Judge Evan Ruth

Tolga Binbuga, a Turkish natuonal, was convicted of a string of offences including robbery, burglary, assault and a criminal damage. He was also jailed for a year after pleading guilty to burglary in 2013 after he stole a Mercedes car key along with £3,000 worth of electrical goods from a house in Enfield, north London.

The 29-year-old came to Britain when he was nine and never applied for UK citizenship. Binbuga was also convicted of cautioned for drug possession and shoplifting.

He joined the north London-based Get Money Gang which the Met Police say are the second most dangerous groups in the country.

When the Home Office tried to deport Binbuga his lawyers appealed saying he was a ‘home grown criminal’, according to the Sun.

In 2016 Judge Evan Ruth ruled Binbuga’s gang affiliation proved he had ‘socially and culturally integrated’ into British culture and he was allowed to stay in the UK

Judge Ruth said: ‘It is a sad and unpleasant fact of life that, in various parts of London, gang culture is an accepted and widespread part of life for many young people.

‘In my view, although it is a sad and unpleasant conclusion, the likely association of Binbuga with this north London gang is a good example of his integration into one of the less savoury aspects of UK life.’

That decision was overturned by the Home Office under appeal in 2017 with judges finding Judge Ruth had ‘erred in law’ by stating that gang membership showed a level of socially integration.

Judges ruled there was no compelling reason to prevent Binbuga’s deportation. The ruling stated: ‘Membership of a pro-criminal gang shows a lack of such acceptance [of cultural integration]. It demonstrates disdain for the rule of law.’

Binbuga then appealed again, running up at least £50,000 in legal fees, before being rejected last week, the Sun reports.

It is not known if Binbuga has been deported yet.

Guess its all part and parcel of living in a big city…

Nominated by Dioclese

45 thoughts on “Judge Evan Ruth

  1. Judge Evan Ruth? A Judge of what? There are criminal gangs all over the fucking world, wherever this cunt landed he would of gravitated towards the underworld low life parasites gangs as it is his nature.

    It’s really not that difficult is it? If I run off to New York and do the odd job for the mafia does that make me a US citizen?

    How the fuck can we expect to deal with lowlifes when the judiciary are infested with cunts like this?

    Judge my fucking arse, she needs to be removed from the bench, preferably by ejector seat.

  2. Evan Roth isn’t fit to JUDGE a diorama competition at a primary school!!
    Fucking idiot…….

    • Afternoon Q, are we sure that the black hole discovered the other day hasn’t sucked us all in and we are living in a distorted space time continuum? A snowflake Twilight Zone of cunts.

  3. If this country of mine has such a detrimental effect on foreigners, I suggest they are all deported.

  4. In fairness, behaving like a thug and being a total cunt does seem to be pretty good proof of integration into British society to me.

    That said, perhaps we can put this fucking useless, lefty “judge” on the same plane to Turkey as the piece of shit she kept here.

  5. How can anyone have faith in the Judiciary, looking for an excuse not to deport is fucking insane, what they should be doing is to look for any tiny reason to get shot of cunts like this, and get them out before they have time to appeal.


  6. Agree that Judge Ruth is a complete cunt just like many other judges. Completely out of touch with the realities of life for ordinary people. What really fucks me off though is the fact that Binburglar will be straight back into the UK even if he’s deported. That’s because he is a professional criminal with the knowhow and contacts to stick two fingers up at the Border Force, an under-resourced, ineffective, inefficient and, sadly, corrupt government body that is not fit for purpose. If you disagree with the corrupt comment I believe it true to say that the UK government will no longer grant “right to remain” status by means of a stamp in a passport because of the number of such stamps that have been placed illegally in passports by corrupt Border Force officers operating mainly, but not exclusively, at Heathrow Airport.

  7. Judge Ruth is a geezer by the way……..and yes he looks like the sort of hipster cunt you will find in any west Londonstabistan coffee shop. The cunt also “works” for the UN Refugee Agency, doing fuck knows what, but he likes to give lectures about it and bask in his own virtue signalling self importance.
    He is James O’Shithead with power.

    • Conflict of interests straight away. His politics clearly informed and impaired his ‘judgement’. Not fit for purpose.

  8. Hope to fuck he does the judges daughter or son these cunts don’t mind what . Cunt could be a tranny get fucked judge fuckwit

  9. A lot was made during the B****** debate about Turkey being allowed to join the EU, and the problems which could arise regarding immigration if it were to happen. Looking at my little town, I don’t think it would have made a difference. The main road is like little Turkey, three barbers three kebab shops, and a Turkish restaurant. In a quarter of a mile. It seems they had freedom of movement anyway.

  10. I used to live in Los Angeles and South Central was no place for any white person. The18th Street gang had 35,000 members. Its mind boggling, they even employed fucking accountants. How the hell do you organise 35000 members?

