Jussie Smollet

A mega cunting for Jussie Smollett.
I presume like many of you on IsAC I had absolutely no idea who this cunt was; well he’s a Trump hating black gay actor from tv show Empire apparently?
A few weeks ago he reported that he was attacked in the street by homophobic/ racist Trump supporters who sprayed bleach into his face and tied a rope ( noose) around his neck leaving him in a proper two and eight ( state) , since then he’s been lapping up the limelight with the usual # crowd crawling all over the story and voicing their support whilst obviously having a pop at Tango Don saying his divisive policies have bred hatred blah blah blah!!
Latest news reports coming out of the States indicate that it’s FAKE NEWS!!
Allegedly he paid some extras from his show to play the Trump supporters and stage managed the whole thing?
What a titanic liberal snowflake cunt!!!
As if there’s not enough racism and homophobia going around this attention seeking sack of excrement decides to invent some!!
According to reports this was done not only to harm Trump but because this 24 carat cunt thought he was being written out of the show and the media frenzy would secure him additional show time.
If true let’s hope this cunt gets some jail time…..

Nominated by Quislings



Jussie Smollet could be in contention for foreign cunt of the year. The story so far…

Chicago Police have charged Jussie Smollett, an ‘African American’ (black) actor, of stagging a hoax hate crime and has been accused of filing a fake police report claiming he was the victim of a homophobic and racist assault. He has appeared in court and the Judge said the “most vile” part of the incident was the use of a noose. Police say he staged the attack because he was “dissatisfied with his salary”.

I am sure his lawyers will come up with some bullshit to try and get him off but it appears the two guys he paid to stage the attack are, as they say, “singing like canaries”

What a Cunt!

Nominated by sick of it

45 thoughts on “Jussie Smollet

  1. Bullshit by his lawyers not needed. As you all probably know by now the charges against him were inexplicably dropped, much to the anger of the Mayor and Chief of Police of Chicago. A more blatant case of Libtard political corruption you can’t imagine. Being black, gay and blaming it all on the Tangoman saved his scrawny neck. This cunt was looking at a very long stretch, not for his made up story but for sending himself “white powder” (crushed aspirin) through the post. That’s a felony offence and the US Postal Service take that sort of shit very seriously.
    Instead of growing old in prison he gives up $10,000 of his bail and has been told to pay $130,000 to cover police costs. It cost OJ and Wacko Jacko a shitload more than that but they had to actually stand trial.
    By the way, if his parents actually gave him that name they can’t be surprised that he turned out to be a limp wristed attention seeking poof.

    • Charges mysteriously dropped after Michelle Obamas former Chief of Staff put pressure on the Attorney General. Republican, Democrat, all backscratching cunts who think they are above the law.

      • Yes Michelle “Arnold Drummond” Obama put her oar in and the prosecuting DA recused herself on grounds that – well – she was black.

        Smollett gets off with some community service (which won’t be done in Harlem or Compton I’m betting) and doesn’t actually have a criminal offence on his record for this.

        Now has the negative of this picture been true…

        Just saying.

      • Do you think it’s all over?
        With foxx flip flopping and tango man wanting the fbi and doj to investigate?
        I reckon it’s going to rumble on and on

      • It seems if you are in public life, if you are a pansy you can get away with anything and if you are a person of colour anything goes even more.

  2. It’s really weird as state attorney for cook county Kim fox has issued a statement basically saying given the opportunity with the evidence they had she believes her office could have proven his guilt? Ffs!!
    El Don has waded in and said he wants the FBI and DOJ to investigate!
    If proven guilty I seriously hope this snowflake turd gets some bird, there’s enough hatred and racism around without some Virtue signaling Z list actor making it up to further his own career!!

    • It was Attorney Kim Foxx (correct spelling) who dropped the 16 felony counts and it is against her and her office that the Chicago police are protesting.
      Kim Foxx is female. Overweight. Black. Elected to office on promise of transparency. No further comment necessary.

      • Except to say that Smollett has a pussy name and a face that I would be compelled to slap very hard indeed if ever I met him.

