What the fuck is going on with with these stupid bastards? A load of thick unwashed and attention seeking academics are disrupting the capital by putting boats in Oxford Circus and supergluing themselves to windows and trains while that stupid old sod Prattemborough bangs on about the death of the planet.
So what’s the answer? Well here’s the punch line – they don’t have one. Never mind. Protesting will solve everything.
Here’s my answer. Leave the stupid bastards superglued to whatever they attach themselves to until they starve and wallow in their own shit. Glued yourself to a train? Hold on tight because its leaving on time. Parked a boat in Oxford Street? Bulldoze the fucker and anyone who gets in the way.
And while we’re at it, starve the bastards of the oxygen of publicity by ignoring them on the media. Some silly bitch appeared on Good Morning Britain yesterday and Madeley asked what was the point of it all. She replied “It got me on TV” which pretty much sums it all up.
She actually said that she expected the human race to be extinct within her childrens’ lifetime. And this cunt is a lecturer teaching our children!?! Well, let’s hope the silly cow leads the way and going extinct first.
There’s some really stupid people out there. Why the fuck do we pander to them?
Fuck ’em all and the horse they rode in on..
Nominated by Dioclese
Extinction Rebellion are in desperate need of nomination. A bunch of middle class, private school, university ‘educated’ jobless fucktards, who think they have a divine right to tell us plebs that we need to stop using planes, cars, trucks, vans, trains, motorbikes, etc, and start using more eco friendly modes of transport. Presumably they mean walk, ride donkeys, horses, camels, Great Danes, pedal bikes.
For the past three days, these ignorant, arrogant posh fuckers have brought chaos to London…sorry…MORE chaos to London, by staging protests and causing a massive nuisance to road users, commuters and businesses. Not to mention the cost to the taxpayer for policing and the inevitable clean up of rubbish that these ‘eco’ warriors will inevitably leave behind them. When I joined the protest of military veterans in London, in support of Sgt Alexander Blackman (Marine A), we did so peacefully, respectfully and tidily. Plod had little to do that day, because unlike on protests such as their suffering now, they didn’t have to make any arrests, or put up with any abuse. Many of them are military veterans themselves, so they knew the score. And I dare Westminster council was quite pleased, because they didn’t have to pay for any clean up. Unlike these fuckers though.
This morning (Wednesday 17th April) Adam Boulton had one of the leaders of this group of trust funders on, and completely destroyed him, to the point that little Tarquin spat his dummy out and stormed off. The only thing that spoiled it, was Boulton referring to the group as right wing. Fucking what? Robin Boardman-Pattison is his name. Real working class name that, isn’t it? RBP reckons that we should all stop taking foreign holidays because, muh airplanes are killing the world. The interweb is not a good place to be if you’re a hypocrite. And Robin Boardman-Pattison is a massive hypocrite. There are loads of photos of this gobby little shite on his jollies. His foreign jollies. Skiing in the alps, visiting Pisa, Rome, other EU countries, and various exotic destinations around the world. And I dare most of his chums have similar photos too. I’m pretty sure they didn’t walk to their foreign holidays, they must have taken bikes. Or horses? Nah. We all know the cunts got their by plane.
I have a theory. I don’t think these dickweeds really want everyone to stop using things like cars and planes. I think they want us plebs to stop using cars and planes, so that THEY can drive and fly wherever they want, without being disturbed by us unwashed peasants. Fuck off Extinction Rebellion. You want my car? Come get it. I’ll show you a great view of it’s underside.
Nominated by Quick Draw McGraw
They can disrupt London all they like for me, even though they are a bunch of professional hand wringers.
Privately-educated leftie hypocrites with too much time on their hands. Why are they being arrested and released? Where is old-fashioned police brutality when you need it? I say out with the truncheon and a fucking good tuning for these cunts…
Fuckin Eco cunts.
Their only aim is for us to be drinking our own piss and wearing jumpers knitted from pubic hair in 10 years time in order to save the planet.
