and it seems like a gay plot to thwart it when you have nancies like Nick Boles and Crispin Blunt conspiring with Ben Bradshaw and Lloyd Russell-Moyle to prevent it. That is only among the self confessed ones – look at the campery of the Fabricant’s and Dame Kier’s . There are a lot of beards at Westminster but they all look like raddled old queens. We shouldn’t forget the rug-munchers either but the *ladies* (?) seem a bit more circumspect in coming out. Perhaps they should all shut the fuck up and go in again.
If I run TV limp wristed cunts like Alan Carr, Graham Norton and a few “daytime personalities” would never be allowed to camp it up on TV again.
I don’t get butch lesbians. If women are attracted to someone who looks like a man, has a man’s haircut, wears mens clothing, and fucks them with a strap-on that looks and feels like a man’s cock, why not just be with a man?
I’m a lesbian in a man’s body. Don’t tell the wife.
I’m a rhubarb tart in water-crust pastry today.
No mincemeat…
I have my own sexual agenda, but there is a LOT to be said for discretion and behind closed doors.
The Maybot, it seems, has a husband, but I have no wish to see them fucking on College Green.
Once upon a time, we could laugh with Jules & Sand, but now it’s just ridiculously theatrical.
Actually real life has become Julian & Sandy – and all the other old grotesques – John McDonnell is J. Peasemold Gruntfuttock, Anna Soubry and Chuka are Dame Daphne Whitethigh and ageing juvenille Binkie Huckaback.
I vaguely recall reading that Inman himself came to somewhat regret becoming typecast as Mr Humphrys, the archetypal mincer.
Although he was in reality an uphill gardener himself, post-“Are You Being Served” he found that his public absolutely required him to camp it up. He came in for some flak in this new era of an acceptance of shirt-lifting: some Peter Tatchell type claiming he was doing the MGBGTV8 a great disservice, iirc.
Inman rebutted this criticism, pointing out that his Mr Humphrys act was really rather restrained, compared to many bona fide limp-wristed shit shovellers of his acquaintance (I paraphrase).
Paradoxically, the Mincer-in-Chief himself would probably applaud this nom, as do I.
‘somewhat regret becoming typecast as Mr Humphrys, the archetypal mincer.’
‘I’m Trapped!’
Afternoon Mr P, and yes – I think he did feel a bit trapped by Mr Humphrys. Not an endearing mental image… too much aftershave for my tastes.
I can’t remember where I read it, but it was a while ago. A quick Google search, for the aficionados of John Inman would doubtless reveal the detail.
As an adolescent, I always thought it was a most propitious name, in view of his self-evident proclivities towards brown-hattery.
Hello Honky Tonks… (that’s waycist! -Ed.)
Good stuff RTCP
Particularly liked the last sketch
“ shall I bring this old poof upstairs?” ?
Wonder what guardian wankstain Owen jones would make of that?
“ it trivialises gay people in LGBTBBCC4C5 community, this is exactly the sort of
Blah blah blah “
Sultan Bolkiah of Brunei has the right idea.I am collecting fist sized rocks that I can hurl at convicted mincers and clit lickers for when Sharia law becomes universal in the UK. Next year.
Funny how many of the mincing slebs seem to turn up their toes when they catch a bit of a sniffle. i.e. Larry Grayson, Dale Winton, John Inman, George Michael, Kenneth Williams, Stephen Gately, etc.
“Life is a stage, dahhrrlink, and one must face one’s final curtain”. I too struggle to make the connection between uphill gardening and this mincing fragility.
Great cunting and I hate the fucking LGBTQ abbreviation, like there is some legitamacy to a particular group of people, its bollocks.
I can’t see the link between Transexuals and gay or lesbian people and what the fuck is Q
Fucking mincing and taking like a twat just makes people think that Gays are fucking cunts…. just act normal, its not hard.
Fucking rainbow shit, Gay pride march, what a bunch of twats.
Fuck Off!
Had a guy move into my digs a year or two back, young, urban, Trump-hater, dyed-blonde hair, wore HIS sexuality very much on his sleeve.
Before he knew the first thing about me, he went off on one…
“Ooh, my dear, you simply do NOT want to live with lesbians”…
So maybe I have something in common after all.
But, given half a chance, I’d be up Mhairi Black like a rat up the proverbial.
I think it’s a form of advertising, letting others know that they’re a bender as opposed to a shirt-lifter. Like in the film ‘Cruising’ where they have handkerchiefs hanging out of different pockets to show whether they suck cock or want to be pissed on.
As for these bull dykes, they go out of their way to look repulsive. One woman who looked like that once showed an interest in me. I’d have sworn she was a lesbian. And no I didn’t.
Maybe mincing made it easier to identify each other back in the day? No excuse these days, it’s almost a matter of public shame to be straight now. If people want to mince about let em. Unlikely I will be in close proximity to any mincers, I’m pretty hacked off with a world where people are happy to define themselves by their sexual preferences.