  11. I couldn’t really give a Fuck if the Cunt was “integrated”or not. If there is good reason and excuse to deport the Cunt, why would anyone hesitate? The country has plenty of home-grown scum without bending over backwards to prevent the removal of foreign scum.
    Too many of the liberal elite seem to care more about criminals and foreigners’ rights than they do about law-abiding citizens’ rights.

    Fuck them.

  12. Whilst on the subject of trash being allowed to walk our streets, forgive the slight tangent as I’d like to ask my fellow cunters a question. Yes, it’s football related so those that don’t give a flying fuck (and I sympathise with that view) please change the channel now.

    Chelski ‘fans’ are in hot water for chanting about Mohamed Salah in a pub before a game (not against the murdering scouse filth I might add). The chant was “Salah is a bomber….Salah is a bomber”. There’s been massive outcry about how racist this is. Some Chelski fan called into TALKsport to point out that the chant isn’t racist and the TALKsport presenters had an absolute meltdown.


    I’d be one of the last to defend Chelski fans having witnessed for myself how awfully they behave at White Hart Lane – by making hissing sounds as a reference to gas chambers which murdered so many innocent Jewish folk during the war. That said, I assume the bomber reference is a link to the fact Salah is a Muslim and thus follows Islam. As we know, the radical branch of that school of architecture has a tendency towards violent acts of atrocity. However, being a Muslim doesn’t make you part of a race, just as Islam isn’t a race either. So how can that chant be considered racist? Offensive – yes. Inaccurate – probably. Slanderous – possibly. But racist? By all means be outraged at an off colour chant, but at least be outraged for the right reason. Am I missing something?

    • I take it you were at White Hart Lane as a joke / a dare / someone paid you / it was Aprils fools day / you have a natural graduation towards cuntery / you needed to go for your Duke of Edinburgh bronze status / you took your mentally unstable neighbour as he is a fan / you were doing research for a book “The ten most cuntiest things to do in the world” / you wanted to know what the smelly end of the Seven Sisters Road is really like and whether they have toilets… just saying.

      • No, not at all CnR. I was a season ticket holder at The Lane for several years before I buggered off to Yankland. Saw some cracking games at The Lane from time to time. Saw the likes of Ginola, Klinsmann, Sheringham and Berbatov play at various times. As overcrowded as London is with footie teams, it is nice to follow the only north London club. Cheers – IY.

      • I do admire Spurs fans, must take some zen Jedi master mind power shit to believe they are a big club.

        Must be awesome to see the title settled at the lane, twice by Arsenal in fact.

        Still we mustn’t get tribal now.

      • That would mean something 6DV, if Arse were a local rival. But they’re not.

        Credit where credit is due though. You can’t deny that club’s commitment to the community for building the UK’s biggest library.

    • Sad fact is football attracts more than it’s fair share of cunts, when you get a group of fans even usually non cunts seem to get filled with the spirit of cuntishness.

      Something about football attracts the brain dead wankstains that have nothing else in their lives but supporting their chosen club. By supporting I mean running around chanting mindless shit that turns grown men into giant toddlers. Now it certainly ain’t all fans but a large enough minority that it can seem like most to a casual observer.

      It says something about football when the closets that follow rugby look down on you.

      Love the game but many of the fans are total cunts. It ain’t just Chelsea fans either, every team has its zombie legion of pond scum.

    • Yup,
      Daft as it sounds muslims are now considered by fecaescrook at least as a “race”. How do I know? I got 3 days for referring to a muslim as a “muslim race baiter” in response to his calling out a guy from Africa as being a jungle bu**y. Said muslim got off with it – I got three days ban. More recently I got another ban for having a banter with a Welsh cunt Liverpool fan all in equal bantering measure. I got banned for the reference to Taffy’s having a bit of a thing about sheep. I got a different ban for calling a pikey a dirty thieving Gypsy bastard. He called me a gorger – a useless soft as shit bastard Gorger. Pikey’s retort = no problem, my comment = banned. Have to watch my step – I am fast running out of alias’s.

    • Uneducated pissed up football wankers sing offensive ( to some ) songs in boozer. Been going on for fucking donkeys years, I blame mobile phones, the cunts.

  13. It is time to get Brexit “off the table” so that Britain can focus on other issues, the chancellor has said.
    Philip Hammond told the BBC that getting a deal done soon would release the “bandwidth” needed to take key economic decisions facing the country.

    That’s what we all want you fucking tart, why do you keep extending it,

    Your fault, stop blaming others.


    • Because by off the table he means Mays deal and he knows that’s never getting passed so it’s no Brexit then.

      The longer they delay the less chance we are leaving. If I he told me the time I’d have to check my own watch.

  14. Here we fucking go again……

    Could the defendant please stand……

    Umbongo Bongo Cuntski, you stand accused of the following crimes…..

    Sex with an under age child,
    False Representation,
    Gang membership
    Parking on a Double Yellow Line.

    How do you plead.

    Guilty Your Honour.

    Umbongo Bongo Cuntski, it’s clear to me that you have integrated well into Londonistan and having studied reports from your lawyers I can see that you are studying to become an architect.