Don’t these cunts realise there are billions of Indians, chinkies and the like polluting and destroying the environment every second of every minute of every hour of every day, and what we do in the UK is like a fart in a wind tunnel in comparison?
Still I drove my 2.o litre diesel to work every day this week. 10mins max just to spew particulates and burn oil into the air in order to counteract all the good they think they were doing.
Piss boiling cunts the greens.
Breaking news – Emma Thompson flies 5,400 miles from L.A to join in London climate change protests! You just couldn’t make it up. She must have a green carbon footprint the size of Shrek.
Polar bears are actually on the increase.
It’s all very well protesting about global warming/climate change/ (whatever the next rebranded phrase will be) but
the population of the World is a far greater threat. 10 billion by 2040.
Fuck know how many polar bears by then, too.
Polar Bears… One of my favourite animals. Wouldn’t be a bad idea to let around 6-7 loose in the House of Parliament in the middle of Prime Ministers question’s having been starved for a week. That would get some progress and focus their minds. The cunts… (Not Polar Bears).
Superb idea, B&W. Then send in some famished British Saddleback pigs to snaffle up the remains.
What did you think of Series 8, episode 1? My future squeeze, Sansa, looked magnificent, didn’t she? I can’t wait to attack her King’s Landing strip.
Haven’t seen it yet CM, I try to wait till a few episodes in then I can have an evening watching it. One episode can be a bit like giving a crackhead a cigarette… I remember watching abaaaaaht 15 episodes in a day…
Afternoon Captain. I’m still on red alert awaiting the 2nd Ice Age, as predicted in the 1970s.
We’ve got a safe space under the stairs, packed to the gills with electric blankets and microwaveable hot water bottles.
2nd Ice Age? Party like it’s 1974, daddio. Don’t you know it’s now called Climate Disruption? Or is it back to Climate Warming?
Psh. Think what this unclean energy is doing to the minkeys.
Afternoon, Ruffers.
I think the ice age will begin when the cunt age ends.
I don’t think the ice sheets actually covered London. The cunt sheet doesn’t seem to be able to get out of it.
I think the M25 should be renamed the cunt circular. Make it a border. You have to be a weapons grade cunt to enter, you cant be to leave.
Might be out of step with my fellow cunters, as i agree something needs to be done as our planets being poisoned, but why not picket the chinese embassy? China is the worse polluter on earth, simple fact is we are massively over populated thats whats causing the issues. But i seeth at being patronised by some twenty something double barrel named posh cunt with dreadlocks! Break out the gatling guns and send in the cavalry, sabres drawn.
Superb cunting.
I’d like to hang around & compare Carbon footprints, but I’m busy dismantling old fridges with a hammer…
It’s hot work, whilst sitting on all my electric blankets with the gas fire on high… which is why I’ve got all the doors & windows open with both air-conditioning units blasting away. ?
I have to feed my 5,000 head of cows later, and inhale some of that glorious methane, before catching a Jumbo Jet to Buenos Aries to get a bottle of wine for my pre-packed ready meal. ?
I need a good nights kip, as I have a full day of tyre burning planned for tomorrow. ?
Don’t forget “Save the Planet” everybody ?
Some stupid munter travelled up from Penzance to demonstrate.
In this touchy-feely age of excessive social meejah, couldn’t she have shown her solidarity with the other unwashed smelly cunts by staying at home, twatting/face-aching and saving energy ??
If things are really that bad here on planet Earth, I’m surprised that most of these fuckers haven’t signed up to the NASA project to explore other habitable planets. I would personally donate a huge wadge to fire all these cunts in to outer space and leave what little time we have left on Earth to ISAC’s and other sane people to enjoy.
Sorry, I’m making the assumption that most ISAC contributors are sane! I think I am but I don’t know about you.
I’m sane. It’s you lot.
they let me in, any way I have a piece of paper from the doctor that says I am safe! bet you don’t
I am a doctor of psychotic enlightenment, should any of you nut-jobs require diagnosing.