Worse than mincers are trannies that get Defcon 1 offended because some poor fuck calls them Sir. Biology and the meat and two veg in your outsize panties define you as a man more than the whim you woke up with.
Drag queens, Trannies and Mincing limp lettuces can all get to feck.
I have to say, I sincerely believe this is just who they actually are, not an act….at least not with most of them.
With gay men, it seems to be all or nothing and not much in between. I have had quite a few gay friends (in nursing it is a given) and they have either been ragingly camp or no hint of camp whatsoever. My next door neighbour when I was in halls of residence at Uni was a lovely, quiet, very gentle soul, but also very gay indeed and no bugger would know it…..on the other hand, my best friend at college was as camp as fuck with his mincing and love of ‘girl talk’.
I do agree though that some poofs REALLY camp it up and do so on purpose. They love the show, the attention and the drama of it and it gets old very quickly when you are around it. Times like that they need a fucking bitch slap to calm them the fuck down.
My cousin is a lesbian and very butch, but again, this is just who she is, no act going on. I love her to bits, but admittedly find it all abit strange…. but maybe that is because I am shit boring and very hetero.
We’ve had a gay couple living next door since moving in 17 years ago. Couldn’t hope for better neighbours. Nothing camp, no mincing, if you passed them in the street you wouldn’t have a clue as to their sexual orientation.
Damn sure they revile the attention seeking, narcissistic, trans/LBQTWTF bollocks as much as most Cunters posting here do.
Well, almost as much…
Last week on BBC South East local news they were offering financial assistance for voluntary groups (the viewers had to vote on them), one group in Hastings was a group of drag queens who want to mount their own *Pride* day. All done up with ruby lips and rouge eye shadow and lipstick Jess Phillips to the life) one of the old queens had the cheek to say that they were “marginalised”. I am sure he believed it, but he should have tried prancing about like that in Hastings 30 years ago. I am glad for them that they are not physically attacked these days, but they are another group who seem to crave victimhood.
Lol Nurse I was going to post just about word for word what you’ve just said, so I just say ‘seconded’ instead. Thanks for saving me the trouble!
The number of high profile poofters on prime time TV slots is a sure sign of how normalised and accepted The Gayness has become.
It’s progress. We stopped burning heretics in 1612 and the last witch executed in Britain was in 1727; some 250 years later we stopped persecuting the ‘players of the pink trombone’. (Less than 60 years ago we were still jailing gay men and/or ordering them to be chemically castrated.)
Nowadays, you can slag off as many Gods as you like (careful, some seem a little more tetchy than others), cast as many spells as you can find ingredients for, and bum your chums to your hearts’ desire.
I am not ashamed to say that even I allow myself the occasional chuckle at the witty repartee of Graham Norton or Stephen Fry, both of whom make absolutely no secret of their Hornblowery.
But that annoying cunt Alan Carr?? Surely the talentless, simpering, sycophantic, ugly little cunt is only on telly because he is a poofter?
Progress may not always be a good thing, methinks.
there is is some validity to that, Had a gay couple living upstairs once, the girly one was a bit promiscuous and got caught, well they split up.
After that the blokey one became quite camp in his accent.
I am waiting for the very public and bitchy shitstorm about Tom Daley and ‘The Wife’ that will ensue when one of them plays away… As sure as eggs is eggs and shit is shat….
Would seem to me that in the UK men are gradually turning into wonen, and women (with their tattoos and drinking pints) into men.
Or even something in between, or neither or even alternating on a daily basis.
At 60 cannot fucking understand it.
I reckon it is the tap water to blame; full of oestrogen from the female contraceptive. We are now a massively overpopulated island and the water companies can’t treat and deliver the water quickly enough.
If you draw a line at 1967 (when Gayness became legal) representing the Gaylord population to present day and put another line on representing the overall UK population, I bet a pound to a pinch of shit that the Gaylord population line would take a much steeper curve.
My next door neighbour is convinced that the Russians are putting something in our water.
Would explain a lot.
They’ve definitely spiked the bottled water, which all the snowflakes and libtard related cunts drink.
Was going to annoy some cunters (fuck them) with a comment on Mavis’s humiliation at the hands of Frau Merkel today, but I notice Dioclese has got in first on his site. Worth a look.
NB No money has changed hands. Yet.
At first I thought the nom was about a Chinese Hindu….
I have no views on this. I am not offended by any LGBT or heterosexual person. Live & let live. If you behave like a cunt, then expect to be called a cunt, no matter your race, creed, religion or sexual preference.
The only thing that raises my eyebrows, is when you are in the local asda, and the checkout operator is a pre-op (I don’t know) TS ; 6ft 2″, 180kg, wearing a blouse skirt and blonde wig; more arm and chest hair than KingKong, bright red lipstick, blusher, massive adams apple, deep voice speaking daintility and a 5 o’clock shadow.
Probably my age, but I find it strange. It takes all sorts….
When your having a three some, it’s not Gay when she tells you to, is it?
Sorry but without camp mincing, we would not have the great British institution of the Carry On films.