      • That’s not what she’s saying now!! Saw her on CNN and she has recused herself…..

      • They were intentionally trying to blacklist trump supporters with this bullshit hoax. And kamala harris friend of smollet and foxx surprise surprise.

        Already had a hate speech legislation written up to bolster his recent claims Jussie intentionally hoaxed himself to make trump supporters look bad him foxx should be behind bars for inciting racial hatred and obstructing justice

  3. This half baked son of a cotton picker is a complete cunt. Used his poof and negroid card.


  4. Yes it’s all rather pathetic.

    A few politically-minded web-based journalists (don’t mock, they’re the future) and bloggers have been investigating this narcissistic gimp, and it’s getting quite common to see those of protected minoeity groups with an allergy to orange men creating fake hate crimes to get attention as well as feeding the media’s obsession with both the orange fellow and white followers.

    • It mirrors the MAGA hat wearing schoolboy who committed the heinous ‘hate crime’ of staring down an old Indian man banging a drum and provocatively shouting in his face. Totally biased and selective reporting by CNN and Washington Post whom he is currently suing for $250m.

      • PS. It might come to pass that old Chief Snowflake Squatting Bollocks once valeted Michelle Obamas car and needs a favour.

      • Old chief snowflake squatting bollocks ?
        LOL …..
        if you got spivey to investigate him I’m sure he would turn out to be an English actor from Bradford called Dave….

        Morning LL

  5. OP….
    another day another “ emergency ‘ cabinet meeting …
    Has a PM ever held less authority over their cabinet?
    Hammond has already piped up again that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to “go back to the people’
    These spineless cunts just want rid of the political “ hot potato “ that is Brexit!
    Will Mavis crumble?
    There’s talk of her exhuming her deal and going for MV4? ?

  6. Begum bitch now playing the “I was brainwashed” card.

    Yeah right. Next card please.

      • Morning chaps, its ok for her to be brainwashed as a vulnerable schoolgirl but everyone from Sir Nigel and Nick Ferrari to the Daily Mail has to cop it for actions of the nutter responsible for the Christchurch massacre.

    • Next card, convert to christianity……

      If that fails, move to NZ. Jacinda will take her, sorry Saint Jacinda.

  7. Quite like DT but have totally given up following the US political events and the cunts trying every trick in the book to thwart the democratic process.

    Ashamed to say almost feeling the same way about the UK as fuck all I can do to changes anything.

  8. I’d never heard of this twat until I watched his teary interview and thought he he was great comedy actor. Let this powder-puff prick do gaol time.

    Big Don winning a second term will be a piece of cake.

    • Can you imagine the bleating from the Democrats if EL don wins a second term? We could well be talking Chinese collusion! ?
      I would love to see Elizabeth ( Pocahontas) Warren running against him, it would be TV gold …….

      • Morning Earl Q.

        At the moment he must be a certainty to win it. Nobody will want to go against him as they’ll be squashes.

        That Latino dancing girl will wait until 2024.

      • No, not at all. She’s a Remainiac through and through. If I met her being a Hunchback would be the worst of her problems although I might be disarmed by the stench of piss emanating from her.

      • “Big Don winning a second term will be a piece of cake”

        Don’t be so sure Quislings, alot of trump supporters have had it with Trump . He has folded on his populist crowd an campaign promises and is going full globalist for his donors and big businesses

        He turned his back on his most vocal political hosts and commenters who contributed immensely to his campaign an presidential run Ann Coulter, Lou Dobbs, Tucker Carlson and Pat Buchanan among others

  9. An attack in an ally which lasted around 60 seconds. during the attack he was apparently able to be on the phone and keep hold of his subway and “fight the motherfuckers”. He was unable to tell the difference between two white guys and two black fellas he went gym with. Top it off he is also under investigation for sending himself a threatening letter.

    What’s the point of being honest and upright when a low life cunt like this can get away with multiple crimes, incite race hate and walk away with some in the media saying we must not jump to conclusions about Smollett?

    His career should be over the cunt

    • Don’t jump to conclusions ?
      That’s gobbledygook for looking the other way and ignoring the obvious….