Will do mate’s rates!
In days of yore a Rebellious peasant inflamed by injustice would grab anything to hand-pichfork, billhook, hoe and march with his brothers on some symbol of authority….the new Rebel grabs his man bag, superglue.
I’ve heard a lot of stories about peasants and their hoes….I’ll get my coat.
Just cordon the area off (including a no drone fly zone over head) and prevent any cunt from entering or leaving the area.
Give those in the zone the ultimatum of “stay here and starve or leave and get arrested, your call”.
I’d also use signal jammers in the area to block mobile phone signals. The millennial cohorts which make up the majority of their legion would soon disperse.
This lot are a bunch of cunts, going into London to cause disruption, why? because it doesnt effect them!
I bet these cunts would be crying into their vegan smoothies if their little lives were disrupted in their home towns.
All the fucking media trying to justify these cunts, I now feel guilty because its my fault, well thats what I am hearing.
All the CO2 from the industrial revolution, its my fault, forget th fact that CO2 is part of a cycle and the CO2 from 50 years ago has been absorbed and released several times.
One of the arguments is that we are also responsible for the emissions in China, because we buy their goods, so we stop making and buying shit, stop driving cars and flying in planes, stop eating meat and wait to die, but the good news is the earth will be saved.
maybe they should glue themselves to the Chinese embassy?
Or glue themselves to a skateboarding plisman…
Perhaps they should try that in N Korea.
Bloody good idea LB, Chinese are the biggest producers of CO2 in the fucking universe according to most learned persons followed closely by India. Love to see what would happen to these fuckwits if they decided to stage a protest in downtown Shanghai.
Suckdick Kunt has exacerbated the problem by saying he is sympathetic to the demonstrators and won’t allow the police to use force to deal with them. Personally, I’ve never seen so many white people in one place before.
I am having a real problem with suckdick as I have a problem with getting my head around the fact that he is an even bigger cunt than he was last week. This elevation in cuntishness is unheard of in my neck of the woods how is this increase possible? Does suckdick posses some supernatural power an ethnicised cunt generator, the shield of wankmoor or some other powerful artefact. This is very worrying
So when Tarquin Pseudo-Rich is dropped off at the protest, who is looking after the polo ponies?
Why, a minimum wage, immigrant stable boy of course… ?
I fucking used too!
What I find so fuckin annoying is their stone cold certainty that they are right. The planet WILL be destroyed and it’s definately all our fault, no argument allowed. CO2 levels HAVE increased. But from 400 parts per million to 440 ppm. I’ m no scientist but how the fuck is such a minuscule increase going to have devastating consequences.? The 97% figure of scientists agreeing it is manmade is highly suspect too and yep the polar bear population is increasing ,they still use that highly emotional photo of a starving one though. We only have 11 years to survive? Let’s see what these hook line and sinker muppets have to say in 12 years.
It’ll be worth living another 12 years just to see all those snowflake cunts weeping and wailing cos the world didn’t come to an end.
Some woman said she wasn’t going to have kids unless something was done about climate change…She was droning about how nobody’s listening to the scientists. Given that the latter are as prone to politicising as anyone else, it’s no surprise…
And even if it did cool down, I cannot imagine DF or Limpers horse-pronging that woman.
I was collecting for recycled Greyhounds in Guildford last week and there was a bunch of those cunts marching up and down the high street banding tin cans.
we (The middle aged masses) were trying to figure out if they were Hari Krishna or rabid vegans it was all rather confusing.
Fortunately none of them tried gluing themselves to my dog or there would have been trouble!
Do you know Benny, when I first read this, I thought it said you were collecting recycled greyhounds ( perhaps to take up to Dick’s farm for pig feed). Now, I’m no dog lover, but even I thought that it was a bit of a harsh ending for animals that had given so much pleasure to others. It was only when I read up about it that I found out it was a charity. I’ll keep a look out for their Christmas cards this year.
we recycle them from unwanted betting tools too loving family members.
