Emergency nomination for Emma Thompson. The luvvie in chief, has flown from LA in order to join the climate protestors (spot the hypocrisy), stating that she would love to get arrested on her 60th birthday. Hope the police oblige her, and she can then be the plaything of a big butch lezza in HMP Holloway.
Nominated by Mystic Maven
That fucking great isn’t it 1000 gallons of aircraft fuel into the atmosphere so this fuckwit can join a climate protest, forgive me but aren’t planes by far the worst poluters in regular use these days, so well done Emma you silly old cow you have cancelled yourself out, stick to blow jobs at home or something really worthwhile for the first time in your petty self obsessed world, it’s the usually look at me attention seeking like Lilly the musical mong Or Charly Church…..fuck off….
Stupid cow!!
Spends hours going on about climate change with her bummy middle class moaners , saw one of extinction spokesman saying “ it’s simply not acceptable flying to Vegas for a hen party’s “ ? “ the days of frivolous flying need to finish “ TELL Emma Thompson that!! Before she jets back to LA …….
Although the UK can do more fuck off and protest in the countries causing mass pollution such as America, China, India , Russia , Japan etc you cunts!! instead of penalising Brits just trying to go about their daily business……
And as a tax payer!! Thanks for the enormous police bill you selfish cunts…
Hen party ……………
I have always despised this sickening luvvie cunt…. And let’s not even start about her and Uncle Harvey, eh?…. One of his blind eye mates like Devil Streep….
Also, this cunt Thompson spends more on fucking diamonds and jewelry each year than most families do on their food, rent, council tax, gas, electric and water combined…. If this was 1800s France that cunt ‘Emmah Dahling’ would be a prime candidate for the guillotine… The fucking cunt…
Per capita the UK must be a world leader in Virtue signaling celebs!!
We stuffed top to bottom with them,
sure America’s got more but with a population of around 360 million that’s understandable…
IF this exstinction rebellion gains traction I’m sure we can expect the usual suspects to start voicing their support, lily the musicial mong , cumbersnatch and old jug ears etc etc
Are ready and just waiting to see public opinion before jumping on the bandwagon of worthiness ………
Yeah another rich fucking cunt telling the plebs what to do while gaining publicity for herself and virtue signalling points among her right on luvvie friends. They wouldn’t arrest a Dame and even if they did it’s not as if she has to take out a pay day loan to pay the fine.
What kind of actress is she anyway? I’ve only ever seen her play the part of a posh rich bitch which is exactly what she is,
Fucking cocksucking whore.
Nothing wrong in flying halfway across the world to promote climate change…….in fact, the more planes, the better our summers will become. British wine producers will grow even further in stature. After all, our climate is now close to that of the French wine growing regions of the 14th/15th century. Looking forward to more chilled white Chilton or a full red Sussex in my time.
Do I give a fuck what Emma says. Jet plane 5000 miles to virtue signal to a bunch of cunts who believe we should fly once every two years maximum and they didn’t give her shit for it, that’s solid gold hypocrisy that is.
As for extinction rebellion, them cunts would have us all starving in caves and the climate will still change, that’s what climate does.
Err wouldn’t she be better off ‘protesting’ against climate change in the states as they release far more into the atmosphere than we ever do in blighty.
I’ve yet to see a leftie that isn’t a total hypocrite two faced cunt.
Hypocritical old Hag. How fucking dare she presume to lecture “the common-people” on the dangers of pollution while living a “jet-set” lifestyle? Her “carbon-footprint” will be more than most people could manage in a thousand years.
She is a perfect example of the hectoring,over-cossetted,self-absorbed idiots who believe that they are more morally and socially developed than the “ordinary” people,and so feel that they are entitled and obliged to lecture us as though we were schoolchildren. Where these “Arty-Farty” type get the idea that their opinion is any more relevant than someone who lives an “ordinary” life is a mystery to me. Acting,singing etc. are the most ephemeral of achievements, they are fleeting flights of fancy. Although they can give momentary pleasure,if they never happened,well…so Fuck, the world would continue turning.
Thomson is a self-important Cunt who should keep her views on refugees,pollution and politics to herself. Nobody should take seriously the views of some boot-faced harridan who plays pretend for a living. I hope she crashes next time she’s flying in to lecture us on the wickedness of air travel.
Kick her in the Cunt.
Nearly as fucking stupid as those 17 year olds who turned up at Heathrow sobbing “We don’t want to be the last generation”
Frankly if you’re that fucking stupid let’s hope that your family at least never get to reproduce so your dream will come true. What the fuck is the matter with these people. Do they have shit for brains?
Fucking stupid kids. And they want to give these cunts the vote?!?!?!?…..
Its their naivety Dioclese that gets me. These children were protesting in Brighton last week. If governments gave into these fools the first things that would have to go is their designer clothes and mobile phones that mummy and Daddy provide.