    Brought up in difficult circumstances its clear to me you want to become an upstanding member of your community and as such I sentence you to 1 hours community service, however for the crime of parking on a double yellow line you will serve 6 months in prison, suspended for 30 minutes due to my deeply held belief that in treating in this way I’ll score maximum dinner party points at my next North London Elites Dinner party.

    God be with you.

  15. Diane Abbott now says the Julian Assange should face justice in Sweden.

    I would rather keep him and deport her…

    • He’s an Aussie so he can fuck right off. I don’t care where he goes or what happens to the cunt. We’ve spent enough money on this wanker.
      As for Flabbot, send it to Somilia, a thousand Skinnies could live off her carcass for a couple of months. Save them coming here and living off us .

    • Ah and re previous post orf some antiquity, UpSkirting has now been made a criminal offence. Alas we mourn the loss orf one orf the last vestiges orf an Englishman’s freedom. Sic transit gloria.

      • Many an hour capturing three inches of bare ankle with your vintage Kodak field camera in your youth Sir Limply.

      • Are you telling me it was until recently, perfectly legal to take your camera and stick it up the skirt of any passing woman you fancied? Thank fuck our politicians are not reinventing the wheel these days.

  16. Daddy, why were the police removing Santa Claus from the Ecuadorian embassy ?

    • I howled at the faux outrage by his Mother – she was one careless fucking tart who dragged him all over ‘Stralia and even married Assanges dad then moved in with a cult called “The Family” in the land of the kangaroos. You have to read the Wiki page on her. No wonder Julian ended up a cunt – with a cunt like that for a mother it was never going to turn out well.

      Julian Paul Hawkins was born on 3 July 1971 in Townsville, Queensland,[21][22] to Christine Ann Hawkins (b. 1951),[23] a visual artist,[24] and John Shipton, an anti-war activist and builder.[25] The couple separated before their son was born.[25]

      When Julian Hawkins was a year old, his mother married Richard Brett Assange,[26][27][28] an actor, with whom she ran a small theatre company and whom Assange regards as his father (choosing Assange as his surname).[29] The surname Assange is a Westernization of the Chinese name Au Sang, from a Taiwanese man who married a Torres Strait Islander woman on Thursday Island.[30] His mother had a house in Nelly Bay on Magnetic Island, where they lived from time to time until it was destroyed by fire.[31]

      Christine and Brett Assange divorced about 1979. Christine Assange then became involved with Leif Meynell, also known as Leif Hamilton, a member of Australian cult The Family, with whom she had a son before the couple broke up in 1982.[21][32][33] Assange had a nomadic childhood, and had lived in over thirty[34][35] Australian towns and cities by the time he reached his mid-teens, when he settled with his mother and half-brother in Melbourne, Victoria.[26][36]

      He attended many schools, including Goolmangar Primary School in New South Wales (1979–1983)[29] and Townsville State High School,[37] as well as being schooled at home.[27] He studied programming, mathematics, and physics at Central Queensland University (1994)[38] and the University of Melbourne (2003–2006),[26][39] but did not complete a degree.[40]

      While in his teens, Assange married a woman named Teresa, and in 1989 they had a son, Daniel Assange, now a software designer.[26][40][41] The couple separated and initially disputed custody of their child.[27] Assange was Daniel’s primary caregiver for much of his childhood.[42] Assange has other children; in an open letter to then-French President François Hollande, he stated that his youngest child lives in France with his mother. He also said that his family had faced death threats and harassment because of his work, forcing them to change identities and reduce contact with him.[43]

      Cunt with bells on.

  17. Yours Truly offers this photo to any soul with erectile dysfunction (look what you are missing) and the story to any scots cunt unable to spend their lamentable currency. Wipe your wee arse wi’ it.

  18. When I was a kid we used to go to Barking Lido in the Summer ( long since defunct)
    There was a small fence dividing the pool from the spectator/sunbathing area. To get to the pool you had to go through a footbath therefore fully dressed cunts were kept out.
    Me and my mates used to pretend to sunbathe with our heads right up against the fence so we could look ? up birds’ skirts as they walked past. This, despite the fact, that on our side of the fence there were dozens of birds with their tits and arses hanging out all over the place.
    It’s the attraction of the forbidden you see? It’s a funny old thing the human psyche.
    Happy days.

  19. Just wait until 70 million of the cunts have free reign across Europe!

    If nothing else that should sway remoaning cunts!

  20. Some rugby player with a silly name says the gayness will send you to hell. This is his religious belief and he is perfect ly entitled to say this. Oh no he is not,says the triggered snowflakes, et al.

    If he had been a muzzie and not a christian it would have been different.

    He did not say anything wrong.
    The fucking LGBTQIA£+:%£”(85: mafia need to fuck off. They go on about inclusion and diversity
    What about Christians?

    As for the rapist cricketer. Has the look of a traveller about him. He will enjoy prison….

    And Diane Abbott is still a ten ton ignorant cunt.

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