I am not that keen on Humans I prefer animals and rescuing them makes me dislike Humans even more.
There are websites for that sort of thing….allegedly (ahem)…..
Is that the actual word used by the charity I wonder? ‘We have a recycled greyhound for you’ ‘He’s a bit hazy at the moment because he’s only just been recycled’. What about guide dogs? ‘I’m afraid we’ve run out labrador puppies but here’s a recycled adult. He may bump into thing but once he gets his brearings he’ll be just as good as a new one.
I was once congratulated by a client on my work for guide dogs for the blind, he had seen me on a street collection.
however I was collecting for the charity my hound come’s from and he does 43 mph. so perhaps not suitable as a guide dog unless you are Hussain bolt.
I allso wondered about my client’s eye sight.
Yes why are they always labradors? Greyhounds for the blind. Sausage Dogs for the blind. Poodles for the blind. Pitbulls for the blind.
Next time these cunts try this shite I’ll get a box or two of fishguts and scales and get the cunts… It’ll probably improve the non deodorant wearing cunts smell no doubt.
Out of town for the Easter but I’ll be back and if I catch a Tarquin or Farquar I’ll give him ‘friendly’ punch in the belly.
I’ll ave you ya cunts.
Don’t really care abaaaaaht the inconvenience as long as I’m not there. If it’s still going on I’ll be down Kensington and Chelsea town Hall quicker than a Somalian gets to the benefits office. What a selfish cunt.
How about not removing the people Glued to objects? Plod fucks off for the evening and we have a bit of no holds barred fun, from free haircuts, face painting to maybe the odd rape fantasy (Male or female im not fussed) I am sure they would give it up as a bad idea.
(Finally the superglue gives and you stumble home feeling hungry and parched covered in gloss paint, with half a head shave and a very sore arse)
Don’t worry cunters the police have it all under control.
Fucking dirty, hippy, sandal wearing, vegan , remoaner fucking wankers. I heard two of them on the radio yesterday, both with foreign accents. Go and protest in your own shithole country CUNTS!
The answer is, apparently, we can only fly once every two years. Oh yeah…..tell that to Bonio, Goboff, Princess Meghan and all the other stinking rich hypocrite ecowarriors. And we have to stop eating meat. Just fuck off cunts.
Oh, and if Suckdick loves these wankers so much how come he’s always been in favour of the third runway at Heathrow? Fucking lying, parking stanley, peaceful, slimy fucking dicksplash cunt.
Freddie, I admire your restraint when referring to London’s esteemed mayor.
This problem could easily be solved by introducing these cunts to the mass of Stabby McStabbisons who frequent old Londonistan town. Let them thin the herd then plod can move in and nick ’em. Job done.
Whoever came up with the idea of changing the slogan from Global Warming to Climate Change was a bit of a genius. Climate change goes on all the time. Always has. No one can deny that. What these bunch of silly sods and others like them never want to discuss is how come there were periods of global heating and cooling before man showed up on Earth. Could that have had something to do with natural forces like increased solar activity, earthquakes, volcanoes, meteors?
The explosion of Mount St. Helens back in 1980 released way more carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide into the atmosphere than man had since the dawn of the industrial revolution. Maybe we can find the next Mount St Helens and have these deluded twats go protest there. See if mother nature takes any notice. I’m thinking she won’t and we’ll all be just fine.
I’d be interested to see the source of your claim about Mt St Helens, given that human activity causes about 60 times as much CO2 to be emitted than volcanic activity. https://www.climate.gov/news-features/climate-qa/which-emits-more-carbon-dioxide-volcanoes-or-human-activities.
Many of the protesters are undoubtedly cunts, but that doesn’t mean that the human race is fucking up the planet at an astonishing rate. Sadly nothing significant will be achieved in trying to control the situation without accepting that there has to be a reduction in economic activity. As our entire economic system is based on debt, which is effectively made irrelevant by fast enough growth, the solution is likely to be too painful for anyone in power to have the balls to propose.