  10. I don’t believe for a minute that this was an attempt to stir up racial tensions or secure a pay rise. It was a Gay sexscapade that got out of hand.

    Smollet obviously shared most Gays’ fantasy of being bitch-slapped,abused and done up the exhaust-pipe by two Mandingo types. He arranged it all with the intention of sating his abhorent sexual compulsions. However,when his high-heels were snapped and his pantomime Dame dress ruined in the struggle… “Ooohh, chase me Duckie. I won’t run too fast”,he took a typical Gay hissy fit and decided to milk the event (seeing as he couldn’t “milk” anything else).
    This is why charges were dropped….The Gay Mafia who protect their own stepped in and twisted his story. I fully expect a rash of copy-cat incidents in this country. The Gays now have carte-blanche to act out their sordid fantasies while blaming the average John Bull heterosexual for their “ordeal”. I,for one, will be very wary of approaching anyone dressed as an elderly,overweight,unshaven Miss Marple for fear that it is a Gay in disguise who will accuse me of molesting him while dressed,and “blacked-up” to resemble Frank Bruno.

    Beware Cunters…the elderly Old Dear in your local charity-shop, the Granny slightly wafting of piss, the ancient auld trout holding up the queue in the Post Office?….All could potentially be Gays hoping that you’ll participate in their fantasy and then be carted off as a culture-appropriating, homosexual predator.

    Fuck Off.

      • Nothing to do with the fact that two weeks ago Bowles was deselected by his local party for his part in betraying Brexit?


        Thought not…

      • It was ‘far-right ™’ infiltrators in his constituency association wot done it. He said. A ward chairman put it like this before the vote – “The referendum was democracy at its purest, a direct answer from the people. Nick is using his privileged position as our MP, elected in good faith, to actively subvert it.”

        George Freeman (Mid Norfolk: Leave 61%) might be another one to watch. Voted for the customs union option in the last round of unindicative votes.

    • Pity it wasn’t Change OK

      Then we we would have the perfect description of Chuka Umbongo.

      Haven’t we already got a useless centre middle of the road political party lead by some dithering old fuckwit?

    • They will be in competition with the Lib Dems to see who are the most limp wristed cunts in Parliament.


  11. Nick Bowles-‘I have failed Mr Speaker (voice cracking with emotion) ‘I have failed’. Flounced off. But then-‘Don’t go Nick’ ‘Please don’t go Nick’. For fuck’s sake.

      • Just saw the clip on you tube!!
        “ oh don’t go nick!” Are you fucking kidding me?
        And since when did crying and flouncing away like a man baby deserve a round of applause? Pathetic weak fucker!
        Try honouring the referendum instead of diluting it to remain in all but name you fucking quisling weasel worded cunt……

  12. The Mess Webley, a bottle of Glengrant (we will allow that on expenses* since it’s the last time, and well worth it) and a friend to administer any necessary coup de grace.
    And a loud and offensive cunting to the cunt who said,”Don’t go, Nick”

    *Just add it to the £679 he claimed for Hebrew lessons, so he could talk to his gay Israeli partner.

  13. Earlier this morning,( March 26) Chicago prosecutors dropped all charges against Jessie Smollett; when it was obvious the punk faked the whole thing. Getting the charges dropped had to have been an inside job facilitated by insider Chicago blacks and Michelle Obama. All files have been sealed — meaning nobody can report what transpired — a clear sign of BS. In fact, all the database files pertaining to the case were deleted within minutes. No record of anything exists.

    He forfeited his lousy $10,000 in his bond costs, which is never done if charges are dropped. A tiny drop in the bucket for what Chicago taxpayers shelled out over the investigation. And they claimed he already did (before any of this happened) community service with only 2 days of work critiquing propaganda videos in “Reverend” Jesse Jackson’s Chicago race-baiting White guilt money outfit, Rainbow BS something. Why would that factor in if all the charges were dropped and expunged from his record?

    Smollett even had the nerve to say outside the court that what he said happened was still all true and he would continue fighting for “marginalized people.” What a crock.

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