I was wondering who is goading them on and at the front was the Socialist workers party and Momentum.
Yes these kids do have shit for brains but lefties want to give them the vote as they’ll use it on that other shit for brains oh oh oh Jeremy Corbyn.
Silly cunts.
Voting age should be raised to 30, and turning up at the polling both should require photo ID and proof of either payment of income tax or drawing a pension. In other words, if you’re under 30 (because of the high likelihood your head is still full of pie in the sky nonsense), you can’t prove you are who you say you are (*cough* Tower Hamlets *cough*), and you’ve not contributed to the economy, you get FUCK ALL say in how the country is run.
Diane Abbott ‘sorry’ for drinking on train
“A photo of me drinking from a can of M&S mojito on the Overground has been circulated”.
“I’m sincerely sorry for drinking on TFL.”
I’m sincerely sorry for getting caught. Despite the clear evidence against me I will consider any attempts to prosecute me will be racially motivated, and because of this will get off almost scot free, just like Fiona Onasanya did.
Because we all know that it is one rule for certain people, and another for everyone else.
True enough, Willie,but what a nasty,sneaky Society we’ve become where every minor infraction is photoed by some snoop and put on Twitter accompanied by howls of faux-outrage.
Having said that, Abbott really is a thick,nasty bitch.
Cunts in high places, especially lawbreakers running* to be Home Secretary, deserve everything they get.
* More like waddling.
Yea the only thing she’d ever run for is chiggun….
Yea when did society suddenly start thinking that being a grass wasn’t cuntish?
Let’s hope the grassing little tattle tale stooly gets called out.
But you’re right, Abbott is a cunt and shed be the first to condemn others and demand an apology.
“M&S mojito” I’d be sorry too after drinking one of those shitty pre mixed alcopop drinks she must have been desperate for a quick buzz. How long does it take to mix up a proper mojito cunttail? rum, lime juice and sugar water if i’m not mistaken
The UK is officially trying to have NO women in prison AT ALL, so the chances of this law-breaking bint even getting a talking to are about as remote as if she me a malicious fake rape claim.
contrary to how it looks Thompson is not totally stupid, she is well aware of the charges of hypocrisy, she has a defence ready and waiting. She plants a lot trees !!. that gets her of the hook , nothing to see here , move along please.
I DO like trees !!
Excellent for stringing cunts up from…
When I hear the ‘I plant LOTS of trees’ I was reminded of the ‘let them eat cake line*
*As spoken by Marie Antoinette, the Nobel Prize Physicist.
This truly is the most pathetic embarrassing spectacle I think I’ve ever lived through. A Rebellion they call it. Well while the yellow vests are smashing shops, burning cars Emma and friends read poetry and play about in a toy boat. In her dungarees. Yes I think she did Playschool all those years ago. Funny one of the protestors was hugging her teddy bear. The stupid twat at the airport blubbing they should have given him his teddy bear to console him. Maybe Big Ted he was so distraught. Who else is there? Hambel, Little Ted, Humpty, Jemima. Replicas should be placed in their prison bed to so they don’t get too distessed. The way the Police are going they’d fucking do it.
Don’t forget the yoga!
I’m sure their cutting edge tactics will be adopted by paramilitary groups the world over….
If only suqdick hadn’t sold the water cannons, the cunts could do with a wash.
Bought by Johnson for £322,000… sold by Suckdick for £11,000…
What’s a loss of £311,000 when it’s other people’s money?
Emma Thompson has considerable form for this type of leftie fuckwittery. I don’t think her new antics will have made Extinction Rebellion (yeh, cool edgy name, Tarquin) many new friends. The hypocrisy is breathtaking.
The way I see it,
we should be more worried about the extinction of the normal white male, don’t believe all this hype about global warming and the likes, just another way too rob you of your freedom and money,
we are guests on this planet, and when it decides its had enough of us
fucking snowflakes will be first pushed in the drink for me
Emma thompson can fucking go first Ugly CUNT
Interesting recent link
Where’s my link
Link ? https://wattsupwiththat.com/2019/03/30/time-to-straighten-out-damage-from-the-big-lie-of-global-warming-starting-with-voltaires-admonition/
Very interesting article. Thanks for that.
How do I know climate change is bollocks?
Because politicians, and their useful idiots (that’s you Thomson) keep telling me it isn’t.
Have you seen the size of her house?
Must cost a lot of electricity to heat and light a house like that…..
But no, it’s us poor people that are in need of educating. We’re the real problem.
Fucking hypocrite.
Javid has said the ‘full force of the law’ should be brought against them. Certainly the ‘full force’ of the law in the past held people in fear. Not anymore, not so now I believe. So fucking weak we are.
The ‘full force of the law’ being a mild slap on the wrist and “on your way sunshine.”