So the planet’s probably fucked.
….doesn’t mean the human race ISN’T fucking up the planet at an astonishing rate. …
I read this in some report from way back when, but I’m struggling to find it online. Sorry. 🙁
Something else the ‘man is killing the planet’ crowd don’t want to discuss is the presence of other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Namely water vapour. The ratio of water vapour to CO2 makes you realise just how small a % CO2 is in the make up of the atmosphere overall. All the twats who buy a Toyota Prius and think they’re saving the planet are not actually helping. Clarkson shot that down rather brilliantly as can be seen here:
And what does the Prius emit? Yep, water vapour. Oh dear.
I had the opportunity to listen to a talk by an energy industry analyst a little while ago. He had a pop at electric car drivers and described Tesla drivers in particular as “energy ignorant”. Why? Because here in the US, electric car drivers typically charge their eco boxes during the overnight hours when the demand and cost is lower. That’s when the energy companies switch from natural gas energy production to coal based energy production. So saving on the car emissions at the expense of elevated coal fired power station emissions. Oh dear.
What bothers me most is all the doom and gloom predictions these so called experts make which never come to fruition. ISAC doesn’t like loads of links in the same post, so search for “failed environmental predictions” and you’ll see what I mean. The same computer models which tell us we’ll all be under water by the end of the decade due to rising sea levels are the same models which tell us it will be sunny all day tomorrow when it fact it pissed down all day.
Couldn’t agree more that electric cars don’t fix much if the ‘leccy comes from the same old fossil fuels. Most of the cunts who drive them (radiating smugness) seem to think that they can choose to charge their cars solely from wind and solar. Utterly ignorant cunts in the main.
On water vapour, yes, it’s much more of a greenhouse than CO2, but it’s presence is also very closely related to temperature. More heat = more steam. This is part of the risk of a runaway effect if global temps get beyond a certain point. As no one can ascertain exactly where the point of no return lies, the precautionary principal should apply i.e. assume the worst.
If you don’t believe that CO2 is out of control, take a look at this: https://climate.nasa.gov/climate_resources/24/graphic-the-relentless-rise-of-carbon-dioxide/
P.S. Don’t cite anything the Yorkshire cunt Clarkson says as anything other than the utterings of an arrogant gobshite.
Asking why the rebrand from Global Warming to Climate Change does seem to upset them a little.
I see three of the cunts appeared in court and were denied bail! Bet they didn’t see that coming.
They will get microwaved ready meals while in the cop shop. Oh the horror!
Apparently coppers have been filmed dancing and skateboarding with these hippy cunts. Wankers should get their truncheons out and smash their smug, self righteous faces in.
I want to see vegan blood flowing through the gutters.
Remember Blair Peach !!
What a couple of feckin stupid names.
Erect a tent round them, then chuck a canister of Zyclon B inside. CUNTS.
*Zyklon fucking thick cunt
Zyclon B? Nah, wouldn’t harm these posh cunts. Now, spraying pesticides on them would most certainly put an end to them – and everyone else in stanky Londontown.
If you want to protest against global warming go and protest in either Beijing, Washington DC, Brussels, New Delhi, or Moscow. These are the capital cities of the biggest producers of “greenhouse” gases. When the local constabulary put the left foot in it won’t be in a conga but to the side of your head.
Alternatively if you can’t stand dirty polluting UK go and live somewhere that makes a negligible contribution to global warming, Like Vanuatu, Sierra Leone, Sudan or Yemen. No, I didn’t think so. Smelly cunts.
Some of those climate protesters are saying they are not going to have kids as the world is fucked… But most of the cunts look like they should be sterilised anyway….
The cozzers should just water cannon the fuck out of the smelly leftist filth…. With freezing water, of course…
Some Cunt sold off all the water cannons though 🙁
Not having kids; no wonder very few of the peaceful/ethnic persons in attendance
Also Mars is heating up atm. Those fuckin Martians and their SUVs.
Some Jupiterian immigrants were burning coal fires too. Lazy cunts.
Go home!
Wouldn’t that be Jovian?
Only if there were witnesses.
This is the sort of major cuntathon that happens when you do something silly like disbanding the SPG. Constable Savage and his chums would’ve had no qualms whatsoever about supergluing their DMs to these cunts’ heads and testicles (if the manbag-toting gingernut fucktards have any).
I’d volunteer tomorrow, for free, if I thought I’d get a shot at kicking a few of these fucking bearded millenial vermin to death.
Especially that fucking smug brainwashed cunt (with obligatory beard to bull the front of my DMs) who was on the news last night. Fucking shitstain.
All these cunts sitting around on the road….
where is a peaceful in a truck when you need one….
Fucking prime target all (virtually) white
Bloody Nora… they’re right!
It’s really happening man!
The temperature in my safe space has risen by 4 degrees since last Wednesday ALONE!
I’m off to find a bridge to block. Be seeing you.
A bunch of sanctimonious cunts looking for fifteen minutes of fame before they all hop off home; by car, bus, train or plane, naturally.
In mummy’s Overfinch Range Rover probably. The only time it sees any mud is in the car park at Glasto…
just looked on the BBC news and the three wankers who guled themselves to the train have pleaded not guilty…
I reckon there is plenty of video evidence …. stupid CUNTS
To respect the planet, you need to respect yourself; these cunts have no respect either for themselves let alone anyone else in this world. These sanctimonious twatts need a long metal pole shoved up their backsides. That might put some sense into their vacuous brains, but I seriously doubt that these cunts have anything up there but rice pudding and mushy peas!
I have yet to see from the footage on the Beeb/Sly news one single protester or ‘activist’ that doesn’t look like an absolute snowflake cunt
Same here. You can usually look out on some protesting crowd and maybe see someone that looks alright. Every face I have seen of this lot I want to punch. It’s that superior self righteous glow they have ‘I’m a hoper not a hater’. And their stupid dress-all ethnic and draped in beads. And of course the obligatory African drums. Why don’t you get a good English big bass drum to bang? Why don’t you dress up like Morris dancers if you want to be ethnic about it and you care so much about our green and pleasant land? No because its all just one big massive virtue signal for your neighbours about how much you care about the planet, how idealistic you still are (even into your 40s, 50s) because you’re not small-minded parochial plebs you’re educated and informed therefore have bigger concerns, Global concerns. Fuck you.
Have you ever seen so many white apologists in one place?
And the icing on the cake? Emma fucking Thomson.
The cherry on the top? In fucking dungarees.
No sign of nobdorf yet?
No it will he the cast of ‘Peter’s Friends’ who’ll be worried they have show for Emma. Poor Stephen Fry may have to barrel down to show his face. Imelda Staunton will be shitting herself that she’ll have get glued to a fence in support of her dear friend. Brannagh fucked but she’s a power in the film world and a few will be having to decide tonight.
I hope you’ve all cancelled your holidays and donated the refund to environmental.action.org, also please ride to the supermarket on your bikes and try balancing the shopping on the way back, and lastly stop eating beef as the cows produce more methane than all the cars apparently…I’ve got rid of me v8 Black man wagon (BMW) to show solidarity with my new cyclist mates. If only you selfish cunts could be more like us.
I have a hot air balloon pool with Philias Fogg tomorrow to get into work, that cunt Branson is next week. Its eco friendly as one of Extinct Rebellion is coming along and their glowing smug self-righteousness will power us along.
Glad to see your leading by example LL,
Get the balloon up to 2000 feet then chuck Branson and the hippy cunt out, minus parachutes naturally…
Keep your bike. I’ve built a rickshaw from two wheelbarrows a BMX and a wicker washing basket and have the son of the owner of my local Cantonese MSG emporium pedalling me to the pub and back for a fiver.
Proper colonial, like.