The temperature being half a degree warmer than yesteryear, will be the least of your problems when the muzzies take over….
Now come on cunters its now time to look through one of the prison windows–is it the round window or the arched window or the square window? Let’s have a look– through the square window and who is that in her dungarees? It’s Emma Thomson boys and girls! and she has Humpty with her and Hambel and Little Ted and ooh look there is Big Ted on top of the cupboard (he was always one for adventure) and Jemima has sneaked under the covers because she’s shy look now there the clock on the wall the big hand is pointing to the twelve that means it is something o’clock and the little hand is pointing to the 5 so that means she has been there all afternoon. Ah here are the police to let her go.
She can go out to play again.
A para gets courts martialed for shooting at a paper target for some banter – career ruined.
Coppers are partying with the very people they are meant to be arresting. Meanwhile:
– say something rude about a labour mp and plod feels your collar. Do a bad taste video of Grenfell – prosecuted
– put a bacon sarnie by a mosque you get sent to prison and “die of natural causes”.
This is all down to liberal politics. Make no mistake – the police approach to law enforcement is absolutely linked to the politics of the day.
Criminals should be absolutely scared shitless of going to prison but they’re not.
But go to Syria, fight for Isis, rape murder and torture your way across the middle East and you can be rest assured that you can stroll back in and be defended as the real victim….
Clown world.
All these climate change cunts on all sides need asking a few questions.
Where do your clothes come from?
Where does the food you eat come from?
Cos all this stuff comes in fucking big boats polluting the planet.
Oh and one more question. Has the next ice age been postponed for a few hundred years because of man made pollution actually stopping a catastrophic climate event?
Many of these fuckin’ weirdos belong to other groups. A fair few of these will be naturists who see no need for clothes ( like those nutters who invaded Parliament a short time back). It is only “textiles” like us who need clothes because we’re ‘prudes’. Now you can aim many things at ISAC’s but calling them prudes couldn’t be further from the truth. I was told on one forum by one of these wankers that “animals don’t wear clothes, why should we?” To which I answered “ have you ever seen a gorilla trying to fasten his trousers? It’s fuckin’ hilarious as his fingers keep getting caught in the zip.”
I wonder if Lammy can do his trousers up considering all the jaffa cakes he eats…..the fat cunt.
I would like to see these lazy useless bastards causing the same chaos in Moscow or Warsaw. Heads would of been cracked open within the first hour. Thats why these cunts do it here , the most that will happen to them is to be carried away only to return later. What the fuck has this dear old green land become ?
Absolutely, FF. Where is police brutality when you need it ? Take the beardy prick who stuck himself to a tube train. If I was Rozzer-in-Charge, the cunt would have been thrown into the back of a van, given a good hiding, had his facial hair chopped off and stuffed into his mouth and his lips super-glued together. Now fuck off home, there’s a good boy…
Hurry up and die you hypocritical rich cunt!
die die die die, and fuck off while you’re about it!
Blah blah, typical champagne socialist. I planted a tree to fly here. What a load of shit. Now, if she said ‘I killed ten babies’ it might have had more of a claim to offsetting her twat/carbon footprint, as overpopulation is the reason the world is turning to shit. Cunts who have three wives, and about eight kids per wife, that kind of battery farming consumers. Tell those cunts to go and blow their load into an old sock, instead of filling an entire street, ya uppity fuck. A good swift kick to her long past it ten bob slot won’t solve anything, but it would provide a laugh or two.
You nailed it Gutstick,
Overpopulation is the problem but no fucker will talk about what is glaringly obvious.
Environmental problems are just a symptom of overpopulation.
And over consumption… encouraging cunts to max out their credit cards on crap that nobody wants. The principle applies ^10 with twats like Thompson.
Evening Fenton.
I used to think she was tasty in a bluestocking, bit of posh sort of way, but she’s turned into a fuckwitted twat.
She’s gotten to that certain age, the Anna Soubry age, where women become obnoxious post menopausal lunatics. Having turned 50, I am ever mindful that I will not become an insane old bag.
The one of her as Dot Cotton is… bangin’ !
The biggest female cunt this side of the Atlantic, probably. Still not forgiven this cunt for describing the UK as a miserable, cake obsessed island. Not as miserable as you, you fucked up, old hag. Taking a plane, first class no doubt, to demonstrate with a bunch of smelly hippies. What a deluded old slapper.
Hypocritical old slag She needs locking up the stupid old bag Fuck off back to LA and sort their climate out instead of joining a bunch of dole cheats & scroungers.
I’d love to see her thrown into a septic tank of vegan shit, with no armbands (made of plastic, see), and I’d gleefully count down to three. I’ve never rated her as an actress either, apart from, very begrudgingly, Remains Of The Day. But that was such an immaculately made film that even her presence couldn’t turdify it.